Ashteru2007-12-22 22:38:19
Arel follows you south.
The control unit. (Workshop of Xion.)
Superimposed over this location, an ethereal forest reaches up to the sky. A
magnificent white crystal rises up from the ground, its translucent form dancing
with infinite pinpoints of light.
You see exits leading north, east, south, and west.
Emanating from the logic crystal, a clear emotionless voice says, "Greetings,
Emanating from the logic crystal, a clear emotionless voice says, "Xion is
currently in lockdown mode. Please destroy all intruding creatures and dispose
of them by giving them to me."
The corners of your mouth turn up as you grin mischievously.
(Ays Chaeyr): You say, "I am in the control unit, Lord!"
Hallway of scintillating crystal birds.
Superimposed over this location, an ethereal forest reaches up to the sky.
You can see no further.
The control unit. (Workshop of Xion.)
Superimposed over this location, an ethereal forest reaches up to the sky.
Various crystal displays, screens and panels fill the walls of this chamber,
flickering with an innumerable amount of lights and symbols. The floor is
largely carved with lines that guide countless points of light that shoot
between various units with blinding speed. Most of the lines centre on a
gargantuan crystal that stands in the back of the chamber. Several chairs stand
evenly spaced with a larger one in the middle, facing the largest display in the
chamber. A magnificent white crystal rises up from the ground, its translucent
form dancing with infinite pinpoints of light. Arel Rillaen, Voice of the Enigma
is here. He wields a golden lyre in his left hand and a magic tome in his right.
He is surrounded by one reflection of himself.
You see exits leading north, east, south, and west.
10005h, 3450m, 7935e, 10p, 33900en, 20400w elrxk /23:02:50.771/<>-
/--Workshop of Xion.--------------------------v14053--\\
\\--Time: 57 usec--------------------------------------/
The brilliant light shimmers across the crystal walls, creating a beautiful
spectacle of light and colour.
(Ays Chaeyr): Elostian says, "Well, that took you long enough for someone who
knew how to get in there."
(Ays Chaeyr): You say, "I sense sarcasm!"
(Ays Chaeyr): Elostian says, "Me? Never."
Arel leaves to the south.
Arel arrives from the south.
Emanating from the logic crystal, a clear emotionless voice says, "Greetings,
Emanating from the logic crystal, a clear emotionless voice says, "Xion is
currently in lockdown mode. Please destroy all intruding creatures and dispose
of them by giving them to me."
You say to Arel, "Better stay close now."
The control unit. (Workshop of Xion.)
Superimposed over this location, an ethereal forest reaches up to the sky.
Various crystal displays, screens and panels fill the walls of this chamber,
flickering with an innumerable amount of lights and symbols. The floor is
largely carved with lines that guide countless points of light that shoot
between various units with blinding speed. Most of the lines centre on a
gargantuan crystal that stands in the back of the chamber. Several chairs stand
evenly spaced with a larger one in the middle, facing the largest display in the
chamber. A magnificent white crystal rises up from the ground, its translucent
form dancing with infinite pinpoints of light. Arel Rillaen, Voice of the Enigma
is here. He wields a golden lyre in his left hand and a magic tome in his right.
He is surrounded by one reflection of himself.
You see exits leading north, east, south, and west.
Arel Rillaen, Voice of the Enigma says, "Hey, it knows my name!"
Hallway of dazzling crystal butterflies.
The area is suffused with an eerie, deep blue light, signifying a shield shrine
of Elostian nearby. A gargantuan earth elemental stands here, emitting sounds of
crushing boulders.
You can see no further.
Arel begins to follow you.
You greet a magnificent logic crystal with a sincere smile.
Arel Rillaen, Voice of the Enigma says, "We have to kill invading stuff now."
You say, "To crystal of course you know our names, eh, you big, beautiful
crystal you."
You look up into the air for divine inspiration.
You shake your head.
The control unit. (Workshop of Xion.)
Superimposed over this location, an ethereal forest reaches up to the sky.
Various crystal displays, screens and panels fill the walls of this chamber,
flickering with an innumerable amount of lights and symbols. The floor is
largely carved with lines that guide countless points of light that shoot
between various units with blinding speed. Most of the lines centre on a
gargantuan crystal that stands in the back of the chamber. Several chairs stand
evenly spaced with a larger one in the middle, facing the largest display in the
chamber. A magnificent white crystal rises up from the ground, its translucent
form dancing with infinite pinpoints of light. Arel Rillaen, Voice of the Enigma
is here. He wields a golden lyre in his left hand and a magic tome in his right.
