Anisu2007-12-24 11:29:25
ok so when using xml export and import CMUD just always messes up, while it does create the correct classes and puts the stuff in there it also makes duplicates of every trigger, variable and alias in the root directory. Why is this.
(and if you are thinking why not just use the package system, I hate the package system with a vengeance)
(and if you are thinking why not just use the package system, I hate the package system with a vengeance)
Unknown2007-12-24 13:09:34
zMUD was stingy in that it wouldn't let you create duplicates of anything in the same class folder: triggers with the same pattern, aliases with the same name, etc. CMUD, however, is a little more sensible and lets you create all the duplicates you want. To avoid creating duplicates, you simply need to delete the settings you're importing. You can do that through a simple command-line entry of #DELCLASS "ClassName" if you want, or you can just right-click and delete things in the Package Editor.
If you want to import a small XML script in a simple way, go to the XML tab for the class or module in the Package Editor, select all the XML there, and then paste your XML there that you are importing. So, just replace the existing XML with your import XML and hit the Save button.
If you want to import a small XML script in a simple way, go to the XML tab for the class or module in the Package Editor, select all the XML there, and then paste your XML there that you are importing. So, just replace the existing XML with your import XML and hit the Save button.