Shaddus2008-07-03 23:23:08
I almost beat the hell out of Sthai in the middle, I was actually worried that I was getting busted down in the ranks. Damn you and your stealthy ways!!
<3 Sthai!
In Arimisia's manse, gemcutting spam here.
Thoros, riding a hellish night mare, leaves to the southeast, emanating an aura
of immense power.
A hellish night mare rears up and sends a bank of black clouds rolling to the
southeast, upon which she gallops away.
Without warning, agonising pain stabs you in the chest. It spreads down your
limbs and up your torso in squirming icy tendrils, and your eyes are blinded
with a crimson radiance as Fain's mind momentarily touches yours.
Revan peers at you unscrupulously.
You blink in confusion at Revan and ask, "Wot?"
Sohei Revan n'Kylbar, the Legion's Blade says, "You fain people... bah."
A wry smile spreads across your face.
You say, "Why, what did you see?"
Sohei Revan n'Kylbar, the Legion's Blade says, "With your glowing red eyes."
You utter a deep, rumbling laugh.
A strange sensation of being in the wrong place overtakes you before the area
before you parts suddenly, and you are pulled into a swirling mass of colour and
twisting shapes. A brief moment passes before your incomprehensible surroundings
peel away to reveal you standing before Fain.
A green gallery.
Sthai is here, smiling faintly. She wields an elegant viola of the engine in her
left hand and a dark shield bearing a crimson mask in her right. Fain, of the
Red Masque stands here surrounded by a crimson miasma of wailing souls. He
wields a sleek katana forged of blackened steel and wreathed in flames with both
You see exits leading east and northwest.
You grovel in the dirt before Fain.
A sense of chilly malevolence fills you as a black direwolf strides in from the
Sthai d'Murani, Aois-Dana casts her gaze across you, a thin smile on her lips.
Coolly, Sthai d'Murani, Aois-Dana says to you, "Greetings, Supplicant."
Black drool spills off a black direwolf's massive tongue, burning holes in the
Tendrils of a thick crimson smoke snake out of Fain's hands, spiraling back
towards Him and consuming His body whole before dispersing into the aether.
You say, "Greetings, Tongue."
A green gallery.
The walls are daubed with a deep peacock-green hue, which glistens and drips
with a sweaty moisture which exudes from the walls. Dark over-embellished
ravenwood furniture looms malevolently from out of the shadows of this barely
illumined chamber, and ancient Hallifaxian carpets lie thread-bare upon creaking
wooden boards. Annotated with elegant golden script, the planes are depicted in
silver inlay upon the ceiling, and glint in the flickering candle light of a
dangling iron chandelier. Upon the walls, gilt-framed oil paintings of glaring
viscanti wearing crimson regalia bear brass legends listing prominent past order
members. A black direwolf stands here, eyes smoldering with crimson flame. Sthai
is here, smiling faintly. She wields an elegant viola of the engine in her left
hand and a dark shield bearing a crimson mask in her right.
You see exits leading east and northwest.
You stand straight up.
Gesturing with a flick of her wrist, Sthai d'Murani, Aois-Dana says, "Your
Tapestry, Supplicant?"
Sthai d'Murani, Aois-Dana smiles thinly, eyes narrowed in malice.
You say, "Aye. The Charites rejected the idea of it moving, so I had to change
You scowl miserably.
You say, "Otherwise, it has been completed."
You discern:
You are standing in the Temple of Fain.
Your environment conforms to that of chaos.
You are in the Plane of Creation.
Coldly, Sthai d'Murani, Aois-Dana says, "Disappointing."
Sthai purses her lips pensively, gazing off into the distance as she carefully
gathers her thoughts.
You say, "Indeed. Some do not fully realize the greatness possible in such
The ghost of a smile passes fleetingly across Sthai's lips.
Sthai d'Murani, Aois-Dana says, "And some linger overlong on a task, striving no
more along other paths."
Sthai curls her lip and sneers arrogantly.
You wave your hand dismissively.
Blandly, Sthai d'Murani, Aois-Dana says, "You failed, Shaddus."
You say, "Some have paths not easily visible to others, Sthai."
:where I started getting pissed off:
{* New Target: (sthai) *}
{* FF Attack set for *}
{* FF Attack set for *}
Eyes whirling with crimson fire, Sthai d'Murani, Aois-Dana says, "You will use
my title, Supplicant."
