Daganev2008-01-16 20:07:32
QUOTE(Arvont @ Jan 16 2008, 02:19 AM) 477511
Makes me think the Guides have this little aether where they rant/rave about the idiocy/cuteness!!! of newbs. 

Guides have a guide channel so they can tell other guides to take over for them etc.
Munsia2008-01-16 21:29:08
2008/01/16 20:08:13 - Futonaruto stepped out of the Portal of Fate as a citizen.
2008/01/16 20:09:14 - Mitru stepped out of the Portal of Fate as a citizen.
2008/01/16 20:17:41 - Kojin stepped out of the Portal of Fate as a citizen.
2008/01/16 20:40:12 - Hallava stepped out of the Portal of Fate as a citizen.
2008/01/16 21:20:36 - Sasukee stepped out of the Portal of Fate as a citizen.
2008/01/16 21:22:15 - Lyf stepped out of the Portal of Fate as a citizen.
2008/01/16 21:22:49 - Hinata stepped out of the Portal of Fate as a citizen.
2008/01/16 20:09:14 - Mitru stepped out of the Portal of Fate as a citizen.
2008/01/16 20:17:41 - Kojin stepped out of the Portal of Fate as a citizen.
2008/01/16 20:40:12 - Hallava stepped out of the Portal of Fate as a citizen.
2008/01/16 21:20:36 - Sasukee stepped out of the Portal of Fate as a citizen.
2008/01/16 21:22:15 - Lyf stepped out of the Portal of Fate as a citizen.
2008/01/16 21:22:49 - Hinata stepped out of the Portal of Fate as a citizen.

Callia2008-01-16 21:41:26
I am missing something, why is Sasukee bad, but Mitru or Kojin which also hail to Japanese names, are lefted unmolested?
Munsia2008-01-16 21:42:12
Hinata leaves, following Mukyu Gai.
Sasukee leaves, following Mukyu Gai.
Gai leaves to the north.

Sasukee leaves, following Mukyu Gai.
Gai leaves to the north.

Callia2008-01-16 21:44:45
Remember the fanbois, they have to express their undying, and sometimes idiotic, loyalty somehow! Of course they will have to make Ninja's and photocopy personalities and names from their precious.
Much like apple fanboies adopt an over the top obnoxious personality where they believe they are computer genius' because they own a mac...
*Disclaimer, the preceeding comment was written on Apple Notebook, and I do have an apple sticker on my car, and plane... I however prefer PCs, just think apples and the apple symbols are cute.
Much like apple fanboies adopt an over the top obnoxious personality where they believe they are computer genius' because they own a mac...
*Disclaimer, the preceeding comment was written on Apple Notebook, and I do have an apple sticker on my car, and plane... I however prefer PCs, just think apples and the apple symbols are cute.
Unknown2008-01-16 21:47:18
QUOTE(munsia @ Jan 16 2008, 04:42 PM) 477575
Hinata leaves, following Mukyu Gai.
Sasukee leaves, following Mukyu Gai.
Gai leaves to the north.

Sasukee leaves, following Mukyu Gai.
Gai leaves to the north.


Callia2008-01-16 21:48:56
Doesn't this smiley make you think of Hiro from Heros... except his power crossed with the exploding man 

Catarin2008-01-16 21:49:58
QUOTE(munsia @ Jan 16 2008, 02:42 PM) 477575
Hinata leaves, following Mukyu Gai.
Sasukee leaves, following Mukyu Gai.
Gai leaves to the north.

Sasukee leaves, following Mukyu Gai.
Gai leaves to the north.

The guild is "ninjas" I mean..seriously. Not the greatest choice of names if the goal was to avoid these kinds of people

Tzekelkan2008-01-16 22:10:48
Munsia, change your sig! I keep thinking you're Xavius.
Munsia2008-01-16 22:34:31
I can't help that we are both the emo type 
j/k (Don't hurt me Xavius

j/k (Don't hurt me Xavius

Unknown2008-01-16 23:35:15
I'm surprised it took this long for those novices to finally appear
I mean, you're Ninjakari...

Unknown2008-01-16 23:36:28
There were a couple right away that got removed quickly, I think. Though they were far more obvious, i.e. alts trying to be funny.
Unknown2008-01-17 18:28:16
(Market): Jasato says, "Kuriskagi Jewelry. Because face it, Your family jewels
are important to me!"
I love Jasato's ads very glad he is back
are important to me!"
I love Jasato's ads very glad he is back
Jasato2008-01-17 18:32:34
QUOTE(xavim @ Jan 17 2008, 06:28 PM) 477789
(Market): Jasato says, "Kuriskagi Jewelry. Because face it, Your family jewels
are important to me!"
I love Jasato's ads very glad he is back
are important to me!"
I love Jasato's ads very glad he is back
I work hard to please the masses at my own expense. Thank you, thank you. I'll be here all week.