He is surrounded by one reflection of himself.
You see exits leading north, east, south, and west.
10005h, 3429m, 7935e, 10p, 33900en, 20396w elrxk /23:04:14.162/<>-
oti We need Your tool now, m'Lord, am I right?
(Ays Chaeyr): You say, "We need Your tool now, m'Lord, am I right?"
Arel tilts his head curiously.
(Ays Chaeyr): Elostian says, "Very well, I am watching, try the crystal."
You are wielding a golden webbed klangaxe in your hands.
You are holding:
a gem of cloaking, 22 sapphire vials, 3 turquoise vials, 21 bloodstone vials, a
swirling glass bubble, a heavy mace, 2 garnet vials, a painting of the Fulcrux
of Elostian, a personal journal, 5 hardened leather frogges, 4 amethyst vials, 2
soot-blackened tinderboxes, 5 coral vials, 2 opal vials, a shadow cauldron, a
Mallet of Forging, an elegant white letter, an emerald vial, 4 pearl vials, 19
master's paint palettes, 2 jade vials, 2 moonstone vials, a ruby vial, a beryl
vial, a pocketbelt, the corpse of a shadow mordrath, a destination crystal.
You are wearing:
a suit of pale silver fullplate, an etched amethyst ring, an onyx ring of black
roses, a pale silver helm, an alligator jaw crown, a mysterious seer's candle
pendant, a cloak of crow feathers, a leather backpack, a green bone ring with a
pearl seashell, a changeling cameo.
You have 59 types of items in the Rift.
You possess 118 items and are carrying no gold.
The bright form of this small crystal is alive with countless small sparks of
energy that rush through the material at incredible speed in a complex pattern.
The route of the sparks appears predetermined, a repetitive sequence that
contains information about an unknown destination, ready for use by a logic
crystal of Xion.
It weighs about 1 pounds and 0 ounce(s).
You call out through your bond, urging a fierce timberwolf to return to you.
You put a destination crystal into a magnificent logic crystal.
The logic crystal flashes briefly before ejecting a destination crystal.
Emanating from the logic crystal, a clear emotionless voice says, "Item
unrecognised, no procedure found."
A fierce timberwolf rushes in quickly, circling you briefly before settling at
your side.
(Ays Chaeyr): Elostian says, "Just drop it."
Arel suddenly scoops up a destination crystal.
Arel rubs a filigree necklace bearing a Harbinger pendant and it begins to glow
with a pulsating light.
Arel lets out a long, heavy sigh, and ceases to search the ground with his
roving eyes.
Arel drops a destination crystal.
The control unit. (Workshop of Xion.)
Superimposed over this location, an ethereal forest reaches up to the sky.
Various crystal displays, screens and panels fill the walls of this chamber,
flickering with an innumerable amount of lights and symbols. The floor is
largely carved with lines that guide countless points of light that shoot
between various units with blinding speed. Most of the lines centre on a
gargantuan crystal that stands in the back of the chamber. Several chairs stand
evenly spaced with a larger one in the middle, facing the largest display in the
chamber. A magnificent white crystal rises up from the ground, its translucent
form dancing with infinite pinpoints of light. Arel Rillaen, Voice of the Enigma
is here. He wields a golden lyre in his left hand and a magic tome in his right.
He is surrounded by one reflection of himself.
You see exits leading north, east, south, and west.
Arel peers about himself unscrupulously.
The destination crystal disappears in a brilliant flash of light while strange
spots of energy sink into the ground.
Thousands of spots of brilliant light suddenly race through the crystal walls,
floor and ceiling in dazzlingly complex patterns.
The pannels and displays along the walls of the control unit start flashing and
displaying a variety of graphs and numbers that race across the screens with
dazzling speed.
You have emoted: Ashteru rubs his eyes.
The Portal of Fate flashes as Portalwizard steps through, now ready to begin a
fresh life in Lusternia.
The logic crystal in the centre of the unit is suddenly ablaze with light as
millions of small dots of light race through it in indiscernable patterns.
A deep thrumming is suddenly felt throughout the ficinity and large columns of
crystal in the corners of the chamber start pulsing with increddible amounts of
You say to Arel, "...gulp."
Reality quivers and begins to ripple violently as different layers are pulled
apart and rearranged, a feeling of motion overtakes you though no travel appears
to be taking place.
