Faymar2008-02-03 01:16:27
Garick bows to you and commences the lesson in Illusions.
5920h, 2080m, 3180e, 10p, 22400en, 13996w, esSixk- |28.427|1 1 1 1 1|
A door begins to slowly explain the secrets of the enigmatic art of Illusions to you.
5920h, 2120m, 3180e, 10p, 22400en, 13996w, esSixk- |33.404|1 1 1 1 1| +40M
Kastraliss, riding a golden dragon turtle, arrives from the northeast.
A dragon turtle ponderously enters from the northeast.
5920h, 2101m, 3180e, 10p, 22400en, 13997w, esSixk- |37.769|1 1 1 1 1| -19M
Moulding with his hands, Garick shows you how illusions are summoned and then crafted into the desired appearance.
5920h, 2101m, 3180e, 10p, 22400en, 14000w, esSixk- |38.415|1 1 1 1 1|
Those celestian doors are damn smart...

Eldanien2008-02-03 01:18:36
QUOTE(Bianca @ Feb 2 2008, 06:48 PM) 483408
Seriously, what is with the tongues and tentacles spawning at nexuses.
They're not spawning at nexi. They're spawning where a seal-bearer is. This just happens to cause the most death, and get noticed, when it happens at a nexus.
Shiri2008-02-03 03:23:59
7590h, 6300m, 6150e, 10p, 30900en, 29400w eixk<>-
various warrior
7590h, 6300m, 6150e, 10p, 30900en, 29400w eixk<>-
various warrior
7590h, 6300m, 6150e, 10p, 30900en, 29400w eixk<>-
Aramel2008-02-03 03:34:00
I saw that too.
Munsia2008-02-03 03:36:41
QUOTE(Aramel @ Feb 2 2008, 10:34 PM) 483502
I saw that too.
Everyone did. I think it was Enlil attempting to make a thingy like that Maestro Ephermal
Revan2008-02-03 04:02:00
(College): Enlil says, "Yay! I've graduated!"
(College): Iytha (from the Prime Material Plane) says, "Oh good."
(College): Sthai (from the Prime Material Plane) says, "Congratulations. We were worried."
(College): Enlil says, "I'm a real boy now."
(College): Iytha (from the Prime Material Plane) says, "Oh good."
(College): Sthai (from the Prime Material Plane) says, "Congratulations. We were worried."
(College): Enlil says, "I'm a real boy now."
Elu2008-02-03 06:26:12
(Celest): Arin says, "Let's make a baby!"
(Celest): Arin says, "Oh gods!"
(Celest): Arin says, "Ignore!"
(Celest): Arin says, "Oh gods!"
(Celest): Arin says, "Ignore!"
Unknown2008-02-03 06:29:12
(Celest): Arin says, "Let's make a baby!"
(Celest): Gyorn says, ".."
(Celest): Arin says, "Oh gods!"
(Celest): Arin says, "Ignore!"
(Celest): Forren (from Celestia, Plane of Light) says, "Gladly."
(Celest): Gyorn says, "Alrighty."
Aqueous Reflection Telperion Eli'Silar, Seeker of Truth says, "Holy Cow."
Telperion thrusts his palm towards his forehead and hits it with a resounding
"Heh heh heh" Telperion chuckles.
Arin blushes furiously.
You snicker softly to yourself.
(Celest): You say, "Tempting, but no."
(Celest): Anyania (from the Aetherways) says, "Haha."
(Celest): Gyorn says, "Anyway.."
You smile at Arin and let your eyes wander up and down his body.
You blush furiously.
You peer about yourself unscrupulously.
Arin looks about himself suspiciously.
Masterchef Arin De'ravenna, Purveyor of the Hymn says, "I was offering that to
my family."
You say to Arin, "That was just WRONG."
Masterchef Arin De'ravenna, Purveyor of the Hymn says, "Actually that sounds
rather bad."
You tell Masterchef Arin De'ravenna, Purveyor of the Hymn, "((you KNOW that's
getting quoted, right?))"
Arin2008-02-03 06:30:43
She wasn't that related.... at least not brother/sister or first cousin. It's legal after that.
Casilu2008-02-03 09:02:56
I should have quoted the one where you told the novices something like that. And no, I'm not even sure how we're related.
And it made more sense if you saw the clan talking. When he was discussing marrying his brother and baby names...
And it made more sense if you saw the clan talking. When he was discussing marrying his brother and baby names...

Unknown2008-02-03 09:44:59
QUOTE(Eldanien @ Feb 2 2008, 07:18 PM) 483415
They're not spawning at nexi. They're spawning where a seal-bearer is. This just happens to cause the most death, and get noticed, when it happens at a nexus.
Ah, explains it. I'll just be hanging out at the megalith, chatting on clans and suddenly I'll start sipping. Hate those things.
Side note. Enlil is incredibly annoying.
Unknown2008-02-03 13:47:58
QUOTE(Bianca @ Feb 3 2008, 09:44 AM) 483676
Side note. Enlil is incredibly annoying.
I like him.
Revan2008-02-03 19:06:38
Celina just doesn't understand good RP 
Enlil is absolutely amazing

