Myndaen2008-02-23 19:11:07
QUOTE(Reiha @ Feb 23 2008, 02:08 PM) 488834
I logged in to buy & transfer credits I owed to Aniri... who suicided
Then I got distracted by Desitrus and his hawt forging. Rawr.

Well... If Reipoo's coming back...
Arvont2008-02-23 20:00:51
Guildmember          Rank    Position                        GT    GNT  CGT Â
Lendren                *    Administrator                  On    On    On
Xiel                    *    Guildmaster                    On    On    On
Bree                  NOV                                    On    On    On
Pya                    2                                    On    On    On
Krysalis              COL                                    On    On    On
Harkux                19    Security                        On    On    On
Zia                    19    Security                        On    On    On
Caelon                COL                                    On    On    On
Lune                    1                                    On    On    On
Guildmember          Rank    Position                        GT    GNT  CGT Â
Lendren                *    Administrator                  On    On    On
Xiel                    *    Guildmaster                    On    On    On
Bree                  NOV                                    On    On    On
Pya                    2                                    On    On    On
Krysalis              COL                                    On    On    On
Harkux                19    Security                        On    On    On
Zia                    19    Security                        On    On    On
Caelon                COL                                    On    On    On
Lune                    1                                    On    On    On

Kharaen2008-02-23 21:25:25
:whimper:: What do you think?
Lord Fist of Luciphage: a Demented Viscanti
Lord Fist of Luciphage: shes oddly sexy and reminds me of a neopet
Lord Fist of Luciphage: theres an interesting reply for ya XD
:whimper:: That's a guy >.>
:whimper:: Haha, you think a man is sexy ^^
Lord Fist of Luciphage: rofl you gave it a chest
:whimper:: Pecs!
Lord Fist of Luciphage: the shirt looks pushed out for breasts
Lord Fist of Luciphage: the TOP muscle looking
Lord Fist of Luciphage: and the stance seems feminine if that makes sense
:whimper:: I mean look at his arms and legs.
:whimper:: He's beefy.
:whimper:: His hands are huge

Lord Fist of Luciphage: have ou read the desc for girls in game?
Lord Fist of Luciphage: the woman are muscular if they fight
:whimper:: Meh.
:whimper:: Males and females have different hand sizes though.
Lord Fist of Luciphage: long hair, looks like she has a chest, spread leg stance (bad for guys)
Lord Fist of Luciphage: not really noticable
Lord Fist of Luciphage: seems proportioned still
:whimper:: -sniffle-
:whimper:: I fail.
:whimper:: Din thought he was a girl too.
:whimper:: What about the crotch?
Lord Fist of Luciphage: it looks like the pants are wrinkled
Lord Fist of Luciphage: if you are trying to suggest its her 'package'
:whimper:: I fail

Lord Fist of Luciphage: it leads into a wrinkle on the left leg
Lord Fist of Luciphage: *pet*
Lord Fist of Luciphage: its a girl now!
:whimper:: I blame it on it being all-mouse >.>
Lord Fist of Luciphage: rofl
Lord Fist of Luciphage: excuses!
:whimper:: >.>
Lord Fist of Luciphage: SHE is hot

:whimper:: How does the chain look?
:whimper:: >.>
Lord Fist of Luciphage: like its two skulls connected by a spine
:whimper:: Yeah, that's essentially what the spinal-cord chain is >.>
Lord Fist of Luciphage: does rmeind me of a neo pet though too, because of facial animation style and colors
:whimper:: Ah.
:whimper:: Well, I play neopets, it's possible I have subcounciously assimilated their style.
Lord Fist of Luciphage: thats a horrible combat pose btw
:whimper:: It's not a combat pose.
Lord Fist of Luciphage: definitely not a combat viscanti

:whimper:: He's just dementedly happy about having his new chain forged.
Lord Fist of Luciphage: She
Lord Fist of Luciphage: and her
:whimper:: It's like WAY I HAS MY CHAIN pose
Lord Fist of Luciphage: by Din and my word it is a she

Lord Fist of Luciphage: *sage*
Lord Fist of Luciphage: and I like it
:whimper:: -sniffle-
:whimper:: Felanti agrees it's a guy on the comments!
Lord Fist of Luciphage: female pics go over better too
Lord Fist of Luciphage: theres comments?
Lord Fist of Luciphage: where are those
:whimper:: A couple. All by lusternians, heh.
:whimper:: Below the drawing.
Lord Fist of Luciphage: oh
Lord Fist of Luciphage: and shes also WRONG
Lord Fist of Luciphage: ninjakari arnet that bad anymore
Lord Fist of Luciphage: it was the ninshi pwnage that killed
Lord Fist of Luciphage: its a she though
Lord Fist of Luciphage: the males agree

Lord Fist of Luciphage: I would think female pics are nicer and cuter more easily
Lord Fist of Luciphage: that might be a sterotype but a cute crazy girl seems like it would go over better than a scerwed up guy