A distant thud sounds as two layers of reality pound together. The air suddenly
starts to ripple and impossibly twists into a new exit that shows a large gloomy
The control unit. (Workshop of Xion.)
Superimposed over this location, an ethereal forest reaches up to the sky.
Various crystal displays, screens and panels fill the walls of this chamber,
flickering with an innumerable amount of lights and symbols. The floor is
largely carved with lines that guide countless points of light that shoot
between various units with blinding speed. Most of the lines centre on a
gargantuan crystal that stands in the back of the chamber. Several chairs stand
evenly spaced with a larger one in the middle, facing the largest display in the
chamber. A magnificent white crystal rises up from the ground, its translucent
form dancing with infinite pinpoints of light. Arel Rillaen, Voice of the Enigma
is here. He wields a golden lyre in his left hand and a magic tome in his right.
He is surrounded by one reflection of himself.
You see exits leading north, east, south, and west.
Arel Rillaen, Voice of the Enigma begins to shake slightly.
You have emoted: Ashteru release the crystal which he held in an iron grip.
You say, "Okay..."
You say, "This was..."
You say, "Different."
Hallway of scintillating crystal birds.
Superimposed over this location, an ethereal forest reaches up to the sky.
You can see no further.
The control unit. (Workshop of Xion.)
Superimposed over this location, an ethereal forest reaches up to the sky.
Various crystal displays, screens and panels fill the walls of this chamber,
flickering with an innumerable amount of lights and symbols. The floor is
largely carved with lines that guide countless points of light that shoot
between various units with blinding speed. Most of the lines centre on a
gargantuan crystal that stands in the back of the chamber. Several chairs stand
evenly spaced with a larger one in the middle, facing the largest display in the
chamber. A magnificent white crystal rises up from the ground, its translucent
form dancing with infinite pinpoints of light. Arel Rillaen, Voice of the Enigma
is here. He wields a golden lyre in his left hand and a magic tome in his right.
He is surrounded by one reflection of himself.
You see exits leading north, northeast, east, south, and west.
Your order is obeyed.
A fierce timberwolf obediently falls into line behind you.
You say, "Let's go there."
Arel leaves to the northeast.
An annular Athenaeum.
A comforting feeling of privacy pervades the area. Encircled by small dark
stones, a pool of water is here teeming with life. Arel Rillaen, Voice of the
Enigma is here. He wields a golden lyre in his left hand and a magic tome in his
right. He is surrounded by one reflection of himself.
You can see no further.
An annular Athenaeum. (lost)
A comforting feeling of privacy pervades the area. Encircled by small dark
stones, a pool of water is here teeming with life. Arel Rillaen, Voice of the
Enigma is here. He wields a golden lyre in his left hand and a magic tome in his
right. He is surrounded by one reflection of himself.
You see exits leading east (open door), southwest, and west (closed door).
10005h, 3450m, 7935e, 10p, 33899en, 20400w elrxk /23:07:24.928/<>-
sq n
A voluminous scriptorium.
A comforting feeling of privacy pervades the area. A painting of Icelus, a white
panther is proudly exhibited on a nearby wall. There are 2 shimmering pearls
Arel Rillaen, Voice of the Enigma says, "We're here!"
You discern:
You are standing in the Mysterial Palace.
Your environment conforms to that of divine.
You are in the Prime Material Plane.
You are within the continent of the Basin of Life.
Arel cheers wildly!
You have emoted: Ashteru falls to his knees and kisses the ground.
Arel Rillaen, Voice of the Enigma says, "It is beautiful."
You give Arel a compassionate hug.
An annular Athenaeum.
A comforting feeling of privacy pervades the area. A grand slab of smoky quartz
encapsulates the entirety of this airy palace chamber. A single opening exists
upon its glassy surface; a centre hollowed through allowing light to cascade
down onto the landing below. Four paramount archways bound with white granite
allow access to the other spheres of the palace, their surfaces inlaid with
glowing runic symbols carved from smoky quartz. The flagstone granite floor is
comprised of interleaving black and gray trapezoidal shaped tiles which spiral
outward from the centre of the chamber. A shimmering mist sinuates across the
brumal floor as murmuring wisps plume upwards across the surrounding mantle,
perpetually spiring throughout the atrium. Encircled by small dark stones, a
pool of water is here teeming with life. Arel Rillaen, Voice of the Enigma is
here. He wields a golden lyre in his left hand and a magic tome in his right. He
is surrounded by one reflection of himself.
