Unknown2008-02-15 04:24:08
Grunt Gribb, Ur'Guard Initiate says, "I am looking for the Megalith... can
anyone point me in the right direction?"
4974h, 4432m, 7254e, 10p, 22950en, 18030w eSixkdb-
Iytha points accusingly at the Megalith of Doom.
4974h, 4432m, 7254e, 10p, 22950en, 18030w eSixkdb-
Malarious points accusingly at the Megalith of Doom.
4974h, 4432m, 7254e, 10p, 22950en, 18030w eSixkdb-
Grunt Gribb, Ur'Guard Initiate says, "Oh."
anyone point me in the right direction?"
4974h, 4432m, 7254e, 10p, 22950en, 18030w eSixkdb-
Iytha points accusingly at the Megalith of Doom.
4974h, 4432m, 7254e, 10p, 22950en, 18030w eSixkdb-
Malarious points accusingly at the Megalith of Doom.
4974h, 4432m, 7254e, 10p, 22950en, 18030w eSixkdb-
Grunt Gribb, Ur'Guard Initiate says, "Oh."
Triana2008-02-15 05:54:16
Moment earlier, in Atropos Plaza!
You point westwards.
You say, "Go that way for a while."
3513h, 2289m, 2442e, 10p, 15955en, 8220w exk-
You point westwards.
You say, "Go that way for a while."
3513h, 2289m, 2442e, 10p, 15955en, 8220w exk-
Arin2008-02-15 09:27:19
Ya. I am translicious.
With a spatula!
With a spatula!
Doman2008-02-15 09:56:52
(Celest): Arin says, "Come 'ere and I'll rub it hard for ya."
(Celest): Arin says, "Please ignore."
(Celest): Arin says, "Please ignore."
Arin2008-02-15 10:03:51
Please follow the instruction and ignorethe last post.
Arin2008-02-16 00:52:24
Guildmember Rank Position GT GNT CGT
Shric * Guildmaster On On On
Acrune * Champion On On On
Arin * Administrator On On On
Currently, there are 3 members on this Plane and 0 on other Planes.
Once in a blue moon...
Guildmember Rank Position GT GNT CGT
Shric * Guildmaster On On On
Acrune * Champion On On On
Arin * Administrator On On On
Currently, there are 3 members on this Plane and 0 on other Planes.
Once in a blue moon...
Arin2008-02-16 00:53:05
Guildmember Rank Position GT GNT CGT
Shric * Guildmaster On On On
Acrune * Champion On On On
Arin * Administrator On On On
Currently, there are 3 members on this Plane and 0 on other Planes.
Once in a blue moon...
Guildmember Rank Position GT GNT CGT
Shric * Guildmaster On On On
Acrune * Champion On On On
Arin * Administrator On On On
Currently, there are 3 members on this Plane and 0 on other Planes.
Once in a blue moon...
Acrune2008-02-16 00:56:18
And only for about 45 seconds then 

Unknown2008-02-16 00:59:02
Yeah. Finding the three of us all in the guild at once occurs once every 2 years.
And even then, only for a minute.
And even then, only for a minute.

Navaryn2008-02-16 04:05:18
Madara has been cut down by a monk disciple in grey robes.
Somaria has been beaten to a pulp by a monk disciple in grey robes.
Lekius has been cut down by a monk disciple in grey robes.
Somaria has been beaten to a pulp by a monk disciple in grey robes.
Lekius has been cut down by a monk disciple in grey robes.
Nerf monks

Arix2008-02-16 05:04:36
Quiet Bian- oh, wait.
