Unknown2008-02-08 13:39:57
i really like the nexus clients background colour and was wondering if its possible to have that background colour in zmud?
Unknown2008-02-08 14:02:21
You can change the color of the background, but you're limited to the standard ANSI colors. You can't set a bitmap background, either.
Unknown2008-02-08 14:12:30
is there maybe a way to import a bitmap background?
Unknown2008-02-08 16:05:06
Unknown2008-02-08 19:29:33
do you know any mud clients that allow nice background textures and support mudbot?
Amarok2008-02-08 21:24:28
Who cares if it can display pretty pictures in the background?
The point of using a client, be it the decent ones like Zmud and MUSH, is for their scripting capabilities, and the complexity of them.
If you want pretty..stay Nexus
The point of using a client, be it the decent ones like Zmud and MUSH, is for their scripting capabilities, and the complexity of them.
If you want pretty..stay Nexus