You see exits leading east (open door), southwest, and west (closed door).
10005h, 3409m, 7935e, 10p, 33900en, 20400w elrxk /23:08:00.162/<>-
Arel gives you a compassionate hug.
Arel Rillaen, Voice of the Enigma asks, "Let's look for a good place to put the
shrine, okay?"
(Ays Chaeyr): You say, "My Lord, we did it! All in Your name!"
You say, "Actually, our Lord did it and just played with us, but hey."
You shift your eyes suspiciously from side to side.
You smile impishly and say, "What no one knows."
Arel Rillaen, Voice of the Enigma asks, "Psh, did you see what Xion did?"
(Ays Chaeyr): Elostian says, "Xion won't keep that portal open forever."
(Ays Chaeyr): You say, "Okay, m'Lord!"
Arel Rillaen, Voice of the Enigma says, "Let's scout a good place."
Arel leaves to the east.
(Ays Chaeyr): You say, "Where should we place the shrine, Lord?"
Arel arrives from the east.
Arel leaves to the southwest.
Arel arrives from the southwest.
An annular Athenaeum.
A comforting feeling of privacy pervades the area. A grand slab of smoky quartz
encapsulates the entirety of this airy palace chamber. A single opening exists
upon its glassy surface; a centre hollowed through allowing light to cascade
down onto the landing below. Four paramount archways bound with white granite
allow access to the other spheres of the palace, their surfaces inlaid with
glowing runic symbols carved from smoky quartz. The flagstone granite floor is
comprised of interleaving black and gray trapezoidal shaped tiles which spiral
outward from the centre of the chamber. A shimmering mist sinuates across the
brumal floor as murmuring wisps plume upwards across the surrounding mantle,
perpetually spiring throughout the atrium. Encircled by small dark stones, a
pool of water is here teeming with life. Arel Rillaen, Voice of the Enigma is
here. He wields a golden lyre in his left hand and a magic tome in his right. He
is surrounded by one reflection of himself.
You see exits leading east (open door), southwest, and west (closed door).
Arel Rillaen, Voice of the Enigma says, "Alright, it looks like here is good."
You flash Arel a joyous smile.
Arel Rillaen, Voice of the Enigma asks you, "Are you ready?"
You smile and say, "Here? Okay."
You say, "Which type?"
You ask, "Defense?"
(Order): Leiliadhe says, "Hmmm, whatever happened to the designs that won the
design contest?"
An annular Athenaeum.
A comforting feeling of privacy pervades the area. A grand slab of smoky quartz
encapsulates the entirety of this airy palace chamber. A single opening exists
upon its glassy surface; a centre hollowed through allowing light to cascade
down onto the landing below. Four paramount archways bound with white granite
allow access to the other spheres of the palace, their surfaces inlaid with
glowing runic symbols carved from smoky quartz. The flagstone granite floor is
comprised of interleaving black and gray trapezoidal shaped tiles which spiral
outward from the centre of the chamber. A shimmering mist sinuates across the
brumal floor as murmuring wisps plume upwards across the surrounding mantle,
perpetually spiring throughout the atrium. Encircled by small dark stones, a
pool of water is here teeming with life. Arel Rillaen, Voice of the Enigma is
here. He wields a golden lyre in his left hand and a magic tome in his right. He
is surrounded by one reflection of himself.
You see exits leading east (open door), southwest, and west (closed door).
Arel nods his head emphatically.
You tighten your lips in firm determination, stretching your arms out to your
sides, beginning to visualise a new shield shrine.
A shield shrine of Elostian rises up from a rumbling crack in the ground, coming
to rest with a slight hum.
Arel beams broadly at you.
You take a pocketbelt from a leather backpack.
Your karma rises in response to your deeds.
You make your offering, praying for the sanctification of this shrine to
Your karma rises in response to your deeds.
You make your offering, praying for the sanctification of this shrine to
Your karma rises in response to your deeds.
You make your offering, praying for the sanctification of this shrine to
You have recovered balance on all limbs.
Your karma rises in response to your deeds.
You make your offering, praying for the sanctification of this shrine to
The pocketbelt is made out of brown canvas and contains six pouches, seemingly
to better organize one's smaller possessions, though upon closer examination the
pouches seem to magically expand to hold specific larger items, too, and make
them feel seemingly weightless. It looks as if it would fit around the largest
waist, even heavily clothed, and has a pull-knot made of leather to tighten it.
