Unknown2008-02-04 15:21:31
Heh, I'm Chinese too, but I couldn't stand it if my computer were in Chinese, mainly because I suck at it. ;_;
Eldanien2008-02-04 18:21:30
Dysolis has been destroyed by the mind of the soul of Morvior d'Murani.
You see the death occur at A stone hallway.
You see the death occur at A stone hallway.

Unknown2008-02-04 18:50:42
nerf souls.
Morvior2008-02-04 18:56:22
Fear me! FEAR ME! My soul will destroy all! Considering I can't kill anything usually...
Dysolis2008-02-04 18:59:53
oh yeah, fear you.
Eldanien2008-02-04 19:09:01
Nerf Morvior. He's so OP, they shape effigies in his image.
Or cookies, anyway.
Or cookies, anyway.
Morvior2008-02-04 19:45:53
Eldanien2008-02-04 21:55:48
You feel an unusually strong lust for Justiciar Narsrim D'cente`, Vengeance Reborn.
You feel an unusually strong lust for Justiciar Narsrim D'cente`, Vengeance Reborn.
You feel an unusually strong lust for Justiciar Narsrim D'cente`, Vengeance Reborn.
You feel an unusually strong lust for Justiciar Narsrim D'cente`, Vengeance Reborn.
You feel an unusually strong lust for Justiciar Narsrim D'cente`, Vengeance Reborn.
You feel an unusually strong lust for Justiciar Narsrim D'cente`, Vengeance Reborn.
Once isn't enough?
Unknown2008-02-04 23:40:42
He is an ordinary human changeling demigod
Yep, that's ordinary. Don't we also have "ordinary Archlich human changeling titans" in Mag as well?
Unknown2008-02-04 23:59:02
QUOTE(Fireweaver @ Feb 4 2008, 06:40 PM) 484068
Yep, that's ordinary. Don't we also have "ordinary Archlich human changeling titans" in Mag as well?
Been pointed out a few thousand times already.
Unknown2008-02-05 00:02:49
Oh. I didn't know. Now I feel like an idiot.
Adee2008-02-05 02:14:39
"The Portal of Fate flashes as Blingi steps through, now ready to begin a fresh life in Lusternia."
WHAT???!!?! OKAY?!!!?!!! YEAH!!!
Munsia2008-02-05 02:23:00
QUOTE(Adee @ Feb 4 2008, 09:14 PM) 484120
WHAT???!!?! OKAY?!!!?!!! YEAH!!!
Arix2008-02-05 02:29:33
thought it was Flavor Flave? Some things don't need to be Britishized
Ialie2008-02-05 02:48:53
QUOTE(Arix @ Feb 4 2008, 09:29 PM) 484125
thought it was Flavor Flave? Some things don't need to be Britishized
Just had this audio thought of Flavor Flave correcting all his grammar and doing his rap UK Brit style.
Navaryn2008-02-05 03:17:56
(Magnagora): Bhairan says, "Since our power minister has unfortunately resigned and we now lack aides to assist with this privilege of yours, should anyone wish to take this position temporarily, speak with me directly."
A swirling black miasma and the sweet scent of rotting flesh suddenly congeal into the form of Enlil.
Enlil strikes a pose.
With a sudden screech of anguish, Enlil explodes into fast dissipating miasma of decay.
You stare blankly into space.
A swirling black miasma and the sweet scent of rotting flesh suddenly congeal into the form of Enlil.
Enlil strikes a pose.
With a sudden screech of anguish, Enlil explodes into fast dissipating miasma of decay.
You stare blankly into space.
Adee2008-02-05 03:25:02
(The Daughters of Attai): Kharaen says, "Forgot you aren't a jeweler anymore."
(The Daughters of Attai): Leiliadhe (from the Prime Material Plane) says, "You're always jewelish, whether or not you practice."
(The Daughters of Attai): Leiliadhe (from the Prime Material Plane) says, "You're always jewelish, whether or not you practice."
It made me giggle.
