Eldanien2008-01-07 09:59:32
Not a complete solution, but if you kill someone and get the mob's body, perhaps tucking it into the Portal of Fate will force it to respawn (sans loot) in just a few moments? This allows the option of killing people to get the quest mobs they've killed and forcing a respawn.
This does seem to cheapen death yet further, but named denizens always come back from getting killed anyhow. It also doesn't completely address the 'protected by Avechna while stopping your quest' problem, though I tend to think this should be dealt with by bringing someone else to do the killing. Avechna isn't blanket protection against getting killed, just protection from getting killed multiple times by one individual.
For small quests, there's no point in fussing over it. For major org-benefiting quests, getting a fellow org-member to do some killing wouldn't be out of line.
edit: The first part would seem open to abuse for purposes of hunting. Is that a concern? It seems much to expect them to add a flag to every quest mob so that it only works on them.
This does seem to cheapen death yet further, but named denizens always come back from getting killed anyhow. It also doesn't completely address the 'protected by Avechna while stopping your quest' problem, though I tend to think this should be dealt with by bringing someone else to do the killing. Avechna isn't blanket protection against getting killed, just protection from getting killed multiple times by one individual.
For small quests, there's no point in fussing over it. For major org-benefiting quests, getting a fellow org-member to do some killing wouldn't be out of line.
edit: The first part would seem open to abuse for purposes of hunting. Is that a concern? It seems much to expect them to add a flag to every quest mob so that it only works on them.
Unknown2008-01-07 10:02:34
QUOTE(Zacc @ Jan 7 2008, 01:51 AM) 474066
They should give enemy status, yes. However, certain quest mobs are unaffiliated with a particular group or area (Melpith and Etilla are an example.. just what would they enemy you to- their laboratory?). I can see getting enemied to naga for killing Nagahala, but not the entire area. It would have to be split in two since the laboratory has no naga in it and the Muhanlesh caverns have no mugwump researchers. This is just one of many examples that enemy status would apply to when slaying quest mobs.
Slay all the krokani? Branded an enemy of the tower. Slay all the aslarans? Branded enemy of the camp.
Am I the only one seeing this as a bit excessive? You can't make killing all quest mobs give enemy status to that area/group or else people wouldn't have anymore places to hunt on Prime. But then again, that could be good for influencing- never getting enemied to something because you're not slaying them.
There are still other ways of preventing people from doing quests. Great pentagram, anyone?
Slay all the krokani? Branded an enemy of the tower. Slay all the aslarans? Branded enemy of the camp.
Am I the only one seeing this as a bit excessive? You can't make killing all quest mobs give enemy status to that area/group or else people wouldn't have anymore places to hunt on Prime. But then again, that could be good for influencing- never getting enemied to something because you're not slaying them.
There are still other ways of preventing people from doing quests. Great pentagram, anyone?
I think Minor quests like Krokani/Aslaran are fine. It's stuff like Soulforge, Gorgogs, etc... Should just be avenger free areas in their zones, due to the nature of their conflict.
Zacc2008-01-07 10:03:53
Try using paranoia and then getting debated in mid influence (should NOT be able to debate or dramatic afflict others while influencing. As a lot of the influence/debating messages say, target is usually too focused on one thing to pay any attention) only to lose 2000+ ego to a titan and still having to continue influencing or else the mob's ego attack hits. Ouch? Not to mention you have to sit there and analyze or keep influencing until the mob opens back up, and then you'll have the people who purposely influence or lose the influence to keep you from making it paranoid. Ah, the joys of Influence griefing.
That one minute great pent will help a lot when influencing those quest mobs. No people running in and diverting, handing over items before you finish, or debating.
I think I'm going to try seducing them next time. I wonder how well that will work.
That one minute great pent will help a lot when influencing those quest mobs. No people running in and diverting, handing over items before you finish, or debating.
I think I'm going to try seducing them next time. I wonder how well that will work.
Rika2008-01-07 10:04:26
QUOTE(Visaeris Maeloch @ Jan 7 2008, 11:02 PM) 474069
I think Minor quests like Krokani/Aslaran are fine. It's stuff like Soulforge, Gorgogs, etc... Should just be avenger free areas in their zones, due to the nature of their conflict.
While I agree that some quests shouldn't be stopped as easily as killing a quest denizen, you are asking for too much here. Lusternia already suffers from a lack of hunting spots. This will make this problem even larger.
