Sthai2008-05-01 11:33:26
Disdainfully, you say, "Both serve a purpose, one supposes."
You say, "However... small."
Safiyah i'Xiia says, "What would life be without habits, dear Tongue."
A wind of cold air passes over your skin making it shiver with dread.
You have emoted: Sthai smiles sweetly.
Safiyah i'Xiia says, "It is one's bad habits that make life tolerable."
Safiyah i'Xiia picks absently at his nails.
You say to Safiyah i'Xiia, "Ah, but one may grow... comfortable through habit."
Lanfayr snickers softly to herself.
You have emoted: Sthai smiles silkenly.
You say, "Indolent."
You say, "Lacking in caution."
Safiyah i'Xiia's mouth turns up as his face breaks into a smile.
Piously, Safiyah i'Xiia says, "Trust in the Lord, dear Sthai. He will protect
Silkenly, you say, "Oh, I do, and praise Him."
You say, "Nor do I forget my place before His throne. Do you know your place, servant?"
Safiyah i'Xiia says, "Religion is a fine thing for a second son."
You have emoted: Sthai stares down her nose at Safiyah.
Safiyah i'Xiia says, "My place?"
Safiyah i'Xiia says, "I think, right about now, my place is on my chaise lounge."
Softly, you say, "Grubbing in the coins like a d'Murani."
Safiyah i'Xiia smiles pleasantly.
Safiyah i'Xiia says, "A man cannot be too careful in the choice of his enemies."
You say, "Is it not amusing how much like our enemies we become through hate?"
Safiyah i'Xiia says, "It is high time for my post supper-time nap."
You say to Safiyah i'Xiia, "You will remain."
Safiyah i'Xiia says, "I bid you adieu sweet Sthai."
Safiyah i'Xiia bows roguishly.
You say, "I think not, i'Xiia fool."
Safiyah i'Xiia says, "The greatest scientific discoveries in Magnagora's history have come from i'Xiia's minds."
With a negligent gesture from an elegantly manicured hand, Safiyah i'Xiia dissolves into crimson mist.
You purse your lips pensively, gazing off into the distance as you carefully
You say, "He must learn his place."
You tell Safiyah i'Xiia, "Come, maggot"
A red mist forms in front of you, and Safiyah i'Xiia congeals from it.
Lanfayr nods her head emphatically.
Safiyah i'Xiia says, "Now really. That's not very fair."
You say to Safiyah i'Xiia, "I wasn't done with you, wretch."
Lanfayr smirks.
You say to Lanfayr, "Now, as I said."
Safiyah i'Xiia says, "A chap must have his shut-eye."
You have emoted: Sthai begins to circle Safiyah, hands clasped behind her back.
Idly, you say, "Be silent, maggot."
You say, "You will speak when spoken to."
You say to Lanfayr, "Observe the i'Xiia."
Safiyah i'Xiia grins winningly.
Safiyah i'Xiia exclaims, "What a thing it is to be nobly born!"
You give Safiyah i'Xiia the once-over, eyeing him suspiciously.
Safiyah i'Xiia graces you with a flawless, charming smile that never touches his eyes.
Safiyah i'Xiia twiddles his thumbs.
Lanfayr d'Murani says to you, "Looks like they've no self discipline."
A wry smile spreads across Lanfayr's face.
You say to Lanfayr, "Born to wealth, indolently lounging about, given the best of all his parents can offer, arses wiped with golden-woven napkins."
Safiyah i'Xiia says, "Certainly, we lack Sthai-discipline."
You say to Lanfayr, "Quite right..."
You narrow your eyes at Safiyah i'Xiia in an unnerving manner.
Safiyah i'Xiia says, "Discipline is for the lower orders, in any event."
You have emoted: Sthai sings a high, dischordant note that throbs painfully in the eardrums.
You say to Lanfayr, "And thus, a spine never develops."
Lanfayr nods her head at you.
Safiyah i'Xiia exclaims, "By the Masque, woman, you should take to the stage!"
You say, "Lounging on their chaises, they know only luxury, and hated towards
that which they can never become."
You say, "Spineless, they grow fat, corpulent, and hideous."
You say, "And thus, must copulate with all manner of things - ergo, the Necromentate."
Piously, you say, "It is never too wise for siblings to marry, especially those as ill-bred as these maggots."
Lanfayr nods her head at you.
You say, "And maggots indeed they are, prattling as if intelligent. Every once in a while, they arise from their lounges, driven by hunger and blind ambition for what they once might have been."
Safiyah i'Xiia says, "Ambition?"
You say, "Hating and loathing that which they would ape, they become... reflections. Weak reflections, such as this one..."
You have emoted: Sthai waves a negligent hand towards Safiyah.
Safiyah i'Xiia says, "Ambition is the last refuge of the failure."
Safiyah i'Xiia says, "True gentility is to be effortlessly able."
You say to Safiyah i'Xiia, "Ambition is the lesson of Our Lord, you fool."
You say to Lanfayr, "And thus, this one, who loathes the d'Murani for our wealth, justly gathered through trade."
Lanfayr d'Murani says, "Without ambition, how can you ever hope to grow more
Safiyah i'Xiia says, "Why, dear Lanfayr?"
Safiyah i'Xiia says, "By being powerful already."
You say to Lanfayr, "Surrounds himself with gold, and kisses the arse of those above him, seeking to grow higher."
A wry smile spreads across Lanfayr's face.
You say to Lanfayr, "Behold, he sees himself as elevated... and yet, he is the lowest of that which he loathes - a mere counter of money, a mere officiary... nothing useful, in other words."
Lanfayr nods her head at you.
You say to Lanfayr, "Fit only to serve and snivel and whine about us... poor, ill-bred d'Murani."
You say to Lanfayr, "Hate is fine. Hate, nurtured, will drive you. But hate alone is not enough."
Safiyah i'Xiia's eyes twinkle enchantingly.
Lanfayr d'Murani says to Safiyah i'Xiia, "Ambition makes you strive. If you don't strive you grow old and fat and complacent and die to a fish."