Jasato2008-01-17 18:51:09
Tervic proudly shows off a slice of wild blueberry pie:
Beneath an artfully latticed triangle of top-crust, sugar-dusted and
golden brown, resides a hearty helping of rich, wild blueberries, whole
and otherwise, in delicious syrup. The fresh filling spills slightly
from the flaky crust in which it’s cradled, staining its china plate
shades of vibrant blue and purple.
Piped in frosting on it are the words:
Templar Tervic, Guardian of Knowledge says, "It's heresy."
No, it's Heresy because it's not Cheesecake....LONG LIVE THE CHEESECAKE!
Beneath an artfully latticed triangle of top-crust, sugar-dusted and
golden brown, resides a hearty helping of rich, wild blueberries, whole
and otherwise, in delicious syrup. The fresh filling spills slightly
from the flaky crust in which it’s cradled, staining its china plate
shades of vibrant blue and purple.
Piped in frosting on it are the words:
Templar Tervic, Guardian of Knowledge says, "It's heresy."
No, it's Heresy because it's not Cheesecake....LONG LIVE THE CHEESECAKE!
Stangmar2008-01-17 19:09:26
Apple pie wins all.
Unknown2008-01-17 19:15:41
<3 piping.
"Ok!" Xavius exclaims.
Druid Xavius of the Hemlock says, "How now brown cow, we have good chow!"
With great elegance, Druid Xavius of the Hemlock lays out a spread of exotic
cuisine and delicasies before you. Along with everyone else, you indulge
yourself in this epicurian feast, eating and drinking until utterly satiated.
The fine meal not only lifts your spirits, but enhances your body as well.
Druid Xavius of the Hemlock says, "How now brown cow, we have good chow!"
With great elegance, Druid Xavius of the Hemlock lays out a spread of exotic
cuisine and delicasies before you. Along with everyone else, you indulge
yourself in this epicurian feast, eating and drinking until utterly satiated.
The fine meal not only lifts your spirits, but enhances your body as well.
Jasato2008-01-17 21:16:31
You allow an infinitesimally small mote of cosmic fire to manifest and direct it
at a small ember lizard. Cosmic fire blasts forth, dissolving his flesh in a
sparkling current of energy.
You have scored a CRUSHING CRITICAL hit!
Screaming and writhing in agony, a small ember lizard dies in the coruscating
fountain of cosmic fire.
You have slain a small ember lizard.
A small pile of sovereigns spill from the corpse.
You suddenly scoop up the corpse of a small ember lizard.
Myrkr blinks.
You shift your eyes suspiciously from side to side.
Mighty Mini Myrkr Kuriskagi, Curer of the Plague says, "Overkill."
You pet the corpse of a small ember lizard ingratiatingly.
Myrkr applauds you heartily.
(A few seconds later...)
You allow an infinitesimally small mote of cosmic fire to manifest and direct it
at a small ember lizard. Cosmic fire blasts forth, dissolving his flesh in a
sparkling current of energy.
A small ember lizard bites you on the leg.
You allow an infinitesimally small mote of cosmic fire to manifest and direct it
at a small ember lizard. Cosmic fire blasts forth, dissolving his flesh in a
sparkling current of energy.
You have scored a CRUSHING CRITICAL hit!
Screaming and writhing in agony, a small ember lizard dies in the coruscating
fountain of cosmic fire.
You have slain a small ember lizard.
You suddenly scoop up the corpse of a small ember lizard.
Your eyes widen in disbelief as you shout, "Oh my GOD!"
You say, "Twice."
Mighty Mini Myrkr Kuriskagi, Curer of the Plague exclaims, "NERF COSMICFIRE!"
Myrkr flaps her arms madly.
Myrkr runs around madly, flapping her arms in a blind panic.
And I spent all that time (a whole day, since I had to wait it out to get the sands) to get my symbol. :|
at a small ember lizard. Cosmic fire blasts forth, dissolving his flesh in a
sparkling current of energy.
You have scored a CRUSHING CRITICAL hit!
Screaming and writhing in agony, a small ember lizard dies in the coruscating
fountain of cosmic fire.
You have slain a small ember lizard.
A small pile of sovereigns spill from the corpse.
You suddenly scoop up the corpse of a small ember lizard.
Myrkr blinks.
You shift your eyes suspiciously from side to side.
Mighty Mini Myrkr Kuriskagi, Curer of the Plague says, "Overkill."
You pet the corpse of a small ember lizard ingratiatingly.
Myrkr applauds you heartily.
(A few seconds later...)
You allow an infinitesimally small mote of cosmic fire to manifest and direct it
at a small ember lizard. Cosmic fire blasts forth, dissolving his flesh in a
sparkling current of energy.
A small ember lizard bites you on the leg.
You allow an infinitesimally small mote of cosmic fire to manifest and direct it
at a small ember lizard. Cosmic fire blasts forth, dissolving his flesh in a
sparkling current of energy.
You have scored a CRUSHING CRITICAL hit!
Screaming and writhing in agony, a small ember lizard dies in the coruscating
fountain of cosmic fire.
You have slain a small ember lizard.
You suddenly scoop up the corpse of a small ember lizard.
Your eyes widen in disbelief as you shout, "Oh my GOD!"
You say, "Twice."
Mighty Mini Myrkr Kuriskagi, Curer of the Plague exclaims, "NERF COSMICFIRE!"
Myrkr flaps her arms madly.
Myrkr runs around madly, flapping her arms in a blind panic.
And I spent all that time (a whole day, since I had to wait it out to get the sands) to get my symbol. :|
Tervic2008-01-17 22:05:46
(Order): Elostian says, "Zia, are you a virgin?"
Forren2008-01-17 22:09:26
QUOTE(Tervic @ Jan 17 2008, 05:05 PM) 477871
(Order): Elostian says, "Zia, are you a virgin?"
Is it true that if you don't use it... you.. lose.. it?