Unknown2008-02-05 03:54:37
QUOTE(Ialie @ Feb 4 2008, 08:48 PM) 484145
Just had this audio thought of Flavor Flave correcting all his grammar and doing his rap UK Brit style.
I am up in the Flavour Motorcar cold clamping.
Yes, that is correct. Cold clamping. All of you, take notice.
Unknown2008-02-05 05:09:08
Archmage Veonira d'Murani, the Earth Wench says to Ceren, "Do you, Ceren, take
Kanaya to be your wife, and promise to love her and remain devoted, and to bring
honour to the d'Murani family?"
4431h, 3945m, 6780e, 10p, 20245en, 17815w eSxkdb-
Dark astral currents flow together and congeal into a mass of tentacles.
4431h, 3945m, 6780e, 10p, 20245en, 17815w eSxkdb-
A mass of tentacles slithers out to the in, ooze trailing behind it.
4431h, 3945m, 6780e, 10p, 20245en, 17815w eSxkdb-
Veonira stares implacably about herself.
Kanaya to be your wife, and promise to love her and remain devoted, and to bring
honour to the d'Murani family?"
4431h, 3945m, 6780e, 10p, 20245en, 17815w eSxkdb-
Dark astral currents flow together and congeal into a mass of tentacles.
4431h, 3945m, 6780e, 10p, 20245en, 17815w eSxkdb-
A mass of tentacles slithers out to the in, ooze trailing behind it.
4431h, 3945m, 6780e, 10p, 20245en, 17815w eSxkdb-
Veonira stares implacably about herself.
Tervic2008-02-05 08:15:34
A celestial archangel says, "I'm sure both of your shinies are equally large."
You say to a celestial archangel, "You'd want to check it wouldn't you."
A celestial archangel says, "If its any consolation, my shiny is bigger than all
of yours."
Casilu Dekoven says to Meprion, "Exactly."
The corners of Penna's mouth turn up as she grins mischievously.
"Awwwww!" Meprion says to a celestial archangel.
Nucoras utters a deep, rumbling laugh.
Casilu swings her arm up and high fives a celestial archangel enthusiastically.
A celestial archangel nods majestically at Casilu.
"Meh," says Meprion nonchalantly.
Nucoras nods his head emphatically.
Casilu Dekoven asks a celestial archangel, "Can you just smack some sanity back
into him?"
A celestial archangel nods her head at Casilu.
Sir Nucoras Mibri, Harbinger of Isune says to Casilu, "Just give him some pie."
You say to Casilu, "That statement implies there was some to begin with."
With an expression of extreme anger, a celestial archangel slaps you really hard
across the face.
Thrusting her fist defiantly into the air, Arkzrael shouts "Power to the
You blink.
A single teardrop forces its way to the corner of your eye as you stare sadly at
a celestial archangel.
"Awwwww!" A celestial archangel says.
Casilu Dekoven smiles and says to a celestial archangel, "Thank you."
A celestial archangel wraps a comforting arm around you.
"Hmph!" you snort.
You turn your back on a celestial archangel and pointedly ignore her.
A celestial archangel gives a horrified gasp.
Frostbearer Meprion Luminare, Arbatel of Murlough says to a celestial archangel,
"Poke him, poking is anti-Tervic action."
A celestial archangel sniffles softly.
You blink.
Hintaro arrives from the south.
"Ummmm," you say uncertainly.
Finger extended, a celestial archangel pokes you.
You have emoted: Tervic squeaks in surprise.
Arkzrael blinks.
Looking slightly worried at the situation you quickly hide behind Arkzrael.
You flap your arms madly.
Meprion giggles happily.
Aqua Initiate Arkzrael says, "Nooooooooooooooooooooes."
Arkzrael grabs at you and proudly proclaims, "Mine!"
Finger extended, a celestial archangel pokes Arkzrael.
Finger extended, a celestial archangel pokes you.
You have emoted: Tervic squeaks in surprise.
Finger extended, a celestial archangel pokes Arkzrael.
Finger extended, a celestial archangel pokes you.
You have emoted: Tervic squeaks in surprise.