You say to Lanfayr, "As this fool teaches us, it turns inwards... festers - and turns you into a pale reflection of that which you would destroy."
Safiyah i'Xiia says, "Dear transparent d'Muranis."
Safiyah i'Xiia says, "Have you not observed that I have no need for a Mask?"
Safiyah i'Xiia examines himself in a gold-edged pocket mirror.
Safiyah i'Xiia says, "A very good thing too, I think. It would be a shame were society to be deprived of my face."
Using your tongue and the roof of your mouth, you make a quiet clicking noise.
Lanfayr smirks.
Lanfayr d'Murani says to you, "Vain, too."
You say to Lanfayr, "He forgets - I saw him destroyed and rebuilt. He is little more than automatae."
You say to Lanfayr, "He is a puppet, held up by Our Lord's strings, still imagining himself sentient."
You say to Lanfayr, "Is it not a cunning little doll?"
Safiyah i'Xiia says, "And I have seen you destroyed and rebuilt, Sthai. I observed you slain by My High Priest from the shadows."
Lanfayr tugs her chin thoughtfully.
Lanfayr nods her head at you.
You say to Safiyah i'Xiia, "Your? My, how... precipitate."
You say to Safiyah i'Xiia, "You are not Our Lord."
You have emoted: Sthai's lips curve into a thin smile.
You say to Safiyah i'Xiia, "Nor the Priest."
Safiyah i'Xiia says, "Come. Argument is so vulgar. After all, everyone in good society holds the same opinion."
Smiling thinly, you say, "One would be terribly surprised."
You say, "Begone, fool."
Safiyah i'Xiia says, "At least outwardly."
You have emoted: Sthai waves her hand dismissively.
Safiyah i'Xiia says, "And that is, of course, the most important thing is it not?"
You say, "Begone to lounge on your chaise, boneless... a true puppet."
Safiyah i'Xiia chuckles quietly to himself.
With a negligent gesture from an elegantly manicured hand, Safiyah i'Xiia dissolves into crimson mist.
You say, "However... small."
Safiyah i'Xiia says, "What would life be without habits, dear Tongue."
A wind of cold air passes over your skin making it shiver with dread.
You have emoted: Sthai smiles sweetly.
Safiyah i'Xiia says, "It is one's bad habits that make life tolerable."
Safiyah i'Xiia picks absently at his nails.
You say to Safiyah i'Xiia, "Ah, but one may grow... comfortable through habit."
Lanfayr snickers softly to herself.
You have emoted: Sthai smiles silkenly.
You say, "Indolent."
You say, "Lacking in caution."
Safiyah i'Xiia's mouth turns up as his face breaks into a smile.
Piously, Safiyah i'Xiia says, "Trust in the Lord, dear Sthai. He will protect
Silkenly, you say, "Oh, I do, and praise Him."
You say, "Nor do I forget my place before His throne. Do you know your place, servant?"
Safiyah i'Xiia says, "Religion is a fine thing for a second son."
You have emoted: Sthai stares down her nose at Safiyah.
Safiyah i'Xiia says, "My place?"
Safiyah i'Xiia says, "I think, right about now, my place is on my chaise lounge."
Softly, you say, "Grubbing in the coins like a d'Murani."
Safiyah i'Xiia smiles pleasantly.
Safiyah i'Xiia says, "A man cannot be too careful in the choice of his enemies."
You say, "Is it not amusing how much like our enemies we become through hate?"
Safiyah i'Xiia says, "It is high time for my post supper-time nap."
You say to Safiyah i'Xiia, "You will remain."
Safiyah i'Xiia says, "I bid you adieu sweet Sthai."
Safiyah i'Xiia bows roguishly.
You say, "I think not, i'Xiia fool."
Safiyah i'Xiia says, "The greatest scientific discoveries in Magnagora's history have come from i'Xiia's minds."
With a negligent gesture from an elegantly manicured hand, Safiyah i'Xiia dissolves into crimson mist.
You purse your lips pensively, gazing off into the distance as you carefully
You say, "He must learn his place."
You tell Safiyah i'Xiia, "Come, maggot"
A red mist forms in front of you, and Safiyah i'Xiia congeals from it.
Lanfayr nods her head emphatically.
Safiyah i'Xiia says, "Now really. That's not very fair."
You say to Safiyah i'Xiia, "I wasn't done with you, wretch."
Lanfayr smirks.
You say to Lanfayr, "Now, as I said."
Safiyah i'Xiia says, "A chap must have his shut-eye."
You have emoted: Sthai begins to circle Safiyah, hands clasped behind her back.
Idly, you say, "Be silent, maggot."
You say, "You will speak when spoken to."
You say to Lanfayr, "Observe the i'Xiia."
Safiyah i'Xiia grins winningly.
Safiyah i'Xiia exclaims, "What a thing it is to be nobly born!"
You give Safiyah i'Xiia the once-over, eyeing him suspiciously.
Safiyah i'Xiia graces you with a flawless, charming smile that never touches his eyes.
Safiyah i'Xiia twiddles his thumbs.
Lanfayr d'Murani says to you, "Looks like they've no self discipline."
A wry smile spreads across Lanfayr's face.
You say to Lanfayr, "Born to wealth, indolently lounging about, given the best of all his parents can offer, arses wiped with golden-woven napkins."
Safiyah i'Xiia says, "Certainly, we lack Sthai-discipline."
You say to Lanfayr, "Quite right..."
You narrow your eyes at Safiyah i'Xiia in an unnerving manner.
Safiyah i'Xiia says, "Discipline is for the lower orders, in any event."
You have emoted: Sthai sings a high, dischordant note that throbs painfully in the eardrums.
You say to Lanfayr, "And thus, a spine never develops."
Lanfayr nods her head at you.
Safiyah i'Xiia exclaims, "By the Masque, woman, you should take to the stage!"
You say, "Lounging on their chaises, they know only luxury, and hated towards
that which they can never become."
You say, "Spineless, they grow fat, corpulent, and hideous."
You say, "And thus, must copulate with all manner of things - ergo, the Necromentate."
