Shamarah2008-01-22 11:47:52
For the record steelgrip has no effect on ninshi. Ninshi can't be parried, dodged (except by acro), or miss even if you don't use steelgrip.
Geb2008-01-22 13:05:20
QUOTE(Arix @ Jan 22 2008, 12:36 PM) 479384
If you can't beat 'em, nerf 'em.
If you can't fight, become a monk.
See, I can make an equally asinine statement.
QUOTE(Shamarah @ Jan 22 2008, 12:47 PM) 479385
For the record steelgrip has no effect on ninshi. Ninshi can't be parried, dodged (except by acro), or miss even if you don't use steelgrip.
Damn, so it is not even considered a normal grapple and as such does not require an expenditure of KA to make it always hit.
QUOTE(Visaeris Maeloch @ Jan 22 2008, 12:04 PM) 479383
Not quite. The cool kids go 10% faster than that.
Thank you for being honest and letting everyone know.
EDIT: If you see other posts after you finish, it's better to edit your previous post than to make a new one. - Mod
Unknown2008-01-22 13:42:33
QUOTE(geb @ Jan 22 2008, 01:05 PM) 479392
If you can't fight, become a monk.
See, I can make an equally asinine statement.
See, I can make an equally asinine statement.
Not to mention that, save for recovering lost lessons, nobody's class is written in stone tablets. It's unlike games where you can spend massive amounts of time building a character up, only to discover that, as another class is the love child of the game creator, you're forever hosed.
On top of that, it's not like Geb hasn't experienced monks, or has been a constant decrier of them. In fact, he was defending them not so long ago.
I mean, personally, I've not felt compelled to buy any credits until I decide if I want to just say screw it and hop on the monk wagon, or wait it out and see if they can actually make the class reasonable.
Shiri2008-01-22 13:47:51
Firstly, Arix wasn't directing his comments at Geb.
Secondly, classes are set in some pretty damn firm clay, if not stone. It costs a large amount to change classes from tritrans, and classes and guilds are tied so if you have any investment in a guild your options for changing are limited. Also, what does this have to do with anything?
Thirdly, please don't post as a guest. And/or come back and post who you were after the fact. (It's ok if you did this accidentally and didn't notice, but please correct it in that case!)
Secondly, classes are set in some pretty damn firm clay, if not stone. It costs a large amount to change classes from tritrans, and classes and guilds are tied so if you have any investment in a guild your options for changing are limited. Also, what does this have to do with anything?
Thirdly, please don't post as a guest. And/or come back and post who you were after the fact. (It's ok if you did this accidentally and didn't notice, but please correct it in that case!)
Zacc2008-01-22 21:17:26
Simple solution to the Acrobatics problem (at least in regards to tripleflash and hyperactive):
1. Make tripleflash a bards only skill. Monks with tripleflash= not good. Run in, attack for a few seconds while no one can touch you, run out. And we all know how much damage they can do in a few seconds (particularly Ninjakari).
2. Make hyperactive a bard thing or remove it (like bards really need it anyway).
1. Make tripleflash a bards only skill. Monks with tripleflash= not good. Run in, attack for a few seconds while no one can touch you, run out. And we all know how much damage they can do in a few seconds (particularly Ninjakari).
2. Make hyperactive a bard thing or remove it (like bards really need it anyway).
Shamarah2008-01-22 21:30:26
Oh, Zacc, you're such a kidder.
Arix2008-01-22 21:32:59
I'm remembering some sage advice I once got from Forren, when I was having trouble fighting bards, it went something like: Get a system and learn to fight. Forren, with his God-like unbeatable system and equally unbeatable combat skills, is having trouble with monks, so if HE can't beat them, then nobody else has a chance, and they must be nerfed. 
Seriously though, I wish people would stop trying to change monks so much. If everyone gets their way they'll be as boring as bards. If you're going to nerf, at least leave our PvE alone, let us have SOMETHING to make the class worth playing.
Also Geb, my comment was meant in a joking manner. I'm sorry I forgot the smiley, I didn't think you were one of those people that needed them to know when I was joking. I personally play ninjakari because they have fun skills, not because they are supposedly OP.