Sthai d'Murani, Aois-Dana's hand rises from her side, fire burning in the palm
of it.
You say, "Of course. Is there something I may do for you, Lady Tongue?"
Distantly, Sthai d'Murani, Aois-Dana says, "Word has come to my ears,
Supplicant, from my Eyes within the Legion's Order."
Behind the clink of glasses and prattle of conversation, a hidden orchestra
plays a slow, elegant waltz.
You raise an eyebrow questioningly.
Sthai d'Murani, Aois-Dana closes her hand over the fire. The scent of burning
flesh fills the chamber.
Sthai d'Murani, Aois-Dana's expression does not change.
Distantly, turning to regard the paintings, Sthai d'Murani, Aois-Dana says,
"They say, Supplicant, that you are seen before His altars - that your hunger
for power leads you to the Legion's boots."
Sthai curls her lip and sneers arrogantly.
You roll your eyes.
Sthai d'Murani, Aois-Dana turns, glaring down at you.
You say, "Those around you seem to lie. Though, it amuses me that you would
accuse me of such."
Purring, Sthai d'Murani, Aois-Dana says, "It is an easy lie with such... poor
You say, "I have tried to serve Lord Fain since before He allowed me to truly
grovel at his feet. Why would I go to another?"
Sthai removes you from the Supplicants of the Divine Order of Fain, of the Red
:REALLY got pissed:
Sthai d'Murani, Aois-Dana says, "Why indeed..."
Sthai ponders the situation.
You raise an eyebrow at Sthai.
| Sohei of the Despondent Faith, Shaddus Mes'ard, Wyrmwood Trademaster ---|
| Sex : Male Birthday : 9th Klangiary 177 |
| Race : Illithoid Age : 32 |
| Mentor : Nobody Mentorship: Able to mentor |
|------------------------------------------------------------------ VITALS|
| Health : 4936/4936 Endurance : 22240/22240 Power : 10p |
| Mana : 4332/4332 Willpower : 19720/19720 Reserves : 8% |
| Ego : 2769/2622 Mindset : Pedantic Esteem : 2% |
|------------------------------------------------------------------- KARMA|
| Karma : 32% |
| The karmic blessing of harmony : 15 hours 16 minutes |
|---------------------------------------------------------------- RANKINGS|
| Experience : #134 2nd Circle of the Fates Level : 84 (22.69%) |
| Explorer : #165 a Pioneer of the Unknown |
|----------------------------------------------------------- ORGANIZATIONS|
| Collegium : the College of Necromantic & Tainted Research (honours, |
| High Chancellor) |
| Guild : the Sohei of the Despondent Faith in the Ninjakari |
| City : Master in the Mighty Dominion of Magnagora |
| Aide To : the Ambassador, and the Minister of Trade |
|------------------------------------------------------- CLANS AND CARTELS|
| The Wyrmwood Artisan Cartel* The Midnight Legion |
| The Daughters' Artificiers Avante Garde |
| The Daughters' Paraphernalia Architects of the Engine |
| Jhagar Dreymos Trading Association |
| Onyx Feline Artisan Cartel House D'cente` |
| Citadel of Lost Voices |
4936h, 4332m, 2769e, 10p, esSilrxkb<>-|Safe|{1.81}
Sthai graciously grants you entrance into the Divine Order of Fain, of the Red
Masque. Congratulations, and may you serve your God well.
| Sohei of the Despondent Faith, Shaddus Mes'ard, Wyrmwood Trademaster ---|
| Sex : Male Birthday : 9th Klangiary 177 |
| Race : Illithoid Age : 32 |
| Mentor : Nobody Mentorship: Able to mentor |
|------------------------------------------------------------------ VITALS|
| Health : 4936/4936 Endurance : 22240/22240 Power : 10p |
| Mana : 4332/4332 Willpower : 19720/19720 Reserves : 8% |
| Ego : 2769/2622 Mindset : Pedantic Esteem : 2% |
|------------------------------------------------------------------- KARMA|
| Karma : 32% |
| The karmic blessing of harmony : 15 hours 16 minutes |
|---------------------------------------------------------------- RANKINGS|
| Experience : #134 2nd Circle of the Fates Level : 84 (22.69%) |
| Explorer : #165 a Pioneer of the Unknown |
|----------------------------------------------------------- ORGANIZATIONS|
| Collegium : the College of Necromantic & Tainted Research (honours, |
| High Chancellor) |
| Guild : the Sohei of the Despondent Faith in the Ninjakari |
| City : Master in the Mighty Dominion of Magnagora |
| Aide To : the Ambassador, and the Minister of Trade |
| Order : One of the Masked of Fain, of the Red Masque | <-- The lowest rank, which is why I got pissed.