Piously, you say, "It is never too wise for siblings to marry, especially those as ill-bred as these maggots."
Lanfayr nods her head at you.
You say, "And maggots indeed they are, prattling as if intelligent. Every once in a while, they arise from their lounges, driven by hunger and blind ambition for what they once might have been."
Safiyah i'Xiia says, "Ambition?"
You say, "Hating and loathing that which they would ape, they become... reflections. Weak reflections, such as this one..."
You have emoted: Sthai waves a negligent hand towards Safiyah.
Safiyah i'Xiia says, "Ambition is the last refuge of the failure."
Safiyah i'Xiia says, "True gentility is to be effortlessly able."
You say to Safiyah i'Xiia, "Ambition is the lesson of Our Lord, you fool."
You say to Lanfayr, "And thus, this one, who loathes the d'Murani for our wealth, justly gathered through trade."
Lanfayr d'Murani says, "Without ambition, how can you ever hope to grow more
Safiyah i'Xiia says, "Why, dear Lanfayr?"
Safiyah i'Xiia says, "By being powerful already."
You say to Lanfayr, "Surrounds himself with gold, and kisses the arse of those above him, seeking to grow higher."
A wry smile spreads across Lanfayr's face.
You say to Lanfayr, "Behold, he sees himself as elevated... and yet, he is the lowest of that which he loathes - a mere counter of money, a mere officiary... nothing useful, in other words."
Lanfayr nods her head at you.
You say to Lanfayr, "Fit only to serve and snivel and whine about us... poor, ill-bred d'Murani."
You say to Lanfayr, "Hate is fine. Hate, nurtured, will drive you. But hate alone is not enough."
Safiyah i'Xiia's eyes twinkle enchantingly.
Lanfayr d'Murani says to Safiyah i'Xiia, "Ambition makes you strive. If you don't strive you grow old and fat and complacent and die to a fish."
You say to Lanfayr, "As this fool teaches us, it turns inwards... festers - and turns you into a pale reflection of that which you would destroy."
Safiyah i'Xiia says, "Dear transparent d'Muranis."
Safiyah i'Xiia says, "Have you not observed that I have no need for a Mask?"
Safiyah i'Xiia examines himself in a gold-edged pocket mirror.
Safiyah i'Xiia says, "A very good thing too, I think. It would be a shame were society to be deprived of my face."
Using your tongue and the roof of your mouth, you make a quiet clicking noise.
Lanfayr smirks.
Lanfayr d'Murani says to you, "Vain, too."
You say to Lanfayr, "He forgets - I saw him destroyed and rebuilt. He is little more than automatae."
You say to Lanfayr, "He is a puppet, held up by Our Lord's strings, still imagining himself sentient."
You say to Lanfayr, "Is it not a cunning little doll?"
Safiyah i'Xiia says, "And I have seen you destroyed and rebuilt, Sthai. I observed you slain by My High Priest from the shadows."
Lanfayr tugs her chin thoughtfully.
Lanfayr nods her head at you.
You say to Safiyah i'Xiia, "Your? My, how... precipitate."
You say to Safiyah i'Xiia, "You are not Our Lord."
You have emoted: Sthai's lips curve into a thin smile.
You say to Safiyah i'Xiia, "Nor the Priest."
Safiyah i'Xiia says, "Come. Argument is so vulgar. After all, everyone in good society holds the same opinion."
Smiling thinly, you say, "One would be terribly surprised."
You say, "Begone, fool."
Safiyah i'Xiia says, "At least outwardly."
You have emoted: Sthai waves her hand dismissively.
Safiyah i'Xiia says, "And that is, of course, the most important thing is it not?"
You say, "Begone to lounge on your chaise, boneless... a true puppet."
Safiyah i'Xiia chuckles quietly to himself.
With a negligent gesture from an elegantly manicured hand, Safiyah i'Xiia dissolves into crimson mist.
Ralanbek2008-05-27 04:36:32
this stuff is SO EPIC!
im exuded envy.
*prays something this cool happens to him!*
im exuded envy.
*prays something this cool happens to him!*
Celina2008-05-27 05:57:03
Where is Fain...
I haven't seen him in a while. I miss the insults and the love/hate relationship.
I haven't seen him in a while. I miss the insults and the love/hate relationship.
Fain2008-05-27 08:31:59
QUOTE(Celina @ May 27 2008, 12:57 AM) 515582
Where is Fain...
I haven't seen him in a while. I miss the insults and the love/hate relationship.
I haven't seen him in a while. I miss the insults and the love/hate relationship.
Very busy at the moment, but he'll be back, active as ever, in a couple of weeks.
Hazar2008-05-29 01:47:43
I suppose we shall hold off with vowel-laden shouting until You return.
Somaria2008-06-14 01:30:53

You murmur, "Fain.."
You murmur, "Your subjects have failed you."
You say, "Celina is weak and Sthai was careless."
The air stirs as a quiet whisper murmurs, "We will see, Somaria. We will see."
You narrow your eyes to thin slits.
You say, "I thought you'd be listening."
The air stirs as a quiet whisper murmurs, "You are bound to Me, Somaria in adamantine fetters of spirit. For all your dalliance with Elostian, you will return to Me in time."
You say, "Consider this my proposal to you, my Master.."
The air stirs as a quiet whisper murmurs, "Speak on."
You say, "Celina was foolish. She chose her pieces unwisely and shifted them without regard to their unpredictability."
You say, "Once I've made certain the shadow court removes her, my loyalty to the heathens will be fairly undeniable."
You say, "Allow me to continue her work instead."
You have emoted: Somaria places a hand upon her hip, casting an impassionate glance around the courtyard.
Boredly, you say, "Order Sthai to remove the brand and I will continue to work towards Your glory."
Icy malevolence fills you as a flaming eye manifests upon the air.
Coldly, you say, "Celina wouldn't have made it much further anyway."
A floating eyeball of crimson flame says, "Perhaps not."
A floating eyeball of crimson flame says, "She slighted you and you have ruined her. You are My child still, in spirit."