Frostbearer Meprion Luminare, Arbatel of Murlough says, "Now, Urduja knows the
weaknest of the Lord of Shinies."
You run around madly, flapping your arms in a blind panic.
Finger extended, a celestial archangel pokes Arkzrael.
Finger extended, a celestial archangel pokes you.
You have emoted: Tervic squeaks in surprise.
Finger extended, a celestial archangel pokes Arkzrael.
You say, "AUGH."
Finger extended, a celestial archangel pokes you.
You have emoted: Tervic squeaks in surprise.
Finger extended, a celestial archangel pokes you.
You have emoted: Tervic squeaks in surprise.
Finger extended, a celestial archangel pokes you.
Frostbearer Meprion Luminare, Arbatel of Murlough says, "Err, weakness even."
Finger extended, a celestial archangel pokes you.
You have emoted: Tervic squeaks in surprise.
Finger extended, a celestial archangel pokes you.
You have emoted: Tervic squeaks in surprise.
Finger extended, a celestial archangel pokes you.
You have emoted: Tervic squeaks in surprise.
Finger extended, a celestial archangel pokes you.
You collapse in a heap on the floor, unwilling to bear the pain any longer.
Finger extended, a celestial archangel pokes you.
"Eep!", Arkzrael screams in fright.
You have emoted: Tervic squeaks in surprise.
A celestial archangel cackles hellishly.
Arkzrael snuggles up close to you, looking happy and content.
Frostbearer Meprion Luminare, Arbatel of Murlough exclaims, "Totally fun!"
A celestial archangel prods Tervic with her flaming sword.
"Grrrrrr," you say to a celestial archangel.
Frostbearer Meprion Luminare, Arbatel of Murlough says, "Ouch."
Finger extended, a celestial archangel pokes you.
You give a fearsome roar.
Casilu Dekoven says to you, "Be nice."
"Aroooooooooooo!" you howl.
Finger extended, a celestial archangel pokes you.
Arkzrael looks about herself suspiciously.
You hunch slightly and flare your body as you hiss warningly.
Finger extended, a celestial archangel pokes you.
Aqua Initiate Arkzrael climbs up on your shoulder and snuggles up under your
You blink.
You narrow your eyes at a celestial archangel in an unnerving manner.
Frostbearer Meprion Luminare, Arbatel of Murlough says, "Oh no, a duel!"
You hunch slightly and flare your body as you hiss warningly.
A celestial archangel gives you the once-over, eyeing you suspiciously.
You have emoted: Tervic glares at a celestial archangel, a feral gleam in his
Frostbearer Meprion Luminare, Arbatel of Murlough says, "It's time to make
Tervie pacified."
Aqua Initiate Arkzrael says to a celestial archangel, "No touchie my Tervie!"
Casilu Dekoven says to a celestial archangel, "Go for the knees."
A celestial archangel says, "I wouldn't dream of it."
Casilu nods her head emphatically.
Nucoras's eyes sparkle with amusement.
You have emoted: Tervic bares his teeth at a celestial archangel.
A celestial archangel blows a kiss in Tervic's direction.
You growl menacingly.
A celestial archangel shakes her head.
A celestial archangel says, "I don't want to FIGHT..."
You draw back your lips and click your teeth menacingly, searching for someone
to bite.
A celestial archangel says, "I'm going to find Mother Alodia."
Arkzrael gives a celestial archangel the once-over, eyeing her suspiciously.
A celestial archangel smiles gloriously, eyes glowing with holy power.
You murmur softly to yourself.
Mother Alodia Luminare, High Priestess of Methrenton yells, \\"DOOM DOOM DOOM!!\\"
Squire Cilan, Ward of Belloc yells, \\"DOOOOOOM!\\"
Ecclesiar Lorn yells, \\"HOOOOOOPE!!\\"
You yell, \\"Doom!\\"
Mother Alodia Luminare, High Priestess of Methrenton yells, \\"Quiet!!! DOOM!!\\"
You see Aqua Initiate Arkzrael yell, \\"...doom...\\"
I didn\\'t start it I swear.