Forren2008-02-20 05:36:59
QUOTE(Callia Parayshia @ Feb 20 2008, 12:36 AM) 488102
That kid is good... you can pick up the tune he set it to with the rhythm and meter of the rhyme alone... Wish I could do that :-p
I only have Pinball Wizard in my head from it - what tune?
Callia2008-02-20 05:39:47
I don't know the name... it is a common tune used for camp songs though...
Tervic2008-02-20 07:53:49
(Order): Elostian says, "Something like 'oh yea? Well, you fight like a cow!'"
(Order): Elostian says, "Or perhaps 'I am rubber, you are glue'"
(Order): Elostian says, "Or perhaps 'look! A three-headed monkey!'"
(Order): Elostian says, "Or perhaps 'I am rubber, you are glue'"
(Order): Elostian says, "Or perhaps 'look! A three-headed monkey!'"
Xenthos2008-02-20 20:04:49
(Bellator Societas): Sojiro says, "I think we're all noobs."
(Bellator Societas): Zia says, "Amen, Sojiro."
(Bellator Societas): Tael (from the Ethereal Plane) says, "Yeah. I'll just agree that we're all noobs."
(Bellator Societas): Zia says, "Amen, Sojiro."
(Bellator Societas): Tael (from the Ethereal Plane) says, "Yeah. I'll just agree that we're all noobs."
Kharaen2008-02-21 03:04:37
Guildmember Rank Position GT GNT CGT
Kharaen 4 On On On
Currently, there is 1 member on this Plane and 0 on other Planes.
3108h, 4248m, 3342e, 0p, 13660en, 19510w ex-
(Harbingers): You say, "I'm the queen of the Guillllldddd!"
Guildmember Rank Position GT GNT CGT
Kharaen 4 On On On
Currently, there is 1 member on this Plane and 0 on other Planes.
3108h, 4248m, 3342e, 0p, 13660en, 19510w ex-
(Harbingers): You say, "I'm the queen of the Guillllldddd!"
Just such a common sight

Arel2008-02-21 04:13:31
QUOTE(Kharaen d @ Feb 20 2008, 10:04 PM) 488340
Just such a common sight
And the people in the Harbingers are awesome when they're around :sniffle:

I used to do this on CT when I was the only person around.
Munsia2008-02-21 04:27:17
I use to talk to myself when I was the Hartstone Champion. Once or twice a Divine would voice over my muttering
Kharaen2008-02-21 14:45:07
Miniature versions of Kethuru dance around your head, tentacles slapping at your
3108h, 4278m, 3342e, 0p, 13660en, 19510w ex-
A manacled kitten looks around despondently and bursts into tears.
3108h, 4278m, 3342e, 0p, 13660en, 19510w ex-
You feel irresistibly compelled to suddenly shake both your chest and behind,
muttering about your bon bon.
Namnam looks like she could be part of insanity...face.
3108h, 4278m, 3342e, 0p, 13660en, 19510w ex-
A manacled kitten looks around despondently and bursts into tears.
3108h, 4278m, 3342e, 0p, 13660en, 19510w ex-
You feel irresistibly compelled to suddenly shake both your chest and behind,
muttering about your bon bon.
And this:
: You have been killed by:
your own delusions
your own delusions
That has the highest death count so far o.0
Diamondais2008-02-21 21:27:07
QUOTE(munsia @ Feb 20 2008, 11:27 PM) 488364
I use to talk to myself when I was the Hartstone Champion. Once or twice a Divine would voice over my muttering