You say, "As such, you should be proud at how I've grown."
You say, "I would not have taken Iwiertas from you if I hadn't needed him to cut her down. He is still of use however, in service to me."
A floating eyeball of crimson flame says, "Is that so."
A floating eyeball of crimson flame says, "You have made an enemy of Sthai."
You say, "Sthai simply can not respect the fact that her student has fallen to me."
You say, "Celina should use this failure to learn and grow and better serve You."
An icy pain shoots through your consciousness and the eye flares with energy.
A floating eyeball of crimson flame says, "Your mind is layered with one conceit upon another, Somaria."
You say, "Perhaps."
A floating eyeball of crimson flame says, "And as you slip from one layer to another, your allegiances shift fluidly."
A floating eyeball of crimson flame says, "Remember that at your centre, there I wait and watch, and no mortal means may dislodge Me. I know your heart and mind, Somaria. And you are Mine."
You say, "And yet until the brand is removed, you will have nothing from me."
The air warms as a blazing eyeball closes its tenebrous lids about itself and vanishes.
From deep within the recesses of your mind a malicious voice whispers, "Your pacts and feuds with Sthai are none of My concern, child. Fight your battles and perhaps I will give you the true victory over Sthai you so earnestly desire."
You say, "My statement stands, Master. Until I may hunt and do as I wish freely without worry of Your followers hunting me down, I will do nothing."
You murmur, "Your subjects have failed you."
You say, "Celina is weak and Sthai was careless."
The air stirs as a quiet whisper murmurs, "We will see, Somaria. We will see."
You narrow your eyes to thin slits.
You say, "I thought you'd be listening."
The air stirs as a quiet whisper murmurs, "You are bound to Me, Somaria in adamantine fetters of spirit. For all your dalliance with Elostian, you will return to Me in time."
You say, "Consider this my proposal to you, my Master.."
The air stirs as a quiet whisper murmurs, "Speak on."
You say, "Celina was foolish. She chose her pieces unwisely and shifted them without regard to their unpredictability."
You say, "Once I've made certain the shadow court removes her, my loyalty to the heathens will be fairly undeniable."
You say, "Allow me to continue her work instead."
You have emoted: Somaria places a hand upon her hip, casting an impassionate glance around the courtyard.
Boredly, you say, "Order Sthai to remove the brand and I will continue to work towards Your glory."
Icy malevolence fills you as a flaming eye manifests upon the air.
Coldly, you say, "Celina wouldn't have made it much further anyway."
A floating eyeball of crimson flame says, "Perhaps not."
A floating eyeball of crimson flame says, "She slighted you and you have ruined her. You are My child still, in spirit."
You say, "As such, you should be proud at how I've grown."
You say, "I would not have taken Iwiertas from you if I hadn't needed him to cut her down. He is still of use however, in service to me."
A floating eyeball of crimson flame says, "Is that so."
A floating eyeball of crimson flame says, "You have made an enemy of Sthai."
You say, "Sthai simply can not respect the fact that her student has fallen to me."
You say, "Celina should use this failure to learn and grow and better serve You."
An icy pain shoots through your consciousness and the eye flares with energy.
A floating eyeball of crimson flame says, "Your mind is layered with one conceit upon another, Somaria."
You say, "Perhaps."
A floating eyeball of crimson flame says, "And as you slip from one layer to another, your allegiances shift fluidly."
A floating eyeball of crimson flame says, "Remember that at your centre, there I wait and watch, and no mortal means may dislodge Me. I know your heart and mind, Somaria. And you are Mine."
You say, "And yet until the brand is removed, you will have nothing from me."
The air warms as a blazing eyeball closes its tenebrous lids about itself and vanishes.
From deep within the recesses of your mind a malicious voice whispers, "Your pacts and feuds with Sthai are none of My concern, child. Fight your battles and perhaps I will give you the true victory over Sthai you so earnestly desire."
You say, "My statement stands, Master. Until I may hunt and do as I wish freely without worry of Your followers hunting me down, I will do nothing."
So yeah, mostly complete BS (Aside from the manipulation of Celina and her son- But Celina really was a traitor and deserved it), but I still love my rps with Fain! It was worth a try to get Somaria unenemied, if anything else.

Iwiertas2008-06-14 01:52:35
I didn't get to save it, but
I mean, I'm in -big- trouble. I managed to mess up a bit on the stupid ideals that Iwiertas has picked up, but all in all I think it worked out well.
And then sneaky ninja Viscanti shows up to rant about exactly how bad a person Somaria was. I should have just let him have at me right then and there, rather than having to deal with that later.

I mean, I'm in -big- trouble. I managed to mess up a bit on the stupid ideals that Iwiertas has picked up, but all in all I think it worked out well.
And then sneaky ninja Viscanti shows up to rant about exactly how bad a person Somaria was. I should have just let him have at me right then and there, rather than having to deal with that later.

Diamondais2008-06-14 01:56:17

Ashai2008-06-14 01:56:25
Wow, that was just so ICly/OOCly convuluted. Nice.
Celina2008-06-14 05:34:58
I'm in over my head
Celina is so far in I have no idea what to do with her right now.
I'm in over my head

Celina is so far in I have no idea what to do with her right now.
Somaria2008-06-14 05:57:57
QUOTE(Celina @ Jun 13 2008, 09:34 PM) 521312
I'm in over my head
Celina is so far in I have no idea what to do with her right now.
I'm in over my head

Celina is so far in I have no idea what to do with her right now.
Hehe. Sorry, Cel! <3
Unknown2008-06-14 05:59:34
Well, you could either try to worm your way out, or go to Terentia, Eventru, or Nocht maybe for protection.
Somaria2008-06-14 06:00:55
QUOTE(tenqual @ Jun 13 2008, 09:59 PM) 521317
Well, you could either try to worm your way out, or go to Terentia, Eventru, or Nocht maybe for protection.
None of which will help her, no offense. >.>
Unknown2008-06-14 06:17:51
The easiest way to deal with Fain is act like a complete idiot and like you have no talent for subterfuge. Which are both true!
