Malicia2008-01-28 23:12:31
Lol this drips and reeks with hypocrisy
Stop picking on Acrune. He was actually pretty good as Celestine and I really don't remember Thoros sparring him much, in order to gain any real perception. He's not like all of these silly monks who can suddenly kill with much more ease (compared to how they did in their previous classes) and whine when necessary downgrades are applied.
That being said, I do agree with the recent slew of downgrades for bards/monks.
Ildaudid2008-01-28 23:16:03
QUOTE(Malicia @ Jan 28 2008, 06:12 PM) 481502
Stop picking on Acrune. He was actually pretty good as Celestine and I really don't remember Thoros or anyone sparring him much, in order to gain any real perception. He's not like all of these silly monks who can suddenly kill with much more ease (compared to how they did in their previous classes) and whine when necessary downgrades are applied.
That being said, I do agree with the recent slew of downgrades for bards/monks.
That being said, I do agree with the recent slew of downgrades for bards/monks.
Geb made the comment, and I am sure Geb has sparred him enough to know if he plays lazy or not. Everyone else just called him a hypocrite. Also your memory is quite shoddy on some things, so you not remembering is on par with Regan and the Iran/Contra affair.
Malicia2008-01-28 23:18:12
QUOTE(Ildaudid @ Jan 28 2008, 05:16 PM) 481504
Geb made the comment, and I am sure Geb has sparred him enough to know if he plays lazy or not. Everyone else just called him a hypocrite. Also your memory is quite shoddy on some things, so you not remembering is on par with Regan and the Iran/Contra affair.
Ildaudid, go take a dive. My comment is directed to some who paint Acrune as someone who had no skill prior to becoming a bard and suddenly being top-tier combatant. I don't think he's ever claimed it. He's not the only bard who argues fervently against any sort of downgrade. Kinda like monk players do now. Narsrim used to complain that Cantors were limited and underpowered, but I digress.
Arix2008-01-28 23:20:10
He's not like all of these silly monks who can suddenly kill with much more ease (compared to how they did in their previous classes) and whine when necessary downgrades are applied.
So you're saying that all monks are just whiny people who can't fight?
Ildaudid2008-01-28 23:20:58
Sorry the tub is already overfull. But I didn't notice Acrune saying he was top-tier at all. As a Celestine or a Bard. No need to get all defensive of Geb's statement or of people calling him a hypocrite. From what I know of Acrune, he could care less if people said he was a hypocrite.
I do remember Acrune going HAH! Everytime that evil bugger would maze us all (back when maze would cause people following the mazed person into the maze) ahhh that was fun.
I do remember Acrune going HAH! Everytime that evil bugger would maze us all (back when maze would cause people following the mazed person into the maze) ahhh that was fun.
Malicia2008-01-28 23:23:30
QUOTE(Arix @ Jan 28 2008, 05:20 PM) 481507
So you're saying that all monks are just whiny people who can't fight?
I'm saying that the downgrades were necessary. The people complaining about them now should 'adapt' as others were told to.
Ildaudid, try to keep up with me. I quoted Thoros in my post. My response isn't to Geb. Okay?

Ildaudid2008-01-28 23:27:26
QUOTE(Malicia @ Jan 28 2008, 06:23 PM) 481510
I'm saying that the downgrades were necessary. The people complaining about them now should 'adapt' as others were told to.
Ildaudid, try to keep up with me. I quoted Thoros in my post. My response isn't to Geb. Okay?
Ildaudid, try to keep up with me. I quoted Thoros in my post. My response isn't to Geb. Okay?

