Bashara2008-03-25 18:27:20
5472h, 1631m, 2932e, 10900w ex-
With a focused look, Ragniliff strikes at you with an enormous gilded
broadsword. The blade bounces off your sternum, delivering only a shallow
4709h, 1631m, 2932e, 10900w ex-
You bleed 31 health.
4678h, 1631m, 2932e, 10900w ex-
You say, "Swing twice."
With a focused look, Ragniliff strikes at you with an enormous gilded
broadsword. The blade bounces off your sternum, delivering only a shallow
4428h, 1682m, 2932e, 10900w ex-
With a focused look, Ragniliff strikes at you with an enormous gilded
broadsword. The blade bounces off your sternum, delivering only a shallow
3665h, 1682m, 2932e, 10900w ex-
You bleed 73 health.
3592h, 1682m, 2932e, 10900w ex-
Iron Rose Ragniliff, Serpent's Breath says, "Damage per swing?"
You ask, "Which arm do you swing with first?"
4299h, 1700m, 2932e, 10900w ex-
4572h, 1679m, 2932e, 10896w ex-
Iron Rose Ragniliff, Serpent's Breath says, "Left."
You say, "Your left arm delivers 700 damage in 2/2 swings, your right delivers
in the mid 600's."
5391h, 1659m, 2932e, 10897w ex-
Ragniliff looks about herself, rubbing her chin thoughtfully.
You say, "One swing causes 31 bleeding, two caused 60."
5472h, 1663m, 2932e, 10900w ex-say correction, 73
You say, "Correction, 73."
5472h, 1681m, 2932e, 10897w ex-wounds
Your wound status is:
/ \\
@ ( 0) @
\\_ _/ Deep Wounds: Ruptures:
| | ------------- ---------
_____/_____\\_____ Head: none (0)
/ \\ Chest: medium (0)
| | ( 709) | | Gut: none (0)
( 0) ( 0) Larm: none (0)
| | ( 0) | | Rarm: none (0)
\\___|_________|___/ Lleg: none (0)
R | | | | L Rleg: none (0)
| | | |
( 0)| |( 0)
| | | |
_| | | |_
(_____| |_____)
5472h, 1681m, 2932e, 10900w x-
Iron Rose Ragniliff, Serpent's Breath says, "Even with orclach resistances?
5472h, 1681m, 2932e, 10900w x-
You have recovered equilibrium.
5472h, 1663m, 2932e, 10897w ex-
help orclach
o Have a racial language, orclach.
o Have a level 2 resistance to cold.
o Have a level 1 resistance to electricity.
o Have a level 2 resistance to magic damage.
o Have a level 2 resistance to cutting damage.
o Have a level 1 resistance to blunt damage.
o Have level 2 health regeneration.
o Native Weapon: Orclach warriors who choose the Pureblade
specialization can use two-handed swords more accurately than other
You ask, "What are your stats?"
Iron Rose Ragniliff, Serpent's Breath says, "And I recover in less than three
Iron Rose Ragniliff, Serpent's Breath says, "These will destroy mugwumps."
It is a one-handed weapon.
Damage: 190 Precision: 122 Speed: 181
It has the following dwarven runes etched upon it in coal:
A dwarven rune shaped like a wolf has been etched in coal.
A dwarven rune shaped like an axe has been etched in coal.
A dwarven rune shaped like a boar has been etched in coal.
It has a Great Rune of the Jagged Lightning attached to it (#92219).
5472h, 1682m, 2932e, 10897w ex-wp 5714
It is a one-handed weapon.
Damage: 190 Precision: 121 Speed: 182
It has the following dwarven runes etched upon it in coal:
A dwarven rune shaped like a wolf has been etched in coal.
A dwarven rune shaped like an axe has been etched in coal.
A dwarven rune shaped like a boar has been etched in coal.
It has a Great Rune of the Jagged Lightning attached to it (#67762).
You say, "The stats are distorted."
Iron Rose Ragniliff, Serpent's Breath says, "Nightkiss and coal runs bring the
damage up to a rating of 200 total."
Iron Rose Ragniliff, Serpent's Breath says, "That's not the worst of it,
You grumble angrily.
Iron Rose Ragniliff, Serpent's Breath says, "Those broadswords hit for 837
damage on Dinoniel."