Shaddus2008-06-14 09:38:19
QUOTE(Volroc @ Jun 14 2008, 01:17 AM) 521320
The easiest way to deal with Fain is act like a complete idiot and like you have no talent for subterfuge. Which are both true!
It works for me.
I offer corpses, He ignores me, I don't get anything out of the order, but hey, it gives me a warm fuzzy feeling.
Emar2008-06-14 23:26:55
QUOTE(Iwiertas @ Jun 14 2008, 02:52 AM) 521201
I didn't get to save it, but 

I did!
You say, "Fain..."
Iwiertas tells you, "Wait... no."
Iwiertas tells you, "Come here."
You get up off a long black leather couch.
Somaria tilts her head curiously at you.
Iwiertas tells you, "Quickly."
You say, "Follow."
You say, "Quickly."
Somaria gets up off a long black leather couch.
Somaria begins to follow you.
Somaria nods her head emphatically.
You shed Shadowcaster faeling form and flow as a spirit through the verdant leaves, embracing the physical once more and arrive at putrefied glen.
Putrefied glen.
The hypnotic scent of roses lingers in the air, permeating the terrain in an array of sweet aromas from a healing shrine of Viravain nearby. Filling the firmament is a lattice of heavy grey clouds. Casting darkness all around, a shadow totem thrusts up from the ground, chilling the air. A blackthorn sapling clings tenaciously to the ground here. Clad in elegant crimson robes, a handsome viscanti smiles warmly from the shadows of his cowl. A starving deer stands here, trembling. Druid Iwiertas, the Midnight Crow is here.
You see exits leading southwest and northwest.
Observing your entrance, Safiyah i'Xiia conceals a sneer behind his hand as he affects a cough.
Druid Iwiertas, the Midnight Crow asks, "I'm sorry, sir?"
3479h, 4396m, 5244e, 10p exk-look safiyah
Lean and athletic despite the enveloping crimson vestments that hang about him, this young viscanti male stands with an effortless excellence of deportment. Framed by the red of his cowl, his features are noble. High cheek bones lend his visage an unconscious arrogance, and large violet-irised eyes gaze evenly from either side above an aristocratic nose. His skin is dark and unblemished, with a natural sheen. His hair is fashionably cut, and his mouth is curved in a pleasant smile. His robes, though of simple priestly cut, are of costly manufacture, with golden thread tracing complex patterns upon silky cloth dyed a bright and lustrous crimson. An expensive scent hangs about him, and he wears a single, unostentatious ring bearing the i'Xiia coat of arms.
Safiyah i'Xiia has an air of extreme strength.
Somaria tells you, "Damn.."
{Edited out bits of me running around like a headless chicken. No idea why I did that}
Safiyah i'Xiia says, "Lord Emar d'Murani, what a pleasure."
Safiyah i'Xiia flashes a charming smile.
Iwiertas jerks slightly as the air fills with sparkling motes of bright light.
Iwiertas raises an eyebrow questioningly.
You blink.
Spreading his arms wide, Iwiertas spins clockwise and a shimmering white orb springs up around him.
You ask Safiyah i'Xiia, "What do you want, visitor?"
Safiyah i'Xiia laughs pleasantly.
Safiyah i'Xiia says, "Why! To take the air amid this pleasantly pungent forest."
Safiyah i'Xiia says, "Are you exercising, noble Emar? You seem to be running around."
Safiyah i'Xiia examines his finger nails absently.
You suddenly notice Somaria casually standing in the location.
Safiyah i'Xiia says, "One might almost say.. panicked."
You smile softly.
Somaria Makiare` crosses her arms under her chest, narrowing her eyes gently as she regards the Viscanti.
Druid Iwiertas, the Midnight Crow frowns and says, "Quite."
Turning his eyes upwards, Safiyah i'Xiia composes his face into a semblance of piety and murmurs a prayer.
Safiyah i'Xiia chuckles melodiously to himself.
Your eyes sparkle with amusement.
Safiyah i'Xiia says, "Quite the conundrum."
You say to Safiyah i'Xiia, "I assure you that it was nothing of the kind, though I am sure you have not made the trek from your home to exchange mere pleasantries."
You raise an eyebrow questioningly.
Somaria's eyes repeatedly shut as she tries to stay awake.
Safiyah i'Xiia says, "I cannot begin to imagine why you chose to live in this ghastly, dank wood."
Safiyah i'Xiia says, "The society here is simply disgraceful."
Iwiertas gives a pained sigh.
Plainly, you say, "I would say the same of that city of yours."
With an insincere laugh, Safiyah i'Xiia says, "Quite, quite."
Safiyah i'Xiia says, "It has certainly gone down hill. There is nothing but scandal and gossip."
Safiyah i'Xiia says, "But I do wonder what could possibly have possessed you to move out to this cultural backwater."
You raise an eyebrow questioningly.
Iwiertas tilts his head and listens intently.
Somaria's eyes repeatedly shut as she tries to stay awake.
Safiyah i'Xiia sniffs the air in an over-exaggerated fashion.
Safiyah i'Xiia says, "So damp."
You say, "I do prefer it to the noxious air of taint that pertains yours, but I suppose it is each to their own, no?"
The cloud cover clears, revealing the sparkling night sky.
Iwiertas's mouth turns up as his face breaks into a smile.
The screeching of a crow echoes through the dark woods, sounding almost like harsh laughter.
Somaria smiles softly at Iwiertas.
With a twinkle in his eye, Safiyah i'Xiia says, "This is a curious failing in a curious faeling."
You beat your wings furiously, hovering in the air.
Druid Iwiertas, the Midnight Crow smiles with a wink and says, "I'm certain the fact that it's alive might bear some attraction. I seem to remember the last -life- I saw in Magnagora was some wildflowers."
Safiyah i'Xiia says, "After all, your family, somewhat vulgar though it may be, was born in the womb of taint and rose to semi-greatness out of its rich and fertile earth."
Somaria's eyes repeatedly shut as she tries to stay awake.