Munsia2008-02-21 22:29:47
The conversations were intense. There was battle arguements, discussions on the cow trade, discussions in cowanese...
Bashara2008-02-22 22:40:18
QUOTE(munsia @ Feb 21 2008, 10:29 PM) 488524
discussions in cowanese...
You speak it too! Moooo Mmmoooo!
Feyrll2008-02-23 02:59:31
You tell Apprentice of the Primal Clay, Rattusk d'Murani, "Oh and Rattusk, may I
consider you a potential model for an artisanal? Simply an option on the shelf."
Rattusk tells you, "Yes. Only if you do not paint me in your pocket. I will
nibble your toeses if you do."
Rattusk tells you, "I like finger food."
Rattusk tells you, "And no bows. And no pink. Dangerous, not cute."
Rattusk tells you, "*raaarr*."
You tell Apprentice of the Primal Clay, Rattusk d'Murani, "Yes, yes."
You tell Apprentice of the Primal Clay, Rattusk d'Murani, "It will be sketches
at most. I would not waste my time with an earnest painting."
Rattusk tells you, "You could not capture my awesomness on a canvas anyway."
Rattusk tells you, "*I'm too sexy for a sketch, too sexy for a sketch, I'm going
to kvetch*."
Ladies, try not to squeal.
consider you a potential model for an artisanal? Simply an option on the shelf."
Rattusk tells you, "Yes. Only if you do not paint me in your pocket. I will
nibble your toeses if you do."
Rattusk tells you, "I like finger food."
Rattusk tells you, "And no bows. And no pink. Dangerous, not cute."
Rattusk tells you, "*raaarr*."
You tell Apprentice of the Primal Clay, Rattusk d'Murani, "Yes, yes."
You tell Apprentice of the Primal Clay, Rattusk d'Murani, "It will be sketches
at most. I would not waste my time with an earnest painting."
Rattusk tells you, "You could not capture my awesomness on a canvas anyway."
Rattusk tells you, "*I'm too sexy for a sketch, too sexy for a sketch, I'm going
to kvetch*."
Ladies, try not to squeal.

Arin2008-02-23 03:17:12
Performance on
Perform Genderbend
Kaalak2008-02-23 03:29:28
QUOTE(munsia @ Feb 21 2008, 02:29 PM) 488524
The conversations were intense. There was battle arguements, discussions on the cow trade, discussions in cowanese...
Jigan, Munsia. Munsia, Jigan. Have fun.
Arin2008-02-23 06:46:30
Casilu gives Penna a friendly cuddle.
Penna cries out sharply in her sleep.
"Children, this is why you don't cuddle."
Penna cries out sharply in her sleep.
"Children, this is why you don't cuddle."
Arix2008-02-23 08:06:57
QUOTE(Kaalak @ Feb 22 2008, 08:29 PM) 488757
Jigan, Munsia. Munsia, Jigan. Have fun.
What did Jigan ever do to you, Kaalak?
Reiha2008-02-23 17:57:24
"Sir Desitrus Kamau has broken off your engagement."

Unknown2008-02-23 18:31:57
(Market): Miriamele says, "Seeking a cock."
(Market): Miriamele says, "Cook."
(Market): Lawliet says, "Heh."
(Market): Durnik says, "Heh."
(Market): Quois says, "Are ye sure? I know many a fine chicken."
(Market): Miriamele says, "COOK!"
(Market): Miriamele says, "Cook."
(Market): Lawliet says, "Heh."
(Market): Durnik says, "Heh."
(Market): Quois says, "Are ye sure? I know many a fine chicken."
(Market): Miriamele says, "COOK!"
Epic win? I think so...
Rika2008-02-23 18:44:35
QUOTE(Reiha @ Feb 24 2008, 06:57 AM) 488815

I thought you weren't playing.
EDIT: Note to self: Grammar is horrible when I'm not fully awake.
Reiha2008-02-23 19:08:22
QUOTE(rika @ Feb 23 2008, 10:44 AM) 488828
I thought you weren't playing.
EDIT: Note to self: Grammar is horrible when I'm not fully awake.
I thought you weren't playing.
EDIT: Note to self: Grammar is horrible when I'm not fully awake.
I logged in to buy & transfer credits I owed to Aniri... who suicided