Iron Rose Ragniliff, Serpent's Breath says, "With his lack of racial
Iron Rose Ragniliff, Serpent's Breath says, "He has full plate. Not sure what
grade exactly."
You tell Dinoniel, "What's your cutting resist from your fullplate?"
Iron Rose Ragniliff, Serpent's Breath says, "And since they have lightning
runes, well..."
Iron Rose Ragniliff, Serpent's Breath says, "... yes, these will destroy
You ask Ragniliff, "Do denizens have racials applied?"
Ragniliff ponders the situation.
Iron Rose Ragniliff, Serpent's Breath says, "No idea."
Dinoniel tells you, "102."
Dinoniel tells you, "I was pretty lazy with mine though..."
You tell Dinoniel, "Raggy said she hit you for 837 with her broads."
Dinoniel tells you, "Yeah."
You tell Dinoniel, "Her left deals 700, her right deals 600 on me."
Dinoniel tells you, "She got electric runes, and is a demigodess though..."
Dinoniel tells you, "Huh.."
You tell Dinoniel, "I've got +2 cutting resist, too."
Dinoniel tells you, "Got any resilience?"
You tell Dinoniel, "Trans, duh
Dinoniel tells you, "I have inept
Ragniliff ponders an enormous gilded broadsword thoughtfully, looking it up and
You say, "Swing four times."
Iron Rose Ragniliff, Serpent's Breath says, "Four swings, you say?"
You say, "Strike chest."
5472h, 1700m, 2932e, 10896w ex-
With a focused look, Ragniliff strikes at you with an enormous gilded
broadsword. Ragniliff strikes into your chest and blood foams up from your
4709h, 1700m, 2932e, 10896w ex-
With a focused look, Ragniliff strikes at you with an enormous gilded
broadsword. Ragniliff strikes into your chest and blood foams up from your
3946h, 1700m, 2932e, 10896w ex-
4219h, 1681m, 2932e, 10897w ex-
4219h, 1681m, 2932e, 10897w ex-
With a focused look, Ragniliff strikes at you with an enormous gilded
broadsword. The blade bounces off your sternum, delivering only a shallow
3456h, 1681m, 2932e, 10897w ex-
With a focused look, Ragniliff strikes at you with an enormous gilded
broadsword. You are stabbed in the side of your chest, blood oozing from the
2693h, 1681m, 2932e, 10897w ex-
2693h, 1681m, 2932e, 10897w ex-
You bleed 135 health.
2558h, 1681m, 2932e, 10897w ex-drh
Dinoniel tells you, "Well hmm. You're an orclach with cuttin resistance,
electric resistance, and resilience. How much cutting is your plate?"
You tell Dinoniel, "85 unruned."
You say, "Again, 700 with the left, this time 800 on the right. Second round was
500 from left, but 900 from the right."
Iron Rose Ragniliff, Serpent's Breath says, "That doesn't even sound right,
You tell Dinoniel, "Second test, STRIKING CHEST: 700 with the left, this time
800 on the right. Second round was 500 from left, but 900 from the right."
Dinoniel tells you, "Wow.."
You tell Dinoniel, "Cha."
5472h, 1700m, 2932e, 10900w ex-
Ragniliff thrusts an enormous gilded broadsword into the ground near you, then
as she withdraws her weapon from the ground, your shadow comes with it.
Iron Rose Ragniliff, Serpent's Breath says, "One more round?"
5472h, 1659m, 2932e, 10897w ex-
Dinoniel tells you, "I don't remember hits varying that much when I was into
that stuff."
You say, "Four strikes to the chest. Let me heal."
Iron Rose Ragniliff, Serpent's Breath says, "I think I'll go for one strike on
each limb."
Iron Rose Ragniliff, Serpent's Breath says, "Or would you rather chest?"
You say, "We'll do two more rounds."
You say, "First, four strikes to chest."
With a focused look, Ragniliff strikes at you with an enormous gilded
broadsword. The blade bounces off your sternum, delivering only a shallow
A black shadow materialises in the air before Ragniliff and then quickly strikes
A black shadow materialises in the air before Ragniliff and then quickly strikes
4638h, 1656m, 2932e, 10896w ex-
With a focused look, Ragniliff strikes at you with an enormous gilded
broadsword. Ragniliff strikes into your chest and blood foams up from your
A black shadow materialises in the air before Ragniliff and then quickly strikes
A black shadow materialises in the air before Ragniliff and then quickly strikes
3804h, 1656m, 2932e, 10900w ex-
You bleed 63 health.