Safiyah i'Xiia says, "For the temple of My Master is the world."
Safiyah i'Xiia says, "All, even these dreadful, backwood woods."
You chuckle long and heartily.
Iwiertas peers at you unscrupulously.
Iwiertas reaches out and touches Somaria.
Shaking his head, you say, "It seems we are still exchanging pleasantries. Well, if so, then you must allow me to indulge more... I care little for d'Murani business, but I assure you whatever scandal that apparently flocks here is nothing compared to the incestuous scandal that breeds within the city of taint."
You smile and say, "And I think you shall find, that your Master has no influence in the Dark Forest."
Safiyah i'Xiia exclaims, "So I have heard!"
Safiyah i'Xiia says, "You d'Murani must try to curb your enthusiasms."
Safiyah i'Xiia says, "Pleasantries."
With a wicked smile, Druid Iwiertas, the Midnight Crow says, "I must say, the last report I had on your city labeled them as the reason for a lot of your culture."
Safiyah i'Xiia pauses and gazes at you in mock befuddlement.
Safiyah i'Xiia says, "I have quite forgotten why I was here."
Safiyah i'Xiia exclaims, "Ah yes!"
You smile and say, "I still do not know why you are here."
Safiyah i'Xiia says, "The prodigal druid."
Somaria narrows her eyes to thin slits.
Iwiertas's mouth turns up as his face breaks into a smile.
Somaria's exhausted mind can stay awake no longer, and she falls into a deep sleep.
A large shadow flits across the edge of your vision for a bare instant, vanishing between the trees.
Druid Iwiertas, the Midnight Crow asks, "And you wish?"
Safiyah i'Xiia says, "My dear Somaria, you glower far too much. You should be careful lest it leave lines on the skin."
Iwiertas narrows his eyes to thin slits.
Somaria opens her eyes and yawns mightily.
Somaria stands up and stretches her arms out wide.
Safiyah i'Xiia says, "Was it a pleasant sleep, Somaria?"
Somaria Makiare` says to Safiyah i'Xiia, "Speak not to me."
Somaria glances askance.
Safiyah i'Xiia says, "You have quite the reputation, or so I've heard."
Iwiertas winces in pain.
Somaria narrows her eyes to thin slits.
Somaria Makiare` asks, "Reputation?"
Druid Iwiertas, the Midnight Crow says, "Look at me, Viscanti."
Safiyah i'Xiia says, "They say you over-charged."
Druid Iwiertas, the Midnight Crow says, "Now."
Safiyah i'Xiia examines his fingernails critically.
Somaria steps up to Safiyah i'Xiia and, in one smooth motion, backhands him viciously across the face.
Iwiertas gives a pained sigh.
Safiyah i'Xiia shakes his hands free of his sleeves and flicks his wrists, unleashing twin coruscating bolts of crimson lightning at Somaria.
Safiyah i'Xiia says, "Now now, we cannot have that."
Safiyah i'Xiia shakes his hands free of his sleeves and flicks his wrists, unleashing twin coruscating bolts of crimson lightning at Somaria.
Safiyah i'Xiia begins to chant in a deep and baleful voice, and an iron cross rises up from the ground before Somaria. Vicious spikes slam into her flesh and nail her to the cross. She screams in pain and agony as blood is spattered in all directions.
Somaria has been slain by Safiyah i'Xiia.
Somaria drops a carton of eggs.
Somaria drops a bunch of pennyroyal.
Somaria drops a sparkleberry.
Somaria drops a bunch of pennyroyal.
Somaria drops a sprig of chervil.
Somaria drops a sprig of chervil.
Somaria drops a sprig of chervil.
Somaria drops a stalk of faeleaf.
Somaria drops a stalk of faeleaf.
Somaria drops a sprig of chervil.
Somaria drops a sprig of chervil.
3479h, 4396m, 5244e, 10p exk-wield cudgel
You begin to wield a mystic cudgel in your left hand.
Iwiertas begins to wield a kite shield in his left hand.
You begin to wield a magic tome in your right hand.
Iwiertas begins to wield a golden sickle in his right hand.
The soul of Somaria swirls in the air like a sparkling whirlwind, then vanishes in a flash of chromatic colours.
Safiyah i'Xiia says, "I am most disappointed that it has come to this."
Druid Iwiertas, the Midnight Crow says, "I see."
Somaria arrives from the northwest.
Safiyah i'Xiia says, "But a gentleman cannot allow a whore to slap him."
Druid Iwiertas, the Midnight Crow says, "Would you kindly..."
Druid Iwiertas, the Midnight Crow hisses, "Explain yourself."
Arilyon arrives following Ashai d'Murani.
Ashai arrives from the northwest.
With widening eyes, Safiyah i'Xiia says, "Explain myself? Why! Explanations are so dull."
Iwiertas smiles softly.
Safiyah i'Xiia says, "It is a pity our interview has been cut short, dear Iwiertas."
Safiyah i'Xiia says, "Regretably it seems I have some... urgent business to attend to."
Arilyon gives Safiyah i'Xiia the once-over, eyeing him suspiciously.
Somaria begins to follow you.
Safiyah i'Xiia smiles pleasantly at the growing party of angry forest-dwellers.
Druid Iwiertas, the Midnight Crow smiles broadly and says, "Shame, tell Fain I send him my best wishes."
Safiyah i'Xiia smiles with a tinge of malice.
Safiyah i'Xiia says, "I will do just that."
Druid Iwiertas, the Midnight Crow asks, "Perhaps Maylea can cheer him up with a bunch of wildflowers?"
You say, "Enough, Iwiertas."
Druid Iwiertas, the Midnight Crow gives a vicious smile.
Somaria tells you, "Apologies.."
A crimson robed viscanti dissolves into the mist.
You look thoughtful and say, "This is problematic."
Iwiertas tells you, "Wait... no."
Iwiertas tells you, "Come here."
You get up off a long black leather couch.
Somaria tilts her head curiously at you.
Iwiertas tells you, "Quickly."
You say, "Follow."
