Quotes 4

by Terentia

Back to The Funnies.

Forren2008-02-20 05:36:59
QUOTE(Callia Parayshia @ Feb 20 2008, 12:36 AM) 488102
That kid is good... you can pick up the tune he set it to with the rhythm and meter of the rhyme alone... Wish I could do that :-p

I only have Pinball Wizard in my head from it - what tune?
Callia2008-02-20 05:39:47
I don't know the name... it is a common tune used for camp songs though...
Tervic2008-02-20 07:53:49
(Order): Elostian says, "Something like 'oh yea? Well, you fight like a cow!'"

(Order): Elostian says, "Or perhaps 'I am rubber, you are glue'"

(Order): Elostian says, "Or perhaps 'look! A three-headed monkey!'"
Xenthos2008-02-20 20:04:49
(Bellator Societas): Sojiro says, "I think we're all noobs."

(Bellator Societas): Zia says, "Amen, Sojiro."

(Bellator Societas): Tael (from the Ethereal Plane) says, "Yeah. I'll just agree that we're all noobs."
Kharaen2008-02-21 03:04:37
Guildmember Rank Position GT GNT CGT
Kharaen 4 On On On
Currently, there is 1 member on this Plane and 0 on other Planes.
3108h, 4248m, 3342e, 0p, 13660en, 19510w ex-

(Harbingers): You say, "I'm the queen of the Guillllldddd!"

Just such a common sight sad.gif And the people in the Harbingers are awesome when they're around :sniffle:
Arel2008-02-21 04:13:31
QUOTE(Kharaen d @ Feb 20 2008, 10:04 PM) 488340
Just such a common sight sad.gif And the people in the Harbingers are awesome when they're around :sniffle:

I used to do this on CT when I was the only person around.
Munsia2008-02-21 04:27:17
I use to talk to myself when I was the Hartstone Champion. Once or twice a Divine would voice over my muttering
Kharaen2008-02-21 14:45:07
Miniature versions of Kethuru dance around your head, tentacles slapping at your
3108h, 4278m, 3342e, 0p, 13660en, 19510w ex-

A manacled kitten looks around despondently and bursts into tears.
3108h, 4278m, 3342e, 0p, 13660en, 19510w ex-

You feel irresistibly compelled to suddenly shake both your chest and behind,
muttering about your bon bon.
Namnam looks like she could be part of insanity...

And this:
: You have been killed by:
your own delusions

That has the highest death count so far o.0
Diamondais2008-02-21 21:27:07
QUOTE(munsia @ Feb 20 2008, 11:27 PM) 488364
I use to talk to myself when I was the Hartstone Champion. Once or twice a Divine would voice over my muttering

laugh.gif Almost every leader must do that.
Munsia2008-02-21 22:29:47
The conversations were intense. There was battle arguements, discussions on the cow trade, discussions in cowanese...
Bashara2008-02-22 22:40:18
QUOTE(munsia @ Feb 21 2008, 10:29 PM) 488524
discussions in cowanese...

You speak it too! Moooo Mmmoooo!
Feyrll2008-02-23 02:59:31
You tell Apprentice of the Primal Clay, Rattusk d'Murani, "Oh and Rattusk, may I
consider you a potential model for an artisanal? Simply an option on the shelf."

Rattusk tells you, "Yes. Only if you do not paint me in your pocket. I will
nibble your toeses if you do."

Rattusk tells you, "I like finger food."

Rattusk tells you, "And no bows. And no pink. Dangerous, not cute."

Rattusk tells you, "*raaarr*."

You tell Apprentice of the Primal Clay, Rattusk d'Murani, "Yes, yes."

You tell Apprentice of the Primal Clay, Rattusk d'Murani, "It will be sketches
at most. I would not waste my time with an earnest painting."

Rattusk tells you, "You could not capture my awesomness on a canvas anyway."

Rattusk tells you, "*I'm too sexy for a sketch, too sexy for a sketch, I'm going
to kvetch*."

Ladies, try not to squeal. happy.gif
Arin2008-02-23 03:17:12

Performance on
Perform Genderbend
Kaalak2008-02-23 03:29:28
QUOTE(munsia @ Feb 21 2008, 02:29 PM) 488524
The conversations were intense. There was battle arguements, discussions on the cow trade, discussions in cowanese...

Jigan, Munsia. Munsia, Jigan. Have fun.
Arin2008-02-23 06:46:30
Casilu gives Penna a friendly cuddle.

Penna cries out sharply in her sleep.

"Children, this is why you don't cuddle."
Arix2008-02-23 08:06:57
QUOTE(Kaalak @ Feb 22 2008, 08:29 PM) 488757
Jigan, Munsia. Munsia, Jigan. Have fun.

What did Jigan ever do to you, Kaalak?
Reiha2008-02-23 17:57:24
"Sir Desitrus Kamau has broken off your engagement."

Unknown2008-02-23 18:31:57
(Market): Miriamele says, "Seeking a cock."

(Market): Miriamele says, "Cook."

(Market): Lawliet says, "Heh."

(Market): Durnik says, "Heh."

(Market): Quois says, "Are ye sure? I know many a fine chicken."

(Market): Miriamele says, "COOK!"

Epic win? I think so...
Rika2008-02-23 18:44:35
QUOTE(Reiha @ Feb 24 2008, 06:57 AM) 488815


I thought you weren't playing.

EDIT: Note to self: Grammar is horrible when I'm not fully awake.
Reiha2008-02-23 19:08:22
QUOTE(rika @ Feb 23 2008, 10:44 AM) 488828

I thought you weren't playing.

EDIT: Note to self: Grammar is horrible when I'm not fully awake.

I logged in to buy & transfer credits I owed to Aniri... who suicided banghead.gif Then I got distracted by Desitrus and his hawt forging. Rawr.