3741h, 1656m, 2932e, 10900w ex-
3741h, 1700m, 2932e, 10896w ex-
With a focused look, Ragniliff strikes at you with an enormous gilded
broadsword. Ragniliff strikes into your chest and blood foams up from your
A black shadow materialises in the air before Ragniliff and then quickly strikes
A black shadow materialises in the air before Ragniliff and then quickly strikes
2907h, 1700m, 2932e, 10896w ex-
With a focused look, Ragniliff strikes at you with an enormous gilded
broadsword. Ragniliff strikes into your chest and blood foams up from your
A black shadow materialises in the air before Ragniliff and then quickly strikes
A black shadow materialises in the air before Ragniliff and then quickly strikes
2073h, 1700m, 2932e, 10896w ex-
2073h, 1700m, 2932e, 10896w ex-
2073h, 1700m, 2932e, 10900w ex-drh
You take a drink from a turquoise vial.
The potion heals and soothes you.
3146h, 1700m, 2932e, 10900w ex-say hold
You bleed 129 health.
3017h, 1679m, 2932e, 10896w ex-
3017h, 1679m, 2932e, 10896w ex-
Ragniliff gives you the once over.
3017h, 1679m, 2932e, 10900w ex-
You may drink another health, mana, or bromide potion.
3017h, 1679m, 2932e, 10900w ex-
Iron Rose Ragniliff, Serpent's Breath says, "Damn."
3017h, 1700m, 2932e, 10900w ex-
You bleed 115 health.
2902h, 1700m, 2932e, 10900w ex-drh
You take a drink from a turquoise vial.
The potion heals and soothes you.
4187h, 1679m, 2932e, 10896w ex-
Iron Rose Ragniliff, Serpent's Breath says, "That's insane."
4187h, 1679m, 2932e, 10900w ex-
You bleed 106 health.
4081h, 1679m, 2932e, 10900w ex-
You may drink another health, mana, or bromide potion.
4081h, 1659m, 2932e, 10896w ex-
You bleed 98 health.
3983h, 1680m, 2932e, 10896w ex-
You bleed 86 health.
4170h, 1661m, 2932e, 10900w ex-
You bleed 73 health.
4097h, 1700m, 2932e, 10900w ex-
You bleed 62 health.
4308h, 1660m, 2932e, 10896w ex-
Iron Rose Ragniliff, Serpent's Breath looks skeptical and says, "How did I
become so ridiculous?"
4308h, 1678m, 2932e, 10896w ex-
You bleed 50 health.
4258h, 1678m, 2932e, 10896w ex-
You bleed 40 health.
4491h, 1642m, 2932e, 10897w ex-
You bleed 32 health.
4459h, 1682m, 2932e, 10897w ex-
You bleed 21 health.
4711h, 1700m, 2932e, 10900w ex-
You bleed 9 health.
4702h, 1661m, 2932e, 10896w ex-
You say, "First round, 63 bleeding, second 129 total. Damage: left hand plus
shadows dealt mid 800's, right dealt 830 flat. Bleeding applies. Second round
damage: left hand hit for 840, right hit for 830."
You tell Dinoniel, "Third test round. first round, 63 bleeding,
second 129 total. Damage: left hand plus shadows dealt mid 800's, right dealt
830 flat. Bleeding applies. Second round damage: left hand hit for 840, right
hit for 830."
Iron Rose Ragniliff, Serpent's Breath says, "What next?"
You say, "Use STRIKE, rotate body parts, leave 1 second inbetween each attack."
Dinoniel tells you, "Shadows seem fun..."
Iron Rose Ragniliff, Serpent's Breath says, "One sec after recovering balance?"
You say, "Yes."
5472h, 1678m, 2932e, 10896w ex-
Ragniliff nods her head emphatically.
5472h, 1678m, 2932e, 10900w ex-
With a focused look, Ragniliff strikes at you with an enormous gilded
broadsword. Ragniliff strikes your left arm, striking a major artery that
splurts blood in all directions.