Your response was uneeded to begin with, Acrune can take care of himself... and I am sure he isn't sitting in a corner crying about what Thoros said. Actually he already responded to it before you came to his defense.
Arix2008-01-28 23:27:47
I would like to point out that becoming a monk did not magicly make me an UBER-PK bashmaster.
@Ild CFDB dude, CFDB
@Ild CFDB dude, CFDB

Malicia2008-01-28 23:29:20
QUOTE(Ildaudid @ Jan 28 2008, 05:27 PM) 481512
Your response was uneeded to begin with, Acrune can take care of himself... and I am sure he isn't sitting in a corner crying about what Thoros said. Actually he already responded to it before you came to his defense.
No u.
And learn to read. If you don't like my posts, block them.
Ildaudid2008-01-28 23:30:32
QUOTE(Arix @ Jan 28 2008, 06:27 PM) 481513
I would like to point out that becoming a monk did not magicly make me an UBER-PK bashmaster.
@Ild CFDB dude, CFDB
@Ild CFDB dude, CFDB

Arix2008-01-28 23:30:59
I was joking dude, see the smiley?
Malicia2008-01-28 23:32:45
QUOTE(Ildaudid @ Jan 28 2008, 05:30 PM) 481515

It's pretty much a sad spectacle anytime you post. Just run a search for all the garbage you put out. I commented on Thoros' post, which was in reponse to a statement he bolded. You don't have to run a block for Thoros either. I'm sure he can respond to me on his own, as well.
Arix2008-01-28 23:35:25
You two are made for eachother
Ildaudid2008-01-28 23:35:42
QUOTE(Malicia @ Jan 28 2008, 06:32 PM) 481519
It's pretty much a sad spectacle anytime you post. Just run a search for all the garbage you put out. I commented on Thoros' post, which was in reponse to a statement he bolded. You don't have to run a block for Thoros either. I'm sure he can respond to me on his own, as well.
Oh gee someone who has to try and get the last word in, no matter if no one is even speaking to her in the post she quoted

Sorry a touched a nerve hon, run along... nothing to see here.
Malicia2008-01-28 23:36:23
QUOTE(Arix @ Jan 28 2008, 05:35 PM) 481522
You two are made for eachother
No, I have taste. *punch*
Acrune2008-01-28 23:37:21
QUOTE(geb @ Jan 28 2008, 06:00 PM) 481495
I said you were good before being a bard. I also said that you are very lazy, and you will take the easy path if it is given to you. You rather not challenge yourself, if you don't have to. Still, if a challenge is forced on you, you can rise to it. What this means about bards is that it did not require you to put any real effort in to being good, and your laziness makes that fine and dandy to you.
Now that bards may require a little bit more effort to be good, you may surprise people with your ability to overcome what other bards may think is a hindrance. I know you can do it, but that is only if you overcome your nature to be lazy about your offense and stick with the archetype.
Now that bards may require a little bit more effort to be good, you may surprise people with your ability to overcome what other bards may think is a hindrance. I know you can do it, but that is only if you overcome your nature to be lazy about your offense and stick with the archetype.
Thats the thing about bards though- effort doesn't provide any reward. They're such a shallow class that spamming damage and afflictions is the most effective strategy. There's no room for anything fancier- most of the stuff we can do is completely random. There's a reason no one sticks around in the bard guilds, even when they were capable of doing over 3k damage a hit- bards are a uninteresting class without much potential.
Acrune2008-01-28 23:44:37
Wow, I take a half hour to make a post, and another whole page of posts appears!
First @ Ildaudid- I'm definitely lazy. When Geb said that I was "very good, but lazy" to me on some clan, I disagreed with the "very good" part. Which brings me to...
Second @ bunches of people- I've never considered myself a better fighter then "above average". If you call me top tier, I'll laugh at you. A lot.
And third:
First @ Ildaudid- I'm definitely lazy. When Geb said that I was "very good, but lazy" to me on some clan, I disagreed with the "very good" part. Which brings me to...
Second @ bunches of people- I've never considered myself a better fighter then "above average". If you call me top tier, I'll laugh at you. A lot.
And third:

Acrune2008-01-28 23:47:03
QUOTE(Ildaudid @ Jan 28 2008, 06:20 PM) 481508
I do remember Acrune going HAH! Everytime that evil bugger would maze us all (back when maze would cause people following the mazed person into the maze) ahhh that was fun.
Try and tell me that wasn't funny

Ildaudid2008-01-29 00:04:46
QUOTE(Acrune @ Jan 28 2008, 06:47 PM) 481533
Try and tell me that wasn't funny 

It was

Acrune2008-01-29 00:22:46
Once when I mazed Murphy's group, apparently he was drunk and didn't realize what happened, and he said something along the lines of "THOSE FCKERS RAN!"