Seriously though, I wish people would stop trying to change monks so much. If everyone gets their way they'll be as boring as bards. If you're going to nerf, at least leave our PvE alone, let us have SOMETHING to make the class worth playing.
Also Geb, my comment was meant in a joking manner. I'm sorry I forgot the smiley, I didn't think you were one of those people that needed them to know when I was joking. I personally play ninjakari because they have fun skills, not because they are supposedly OP.
Hyrtakos2008-01-23 00:10:04
Zacc, let's not stop there. Don't short yourself -- lich and trueheal should be bard only skills as well.
Ruptures, but namely Ninshi, seem to be the problem with Ninjakari at the moment (I don't think chaindrag is all that bad). As has been said, why can't you just agree to what should be blatantly obvious and make it able to be parried and allow health to be applied there?
Ruptures, but namely Ninshi, seem to be the problem with Ninjakari at the moment (I don't think chaindrag is all that bad). As has been said, why can't you just agree to what should be blatantly obvious and make it able to be parried and allow health to be applied there?
Geb2008-01-23 01:04:59
QUOTE(Arix @ Jan 22 2008, 10:32 PM) 479506
Also Geb, my comment was meant in a joking manner. I'm sorry I forgot the smiley, I didn't think you were one of those people that needed them to know when I was joking. I personally play ninjakari because they have fun skills, not because they are supposedly OP.
Arix, I am neither your friend nor someone who even talks to you in game. All I know of you is from what you post here, and most of it I ignore. I pointed out that your statement was asinine by making one that was equally asinine. Simply put, I will judge you based on what I see you do, not on what you intended in your own mind, but did not make clear in the post.
Unknown2008-01-23 06:27:17
Ninshi is bugged heh, Visaeris said something in game like it was acting like it has steelgrip which is why it's not being parried/dodged. 

Shiri2008-01-23 06:29:08
You can still give it steelgrip though, so it's not like that changes much.
Revan2008-01-23 06:38:06
you can, shiri... but then you can't use other mods 

Shiri2008-01-23 06:39:09
You 100% sure about that? Pretty sure you could on test server, but they may have changed ka costs.
Stangmar2008-01-23 19:11:50
Zacc was dodging my ninshi's left and right the other day. It works.....
Xenthos2008-01-23 19:44:37
QUOTE(stangmar @ Jan 23 2008, 02:11 PM) 479801
Zacc was dodging my ninshi's left and right the other day. It works.....
Isn't Zacc an acrobatics user?
By "dodge," they mean "stance dodge," not "A skill that most guilds don't have access to so it can't be used for balance discussions" dodge.
Forren2008-01-23 20:31:30
Acrobatics being used as a reason for Ninjakari not being overpowered = Forren frustrated.
Arix2008-01-23 21:27:51
Forren teleporting in to attack people then using divinefire to escape= meh
Forren2008-01-23 21:30:38
QUOTE(Arix @ Jan 23 2008, 04:27 PM) 479827
Forren teleporting in to attack people then using divinefire to escape= meh
Said person jumping combat newbie and hiding in city after he prays to escape retribution = meh.
Wrong thread, Arix.
Unknown2008-01-23 21:34:12
QUOTE(Arix @ Jan 23 2008, 03:27 PM) 479827
Forren teleporting in to attack people then using divinefire to escape= meh

Arix2008-01-23 21:35:03
There is no right thread, so I rants where I can. Well wasn't really a rant, just kind of a 'want to pelt Forren with stale toast' kinda thing.

For someone who hates ninjas, you sure have no problem using our smileys.

For someone who hates ninjas, you sure have no problem using our smileys.