|------------------------------------------------------- CLANS AND CARTELS|
| The Wyrmwood Artisan Cartel* The Midnight Legion |
| The Daughters' Artificiers Avante Garde |
| The Daughters' Paraphernalia Architects of the Engine |
| Jhagar Dreymos Trading Association |
| Onyx Feline Artisan Cartel House D'cente` |
| Citadel of Lost Voices |
You say, "Indeed."
You lick your lips.
Sthai smirks.
Sthai d'Murani, Aois-Dana says, "Congratulations, Supplicant."
A black direwolf glowers at Sthai with burning red eyes.
You smirk.
Sthai d'Murani, Aois-Dana says, "The clerks, they make error on your rank."
You say, "How so?"
Sthai d'Murani, Aois-Dana flicks her fingers dismissively.
Sthai d'Murani, Aois-Dana says, "Your Supplicant rank has gone missing."
You say, "Imagine that."
Sthai d'Murani, Aois-Dana says, "Such happens when we induct into the Middle
Sthai shrugs helplessly.
You wave your hand dismissively.
Sthai d'Murani, Aois-Dana says, "One is reguired to remove the Outer Circle
Sthai smirks.
You say, "I can serve Lord Fain no matter my title or rank in the order."
Behind the clink of glasses and prattle of conversation, a hidden orchestra
plays a slow, elegant waltz.
You are exhausted and open your mouth in an enormous yawn.
Sthai d'Murani, Aois-Dana says to you, "Indeed. Be glad that Kanika is not
within the realms."
Sthai smirks.
Oh?' you exclaim quizzically at Sthai.
You say, "How so?"
Sthai d'Murani, Aois-Dana says to you, "We use whatever tools are provided to
insult and enrage those who stand before the Order proper."
Sthai d'Murani, Aois-Dana says to you, "To better test mettle."
A wry smile spreads across your face.
Tears flow freely from your eyes as Fain appoints you to Supplicant before the
A black direwolf looks about fiercely with pools of fire in his eyes.
You say, "You would find me hard to enrage, Lady Tongue."
***Edited out for decency. Something bad that happened to someone in the order. ***
You lick your lips.
Sthai d'Murani, Aois-Dana says, "Ah, not Madara."
Sthai d'Murani, Aois-Dana says, "Amalii."
Sthai d'Murani, Aois-Dana says, "Madara was beaten until bloody across the floor
Smirking, you say, "If such is the will of Lord Fain, I welcome it."
A black direwolf raises his blood-streaked muzzle and howls his praises to the
Crimson Lord.
Sthai d'Murani, Aois-Dana taps her lips thoughtfully with a finger.
Smirking, Sthai d'Murani, Aois-Dana says, "Morvior himself was made meat for
certain of His creatures... the poor beasts were so... lonely."
You utter a deep, rumbling laugh.
Sthai d'Murani, Aois-Dana says, "Now, Supplicant. Come with me."
You begin to follow Sthai.
Sthai d'Murani, Aois-Dana says, "Let us discuss which path you shall follow
going forwards."
Anyway, my RP'ing sucks, Sthai is always awesome at it. My wife was yelling "supper time, get off the damn computer" so I was a bit distracted.
<3 Sthai!
In Arimisia's manse, gemcutting spam here.
Thoros, riding a hellish night mare, leaves to the southeast, emanating an aura
of immense power.
A hellish night mare rears up and sends a bank of black clouds rolling to the
southeast, upon which she gallops away.
Without warning, agonising pain stabs you in the chest. It spreads down your
limbs and up your torso in squirming icy tendrils, and your eyes are blinded
with a crimson radiance as Fain's mind momentarily touches yours.
Revan peers at you unscrupulously.
You blink in confusion at Revan and ask, "Wot?"
