Tekora2008-01-24 01:16:31
*looks at the arguments to nerf Ninjakari based on the above-par stats and bonuses of min-maxed race and skill selection *
*looks at his Illithoid-Psymet Ninjakari that can't keep up with the min-maxers already*
*thinks about how supposed nerfs will affect his combat viability*
Nice to know that when I finally find (Help build? I'd like to think I did.) a class in this game where I don't have to spend hundreds of dollars on credits to have a chance at being successful in combat, that decisions are being made as to their overall power based on the min-maxers, not the middle-tier.
Do I expect to be able to take down Forren as a Tri-Virtuoso Level 70 Illithoid Psymet Ninjakari? Of course not. Do I expect to be able to take on someone my own might? I sure as hell do. Too bad Ninjakari is the only class I've played in this game so far that lets me do that.
It pisses me off seeing people crusading against Ninjakari like we're the damn Turks invading Jerusalem. You didn't see me with giant red text in my signature when Acrune was doing 4,000 damage per MinorSecond to me.
But Catarin's argument probably pisses me off the most. Are you actually complaining about the fact that we are able to kill you EVENTUALLY? For those that have forgotten...
This whole thing just boggles my mind. If I'm not mistaken, ISN'T THE POINT OF COMBAT TO BE ABLE TO KILL THE OTHER GUY? Honestly, I'm asking! Because it sounds like your argument is based on the problem of us being able to KILL YOU. Is that your big rub? That we CAN kill you as opposed to your typical warrior vs warrior fight where you end up swinging at each other for 2 hours until one of you gets bored? Think on that a bit.
I don't have the financial means to spend hundreds of dollars to get to Tri-trans. Stop making me useless in combat just because I have to buy food before I can buy credits. And if you even think for a moment that I shouldn't be allowed to be viable in combat if I'm not as financially secure as you, then
*looks at his Illithoid-Psymet Ninjakari that can't keep up with the min-maxers already*
*thinks about how supposed nerfs will affect his combat viability*
Nice to know that when I finally find (Help build? I'd like to think I did.) a class in this game where I don't have to spend hundreds of dollars on credits to have a chance at being successful in combat, that decisions are being made as to their overall power based on the min-maxers, not the middle-tier.
Do I expect to be able to take down Forren as a Tri-Virtuoso Level 70 Illithoid Psymet Ninjakari? Of course not. Do I expect to be able to take on someone my own might? I sure as hell do. Too bad Ninjakari is the only class I've played in this game so far that lets me do that.
It pisses me off seeing people crusading against Ninjakari like we're the damn Turks invading Jerusalem. You didn't see me with giant red text in my signature when Acrune was doing 4,000 damage per MinorSecond to me.
But Catarin's argument probably pisses me off the most. Are you actually complaining about the fact that we are able to kill you EVENTUALLY? For those that have forgotten...
Right now it is mechanically impossible to survive a competent ninjakari offense unless you have one of the few abilities that can actually slow a monk down.
But, in reality it is the instant kill that you need to worry about which can be done as soon as you have 13 ruptures stuck on you. For a faeling ninjakari it takes 34 seconds to get to that point. For a regular one, 45.
It's pretty simple math really. There is no mechanical way to keep up with ruptures. You WILL get them stacked on you and if you stick along long enough and they're a halfway decent fighter, they WILL kill you with that instakill.
But, in reality it is the instant kill that you need to worry about which can be done as soon as you have 13 ruptures stuck on you. For a faeling ninjakari it takes 34 seconds to get to that point. For a regular one, 45.
It's pretty simple math really. There is no mechanical way to keep up with ruptures. You WILL get them stacked on you and if you stick along long enough and they're a halfway decent fighter, they WILL kill you with that instakill.
This whole thing just boggles my mind. If I'm not mistaken, ISN'T THE POINT OF COMBAT TO BE ABLE TO KILL THE OTHER GUY? Honestly, I'm asking! Because it sounds like your argument is based on the problem of us being able to KILL YOU. Is that your big rub? That we CAN kill you as opposed to your typical warrior vs warrior fight where you end up swinging at each other for 2 hours until one of you gets bored? Think on that a bit.
I don't have the financial means to spend hundreds of dollars to get to Tri-trans. Stop making me useless in combat just because I have to buy food before I can buy credits. And if you even think for a moment that I shouldn't be allowed to be viable in combat if I'm not as financially secure as you, then