It has 603 months of usefulness left.
It weighs about 1 pounds and 0 ounce(s).
A pocketbelt is holding:
The pocketbelt is made out of brown canvas and contains six pouches, seemingly
to better organize one's smaller possessions, though upon closer examination the
pouches seem to magically expand to hold specific larger items, too, and make
them feel seemingly weightless. It looks as if it would fit around the largest
waist, even heavily clothed, and has a pull-knot made of leather to tighten it.
It has 257 months of usefulness left.
It weighs about 1 pounds and 0 ounce(s).
It is imbued with 100% esteem.
A pocketbelt is holding:
You give a pocketbelt to Arel Rillaen, Voice of the Enigma.
A reflection of Arel blinks out of existence.
Arel makes an offering, praying for the sanctification of this shrine to
You smile and say, "It's our adventure, so you can sanctify too."
Your karma rises in response to your deeds.
You make your offering, praying for the sanctification of this shrine to
Your karma rises in response to your deeds.
You make your offering, praying for the sanctification of this shrine to
Arel Rillaen, Voice of the Enigma says, "Thanks, my friend."
Your karma rises in response to your deeds.
You make your offering, praying for the sanctification of this shrine to
Arel makes an offering, praying for the sanctification of this shrine to
Your karma rises in response to your deeds.
You make your offering, praying for the sanctification of this shrine to
Arel makes an offering, praying for the sanctification of this shrine to
Your karma rises in response to your deeds.
You make your offering, praying for the sanctification of this shrine to
Arel makes an offering, praying for the sanctification of this shrine to
Your karma rises in response to your deeds.
You make your offering, praying for the sanctification of this shrine to
Arel makes an offering, praying for the sanctification of this shrine to
Your karma rises in response to your deeds.
You make your offering, praying for the sanctification of this shrine to
Arel makes an offering, praying for the sanctification of this shrine to
Your karma rises in response to your deeds.
You make your offering, praying for the sanctification of this shrine to
Arel makes an offering, praying for the sanctification of this shrine to
A shield shrine of Elostian glows with sudden power as it becomes fully
That shrine is already as powerful as it is possible to get it. Further
sanctifications are a waste.
Arel leaves to the east.
handshake arel
You extend your hand graciously.
There is a reinforced door in the way.
An annular Athenaeum.
A comforting feeling of privacy pervades the area. A grand slab of smoky quartz
encapsulates the entirety of this airy palace chamber. A single opening exists
upon its glassy surface; a centre hollowed through allowing light to cascade
down onto the landing below. Four paramount archways bound with white granite
allow access to the other spheres of the palace, their surfaces inlaid with
glowing runic symbols carved from smoky quartz. The flagstone granite floor is
comprised of interleaving black and gray trapezoidal shaped tiles which spiral
outward from the centre of the chamber. A shimmering mist sinuates across the
brumal floor as murmuring wisps plume upwards across the surrounding mantle,
perpetually spiring throughout the atrium. Encircled by small dark stones, a
pool of water is here teeming with life. A glass seer's candle floats freely in
the air, its cold flame bathing the area in a mysterious, deep blue light.
You see exits leading east (open door), southwest, and west (closed door).
10005h, 3450m, 7935e, 10p, 33900en, 10420w elrxk /23:12:44.974/<>-
There is no exit in that direction.
The control unit. (Workshop of Xion.)
Superimposed over this location, an ethereal forest reaches up to the sky. A
magnificent white crystal rises up from the ground, its translucent form dancing
with infinite pinpoints of light.
You see exits leading north, northeast, east, south, and west.
Emanating from the logic crystal, a clear emotionless voice says, "Greetings,
Emanating from the logic crystal, a clear emotionless voice says, "Xion is
currently in lockdown mode. Please destroy all intruding creatures and dispose
of them by giving them to me."
An annular Athenaeum. (lost)
A comforting feeling of privacy pervades the area. Encircled by small dark
stones, a pool of water is here teeming with life. A glass seer's candle floats
freely in the air, its cold flame bathing the area in a mysterious, deep blue
You see exits leading east (open door), southwest, and west (closed door).
A voluminous scriptorium.