Stangmar2008-02-16 05:43:01

Unknown2008-02-16 23:03:26
The Queen's Own Torturer, Shikha d'Murani
Marquis Stangmar i'Colihn, Challenger of the Light
Tainted Dreadlord Destridas Nil'Goehth, the Earthen Ire
Dreadlord Lyco d'Erlette, Fain's Herald
Sohei Revan n'Kylbar, the Subtle Touch
Apprentice of Stone Celina d'Murani
Commander Daevos Feyranti, the Dragon of Midnight
Dreadlord Murphy Carthan, Chains of Fury
Kyoodai Thimba, Anointed of the Quietus
Blood Dread Reaper, Kalas Malarious De'Unnero, The Fist of Luciphage
Dread Marshal Visaeris Mae'loch, the Avatar of War
Deathguard Vathael d'Murani
Kalas Saddim Kirai Desu
Bhairan Feyranti, the Midnight Ur'Drake
Heresiarch Nariah, Revenant of Damnation
Matriarch Veonira d'Murani, the Earth Wench
Sohei Ethelon, of the Quietus Innocence
The Collective of Ixchilgal Mes'ard, Munsia's Imagination
Ur'Marshal Haiden Makiare`, Lord of the Silken Wind
Herald of Truth, Xanon d'Murani the People's Advocate
enemy thoros
Thoros is now one of your enemies.
The Queen's Own Torturer, Shikha d'Murani
Marquis Stangmar i'Colihn, Challenger of the Light
Tainted Dreadlord Destridas Nil'Goehth, the Earthen Ire
Dreadlord Lyco d'Erlette, Fain's Herald
Sohei Revan n'Kylbar, the Subtle Touch
Apprentice of Stone Celina d'Murani
Commander Daevos Feyranti, the Dragon of Midnight
Dreadlord Murphy Carthan, Chains of Fury
Kyoodai Thimba, Anointed of the Quietus
Blood Dread Reaper, Kalas Malarious De'Unnero, The Fist of Luciphage
Dread Marshal Visaeris Mae'loch, the Avatar of War
Deathguard Vathael d'Murani
Kalas Saddim Kirai Desu
Bhairan Feyranti, the Midnight Ur'Drake
Heresiarch Nariah, Revenant of Damnation
Matriarch Veonira d'Murani, the Earth Wench
Sohei Ethelon, of the Quietus Innocence
The Collective of Ixchilgal Mes'ard, Munsia's Imagination
Ur'Marshal Haiden Makiare`, Lord of the Silken Wind
Herald of Truth, Xanon d'Murani the People's Advocate
enemy thoros
Thoros is now one of your enemies.
You have got to be kidding me. I have about every major, big-name Mag fighter but for some reason I leave out of all people, Thoros. Wow. Just wow.
Arix2008-02-17 01:17:13
to be fair, every so often Thoros is not a Mag
Unknown2008-02-17 18:05:30
But when he is a Mag, he's probably one of the most annoying, as in, we're most often dragging him off Celestia or water.
Unknown2008-02-17 20:17:01
While discussing Old Man Rock:
(Skeleton Hearth): Gregori (from the Aetherways) says, "Eh Rock was such a stoner."
(Skeleton Hearth): Sojiro says, "Rock always had a stony expression on his face as well."
(Skeleton Hearth): Sojiro says, "However, bear in mind, I'm sure of what's said
in this clan is boulderdash."
(Skeleton Hearth): Exeryte says, "Granited, puns can be funny."
(Skeleton Hearth): Exeryte says, "Alright, that's enough."
(Skeleton Hearth): Exeryte says, "Time to start on a new slate."
(Skeleton Hearth): Sojiro says, "You're pebbley right."
(Skeleton Hearth): Sojiro says, "Rock always had a stony expression on his face as well."
(Skeleton Hearth): Sojiro says, "However, bear in mind, I'm sure of what's said
in this clan is boulderdash."
(Skeleton Hearth): Exeryte says, "Granited, puns can be funny."
(Skeleton Hearth): Exeryte says, "Alright, that's enough."
(Skeleton Hearth): Exeryte says, "Time to start on a new slate."
(Skeleton Hearth): Sojiro says, "You're pebbley right."
Forren2008-02-17 21:33:33
You say, "..."
6300h, 7200m, 6300e, 5p, 29310en, 27191w esSilrxkdb<>-|FREE|On!|
Valaria jerks forward just as the air comes alive with swirling, multicoloured light.
You sense Zia folding the aether between herself and Valaria.