Arix2008-01-24 01:26:59
Unknown2008-01-24 01:28:30
Sorry guys, but the truth is Ninjakari needs some nerfs.
Note: There's a difference between balancing a skillset and tearing it apart because you're pissed someone killed you.
Note: There's a difference between balancing a skillset and tearing it apart because you're pissed someone killed you.
Arix2008-01-24 01:30:23
don't Narsrim the Ninjakari just yet please
Tekora2008-01-24 01:33:49
QUOTE(Archer2 @ Jan 23 2008, 08:28 PM) 479890
Sorry guys, but the truth is Ninjakari needs some nerfs.
Note: There's a difference between balancing a skillset and tearing it apart because you're pissed someone killed you.
Note: There's a difference between balancing a skillset and tearing it apart because you're pissed someone killed you.
I'm not saying don't nerf it. I'm saying, base it on a middle-ground, not min-maxed characters.
Don't turn Ninjakari into Mages/Druids (Need Staffcast) or Guardians (Need Symbols) or Warriors (Need Pinleg/Tendon) where you need to be near-trans, if not, AT trans to be viable in combat.
Bring on the racial rebalancing, already. I'm tired of being the only Illithoid in the Ninjakari.
Myndaen2008-01-24 01:33:57
I say, keep ruptures as they are AND add back old heartburst or whatever it was.
Big thumbs up from me!
Big thumbs up from me!
Xiel2008-01-24 01:37:48
@Tekora: There's a difference between having a skillset that can kill someone with some measure of skill and a skill which utterly decimates someone without any effort because of the mechanical impossibility of keeping up a pace to cure against it. Not that I'm voicing my opinion about this subject since I'm still iffy myself about the concept of monks, but everyone knows that a new skill, let alone a new class, will get nerfed to balance it out with everyone. Overreacting to such a degree because you don't want your skills to be balanced by folk or even have those folk voice their own opinions on such a matter just makes you look bad.
Catarin2008-01-24 01:47:49
QUOTE(Tekora @ Jan 23 2008, 06:16 PM) 479887
But Catarin's argument probably pisses me off the most. Are you actually complaining about the fact that we are able to kill you EVENTUALLY? For those that have forgotten...
This whole thing just boggles my mind. If I'm not mistaken, ISN'T THE POINT OF COMBAT TO BE ABLE TO KILL THE OTHER GUY? Honestly, I'm asking! Because it sounds like your argument is based on the problem of us being able to KILL YOU. Is that your big rub? That we CAN kill you as opposed to your typical warrior vs warrior fight where you end up swinging at each other for 2 hours until one of you gets bored? Think on that a bit.
I don't have the financial means to spend hundreds of dollars to get to Tri-trans. Stop making me useless in combat just because I have to buy food before I can buy credits. And if you even think for a moment that I shouldn't be allowed to be viable in combat if I'm not as financially secure as you, then
This whole thing just boggles my mind. If I'm not mistaken, ISN'T THE POINT OF COMBAT TO BE ABLE TO KILL THE OTHER GUY? Honestly, I'm asking! Because it sounds like your argument is based on the problem of us being able to KILL YOU. Is that your big rub? That we CAN kill you as opposed to your typical warrior vs warrior fight where you end up swinging at each other for 2 hours until one of you gets bored? Think on that a bit.
I don't have the financial means to spend hundreds of dollars to get to Tri-trans. Stop making me useless in combat just because I have to buy food before I can buy credits. And if you even think for a moment that I shouldn't be allowed to be viable in combat if I'm not as financially secure as you, then

