Xiel2008-01-15 01:04:21
Murky, soggy muskeg.
The bright sun shines down, blanketing you with its life-giving warmth. You see
exits leading northeast, east, and southeast.
As you stride confidently across the ground, you suddenly discover you have
stepped into a pit of peat as you sink down to your knees.
1260h, 916m, 1146e, 1p, 3686en, 3690w ep<>-ne
You have recovered balance on all limbs.
1260h, 916m, 1146e, 1p, 3686en, 3690w exp /16:52:58.828/<>-
You crouch down to begin to hop northeast.
1260h, 916m, 1146e, 1p, 3686en, 3690w exp /16:52:59.234/<>-
Iola arrives from the southeast.
1260h, 916m, 1146e, 1p, 3690en, 3690w exp /16:52:59.984/<>-
You must first raise yourself from the floor and stand up.
1260h, 916m, 1146e, 1p, 3690en, 3690w exp<>-ne
You crouch down to begin to hop northeast.
1260h, 916m, 1146e, 1p, 3690en, 3690w exp /16:53:01.828/<>-
You must first raise yourself from the floor and stand up.
1260h, 916m, 1146e, 1p, 3690en, 3690w exp /16:53:02.328/<>-
The irritating thrum of buzzing insects echoes noisily around you.
1260h, 916m, 1146e, 1p, 3690en, 3690w exp<>-springup
You are a toad! The only thing you can do is move and ribbit.
1260h, 916m, 1146e, 1p, 3690en, 3690w exp<>-ne
You crouch down to begin to hop northeast.
1260h, 916m, 1146e, 1p, 3690en, 3690w exp /16:53:05.421/<>-
You must first raise yourself from the floor and stand up.
1260h, 916m, 1146e, 1p, 3690en, 3690w exp<>-springup
You are a toad! The only thing you can do is move and ribbit.
1260h, 916m, 1146e, 1p, 3690en, 3690w exp<>-look
Murky, soggy muskeg.
The bright sun shines down, blanketing you with its life-giving warmth.
Deceptive clumps of scrubby pines and spiky grasses make the ground appear more
solid than it is, and cause many missteps that slow progress through the bog. A
few pools of open water are home to some loudly quacking ducks that dive down to
feast on the rich blend of plants slowly rotting just below the surface. The
strong smell of rotting vegetation permeates everything and a large cluster of
skunk cabbage, their singular yellow petals vivid against the dark green of the
rest of the plants, adds its pungent perfume to the heady air. Iola L'Eternae,
High Wisdom of the Moon is here. She wields a silver mirror shield in her left
hand and an athame dagger in her right.
You see exits leading northeast, east, and southeast.
1260h, 916m, 1146e, 1p, 3690en, 3690w exp<>-se
You crouch down to begin to hop southeast.
1260h, 916m, 1146e, 1p, 3690en, 3690w exp /16:53:11.906/<>-
You must first raise yourself from the floor and stand up.
1260h, 916m, 1146e, 1p, 3690en, 3690w exp<>-springup
You are a toad! The only thing you can do is move and ribbit.
1260h, 916m, 1146e, 1p, 3690en, 3690w exp<>-ne
You crouch down to begin to hop northeast.
1260h, 916m, 1146e, 1p, 3690en, 3690w exp /16:53:16.062/<>-
You must first raise yourself from the floor and stand up.
1260h, 916m, 1146e, 1p, 3690en, 3690w exp<>-say bad
You are a toad! The only thing you can do is move and ribbit.
1260h, 916m, 1146e, 1p, 3690en, 3690w exp<>-ne
You crouch down to begin to hop northeast.
1260h, 916m, 1146e, 1p, 3690en, 3690w exp<>-ne
You crouch down to begin to hop northeast.
1260h, 916m, 1146e, 1p, 3690en, 3690w exp /16:53:21.281/<>-
You must first raise yourself from the floor and stand up.
1260h, 916m, 1146e, 1p, 3690en, 3690w exp<>-ne
You crouch down to begin to hop northeast.
1260h, 916m, 1146e, 1p, 3690en, 3690w exp<>-stand
You are a toad! The only thing you can do is move and ribbit.
