Weird Parse Error in Cmud

by Unknown

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Unknown2008-01-13 20:19:33
So yea, right now I can't log in while loading my alias package because I'm getting this error. Can anyone help?
Unknown2008-01-13 20:27:14
I kind of got it to work, but changing the Parse Language to zScript from Lua (I don't know if I accidently changed this or something), but some stuff still isn't working right. For example, when I create a alias called "herb_faeleaf" with value of "outr faeleaf;eat faeleaf" it executes as "outr faeleaf|eat faeleaf".

Any suggestions on the Lua to zScript or the ; to |?
Unknown2008-01-14 13:29:22
Did you import your settings from zMUD or an older version of CMUD, maybe? If this is a completely fresh installation of CMUD 2.18, you shouldn't have these sorts of problems at all.
Unknown2008-01-15 03:37:16
I already messaged this to you IG, but if you look at the bottom right-hand corner, the weird blue magnifying glass thingy, if you hover over it, it says the parsing is in Lua, and you'll get a parsing error if you try to put anything in. Just click on it twice to change the parsing back to zScript.