4709h, 1680m, 2932e, 10896w ex-
You remove 1 yarrow, bringing the total in the Rift to 1031.
4709h, 1680m, 2932e, 10896w ex-
You eat a yarrow sprig.
The flow of blood recedes as your left arm's main artery mends.
4709h, 1680m, 2932e, 10896w ex-
You are already wielding a huge damascene steel waraxe in your hands.
4709h, 1680m, 2932e, 10896w ex-say I'll leave if I'm close to dying
You say, "I'll leave if I'm close to dying."
4709h, 1680m, 2932e, 10896w ex-
You bleed 31 health.
4678h, 1680m, 2932e, 10896w ex-
With a focused look, Ragniliff strikes at you with an enormous gilded
broadsword. Ragniliff strikes your right arm, striking a major artery that
splurts blood in all directions.
3915h, 1680m, 2932e, 10900w ex-
You remove 1 yarrow, bringing the total in the Rift to 1030.
3915h, 1680m, 2932e, 10900w ex-
You eat a yarrow sprig.
The plant has no effect.
3915h, 1680m, 2932e, 10900w ex-
You are already wielding a huge damascene steel waraxe in your hands.
3915h, 1680m, 2932e, 10900w ex-drh
You take a drink from a turquoise vial.
The potion heals and soothes you.
5098h, 1680m, 2932e, 10900w ex-
You may eat or smoke another herb.
5098h, 1662m, 2932e, 10897w ex-
With a focused look, Ragniliff strikes at you with an enormous gilded
broadsword. Ragniliff strikes your left leg, striking a major artery that
splurts blood in all directions.
4335h, 1662m, 2932e, 10897w ex-
You remove 1 yarrow, bringing the total in the Rift to 1029.
4335h, 1662m, 2932e, 10897w ex-
You eat a yarrow sprig.
The flow of blood recedes as your right arm's main artery mends.
4335h, 1662m, 2932e, 10897w ex-
With a focused look, Ragniliff strikes at you with an enormous gilded
broadsword. Ragniliff strikes your right leg, striking a major artery that
splurts blood in all directions.
3572h, 1662m, 2932e, 10900w ex-
You bleed 221 health.
3351h, 1662m, 2932e, 10900w ex-
You may eat or smoke another herb.
3351h, 1662m, 2932e, 10900w ex-drh
You take a drink from a turquoise vial.
The potion flows down your throat without effect.
3351h, 1662m, 2932e, 10900w ex-
You may drink another health, mana, or bromide potion.
3351h, 1662m, 2932e, 10900w ex-
You take a drink from a turquoise vial.
The potion heals and soothes you.
4142h, 1700m, 2932e, 10897w ex-bleed
You remove 1 chervil, bringing the total in the Rift to 45.
4142h, 1700m, 2932e, 10900w ex-
You eat a sprig of chervil.
Your bleeding slows as your blood clots.
4142h, 1700m, 2932e, 10900w ex-bleed
You remove 1 chervil, bringing the total in the Rift to 44.
4142h, 1682m, 2932e, 10897w ex-
You eat a sprig of chervil.
The plant has no effect.
4142h, 1682m, 2932e, 10897w ex-
Ragniliff gives you the once over.
4142h, 1682m, 2932e, 10897w ex-clot
You bleed 269 health.
3873h, 1682m, 2932e, 10897w ex-
You exert superior mental control and your wounds clot before your eyes.
3873h, 1622m, 2932e, 10885w ex-
You may drink another health, mana, or bromide potion.
4146h, 1622m, 2932e, 10885w ex-
You may eat or smoke another herb.
4146h, 1622m, 2932e, 10885w ex-
You remove 1 chervil, bringing the total in the Rift to 43.
4146h, 1622m, 2932e, 10885w ex-
You eat a sprig of chervil.
Your bleeding slows as your blood clots.
4146h, 1622m, 2932e, 10885w ex-clot
You exert superior mental control and your wounds clot before your eyes.
4146h, 1562m, 2932e, 10887w ex-clot
You exert superior mental control and your wounds clot before your eyes.
4146h, 1502m, 2932e, 10875w ex-clot
You may eat or smoke another herb.
4146h, 1502m, 2932e, 10875w ex-
You exert superior mental control and your wounds clot before your eyes.