Sohei Revan n'Kylbar, the Legion's Blade says, "You fain people... bah."
A wry smile spreads across your face.
You say, "Why, what did you see?"
Sohei Revan n'Kylbar, the Legion's Blade says, "With your glowing red eyes."
You utter a deep, rumbling laugh.
A strange sensation of being in the wrong place overtakes you before the area
before you parts suddenly, and you are pulled into a swirling mass of colour and
twisting shapes. A brief moment passes before your incomprehensible surroundings
peel away to reveal you standing before Fain.
A green gallery.
Sthai is here, smiling faintly. She wields an elegant viola of the engine in her
left hand and a dark shield bearing a crimson mask in her right. Fain, of the
Red Masque stands here surrounded by a crimson miasma of wailing souls. He
wields a sleek katana forged of blackened steel and wreathed in flames with both
You see exits leading east and northwest.
You grovel in the dirt before Fain.
A sense of chilly malevolence fills you as a black direwolf strides in from the
Sthai d'Murani, Aois-Dana casts her gaze across you, a thin smile on her lips.
Coolly, Sthai d'Murani, Aois-Dana says to you, "Greetings, Supplicant."
Black drool spills off a black direwolf's massive tongue, burning holes in the
Tendrils of a thick crimson smoke snake out of Fain's hands, spiraling back
towards Him and consuming His body whole before dispersing into the aether.
You say, "Greetings, Tongue."
A green gallery.
The walls are daubed with a deep peacock-green hue, which glistens and drips
with a sweaty moisture which exudes from the walls. Dark over-embellished
ravenwood furniture looms malevolently from out of the shadows of this barely
illumined chamber, and ancient Hallifaxian carpets lie thread-bare upon creaking
wooden boards. Annotated with elegant golden script, the planes are depicted in
silver inlay upon the ceiling, and glint in the flickering candle light of a
dangling iron chandelier. Upon the walls, gilt-framed oil paintings of glaring
viscanti wearing crimson regalia bear brass legends listing prominent past order
members. A black direwolf stands here, eyes smoldering with crimson flame. Sthai
is here, smiling faintly. She wields an elegant viola of the engine in her left
hand and a dark shield bearing a crimson mask in her right.
You see exits leading east and northwest.
You stand straight up.
Gesturing with a flick of her wrist, Sthai d'Murani, Aois-Dana says, "Your
Tapestry, Supplicant?"
Sthai d'Murani, Aois-Dana smiles thinly, eyes narrowed in malice.
You say, "Aye. The Charites rejected the idea of it moving, so I had to change
You scowl miserably.
You say, "Otherwise, it has been completed."
You discern:
You are standing in the Temple of Fain.
Your environment conforms to that of chaos.
You are in the Plane of Creation.
Coldly, Sthai d'Murani, Aois-Dana says, "Disappointing."
Sthai purses her lips pensively, gazing off into the distance as she carefully
gathers her thoughts.
You say, "Indeed. Some do not fully realize the greatness possible in such
The ghost of a smile passes fleetingly across Sthai's lips.
Sthai d'Murani, Aois-Dana says, "And some linger overlong on a task, striving no
more along other paths."
Sthai curls her lip and sneers arrogantly.
You wave your hand dismissively.
Blandly, Sthai d'Murani, Aois-Dana says, "You failed, Shaddus."
You say, "Some have paths not easily visible to others, Sthai."
:where I started getting pissed off:
{* New Target: (sthai) *}
{* FF Attack set for
{* FF Attack set for
Eyes whirling with crimson fire, Sthai d'Murani, Aois-Dana says, "You will use
my title, Supplicant."
Sthai d'Murani, Aois-Dana's hand rises from her side, fire burning in the palm
of it.
You say, "Of course. Is there something I may do for you, Lady Tongue?"
Distantly, Sthai d'Murani, Aois-Dana says, "Word has come to my ears,
Supplicant, from my Eyes within the Legion's Order."
Behind the clink of glasses and prattle of conversation, a hidden orchestra
plays a slow, elegant waltz.
You raise an eyebrow questioningly.
Sthai d'Murani, Aois-Dana closes her hand over the fire. The scent of burning
flesh fills the chamber.
Sthai d'Murani, Aois-Dana's expression does not change.