Enlil is absolutely amazing
Stangmar2008-02-03 22:10:39
Some would say Celina is incredibly annoying >.>
Unknown2008-02-03 22:54:31
QUOTE(stangmar @ Feb 3 2008, 04:10 PM) 483772
Some would say Celina is incredibly annoying >.>
Yes they would.
Generally the same people that are amused by Enlil and his doll spam. I can live with that.
Shiri2008-02-04 10:08:03
(Glade): Please welcome Zeron who has just enrolled into the Ancestral Glade of
the Moonharts to learn the ways of the Hartstone!
(Serenwilde): Please welcome Zeron who just stepped out of the Portal of Fate as
a new commune member!
<>: You say, "Huh. Wasn't there a Hartstone Zeron a bit ago?"
(Glade): You say, "Welcome, Zeron! You can read CGHELP DEDICANTS for information
and advice on what to do next."
(Glade): You say, "If you have any questions or issues, you can communicate with
us here using CGT (your message.)"
<>: Kyra says, "Not according to our guild logs."
(Glade): Zeron says, "Are you real."
<>: You say, "I did CGWHO earlier and there was one...hrm."
(Adiks): Xiel says, "XD."
(Adiks): Xiel says, "XD."
(Glade): You say, "Who knows?"
(Glade): Saran says, "Aye."
(Adiks): Xiel says, "Oh god, I love it when they ask that."
(Adiks): Xiel says, "It's just so..cute and clueless."
(Glade): Zeron says, "What continent do you live on."
(Adiks): Xiel says, "...except when they go there."
(Adiks): You say, "I was hoping he'd respond to my "who knows?" in an
interesting way."
(Glade): Kielo says, "Well, of course Nejii isn't real. It was consumed by a
Gilded Mirror that's now taken on its form."
(Glade): You say, "Don't confuse them, Kielo."
Kielo tickles you mercilessly!
(Glade): Zeron says, "So many things happening at once, I am not sure if i am
talking to a person, or myself."
(Glade): Saran says, "We are as real as you Zeron."
(Adiks): Xiel says, "Aww."
(Adiks): Xiel says, "Someone sort the poor kid out."
(Glade): You say, "You are talking to a couple of people, don't worry. If you're
looking for where to start out from, try CGHELP DEDICANTS."
(Glade): Zeron says, "I still do not feel for sure about this, is there any way
you can prove to me you are a person?"
(Adiks): You say, "XD."
(Adiks): Xiel (from the Nexus World of Serenwilde) says, "XD."
(Glade): Saran says, "Come to the forest?"
(Glade): You say, "Well, I'm afraid all we can do is hopefully reason it down to
that we're either people or delusions of your overimaginative mind."
(Glade): Zeron says, "Well its not like I am choosing not to see this your way,
its just, I have been smoking the ganja and I cant tell if I am trippin or you
are real people, this is my first MUD by the way."
(Adiks): Xiel (from the Ethereal Plane) says, "OMFG."
(Adiks): You say, "I can't tell if it's trolling us or not now."
It doesn't seem to be responding to us trying to help it, but...yeah.
the Moonharts to learn the ways of the Hartstone!
(Serenwilde): Please welcome Zeron who just stepped out of the Portal of Fate as
a new commune member!
(Glade): You say, "Welcome, Zeron! You can read CGHELP DEDICANTS for information
and advice on what to do next."
(Glade): You say, "If you have any questions or issues, you can communicate with
us here using CGT (your message.)"
(Glade): Zeron says, "Are you real."
(Adiks): Xiel says, "XD."
(Adiks): Xiel says, "XD."
(Glade): You say, "Who knows?"
(Glade): Saran says, "Aye."
(Adiks): Xiel says, "Oh god, I love it when they ask that."
(Adiks): Xiel says, "It's just so..cute and clueless."
(Glade): Zeron says, "What continent do you live on."
(Adiks): Xiel says, "...except when they go there."
(Adiks): You say, "I was hoping he'd respond to my "who knows?" in an
interesting way."
(Glade): Kielo says, "Well, of course Nejii isn't real. It was consumed by a
Gilded Mirror that's now taken on its form."
(Glade): You say, "Don't confuse them, Kielo."
Kielo tickles you mercilessly!
(Glade): Zeron says, "So many things happening at once, I am not sure if i am
talking to a person, or myself."
(Glade): Saran says, "We are as real as you Zeron."
(Adiks): Xiel says, "Aww."
(Adiks): Xiel says, "Someone sort the poor kid out."
(Glade): You say, "You are talking to a couple of people, don't worry. If you're
looking for where to start out from, try CGHELP DEDICANTS."
(Glade): Zeron says, "I still do not feel for sure about this, is there any way
you can prove to me you are a person?"
(Adiks): You say, "XD."
(Adiks): Xiel (from the Nexus World of Serenwilde) says, "XD."
(Glade): Saran says, "Come to the forest?"
(Glade): You say, "Well, I'm afraid all we can do is hopefully reason it down to
that we're either people or delusions of your overimaginative mind."
(Glade): Zeron says, "Well its not like I am choosing not to see this your way,
its just, I have been smoking the ganja and I cant tell if I am trippin or you
are real people, this is my first MUD by the way."
(Adiks): Xiel (from the Ethereal Plane) says, "OMFG."
(Adiks): You say, "I can't tell if it's trolling us or not now."
It doesn't seem to be responding to us trying to help it, but...yeah.
Aramel2008-02-04 13:32:53
Photo quote!
While saying I should get a more "Lusternian" avatar for MSN (my current one is the standard yellow rubber ducky):

While saying I should get a more "Lusternian" avatar for MSN (my current one is the standard yellow rubber ducky):

Unknown2008-02-04 13:49:11
Cute. XD
Hmm, why's your MSN in chinese? *peers curiously*
Hmm, why's your MSN in chinese? *peers curiously*
Shiri2008-02-04 13:55:46
That's supposed to be an athame strapped to her, um, wing, by the way. It looks more like a flower since I chose the colours more to make it stand out than to make it look half-decent. 

Aramel2008-02-04 13:58:13
QUOTE(Silferras @ Feb 4 2008, 01:49 PM) 483928
Cute. XD
Hmm, why's your MSN in chinese? *peers curiously*
Hmm, why's your MSN in chinese? *peers curiously*
Because my computer's Chinese, and so am I. *sagenod*
Also, that elaborate knot thing's supposed to be a sprite.