The area is suffused with an eerie, deep blue light, signifying a shield shrine
of Elostian nearby. A comforting feeling of privacy pervades the area. A
painting of Icelus, a white panther is proudly exhibited on a nearby wall. There
are 2 shimmering pearls here. Arel Rillaen, Voice of the Enigma is here. He
wields a golden lyre in his left hand and a magic tome in his right.
You see a single exit leading west (open door).
Arel makes an offering, praying for the sanctification of this location to
Arel makes an offering, praying for the sanctification of this location to
An annular Athenaeum.
A comforting feeling of privacy pervades the area. Encircled by small dark
stones, a pool of water is here teeming with life. A glass seer's candle floats
freely in the air, its cold flame bathing the area in a mysterious, deep blue
You see exits leading east (open door), southwest, and west (closed door).
There is a reinforced door in the way.
open door w
The reinforced door is locked.
A voluminous scriptorium.
The area is suffused with an eerie, deep blue light, signifying a shield shrine
of Elostian nearby. A comforting feeling of privacy pervades the area. A
painting of Icelus, a white panther is proudly exhibited on a nearby wall. There
are 2 shimmering pearls here. Arel Rillaen, Voice of the Enigma is here. He
wields a golden lyre in his left hand and a magic tome in his right.
You see a single exit leading west (open door).
Arel makes an offering, praying for the sanctification of this location to
You suddenly scoop up a shimmering pearl.
Arel makes an offering, praying for the sanctification of this location to
Your karma rises in response to your deeds.
You make your offering, praying for the sanctification of this location to
Arel makes an offering, praying for the sanctification of this location to
Your karma rises in response to your deeds.
You make your offering, praying for the sanctification of this location to
Your karma rises in response to your deeds.
You make your offering, praying for the sanctification of this location to
You have recovered balance on all limbs.
Your karma rises in response to your deeds.
You make your offering, praying for the sanctification of this location to
You have recovered balance on all limbs.
Your karma rises in response to your deeds.
You make your offering, praying for the sanctification of this location to
You may not sanctify anything here.
(Ays Chaeyr): Arel says, "Lord, would you like one of these pearls??"
You may not sanctify anything here.
A voluminous scriptorium.
The area is suffused with an eerie, deep blue light, signifying a shield shrine
of Elostian nearby. A comforting feeling of privacy pervades the area. The
magnificent tiers of the great library bookcases disappear high into the gloomy
mist above, making the rows upon rows of books appear hazy and indistinct. The
immense bookcases have been fashioned from slabs of smoky quartz that shine
dully in the soft luminescence emanated by the swirling mist that fills most of
the scriptorium. The grand chamber is comfortably warm and many great tables
accompanied by comfortable leather chairs are available to any that come here to
read or write. A painting of Icelus, a white panther is proudly exhibited on a
nearby wall. A shimmering pearl lies here, laced with engravings. Arel Rillaen,
Voice of the Enigma is here. He wields a golden lyre in his left hand and a
magic tome in his right.
You see a single exit leading west (open door).
You suddenly scoop up a shimmering pearl.
Rainbows of shimmering colour dance upon the surface of this flawless pearl,
seemingly forged from the divine themselves. Reflections of miniature engravings
lace the entirety of its glistening surface.
It weighs 1 ounce(s).
(Ays Chaeyr): Elostian says, "Leave it as you found it, I do not remember giving
permission to raid My predecessor's home."
You drop a pearl vial.
You drop a pearl vial.
You look up into the air for divine inspiration.
You pick up a pearl vial.
You pick up a pearl vial.
You drop a shimmering pearl.
You drop a shimmering pearl.
Arel follows you east.
An annular Athenaeum.
A comforting feeling of privacy pervades the area. Encircled by small dark
stones, a pool of water is here teeming with life. A glass seer's candle floats
freely in the air, its cold flame bathing the area in a mysterious, deep blue
You see exits leading east (open door), southwest, and west (closed door).
The corners of your mouth turn up as you grin mischievously.
Arel Rillaen, Voice of the Enigma says, "Let's get back, before we get stuck
You nod your head emphatically.
You smile broadly and say, "We did it."
Arel cheers wildly!
Arel Rillaen, Voice of the Enigma says, "You did most of it."
You have emoted: Ashteru turns back before entering Xion again, branding the
image of this place into his mind.
You say, "Let's go."
Arel Rillaen, Voice of the Enigma nods solemnly.
You have emoted: Ashteru throws his axe over his shoulder and nudges Arel.
You have recovered balance on all limbs.
Arel leaves to the southwest.