I am uncertain if you've actually paid attention to the arguments or you're just ranting because you feel like people are unfairly trying to nerf a class you consider perfectly balanced. Whether you can personally afford to buy credits is pretty much irrelevant to the discussion. It is a matter of balance. If you are interested in that, great, read the thread and what people are actually saying. If you just want to rant, you could create a thread over in the Idiots! section.
Tekora2008-01-24 01:57:45
QUOTE(Catarin @ Jan 23 2008, 08:47 PM) 479902
I am uncertain if you've actually paid attention to the arguments or you're just ranting because you feel like people are unfairly trying to nerf a class you consider perfectly balanced. Whether you can personally afford to buy credits is pretty much irrelevant to the discussion. It is a matter of balance. If you are interested in that, great, read the thread and what people are actually saying. If you just want to rant, you could create a thread over in the Idiots! section.
And what do you personally find unbalanced? Is it the SPEED at which we are killing you? It sounds like that could be your problem. Or is it that the rupture instakill is doing what it was designed for and allowing for us to kill you 7500+ HP tanks? "It's a matter of balance." isn't much of an argument without supporting details.
Maybe you should read MY post and see that my main argument is how you 'upper-tier' fighters always get together and make your judgements based on your level of skill and financial investment rather than the average player. Or, EXACTLY WHAT YOU WERE DOING IN THIS THREAD BEFORE I POSTED. The money thing is only a sub-point of that.
Unknown2008-01-24 02:15:02

Tekora2008-01-24 02:23:50
Date: 1/23/2008 at 23:54
From: Roark Libertas
To : Everyone
Subj: Couple Changes
+ Fixed a bug where ninshi could not be dodged or parried under any
Date: 1/23/2008 at 23:54
From: Roark Libertas
To : Everyone
Subj: Couple Changes
+ Fixed a bug where ninshi could not be dodged or parried under any
Shamarah2008-01-24 02:35:56
QUOTE(Myndaen @ Jan 23 2008, 08:33 PM) 479894
I say, keep ruptures as they are AND add back old heartburst or whatever it was.
Big thumbs up from me!
Big thumbs up from me!
Let's bring back dilute too.
Unknown2008-01-24 02:38:57
QUOTE(Shamarah @ Jan 24 2008, 02:35 AM) 479917
Let's bring back dilute too.
How about unlimited demesne size and mage summon?
Rika2008-01-24 02:43:12
Revan2008-01-24 02:49:47
mmmmm tclap.....
Imagine if that skill was still here today
Imagine if that skill was still here today
Unknown2008-01-24 02:57:22
QUOTE(Revan @ Jan 24 2008, 02:49 AM) 479922
mmmmm tclap.....
Imagine if that skill was still here today
Imagine if that skill was still here today
Alright, let me imagine....hm....mhm....

Forren2008-01-24 03:02:02
Let's bring back Wepaw.
Ildaudid2008-01-24 03:16:08
We could just try to bring back people like Alger, Diamante and Tuek. People who actually figured out how to get around the offenses of other classes, then destroyed their opponents. That would be a nice refreshing change. 

Acrune2008-01-24 23:15:28
QUOTE(Tekora @ Jan 23 2008, 08:16 PM) 479887
Do I expect to be able to take on someone my own might? I sure as hell do. Too bad Ninjakari is the only class I've played in this game so far that lets me do that.
And that doesn't seem like a sign to you? You change guilds and suddenly fight better against people your own might then you ever have before? Interesting, considering you have a lot more experience in other guilds then monks. It looks to me like you're clinging to OP skills because you don't think you're good enough without them.
Ashteru2008-01-24 23:27:21
QUOTE(Acrune @ Jan 25 2008, 12:15 AM) 480219
And that doesn't seem like a sign to you? You change guilds and suddenly fight better against people your own might then you ever have before? Interesting, considering you have a lot more experience in other guilds then monks. It looks to me like you're clinging to OP skills because you don't think you're good enough without them.
...You thought your ridiculous damage was fine as a Bard....