1260h, 916m, 1146e, 1p, 3690en, 3690w exp /16:53:23.765/<>-
With mounting horror, you see Iola slowly lift a gargantuan foot up over you and
then bring it crashing down upon your back, cracking your ribs painfully.
7h, 916m, 1146e, 1p, 3690en, 3690w exp<>-ne
You crouch down to begin to hop northeast.
7h, 916m, 1146e, 1p, 3690en, 3690w exp /16:53:25.750/<>-
You must first raise yourself from the floor and stand up.
7h, 916m, 1146e, 1p, 3690en, 3690w exp<>-look
Murky, soggy muskeg.
The bright sun shines down, blanketing you with its life-giving warmth.
Deceptive clumps of scrubby pines and spiky grasses make the ground appear more
solid than it is, and cause many missteps that slow progress through the bog. A
few pools of open water are home to some loudly quacking ducks that dive down to
feast on the rich blend of plants slowly rotting just below the surface. The
strong smell of rotting vegetation permeates everything and a large cluster of
skunk cabbage, their singular yellow petals vivid against the dark green of the
rest of the plants, adds its pungent perfume to the heady air. Iola L'Eternae,
High Wisdom of the Moon is here. She wields a silver mirror shield in her left
hand and an athame dagger in her right.
You see exits leading northeast, east, and southeast.
7h, 916m, 1146e, 1p, 3690en, 3690w exp<>-stand
With mounting horror, you see Iola slowly lift a gargantuan foot up over you and
then bring it crashing down upon your back, cracking your ribs painfully.
Your back breaks under the weight of a heavy foot, smashing your vital organs to
pulp. Unable to withstand the pressure, you die an ignoble toady death.
You have been slain by Iola.
The bright sun shines down, blanketing you with its life-giving warmth. You see
exits leading northeast, east, and southeast.
As you stride confidently across the ground, you suddenly discover you have
stepped into a pit of peat as you sink down to your knees.
1260h, 916m, 1146e, 1p, 3686en, 3690w ep<>-ne
You have recovered balance on all limbs.
1260h, 916m, 1146e, 1p, 3686en, 3690w exp /16:52:58.828/<>-
You crouch down to begin to hop northeast.
1260h, 916m, 1146e, 1p, 3686en, 3690w exp /16:52:59.234/<>-
Iola arrives from the southeast.
1260h, 916m, 1146e, 1p, 3690en, 3690w exp /16:52:59.984/<>-
You must first raise yourself from the floor and stand up.
1260h, 916m, 1146e, 1p, 3690en, 3690w exp<>-ne
You crouch down to begin to hop northeast.
1260h, 916m, 1146e, 1p, 3690en, 3690w exp /16:53:01.828/<>-
You must first raise yourself from the floor and stand up.
1260h, 916m, 1146e, 1p, 3690en, 3690w exp /16:53:02.328/<>-
The irritating thrum of buzzing insects echoes noisily around you.
1260h, 916m, 1146e, 1p, 3690en, 3690w exp<>-springup
You are a toad! The only thing you can do is move and ribbit.
1260h, 916m, 1146e, 1p, 3690en, 3690w exp<>-ne
You crouch down to begin to hop northeast.
1260h, 916m, 1146e, 1p, 3690en, 3690w exp /16:53:05.421/<>-
You must first raise yourself from the floor and stand up.
1260h, 916m, 1146e, 1p, 3690en, 3690w exp<>-springup
You are a toad! The only thing you can do is move and ribbit.
1260h, 916m, 1146e, 1p, 3690en, 3690w exp<>-look
Murky, soggy muskeg.
The bright sun shines down, blanketing you with its life-giving warmth.
Deceptive clumps of scrubby pines and spiky grasses make the ground appear more
solid than it is, and cause many missteps that slow progress through the bog. A
few pools of open water are home to some loudly quacking ducks that dive down to
feast on the rich blend of plants slowly rotting just below the surface. The
strong smell of rotting vegetation permeates everything and a large cluster of
skunk cabbage, their singular yellow petals vivid against the dark green of the
rest of the plants, adds its pungent perfume to the heady air. Iola L'Eternae,
High Wisdom of the Moon is here. She wields a silver mirror shield in her left
hand and an athame dagger in her right.
You see exits leading northeast, east, and southeast.