4146h, 1442m, 2932e, 10863w ex-clot
You exert superior mental control and your wounds clot before your eyes.
4146h, 1363m, 2932e, 10848w ex-clot
You exert superior mental control and your wounds clot before your eyes.
4146h, 1303m, 2932e, 10836w ex-drh
You take a drink from a turquoise vial.
The potion heals and soothes you.
4909h, 1303m, 2932e, 10836w ex-
You bleed 201 health.
4708h, 1303m, 2932e, 10842w ex-bleed
You remove 1 chervil, bringing the total in the Rift to 42.
4708h, 1303m, 2932e, 10842w ex-
You eat a sprig of chervil.
Your bleeding slows as your blood clots.
4708h, 1303m, 2932e, 10842w ex-bleed
You remove 1 chervil, bringing the total in the Rift to 41.
4708h, 1358m, 2932e, 10838w ex-
You eat a sprig of chervil.
The plant has no effect.
4708h, 1358m, 2932e, 10838w ex-
You may eat or smoke another herb.
You may drink another health, mana, or bromide potion.
4708h, 1358m, 2932e, 10844w ex-
You exert superior mental control and your wounds clot before your eyes.
4708h, 1298m, 2932e, 10832w ex-clot
You exert superior mental control and your wounds clot before your eyes.
4981h, 1238m, 2932e, 10820w ex-clot
You bleed 208 health.
4773h, 1238m, 2932e, 10820w ex-
You exert superior mental control and your wounds clot before your eyes.
4773h, 1178m, 2932e, 10808w ex-clot
You exert superior mental control and your wounds clot before your eyes.
4773h, 1118m, 2932e, 10796w ex-drm
You take a drink from a moonstone vial.
Your mind feels stronger and more alert.
4773h, 1491m, 2932e, 10792w ex-wounds
Your wound status is:
/ \\
@ ( 0) @
\\_ _/ Deep Wounds: Ruptures:
| | ------------- ---------
_____/_____\\_____ Head: none (0)
/ \\ Chest: trifling (0)
| | ( 49) | | Gut: none (0)
(237) (236) Larm: negligible (0)
| | ( 0) | | Rarm: negligible (0)
\\___|_________|___/ Lleg: negligible (0)
R | | | | L Rleg: negligible (0)
| | | |
(237)| |(236)
| | | |
_| | | |_
(_____| |_____)
4773h, 1491m, 2932e, 10798w x-
You have recovered equilibrium.
4773h, 1491m, 2932e, 10798w ex-
say keep going
You say, "Keep going."
4773h, 1545m, 2932e, 10794w ex-
You bleed 258 health.
4515h, 1545m, 2932e, 10794w ex-
You may drink another health, mana, or bromide potion.
4515h, 1545m, 2932e, 10794w ex-
You say, "Gut, chest, head."
4515h, 1527m, 2932e, 10805w ex-
You bleed 344 health.
4444h, 1527m, 2932e, 10819w ex-wounds
Your wound status is:
/ \\
@ ( 0) @
\\_ _/ Deep Wounds: Ruptures:
| | ------------- ---------
_____/_____\\_____ Head: none (0)
/ \\ Chest: trifling (0)
| | ( 49) | | Gut: none (0)
(237) (236) Larm: negligible (0)
| | ( 0) | | Rarm: negligible (0)
\\___|_________|___/ Lleg: negligible (0)
R | | | | L Rleg: negligible (0)
| | | |
(237)| |(236)
| | | |
_| | | |_
(_____| |_____)
4444h, 1527m, 2932e, 10819w x-
You have recovered equilibrium.
4444h, 1527m, 2932e, 10819w ex-
With a focused look, Ragniliff strikes at you with an enormous gilded
broadsword. You are pricked in the gut and bleed slightly.
3681h, 1527m, 2932e, 10819w ex-
You are:
suffering from a severed artery in the right leg.
suffering from a severed artery in the left leg.
3681h, 1527m, 2932e, 10819w x-
You remove 1 yarrow, bringing the total in the Rift to 1028.
3681h, 1507m, 2932e, 10815w x-
You eat a yarrow sprig.
The flow of blood recedes as your left leg's main artery mends.