Distantly, turning to regard the paintings, Sthai d'Murani, Aois-Dana says,
"They say, Supplicant, that you are seen before His altars - that your hunger
for power leads you to the Legion's boots."
Sthai curls her lip and sneers arrogantly.
You roll your eyes.
Sthai d'Murani, Aois-Dana turns, glaring down at you.
You say, "Those around you seem to lie. Though, it amuses me that you would
accuse me of such."
Purring, Sthai d'Murani, Aois-Dana says, "It is an easy lie with such... poor
You say, "I have tried to serve Lord Fain since before He allowed me to truly
grovel at his feet. Why would I go to another?"
Sthai removes you from the Supplicants of the Divine Order of Fain, of the Red
:REALLY got pissed:
Sthai d'Murani, Aois-Dana says, "Why indeed..."
Sthai ponders the situation.
You raise an eyebrow at Sthai.
| Sohei of the Despondent Faith, Shaddus Mes'ard, Wyrmwood Trademaster ---|
| Sex : Male Birthday : 9th Klangiary 177 |
| Race : Illithoid Age : 32 |
| Mentor : Nobody Mentorship: Able to mentor |
|------------------------------------------------------------------ VITALS|
| Health : 4936/4936 Endurance : 22240/22240 Power : 10p |
| Mana : 4332/4332 Willpower : 19720/19720 Reserves : 8% |
| Ego : 2769/2622 Mindset : Pedantic Esteem : 2% |
|------------------------------------------------------------------- KARMA|
| Karma : 32% |
| The karmic blessing of harmony : 15 hours 16 minutes |
|---------------------------------------------------------------- RANKINGS|
| Experience : #134 2nd Circle of the Fates Level : 84 (22.69%) |
| Explorer : #165 a Pioneer of the Unknown |
|----------------------------------------------------------- ORGANIZATIONS|
| Collegium : the College of Necromantic & Tainted Research (honours, |
| High Chancellor) |
| Guild : the Sohei of the Despondent Faith in the Ninjakari |
| City : Master in the Mighty Dominion of Magnagora |
| Aide To : the Ambassador, and the Minister of Trade |
|------------------------------------------------------- CLANS AND CARTELS|
| The Wyrmwood Artisan Cartel* The Midnight Legion |
| The Daughters' Artificiers Avante Garde |
| The Daughters' Paraphernalia Architects of the Engine |
| Jhagar Dreymos Trading Association |
| Onyx Feline Artisan Cartel House D'cente` |
| Citadel of Lost Voices |
4936h, 4332m, 2769e, 10p, esSilrxkb<
Sthai graciously grants you entrance into the Divine Order of Fain, of the Red
Masque. Congratulations, and may you serve your God well.
| Sohei of the Despondent Faith, Shaddus Mes'ard, Wyrmwood Trademaster ---|
| Sex : Male Birthday : 9th Klangiary 177 |
| Race : Illithoid Age : 32 |
| Mentor : Nobody Mentorship: Able to mentor |
|------------------------------------------------------------------ VITALS|
| Health : 4936/4936 Endurance : 22240/22240 Power : 10p |
| Mana : 4332/4332 Willpower : 19720/19720 Reserves : 8% |
| Ego : 2769/2622 Mindset : Pedantic Esteem : 2% |
|------------------------------------------------------------------- KARMA|
| Karma : 32% |
| The karmic blessing of harmony : 15 hours 16 minutes |
|---------------------------------------------------------------- RANKINGS|
| Experience : #134 2nd Circle of the Fates Level : 84 (22.69%) |
| Explorer : #165 a Pioneer of the Unknown |
|----------------------------------------------------------- ORGANIZATIONS|
| Collegium : the College of Necromantic & Tainted Research (honours, |
| High Chancellor) |
| Guild : the Sohei of the Despondent Faith in the Ninjakari |
| City : Master in the Mighty Dominion of Magnagora |
| Aide To : the Ambassador, and the Minister of Trade |
| Order : One of the Masked of Fain, of the Red Masque | <-- The lowest rank, which is why I got pissed.
|------------------------------------------------------- CLANS AND CARTELS|
| The Wyrmwood Artisan Cartel* The Midnight Legion |
| The Daughters' Artificiers Avante Garde |
| The Daughters' Paraphernalia Architects of the Engine |
| Jhagar Dreymos Trading Association |
| Onyx Feline Artisan Cartel House D'cente` |
| Citadel of Lost Voices |
You say, "Indeed."