Shiri2008-01-07 10:05:44
QUOTE(Visaeris Maeloch @ Jan 7 2008, 10:02 AM) 474069
I think Minor quests like Krokani/Aslaran are fine. It's stuff like Soulforge, Gorgogs, etc... Should just be avenger free areas in their zones, due to the nature of their conflict.
No, this is just not true. Gorgogs are some of the best hunting on prime. We do -not- need more areas in which Avenger is ignored for reasons unrelated to the reasons people will actually fight there for. The less of this we have, the better.
Now if you made killing Gognigin or Marinus make you culpable, that's another matter entirely. One mob is easy enough to avoid bashing.
Rika2008-01-07 10:06:46
QUOTE(Zacc @ Jan 7 2008, 11:03 PM) 474070
Try using paranoia and then getting debated in mid influence (should NOT be able to debate or dramatic afflict others while influencing. As a lot of the influence/debating messages say, target is usually too focused on one thing to pay any attention) only to lose 2000+ ego to a titan and still having to continue influencing or else the mob's ego attack hits. Ouch? Not to mention you have to sit there and analyze or keep influencing until the mob opens back up, and then you'll have the people who purposely influence or lose the influence to keep you from making it paranoid. Ah, the joys of Influence griefing.
That one minute great pent will help a lot when influencing those quest mobs. No people running in and diverting, handing over items before you finish, or debating.
I think I'm going to try seducing them next time. I wonder how well that will work.
That one minute great pent will help a lot when influencing those quest mobs. No people running in and diverting, handing over items before you finish, or debating.
I think I'm going to try seducing them next time. I wonder how well that will work.
What difference has this got to attacking a denizen just to have another character kill you.
And 10 power each time you want to do something small like that? Let me know how you manage to get away with getting that much power.
Zacc2008-01-07 10:08:24
Oh, and now I'd like to add a new facet to the issue: using people not on a suspect list to keep a person locked down, thus avoiding Avenger. Great job, Malarious, Revan, and Visaeris. I suppose I'll have to use Grace now since Avenger is obviously being abused.
Shiri2008-01-07 10:09:18
Whatever you're talking about (that doesn't make sense) it can go on the other thread about Avechna issues, it has nothing to do with this.
Eldanien2008-01-07 10:13:14
QUOTE(Eldanien @ Jan 7 2008, 03:59 AM) 474068
It also doesn't completely address the 'protected by Avechna while stopping your quest' problem, though I tend to think this should be dealt with by bringing someone else to do the killing. Avechna isn't blanket protection against getting killed, just protection from getting killed multiple times by one individual.
My thoughts, anyhow. If someone is being an obstacle to a quest in one of these ways, I consider bringing in other people to be justified.
Conversely, if you're willing to eat a dozen deaths to stop a quest, then by all means I think you're entitled to halt that quest for as long as you're willing.
Zacc2008-01-07 10:40:35
Even having areas or quests, that affect an entire org, Avenger-free just forces combat upon people once again. I thought people were against being forced into combat all the time? Let's bring back the Ethereal quests.. Ail'Fae Runia? I did like that one.
Tekora2008-01-07 11:28:22
I'm kind of missing the problem inherent in this topic, but if you're having trouble getting people to leave you alone so you can do the quest in peace, I offer the extremely simple and effective strategy of waiting 6-12 months for the interest in the quest to die down, then do it. Worked for the Carai Caroo quest, worked for the Lucidian Observatory, starting to work for the Undervault quests, and will work for Soulforge in a few months.
Problem solved. You're welcome.
Problem solved. You're welcome.
Anisu2008-01-07 16:45:17
QUOTE(Visaeris Maeloch @ Jan 7 2008, 09:42 AM) 474044
Thus, as I've spent the last 24 hours trying to get a bugged quest working, I've realised that it's very easy to completely block a quest with utter immunity.. You can influence with paranoia, and kill them, and since there's no enemy status, you're protected.
Killing aside Paranoia is also easy to prevent if you get in the quest zone first.
QUOTE(rika @ Jan 7 2008, 10:03 AM) 474050
I'd just like to say that paranoia is underused.
Mainly because people frown on having the mobs that pay gold for corpses paranoid.
QUOTE(Eldanien @ Jan 7 2008, 10:28 AM) 474059
Ego Battle: Consolement
Reasoning with the paranoid can be a challenging task. Unlike other ego battles, there is only one tactic employable - repeated, logical reasoning to reassure the individual that their paranoia is unfounded.