3681h, 1507m, 2932e, 10815w x-
With a focused look, Ragniliff strikes at you with an enormous gilded
broadsword. The blade bounces off your sternum, delivering only a shallow
2918h, 1507m, 2932e, 10815w x-
You remove 1 yarrow, bringing the total in the Rift to 1027.
2918h, 1507m, 2932e, 10815w x-
You eat a yarrow sprig.
The plant has no effect.
2918h, 1507m, 2932e, 10815w x-
You have recovered equilibrium.
2918h, 1507m, 2932e, 10815w ex-
You may eat or smoke another herb.
2918h, 1507m, 2932e, 10821w ex-drh
You take a drink from a turquoise vial.
The potion heals and soothes you.
3847h, 1582m, 2932e, 10821w ex-
With a focused look, Ragniliff strikes at you with an enormous gilded
broadsword. Ragniliff strikes your forehead, causing blood to flow into your
eyes and coat your entire face.
2712h, 1582m, 2932e, 10821w ex-
You bleed 409 health.
2303h, 1582m, 2932e, 10821w ex-diag
You are:
suffering from a sliced open forehead.
suffering from a severed artery in the right leg.
2303h, 1582m, 2932e, 10821w x-
You remove 1 yarrow, bringing the total in the Rift to 1026.
2303h, 1561m, 2932e, 10817w x-
You eat a yarrow sprig.
The flow of blood recedes as your right leg's main artery mends.
2303h, 1561m, 2932e, 10817w x-
You remove 1 yarrow, bringing the total in the Rift to 1025.
4179h, 1205m, 2932e, 10711w ex-wounds
Your wound status is:
/ \\
@ ( 513) @
\\_ _/ Deep Wounds: Ruptures:
| | ------------- ---------
_____/_____\\_____ Head: medium (0)
/ \\ Chest: light (0)
| | ( 286) | | Gut: negligible (0)
(237) (236) Larm: negligible (0)
| | ( 236) | | Rarm: negligible (0)
\\___|_________|___/ Lleg: negligible (0)
R | | | | L Rleg: negligible (0)
| | | |
(237)| |(236)
| | | |
_| | | |_
(_____| |_____)
Raggy scares me now X____X;;
With a focused look, Ragniliff strikes at you with an enormous gilded
broadsword. The blade bounces off your sternum, delivering only a shallow
4709h, 1631m, 2932e, 10900w ex-
You bleed 31 health.
4678h, 1631m, 2932e, 10900w ex-
You say, "Swing twice."
With a focused look, Ragniliff strikes at you with an enormous gilded
broadsword. The blade bounces off your sternum, delivering only a shallow
4428h, 1682m, 2932e, 10900w ex-
With a focused look, Ragniliff strikes at you with an enormous gilded
broadsword. The blade bounces off your sternum, delivering only a shallow
3665h, 1682m, 2932e, 10900w ex-
You bleed 73 health.
3592h, 1682m, 2932e, 10900w ex-
Iron Rose Ragniliff, Serpent's Breath says, "Damage per swing?"
You ask, "Which arm do you swing with first?"
4299h, 1700m, 2932e, 10900w ex-
4572h, 1679m, 2932e, 10896w ex-
Iron Rose Ragniliff, Serpent's Breath says, "Left."
You say, "Your left arm delivers 700 damage in 2/2 swings, your right delivers
in the mid 600's."
5391h, 1659m, 2932e, 10897w ex-
Ragniliff looks about herself, rubbing her chin thoughtfully.
You say, "One swing causes 31 bleeding, two caused 60."
5472h, 1663m, 2932e, 10900w ex-say correction, 73
You say, "Correction, 73."
5472h, 1681m, 2932e, 10897w ex-wounds
Your wound status is:
/ \\
@ ( 0) @
\\_ _/ Deep Wounds: Ruptures:
| | ------------- ---------
_____/_____\\_____ Head: none (0)
/ \\ Chest: medium (0)
| | ( 709) | | Gut: none (0)
( 0) ( 0) Larm: none (0)
| | ( 0) | | Rarm: none (0)
\\___|_________|___/ Lleg: none (0)
R | | | | L Rleg: none (0)
| | | |
( 0)| |( 0)
| | | |
_| | | |_
(_____| |_____)
5472h, 1681m, 2932e, 10900w x-
Iron Rose Ragniliff, Serpent's Breath says, "Even with orclach resistances?