6300h, 7200m, 6300e, 5p, 29330en, 27205w esSilrxkdb<>-|FREE|On!|
"Meh," says Alodia nonchalantly.
6300h, 7200m, 6300e, 5p, 29330en, 27205w esSilrxkdb<>-|FREE|On!|
Resounding throughout the area, the voice of Forren, saying "..." is heard.
6300h, 7200m, 6300e, 5p, 29330en, 27205w esSilrxkdb<>-|FREE|On!|
6300h, 7200m, 6300e, 5p, 29310en, 27191w esSilrxkdb<>-|FREE|On!|
Valaria jerks forward just as the air comes alive with swirling, multicoloured light.
You sense Zia folding the aether between herself and Valaria.
6300h, 7200m, 6300e, 5p, 29330en, 27205w esSilrxkdb<>-|FREE|On!|
"Meh," says Alodia nonchalantly.
6300h, 7200m, 6300e, 5p, 29330en, 27205w esSilrxkdb<>-|FREE|On!|
Resounding throughout the area, the voice of Forren, saying "..." is heard.
6300h, 7200m, 6300e, 5p, 29330en, 27205w esSilrxkdb<>-|FREE|On!|
Unknown2008-02-17 22:54:41
*chokes on cookie* X3
Aramel2008-02-18 01:13:59
(The Talnaras): Zia says, "I just tried to check the Esrenwilde log."
(The Talnaras): Tael says, "I'd like to know where this Esrenwilde is."
(The Talnaras): Halamir says, "It's right next to Halamersim."
(The Talnaras): Tael says, "Enemies of Molgdoring, eh?"
(The Talnaras): Halamir says, "Indeed."
(The Talnaras): Zia says, "I demand sacrifice."
(The Talnaras): You say, "It's the commune the Doonmancers are."
(The Talnaras): Zia says, "Sacrifice!!"
(The Talnaras): Kielo says, "Don't you mean the Dunemancers?"
(The Talnaras): Halamir says, "Yes, but the Doonmancers are nothing compared to
the Great Plum tree of Might."
(The Talnaras): You say, "Doomnancers!"
(The Talnaras): Tael says, "Aramel is a Doomdancer."
(The Talnaras): You say, "And Zia's their patron and demands sacrifices of
(The Talnaras): Amavan (from the Aetherways) says, "The Cult of Amavan with it's
cookiemancers shall triumph."
(The Talnaras): Zia says, "GIVE ME SACRIFICE."
(The Talnaras): Tael says, "Shush you."
(The Talnaras): You say, "Will a cookie do?"
(The Talnaras): Kielo says, "... you've all been hitting the punch, haven't
(The Talnaras): Tael says, "I'd like to know where this Esrenwilde is."
(The Talnaras): Halamir says, "It's right next to Halamersim."
(The Talnaras): Tael says, "Enemies of Molgdoring, eh?"
(The Talnaras): Halamir says, "Indeed."
(The Talnaras): Zia says, "I demand sacrifice."
(The Talnaras): You say, "It's the commune the Doonmancers are."
(The Talnaras): Zia says, "Sacrifice!!"
(The Talnaras): Kielo says, "Don't you mean the Dunemancers?"
(The Talnaras): Halamir says, "Yes, but the Doonmancers are nothing compared to
the Great Plum tree of Might."
(The Talnaras): You say, "Doomnancers!"
(The Talnaras): Tael says, "Aramel is a Doomdancer."
(The Talnaras): You say, "And Zia's their patron and demands sacrifices of
(The Talnaras): Amavan (from the Aetherways) says, "The Cult of Amavan with it's
cookiemancers shall triumph."
(The Talnaras): Zia says, "GIVE ME SACRIFICE."
(The Talnaras): Tael says, "Shush you."
(The Talnaras): You say, "Will a cookie do?"
(The Talnaras): Kielo says, "... you've all been hitting the punch, haven't
Arix2008-02-18 05:43:11
Arix's Mobile Liquors: Proud sponsor of most of the Talnara family tree, and about half of the Talnara family conversations