You lick your lips.
Sthai smirks.
Sthai d'Murani, Aois-Dana says, "Congratulations, Supplicant."
A black direwolf glowers at Sthai with burning red eyes.
You smirk.
Sthai d'Murani, Aois-Dana says, "The clerks, they make error on your rank."
You say, "How so?"
Sthai d'Murani, Aois-Dana flicks her fingers dismissively.
Sthai d'Murani, Aois-Dana says, "Your Supplicant rank has gone missing."
You say, "Imagine that."
Sthai d'Murani, Aois-Dana says, "Such happens when we induct into the Middle
Sthai shrugs helplessly.
You wave your hand dismissively.
Sthai d'Murani, Aois-Dana says, "One is reguired to remove the Outer Circle
Sthai smirks.
You say, "I can serve Lord Fain no matter my title or rank in the order."
Behind the clink of glasses and prattle of conversation, a hidden orchestra
plays a slow, elegant waltz.
You are exhausted and open your mouth in an enormous yawn.
Sthai d'Murani, Aois-Dana says to you, "Indeed. Be glad that Kanika is not
within the realms."
Sthai smirks.
Oh?' you exclaim quizzically at Sthai.
You say, "How so?"
Sthai d'Murani, Aois-Dana says to you, "We use whatever tools are provided to
insult and enrage those who stand before the Order proper."
Sthai d'Murani, Aois-Dana says to you, "To better test mettle."
A wry smile spreads across your face.
Tears flow freely from your eyes as Fain appoints you to Supplicant before the
A black direwolf looks about fiercely with pools of fire in his eyes.
You say, "You would find me hard to enrage, Lady Tongue."
***Edited out for decency. Something bad that happened to someone in the order. ***
You lick your lips.
Sthai d'Murani, Aois-Dana says, "Ah, not Madara."
Sthai d'Murani, Aois-Dana says, "Amalii."
Sthai d'Murani, Aois-Dana says, "Madara was beaten until bloody across the floor
Smirking, you say, "If such is the will of Lord Fain, I welcome it."
A black direwolf raises his blood-streaked muzzle and howls his praises to the
Crimson Lord.
Sthai d'Murani, Aois-Dana taps her lips thoughtfully with a finger.
Smirking, Sthai d'Murani, Aois-Dana says, "Morvior himself was made meat for
certain of His creatures... the poor beasts were so... lonely."
You utter a deep, rumbling laugh.
Sthai d'Murani, Aois-Dana says, "Now, Supplicant. Come with me."
You begin to follow Sthai.
Sthai d'Murani, Aois-Dana says, "Let us discuss which path you shall follow
going forwards."
Anyway, my RP'ing sucks, Sthai is always awesome at it. My wife was yelling "supper time, get off the damn computer" so I was a bit distracted.
Ardmore2008-07-03 23:37:03
Did your wife get the backhand?
Because that would be very wrong you wife-beater.
Because that would be very wrong you wife-beater.
Shaddus2008-07-03 23:40:44
QUOTE(Ardmore @ Jul 3 2008, 06:37 PM) 528344
Did your wife get the backhand?
Because that would be very wrong you wife-beater.
Because that would be very wrong you wife-beater.
Wait, wha?
No, Sthai suggested it.
Never mind, I thought you meant IC wife. No, my wife calls the cops when we get into it, I learned long ago not to hit back

Arkansas seems to have this idea that it's alright for a woman to hit a man, but obviously not the other way around.
Amarysse2008-07-03 23:46:04
Fain (and those of his followers that I've seen) are absolutely, unquestionably horrible, vile, and thoroughly terrifying IC. I adore reading things like this, as I'm always impressed. 

Shaddus2008-07-03 23:48:21
QUOTE(Amarysse @ Jul 3 2008, 06:46 PM) 528350
Fain (and those of his followers that I've seen) are absolutely, unquestionably horrible, vile, and thoroughly terrifying IC. I adore reading things like this, as I'm always impressed. 

Actually, I'm not, which sucks. I am the nicest person IC, and don't really fit into the Order well. Shaddus just picked Fain for the chance to serve, he has like a serf mentality where he is happiest serving someone unconditionally, and Lord Fain sort of requires that, so it all fits.