An annular Athenaeum.
A comforting feeling of privacy pervades the area. A grand slab of smoky quartz
encapsulates the entirety of this airy palace chamber. A single opening exists
upon its glassy surface; a centre hollowed through allowing light to cascade
down onto the landing below. Four paramount archways bound with white granite
allow access to the other spheres of the palace, their surfaces inlaid with
glowing runic symbols carved from smoky quartz. The flagstone granite floor is
comprised of interleaving black and gray trapezoidal shaped tiles which spiral
outward from the centre of the chamber. A shimmering mist sinuates across the
brumal floor as murmuring wisps plume upwards across the surrounding mantle,
perpetually spiring throughout the atrium. Encircled by small dark stones, a
pool of water is here teeming with life. A glass seer's candle floats freely in
the air, its cold flame bathing the area in a mysterious, deep blue light.
You see exits leading east (open door), southwest, and west (closed door).
The control unit. (Workshop of Xion.)
Superimposed over this location, an ethereal forest reaches up to the sky. A
magnificent white crystal rises up from the ground, its translucent form dancing
with infinite pinpoints of light. Arel Rillaen, Voice of the Enigma is here. He
wields a golden lyre in his left hand and a magic tome in his right.
You see exits leading north, northeast, east, south, and west.
Emanating from the logic crystal, a clear emotionless voice says, "Greetings,
Emanating from the logic crystal, a clear emotionless voice says, "Xion is
currently in lockdown mode. Please destroy all intruding creatures and dispose
of them by giving them to me."
(Ays Chaeyr): You say, "We are back, m'Lord."
(Ays Chaeyr): You say, "Can we get a warning before the flight back starts?"
You say, "Okay."
Arel Rillaen, Voice of the Enigma looks around hesitantly and braces himself
against any movement.
You have emoted: Ashteru sits down and grabs the crystal with one hand, a piece
of wall in the other.
You sit yourself down.
The brilliant light shimmers across the crystal walls, creating a beautiful
spectacle of light and colour.
The control unit. (Workshop of Xion.)
Superimposed over this location, an ethereal forest reaches up to the sky.
Various crystal displays, screens and panels fill the walls of this chamber,
flickering with an innumerable amount of lights and symbols. The floor is
largely carved with lines that guide countless points of light that shoot
between various units with blinding speed. Most of the lines centre on a
gargantuan crystal that stands in the back of the chamber. Several chairs stand
evenly spaced with a larger one in the middle, facing the largest display in the
chamber. A magnificent white crystal rises up from the ground, its translucent
form dancing with infinite pinpoints of light. Arel Rillaen, Voice of the Enigma
is here. He wields a golden lyre in his left hand and a magic tome in his right.
You see exits leading north, east, south, and west.
Arel Rillaen, Voice of the Enigma says, "The portal is gone."
(Ays Chaeyr): You say, "Thank You again, m'Lord. This meant a lot to Arel and
The control unit. (Workshop of Xion.)
Superimposed over this location, an ethereal forest reaches up to the sky.
Various crystal displays, screens and panels fill the walls of this chamber,
flickering with an innumerable amount of lights and symbols. The floor is
largely carved with lines that guide countless points of light that shoot
between various units with blinding speed. Most of the lines centre on a
gargantuan crystal that stands in the back of the chamber. Several chairs stand
evenly spaced with a larger one in the middle, facing the largest display in the
chamber. A magnificent white crystal rises up from the ground, its translucent
form dancing with infinite pinpoints of light. Arel Rillaen, Voice of the Enigma
is here. He wields a golden lyre in his left hand and a magic tome in his right.
You see exits leading north, east, south, and west.
You use 10000 of your Divine essence.
You use your divine power to refresh yourself.
(Ays Chaeyr): Arel says, "Yes, thank You Lord. It is a true honor to be able to
see the Palace one last time."
Arel2007-12-22 22:58:03
4227h, 3996m, 3765e, 10p, 19265en, 18110w exk /17:05:30.225/-
drop crystal
You drop a destination crystal.
Beku, the pygmy chieftan tells you, "Please don't litter around the Pool of
4227h, 3996m, 3765e, 10p, 19265en, 18110w exk /17:05:32.335/-
drop crystal
You drop a destination crystal.
Beku, the pygmy chieftan tells you, "Please don't litter around the Pool of
4227h, 3996m, 3765e, 10p, 19265en, 18110w exk /17:05:32.335/-