Krellan2008-01-21 01:36:13
dunno I've never been bt so I wouldn't know.
Xavius2008-01-21 02:26:55
And you're not the first one to say it, so either you or your banned friend (Narsrim?) probably heard it from someone else who was equally mislead. Doesn't change that spit's never given rigormortis. You'd all (rightfully) cry nerf if rebirth's spirit randomly popped out and smacked you with rigormortis.
Krellan2008-01-21 02:38:29
Personally, I want a stag buff. I actually thought of one use for Stag and I still think it's worthless. It was Narsrim who said it and while I'm not the most buddy buddy with Narsrim, I do usually take into consideration his opinions on skills since I think most people will give him that he's pretty knowledgable in that department. I mostly just posted for that part about what Crow does. I demand stag upgrades!!
Xavius2008-01-21 02:52:06
A buff for your totem animal seems like a perfectly fine idea. I want Crow to be as powerful as Stag, though. 
Ok, yes, we have rebirth and you don't. I'm still jealous.

Ok, yes, we have rebirth and you don't. I'm still jealous.
Krellan2008-01-21 03:01:22
From what most say, BT druidry is stronger than HS druidry though. So it in a sense 'balances' out how well it does so I don't know. Too bad I suck at ideas and the best I can really do is convince people to agree for a buff. It'd be nice if it was a passive affliction too to add to the outside demesne mobility. I personally wouldn't mind adding a balance/eq loss when tossing them up in the tree, maybe even sprawled.
Hyrtakos2008-01-21 03:10:23
Stag stomp is better than anything a BT gets as far as sticking sap.
Xavius2008-01-21 03:38:53
And if you ever feel like trading medicinebag for regurgitate or a nest for a spirit totem, let me know.