Ardmore2008-07-03 23:55:16
QUOTE(Shaddus Mes @ Jul 3 2008, 07:48 PM) 528351
Actually, I'm not, which sucks. I am the nicest person IC, and don't really fit into the Order well. Shaddus just picked Fain for the chance to serve, he has like a serf mentality where he is happiest serving someone unconditionally, and Lord Fain sort of requires that, so it all fits.
You know... you can serve Me and be just as happy, mortal. Now polish My shoes and bash Me to demigod.
Sthai2008-07-04 01:11:36
It's always difficult finding the line with people. I want to make this great RP experience for folks, but it's so hard to do really good evil RP without completely pissing off the people involved.
If it makes you feel better, ask Celina what I did to her when she was about to get kicked out of Glom.
*not nice*

If it makes you feel better, ask Celina what I did to her when she was about to get kicked out of Glom.
*not nice*
Sthai2008-07-04 01:14:23
QUOTE(Shaddus Mes @ Jul 3 2008, 07:48 PM) 528351
Actually, I'm not, which sucks. I am the nicest person IC, and don't really fit into the Order well. Shaddus just picked Fain for the chance to serve, he has like a serf mentality where he is happiest serving someone unconditionally, and Lord Fain sort of requires that, so it all fits.
You fit in better than you think! Keep plugging away, Fain (and Sthai, admittedly) are hard to please.
vorld2008-07-04 01:27:47
QUOTE(Shaddus Mes @ Jul 3 2008, 06:48 PM) 528351
Actually, I'm not, which sucks. I am the nicest person IC, and don't really fit into the Order well. Shaddus just picked Fain for the chance to serve, he has like a serf mentality where he is happiest serving someone unconditionally, and Lord Fain sort of requires that, so it all fits.
I have the same mentality. Vorld does too.
Ashai2008-07-04 01:59:30
Sthai is wonderful. Doesn't help the d'Murincest.
Shaddus2008-07-04 02:09:17
QUOTE(Ashai @ Jul 3 2008, 08:59 PM) 528398
Sthai is wonderful. Doesn't help the d'Murincest.
They say jealousy makes the eyes turn green

Celina2008-07-04 04:34:28
QUOTE(Sthai @ Jul 3 2008, 08:14 PM) 528379
You fit in better than you think! Keep plugging away, Fain (and Sthai, admittedly) are hard to please.
So true.

Unknown2008-07-04 04:52:00
Hmm, I want to join Fain's Order now just to see them try and get me angry.
Kante2008-07-04 05:09:37
I was recently inducted into Fain's Order. So far, I rather like it. And by the looks of things, I really will enjoy it.
Sthai2008-07-05 23:40:17
A savage envy stirs your blood and fills your mind with muted fury as Fain's mind touches yours. In hues of red and black, stark visions flicker across your inner eye, maddening scenes of incomprehensible angles and shapes - the First World through Fain's eyes. Flickering through innumerable locations, Lisaera stands before you, her hand in yours, embracing you, laughing joyously at your wit; panic and fury seize you as she points accusingly at you before a council of battle-wearied divinities; from the shadows, you stretch out your vision and, in a garden of ethereal roses, Lisaera lies recumbant, stroking the mane of a four-footed horse god, glowing with emerald power. Burning envy fills your mind before the visions explode into needles of icy pain and Fain's presence departs from you.
Saaga2008-07-05 23:49:47
Shaddus2008-07-05 23:57:01
Wish I had a copy of the chaos that ensued afterwards in the city, it was nice. I got rid of my rp jones with it.
Amarysse2008-07-06 00:15:33
That... is awesome. In all fairness, though, I suppose there does need to be some "benefit" or OOC "coolness factor" to balance out the abuse his followers take. So... they grovel and are generally tormented in a variety of creative ways, but they get some of the best RP in the game.
Unknown2008-07-06 01:52:02
Ooh. Love and envy? I'm liking this Fain-Lisaera conflict. 

Celina2008-07-06 03:20:50
All of his Order members being connected with Fain's emotions is seriously one of my favorite parts of Lusternia. That one was particularly awesome.
<3 Fain. It's so awesome to be in the Order, best IC decision I ever made.
<3 Fain. It's so awesome to be in the Order, best IC decision I ever made.