Essentially, influence skill used specifically to counter paranoia. Consider it the 'level 3' version of that ego battle. Since you don't have the other forms to mingle with it, you're more likely build resistance. Set resistance to the skill such that it's lengthy, but not impossible. Trans skill and 14 charisma should all but guaranteed to succeed after a few minutes. If you have the Charisma of a drunken slug (or worse, Illithoid), then you'd better get a Blessing of Beauty, throne, and any other charisma boosts you can get.
Or summon your friendly high-charisma influencer of choice.
Ego Battle: Consolement
Reasoning with the paranoid can be a challenging task. Unlike other ego battles, there is only one tactic employable - repeated, logical reasoning to reassure the individual that their paranoia is unfounded.
Essentially, influence skill used specifically to counter paranoia. Consider it the 'level 3' version of that ego battle. Since you don't have the other forms to mingle with it, you're more likely build resistance. Set resistance to the skill such that it's lengthy, but not impossible. Trans skill and 14 charisma should all but guaranteed to succeed after a few minutes. If you have the Charisma of a drunken slug (or worse, Illithoid), then you'd better get a Blessing of Beauty, throne, and any other charisma boosts you can get.
Or summon your friendly high-charisma influencer of choice.
the Lust line of influencing already got made useless by making guards and the likes immune, why do you have to ruin the paranoia line of influencing. There are methods (simple too) to prevent the paranoia influence, and if you can not be bothered to prevent it you can atleast make it harder now that we have dramatics.
Ashteru2008-01-07 18:10:55
QUOTE(Zacc @ Jan 7 2008, 11:08 AM) 474074
Oh, and now I'd like to add a new facet to the issue: using people not on a suspect list to keep a person locked down, thus avoiding Avenger. Great job, Malarious, Revan, and Visaeris. I suppose I'll have to use Grace now since Avenger is obviously being abused.
Urm. I don't know what to say. You complain that people hindered you from hindering them at doing a quest?
And I don't see the problem with enemystatus to bashingplaces. I bash where I am enemied all the time. Kephera, Tosha (not so much anymore), Observatory, Mesa, Nomads...all relatively good to bash. And I got jumped all of once while doing that, way back by Talkan. You just need a gem of cloaking and trans discernment, that will make you basically unable to be ever jumped. Or that thing that tells you when an enemy enters the area. Etc, etc.
Rakor2008-01-07 18:41:22
QUOTE(Anisu @ Jan 7 2008, 11:45 AM) 474116
Killing aside Paranoia is also easy to prevent if you get in the quest zone first.
Mainly because people frown on having the mobs that pay gold for corpses paranoid.
the Lust line of influencing already got made useless by making guards and the likes immune, why do you have to ruin the paranoia line of influencing. There are methods (simple too) to prevent the paranoia influence, and if you can not be bothered to prevent it you can atleast make it harder now that we have dramatics.
Mainly because people frown on having the mobs that pay gold for corpses paranoid.
the Lust line of influencing already got made useless by making guards and the likes immune, why do you have to ruin the paranoia line of influencing. There are methods (simple too) to prevent the paranoia influence, and if you can not be bothered to prevent it you can atleast make it harder now that we have dramatics.
Why were guards made immune? I remember when that happened but I don't remember why.
Ixion2008-01-07 18:50:06
Agree with Visaeris on the major quests. The amount of effort and planning on the large quests should not be able to be blocked by something that takes a mere few seconds, as it stands currently.
As an aside, quests that rely on moon phase need to just die.
As an aside, quests that rely on moon phase need to just die.
Myndaen2008-01-07 18:55:48
I donno... The admin have -always- seemed to be of the mindset that "someone killed your quest mob? o sorry! sucks for you!"
Daganev2008-01-07 19:20:34
QUOTE(Ixion @ Jan 7 2008, 10:50 AM) 474147
Agree with Visaeris on the major quests. The amount of effort and planning on the large quests should not be able to be blocked by something that takes a mere few seconds, as it stands currently.
As an aside, quests that rely on moon phase need to just die.
As an aside, quests that rely on moon phase need to just die.
You do know that you can just empower the quest mob, and then its not possible to make them parnoid... right?
Unknown2008-01-07 19:29:16
QUOTE(daganev @ Jan 7 2008, 11:20 AM) 474157
You do know that you can just empower the quest mob, and then its not possible to make them parnoid... right?
And then they kill it and we're right back where we started.