You say, "Quickly."
Somaria gets up off a long black leather couch.
Somaria begins to follow you.
Somaria nods her head emphatically.
You shed Shadowcaster faeling form and flow as a spirit through the verdant leaves, embracing the physical once more and arrive at putrefied glen.
Putrefied glen.
The hypnotic scent of roses lingers in the air, permeating the terrain in an array of sweet aromas from a healing shrine of Viravain nearby. Filling the firmament is a lattice of heavy grey clouds. Casting darkness all around, a shadow totem thrusts up from the ground, chilling the air. A blackthorn sapling clings tenaciously to the ground here. Clad in elegant crimson robes, a handsome viscanti smiles warmly from the shadows of his cowl. A starving deer stands here, trembling. Druid Iwiertas, the Midnight Crow is here.
You see exits leading southwest and northwest.
Observing your entrance, Safiyah i'Xiia conceals a sneer behind his hand as he affects a cough.
Druid Iwiertas, the Midnight Crow asks, "I'm sorry, sir?"
3479h, 4396m, 5244e, 10p exk-look safiyah
Lean and athletic despite the enveloping crimson vestments that hang about him, this young viscanti male stands with an effortless excellence of deportment. Framed by the red of his cowl, his features are noble. High cheek bones lend his visage an unconscious arrogance, and large violet-irised eyes gaze evenly from either side above an aristocratic nose. His skin is dark and unblemished, with a natural sheen. His hair is fashionably cut, and his mouth is curved in a pleasant smile. His robes, though of simple priestly cut, are of costly manufacture, with golden thread tracing complex patterns upon silky cloth dyed a bright and lustrous crimson. An expensive scent hangs about him, and he wears a single, unostentatious ring bearing the i'Xiia coat of arms.
Safiyah i'Xiia has an air of extreme strength.
Somaria tells you, "Damn.."
{Edited out bits of me running around like a headless chicken. No idea why I did that}
Safiyah i'Xiia says, "Lord Emar d'Murani, what a pleasure."
Safiyah i'Xiia flashes a charming smile.
Iwiertas jerks slightly as the air fills with sparkling motes of bright light.
Iwiertas raises an eyebrow questioningly.
You blink.
Spreading his arms wide, Iwiertas spins clockwise and a shimmering white orb springs up around him.
You ask Safiyah i'Xiia, "What do you want, visitor?"
Safiyah i'Xiia laughs pleasantly.
Safiyah i'Xiia says, "Why! To take the air amid this pleasantly pungent forest."
Safiyah i'Xiia says, "Are you exercising, noble Emar? You seem to be running around."
Safiyah i'Xiia examines his finger nails absently.
You suddenly notice Somaria casually standing in the location.
Safiyah i'Xiia says, "One might almost say.. panicked."
You smile softly.
Somaria Makiare` crosses her arms under her chest, narrowing her eyes gently as she regards the Viscanti.
Druid Iwiertas, the Midnight Crow frowns and says, "Quite."
Turning his eyes upwards, Safiyah i'Xiia composes his face into a semblance of piety and murmurs a prayer.
Safiyah i'Xiia chuckles melodiously to himself.
Your eyes sparkle with amusement.
Safiyah i'Xiia says, "Quite the conundrum."
You say to Safiyah i'Xiia, "I assure you that it was nothing of the kind, though I am sure you have not made the trek from your home to exchange mere pleasantries."
You raise an eyebrow questioningly.
Somaria's eyes repeatedly shut as she tries to stay awake.
Safiyah i'Xiia says, "I cannot begin to imagine why you chose to live in this ghastly, dank wood."
Safiyah i'Xiia says, "The society here is simply disgraceful."
Iwiertas gives a pained sigh.
Plainly, you say, "I would say the same of that city of yours."
With an insincere laugh, Safiyah i'Xiia says, "Quite, quite."
Safiyah i'Xiia says, "It has certainly gone down hill. There is nothing but scandal and gossip."
Safiyah i'Xiia says, "But I do wonder what could possibly have possessed you to move out to this cultural backwater."
You raise an eyebrow questioningly.
Iwiertas tilts his head and listens intently.
Somaria's eyes repeatedly shut as she tries to stay awake.
Safiyah i'Xiia sniffs the air in an over-exaggerated fashion.
Safiyah i'Xiia says, "So damp."
You say, "I do prefer it to the noxious air of taint that pertains yours, but I suppose it is each to their own, no?"
The cloud cover clears, revealing the sparkling night sky.
Iwiertas's mouth turns up as his face breaks into a smile.
The screeching of a crow echoes through the dark woods, sounding almost like harsh laughter.
Somaria smiles softly at Iwiertas.
With a twinkle in his eye, Safiyah i'Xiia says, "This is a curious failing in a curious faeling."
You beat your wings furiously, hovering in the air.
Druid Iwiertas, the Midnight Crow smiles with a wink and says, "I'm certain the fact that it's alive might bear some attraction. I seem to remember the last -life- I saw in Magnagora was some wildflowers."
Safiyah i'Xiia says, "After all, your family, somewhat vulgar though it may be, was born in the womb of taint and rose to semi-greatness out of its rich and fertile earth."
Somaria's eyes repeatedly shut as she tries to stay awake.
Safiyah i'Xiia says, "For the temple of My Master is the world."
Safiyah i'Xiia says, "All, even these dreadful, backwood woods."
You chuckle long and heartily.
Iwiertas peers at you unscrupulously.
Iwiertas reaches out and touches Somaria.
Shaking his head, you say, "It seems we are still exchanging pleasantries. Well, if so, then you must allow me to indulge more... I care little for d'Murani business, but I assure you whatever scandal that apparently flocks here is nothing compared to the incestuous scandal that breeds within the city of taint."
You smile and say, "And I think you shall find, that your Master has no influence in the Dark Forest."
Safiyah i'Xiia exclaims, "So I have heard!"
Safiyah i'Xiia says, "You d'Murani must try to curb your enthusiasms."
Safiyah i'Xiia says, "Pleasantries."