:whimper:: >>
I found it funny >.>
Arin2008-02-24 04:16:46
Belloc tackles the legs of Kilana and attempts to carry her off to the
He succeeds and carries Kilana away.
The reinforced door to the northeast closes abruptly.
You give the reinforced door to the northeast a couple solid raps.
You yell, "Room service!"
Serenguard Kilana Mes'ard yells, "Ooo faster!"
Inquisitor Belloc Dekoven, Grand Apostle of Dove yells, "Oh yeeeaaahhh."
He succeeds and carries Kilana away.
The reinforced door to the northeast closes abruptly.
You give the reinforced door to the northeast a couple solid raps.
You yell, "Room service!"
Serenguard Kilana Mes'ard yells, "Ooo faster!"
Inquisitor Belloc Dekoven, Grand Apostle of Dove yells, "Oh yeeeaaahhh."
Ilyarin2008-02-24 22:51:32
Your soul's karma stands at 100%.
You have:
The karmic blessing of life: 22 hours 5 min.
The karmic blessing of war: 22 hours 30 min.
The karmic blessing of harmony: 22 hours 30 min.
The karmic blessing of beauty: 22 hours 31 min.
The karmic blessing of death: 22 hours 32 min.
The karmic blessing of justice: 22 hours 33 min.
The karmic blessing of chaos: 22 hours 33 min.
The karmic blessing of knowledge: 22 hours 34 min.
The karmic blessing of nature: 22 hours 34 min.
See HELP KARMA for information on karmic blessings and curses.
Your soul's karma stands at 100%.
You have:
The karmic blessing of life: 22 hours 5 min.
The karmic blessing of war: 22 hours 30 min.
The karmic blessing of harmony: 22 hours 30 min.
The karmic blessing of beauty: 22 hours 31 min.
The karmic blessing of death: 22 hours 32 min.
The karmic blessing of justice: 22 hours 33 min.
The karmic blessing of chaos: 22 hours 33 min.
The karmic blessing of knowledge: 22 hours 34 min.
The karmic blessing of nature: 22 hours 34 min.
See HELP KARMA for information on karmic blessings and curses.
Ixion2008-02-24 23:20:18
Given all those?
Given all those?
Ilyarin2008-02-24 23:25:39
Earned them! 

Ixion2008-02-24 23:27:30
OP Seals.
Xenthos2008-02-24 23:27:38
QUOTE(Ixion @ Feb 24 2008, 06:20 PM) 489050
Given all those?
Given all those?
There were tons of creatures on Astral to offer.
Myndaen2008-02-25 00:02:33
I'm just sayin...
Sojiro, RIGHT after ascending, should have shouted,
Sojiro, RIGHT after ascending, should have shouted,
Tervic2008-02-25 00:27:17
QUOTE(Ilyarin @ Feb 24 2008, 02:51 PM) 489036
Your soul's karma stands at 100%.
You have:
The karmic blessing of life: 22 hours 5 min.
The karmic blessing of war: 22 hours 30 min.
The karmic blessing of harmony: 22 hours 30 min.
The karmic blessing of beauty: 22 hours 31 min.
The karmic blessing of death: 22 hours 32 min.
The karmic blessing of justice: 22 hours 33 min.
The karmic blessing of chaos: 22 hours 33 min.
The karmic blessing of knowledge: 22 hours 34 min.
The karmic blessing of nature: 22 hours 34 min.
See HELP KARMA for information on karmic blessings and curses.
Your soul's karma stands at 100%.
You have:
The karmic blessing of life: 22 hours 5 min.
The karmic blessing of war: 22 hours 30 min.
The karmic blessing of harmony: 22 hours 30 min.
The karmic blessing of beauty: 22 hours 31 min.
The karmic blessing of death: 22 hours 32 min.
The karmic blessing of justice: 22 hours 33 min.
The karmic blessing of chaos: 22 hours 33 min.
The karmic blessing of knowledge: 22 hours 34 min.
The karmic blessing of nature: 22 hours 34 min.
See HELP KARMA for information on karmic blessings and curses.
I hope you can make 81 karma an hour

Arvont2008-02-25 00:57:13
Nerf Ilyarin!
A change for the better? I think nottttt!!!
2008/02/24 05:23:15 - Mrfunktastic stepped out of the Portal of Fate as a
commune member.
2008/02/24 05:30:15 - Mrfunktastic is now known as Pulldatrigga.
commune member.
2008/02/24 05:30:15 - Mrfunktastic is now known as Pulldatrigga.
A change for the better? I think nottttt!!!
Shiri2008-02-25 02:00:19
QUOTE(Myndaen @ Feb 25 2008, 12:02 AM) 489073
I'm just sayin...
Sojiro, RIGHT after ascending, should have shouted,
Sojiro, RIGHT after ascending, should have shouted,
Ashai2008-02-25 03:54:12
Apprentice of Stone Celina d'Murani says to you, "The force is strong with you,
young d'Murani, but you are not a jedi yet."
3577h, 3933m, 3498e, 10p, 14340en, 20490w elrx-
You put a hand to your throat as an invisible force tightens around your neck
and chokes you.
young d'Murani, but you are not a jedi yet."
3577h, 3933m, 3498e, 10p, 14340en, 20490w elrx-
You put a hand to your throat as an invisible force tightens around your neck
and chokes you.
Unknown2008-02-25 03:57:11
Who said Telekinesis wasn't fun?
Kharaen2008-02-25 04:01:34
Unless that's said in a manse, someone should of killed her outright for saying that. Specially in Mag.
Unknown2008-02-25 04:07:13
QUOTE(Kharaen d @ Feb 24 2008, 10:01 PM) 489124
Unless that's said in a manse, someone should of killed her outright for saying that. Specially in Mag.
It was in a manse. calm down.
Arix2008-02-25 04:11:33
Kill her anyway 

Shiri2008-02-25 05:32:53
(Bellator Societas): Forren says, "The Portal of Fate flashes as Sojiro steps
through, now ready to begin a fresh life in Lusternia."
through, now ready to begin a fresh life in Lusternia."
Tajalli2008-02-25 18:55:36
2008/02/25 05:31:40 - Sojiro stepped out of the Portal of Fate as a commune
2008/02/25 05:31:40 - Sojiro stepped out of the Portal of Fate as a new
2008/02/25 05:31:40 - Sojiro stepped out of the Portal of Fate as a new
WHY Soj? WHY did you have to change your name to that?! WHY must you taunt me with this?
Soysauce just doesn't fit.