Mushclient variables i need help with

by Unknown

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Unknown2007-12-14 17:44:36
ok i want to make a trigger that uses name variables lets say its talkan
i get a message that says REJECT TALKAN on my client. i want to than make it tick off ST TARGET TALKAN so i can use an alias to reject him quickly. now my issue is i don't know how to get the name variable to work so the same trigger can be used against forren or who ever? anyone able to help with that?
Arundor2007-12-14 19:12:25
I'm not certain I understand the question. You're saying that when you see the line "REJECT " you want to send the text "ST TARGET "?

It could be done with a trigger like this:


   match="^REJECT (\\w+)$"
  st target %1
Unknown2007-12-14 19:15:18
yea thats what i want how do i put that into my client.
Arundor2007-12-14 19:18:11
Copy the code, then open the Triggers screen in MUSHClient and hit the Paste button in the lower right corner.
Unknown2007-12-14 20:31:34
what do you mean by triggers screen?
Unknown2007-12-14 20:36:08
Ok i tried it and it tells me linebreaks are not accepted.
Arundor2007-12-14 20:43:23
It works fine for me so I'm not certain what's wrong.

Try looking here for a more detailed explanation:
It has some screenshots to help walk you through it.
Unknown2007-12-14 20:50:45
do i copy and paste all of it or not the triggers or what?
Arundor2007-12-14 20:54:59
All of it, from "" down to "".
Unknown2007-12-14 21:04:34
i tested it and it didnt work
Your heart thumps as you gaze at Cuthrael with love and adoration.
REJECT Cuthrael
REJECT Cuthrael
REJECT Cuthrael
Unknown2007-12-14 21:11:14
any of those lines is the text i need to match i guess.
Arundor2007-12-14 21:14:37
It's still working when I test it. Try to confirm that the paste went though properly. The trigger should look like this:

Unknown2007-12-14 21:19:20
looks just like that.
Unknown2007-12-14 21:21:36
ok it works when i test it but not when it does it in game.
Unknown2007-12-14 21:23:19
its not the game sending it to me its the client itself that sends the message is that an issue?
Arundor2007-12-14 21:23:43
Okay, I'm editing out my previous reply since I hadn't seen your second two posts. If you happened to read it before, disregard it now.

You seem to be using a combination of Nexus and MUSHClient scripting. Is "REJECT name" coming from Nexus or from MUSHClient?
Fualkner2007-12-14 21:25:23
I'm a bit confused as to what you want. Could you give some detail, I could help better that way.
Mariello2007-12-14 21:27:08
You can't trigger off something the client sends. With the trigger your client is sending, you can add in the "st tar %1" where %1 is the name of the person
Unknown2007-12-14 21:27:29
the REJECT CUTHRAEL is a message i get from the client itself
Ethelon2007-12-14 21:29:27
Issue is you are trying to make a trigger in a system that already has that triggered. For your to work, you need to set its priority lower so it fires first and possibly also enable it to continue to check for other triggers.