With a wicked smile, Druid Iwiertas, the Midnight Crow says, "I must say, the last report I had on your city labeled them as the reason for a lot of your culture."
Safiyah i'Xiia pauses and gazes at you in mock befuddlement.
Safiyah i'Xiia says, "I have quite forgotten why I was here."
Safiyah i'Xiia exclaims, "Ah yes!"
You smile and say, "I still do not know why you are here."
Safiyah i'Xiia says, "The prodigal druid."
Somaria narrows her eyes to thin slits.
Iwiertas's mouth turns up as his face breaks into a smile.
Somaria's exhausted mind can stay awake no longer, and she falls into a deep sleep.
A large shadow flits across the edge of your vision for a bare instant, vanishing between the trees.
Druid Iwiertas, the Midnight Crow asks, "And you wish?"
Safiyah i'Xiia says, "My dear Somaria, you glower far too much. You should be careful lest it leave lines on the skin."
Iwiertas narrows his eyes to thin slits.
Somaria opens her eyes and yawns mightily.
Somaria stands up and stretches her arms out wide.
Safiyah i'Xiia says, "Was it a pleasant sleep, Somaria?"
Somaria Makiare` says to Safiyah i'Xiia, "Speak not to me."
Somaria glances askance.
Safiyah i'Xiia says, "You have quite the reputation, or so I've heard."
Iwiertas winces in pain.
Somaria narrows her eyes to thin slits.
Somaria Makiare` asks, "Reputation?"
Druid Iwiertas, the Midnight Crow says, "Look at me, Viscanti."
Safiyah i'Xiia says, "They say you over-charged."
Druid Iwiertas, the Midnight Crow says, "Now."
Safiyah i'Xiia examines his fingernails critically.
Somaria steps up to Safiyah i'Xiia and, in one smooth motion, backhands him viciously across the face.
Iwiertas gives a pained sigh.
Safiyah i'Xiia shakes his hands free of his sleeves and flicks his wrists, unleashing twin coruscating bolts of crimson lightning at Somaria.
Safiyah i'Xiia says, "Now now, we cannot have that."
Safiyah i'Xiia shakes his hands free of his sleeves and flicks his wrists, unleashing twin coruscating bolts of crimson lightning at Somaria.
Safiyah i'Xiia begins to chant in a deep and baleful voice, and an iron cross rises up from the ground before Somaria. Vicious spikes slam into her flesh and nail her to the cross. She screams in pain and agony as blood is spattered in all directions.
Somaria has been slain by Safiyah i'Xiia.
Somaria drops a carton of eggs.
Somaria drops a bunch of pennyroyal.
Somaria drops a sparkleberry.
Somaria drops a bunch of pennyroyal.
Somaria drops a sprig of chervil.
Somaria drops a sprig of chervil.
Somaria drops a sprig of chervil.
Somaria drops a stalk of faeleaf.
Somaria drops a stalk of faeleaf.
Somaria drops a sprig of chervil.
Somaria drops a sprig of chervil.
3479h, 4396m, 5244e, 10p exk-wield cudgel
You begin to wield a mystic cudgel in your left hand.
Iwiertas begins to wield a kite shield in his left hand.
You begin to wield a magic tome in your right hand.
Iwiertas begins to wield a golden sickle in his right hand.
The soul of Somaria swirls in the air like a sparkling whirlwind, then vanishes in a flash of chromatic colours.
Safiyah i'Xiia says, "I am most disappointed that it has come to this."
Druid Iwiertas, the Midnight Crow says, "I see."
Somaria arrives from the northwest.
Safiyah i'Xiia says, "But a gentleman cannot allow a whore to slap him."
Druid Iwiertas, the Midnight Crow says, "Would you kindly..."
Druid Iwiertas, the Midnight Crow hisses, "Explain yourself."
Arilyon arrives following Ashai d'Murani.
Ashai arrives from the northwest.
With widening eyes, Safiyah i'Xiia says, "Explain myself? Why! Explanations are so dull."
Iwiertas smiles softly.
Safiyah i'Xiia says, "It is a pity our interview has been cut short, dear Iwiertas."
Safiyah i'Xiia says, "Regretably it seems I have some... urgent business to attend to."
Arilyon gives Safiyah i'Xiia the once-over, eyeing him suspiciously.
Somaria begins to follow you.
Safiyah i'Xiia smiles pleasantly at the growing party of angry forest-dwellers.
Druid Iwiertas, the Midnight Crow smiles broadly and says, "Shame, tell Fain I send him my best wishes."
Safiyah i'Xiia smiles with a tinge of malice.
Safiyah i'Xiia says, "I will do just that."
Druid Iwiertas, the Midnight Crow asks, "Perhaps Maylea can cheer him up with a bunch of wildflowers?"
You say, "Enough, Iwiertas."
Druid Iwiertas, the Midnight Crow gives a vicious smile.
Somaria tells you, "Apologies.."
A crimson robed viscanti dissolves into the mist.
You look thoughtful and say, "This is problematic."
Kante2008-06-14 23:34:15
Great log.
Somaria2008-06-15 13:27:29
QUOTE(Emar @ Jun 14 2008, 03:26 PM) 521484
I did!
I dislike the puppet. Like.. A lot. =/
Ralanbek2008-06-15 17:37:33
QUOTE(Shaddus Mes @ Jun 14 2008, 05:38 AM) 521354
It works for me.
I offer corpses, He ignores me, I don't get anything out of the order, but hey, it gives me a warm fuzzy feeling.
I offer corpses, He ignores me, I don't get anything out of the order, but hey, it gives me a warm fuzzy feeling.
:sigh: me too and a pretty good prayer for Him.... Gotta think of a cunning plan to practice the principles of His order to get His Attention i hear.
Sthai2008-06-15 17:40:22
QUOTE(ralanbek @ Jun 15 2008, 01:37 PM) 521729
:sigh: me too and a pretty good prayer for Him.... Gotta think of a cunning plan to practice the principles of His order to get His Attention i hear.
Creativity and speaking up helps! Also tasks!