Alternating outputs

by Elu

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Elu2008-02-26 00:35:49
I have like this silly little set of aliases and triggers I made for influencing. I want to make it so when I hit the trigger for charity it will beg one time then I hit the same thing and it will wheedle, and whatever the third one is the the next time.

But I bought a system and my coding is limited at basic triggers and aliases. I just need one example then I can apply it to all the attack styles. I'm fairly certain it's doable if anyone could help.
Sarrasri2008-02-26 01:32:01
#ALIAS charity {
  #IF (@lastcharity = "supplication") {
    influence @target with begging
    #variable lastcharity begging
    } {
    #IF (@lastcharity = "begging") {
      influence @target with wheedling
      #variable lastcharity wheedling
      } {
      #IF (@lastcharity = "wheedling") {
        influence @target with supplication
        #variable lastcharity supplication

That's pretty much what I have. Just need to make a variable to keep track of what influence was used last.

EDIT: This is for zMud.
Elu2008-02-26 04:14:47
Yat. Yeah Zmud's what I have. Forgot to say that :\\
Neuf2008-02-26 22:36:11
#alias inf {influence @target with %case(%random(1, 3), "Begging", "Supplication", "Wheedling")}