1260h, 916m, 1146e, 1p, 3690en, 3690w exp<>-se
You crouch down to begin to hop southeast.
1260h, 916m, 1146e, 1p, 3690en, 3690w exp /16:53:11.906/<>-
You must first raise yourself from the floor and stand up.
1260h, 916m, 1146e, 1p, 3690en, 3690w exp<>-springup
You are a toad! The only thing you can do is move and ribbit.
1260h, 916m, 1146e, 1p, 3690en, 3690w exp<>-ne
You crouch down to begin to hop northeast.
1260h, 916m, 1146e, 1p, 3690en, 3690w exp /16:53:16.062/<>-
You must first raise yourself from the floor and stand up.
1260h, 916m, 1146e, 1p, 3690en, 3690w exp<>-say bad
You are a toad! The only thing you can do is move and ribbit.
1260h, 916m, 1146e, 1p, 3690en, 3690w exp<>-ne
You crouch down to begin to hop northeast.
1260h, 916m, 1146e, 1p, 3690en, 3690w exp<>-ne
You crouch down to begin to hop northeast.
1260h, 916m, 1146e, 1p, 3690en, 3690w exp /16:53:21.281/<>-
You must first raise yourself from the floor and stand up.
1260h, 916m, 1146e, 1p, 3690en, 3690w exp<>-ne
You crouch down to begin to hop northeast.
1260h, 916m, 1146e, 1p, 3690en, 3690w exp<>-stand
You are a toad! The only thing you can do is move and ribbit.
1260h, 916m, 1146e, 1p, 3690en, 3690w exp /16:53:23.765/<>-
With mounting horror, you see Iola slowly lift a gargantuan foot up over you and
then bring it crashing down upon your back, cracking your ribs painfully.
7h, 916m, 1146e, 1p, 3690en, 3690w exp<>-ne
You crouch down to begin to hop northeast.
7h, 916m, 1146e, 1p, 3690en, 3690w exp /16:53:25.750/<>-
You must first raise yourself from the floor and stand up.
7h, 916m, 1146e, 1p, 3690en, 3690w exp<>-look
Murky, soggy muskeg.
The bright sun shines down, blanketing you with its life-giving warmth.
Deceptive clumps of scrubby pines and spiky grasses make the ground appear more
solid than it is, and cause many missteps that slow progress through the bog. A
few pools of open water are home to some loudly quacking ducks that dive down to
feast on the rich blend of plants slowly rotting just below the surface. The
strong smell of rotting vegetation permeates everything and a large cluster of
skunk cabbage, their singular yellow petals vivid against the dark green of the
rest of the plants, adds its pungent perfume to the heady air. Iola L'Eternae,
High Wisdom of the Moon is here. She wields a silver mirror shield in her left
hand and an athame dagger in her right.
You see exits leading northeast, east, and southeast.
7h, 916m, 1146e, 1p, 3690en, 3690w exp<>-stand
With mounting horror, you see Iola slowly lift a gargantuan foot up over you and
then bring it crashing down upon your back, cracking your ribs painfully.
Your back breaks under the weight of a heavy foot, smashing your vital organs to
pulp. Unable to withstand the pressure, you die an ignoble toady death.
You have been slain by Iola.
....can toads at least be able to stand? -.-
Shamarah2008-01-15 01:06:17
Well, encountering something like that is REALLY rare. It's not really much of an issue.
Well, encountering something like that is REALLY rare. It's not really much of an issue.
Unknown2008-01-15 01:13:40
Maybe STAND Would of worked, you were just using SPRINGUP
Acrune2008-01-15 01:19:06
QUOTE(Luxi @ Jan 14 2008, 08:13 PM) 477078
Maybe STAND Would of worked, you were just using SPRINGUP
1260h, 916m, 1146e, 1p, 3690en, 3690w exp<>-stand
You are a toad! The only thing you can do is move and ribbit.
You are a toad! The only thing you can do is move and ribbit.
Shorlen2008-01-15 01:21:09
Pretty sure that random environmental effect is the only thing that can cause sprawled to a toad....
Xiel2008-01-15 01:40:01
Not a big issue, true...but I just want to stand. 

Gwylifar2008-01-15 16:18:13
While it might be rare, it's not like making STAND work for toads would have any other impact but fixing this.