5472h, 1681m, 2932e, 10900w x-
You have recovered equilibrium.
5472h, 1663m, 2932e, 10897w ex-
o Have a racial language, orclach.
o Have a level 2 resistance to cold.
o Have a level 1 resistance to electricity.
o Have a level 2 resistance to magic damage.
o Have a level 2 resistance to cutting damage.
o Have a level 1 resistance to blunt damage.
o Have level 2 health regeneration.
o Native Weapon: Orclach warriors who choose the Pureblade
specialization can use two-handed swords more accurately than other
You ask, "What are your stats?"
Iron Rose Ragniliff, Serpent's Breath says, "And I recover in less than three
Iron Rose Ragniliff, Serpent's Breath says, "These will destroy mugwumps."
It is a one-handed weapon.
Damage: 190 Precision: 122 Speed: 181
It has the following dwarven runes etched upon it in coal:
A dwarven rune shaped like a wolf has been etched in coal.
A dwarven rune shaped like an axe has been etched in coal.
A dwarven rune shaped like a boar has been etched in coal.
It has a Great Rune of the Jagged Lightning attached to it (#92219).
5472h, 1682m, 2932e, 10897w ex-wp 5714
It is a one-handed weapon.
Damage: 190 Precision: 121 Speed: 182
It has the following dwarven runes etched upon it in coal:
A dwarven rune shaped like a wolf has been etched in coal.
A dwarven rune shaped like an axe has been etched in coal.
A dwarven rune shaped like a boar has been etched in coal.
It has a Great Rune of the Jagged Lightning attached to it (#67762).
You say, "The stats are distorted."
Iron Rose Ragniliff, Serpent's Breath says, "Nightkiss and coal runs bring the
damage up to a rating of 200 total."
Iron Rose Ragniliff, Serpent's Breath says, "That's not the worst of it,
You grumble angrily.
Iron Rose Ragniliff, Serpent's Breath says, "Those broadswords hit for 837
damage on Dinoniel."
Iron Rose Ragniliff, Serpent's Breath says, "With his lack of racial
Iron Rose Ragniliff, Serpent's Breath says, "He has full plate. Not sure what
grade exactly."
You tell Dinoniel, "What's your cutting resist from your fullplate?"
Iron Rose Ragniliff, Serpent's Breath says, "And since they have lightning
runes, well..."
Iron Rose Ragniliff, Serpent's Breath says, "... yes, these will destroy
You ask Ragniliff, "Do denizens have racials applied?"
Ragniliff ponders the situation.
Iron Rose Ragniliff, Serpent's Breath says, "No idea."
Dinoniel tells you, "102."
Dinoniel tells you, "I was pretty lazy with mine though..."
You tell Dinoniel, "Raggy said she hit you for 837 with her broads."
Dinoniel tells you, "Yeah."
You tell Dinoniel, "Her left deals 700, her right deals 600 on me."
Dinoniel tells you, "She got electric runes, and is a demigodess though..."
Dinoniel tells you, "Huh.."
You tell Dinoniel, "I've got +2 cutting resist, too."
Dinoniel tells you, "Got any resilience?"
You tell Dinoniel, "Trans, duh

Dinoniel tells you, "I have inept

Ragniliff ponders an enormous gilded broadsword thoughtfully, looking it up and
You say, "Swing four times."
Iron Rose Ragniliff, Serpent's Breath says, "Four swings, you say?"
You say, "Strike chest."
5472h, 1700m, 2932e, 10896w ex-
With a focused look, Ragniliff strikes at you with an enormous gilded
broadsword. Ragniliff strikes into your chest and blood foams up from your
4709h, 1700m, 2932e, 10896w ex-
With a focused look, Ragniliff strikes at you with an enormous gilded
broadsword. Ragniliff strikes into your chest and blood foams up from your
3946h, 1700m, 2932e, 10896w ex-
4219h, 1681m, 2932e, 10897w ex-
4219h, 1681m, 2932e, 10897w ex-
With a focused look, Ragniliff strikes at you with an enormous gilded
broadsword. The blade bounces off your sternum, delivering only a shallow
3456h, 1681m, 2932e, 10897w ex-
With a focused look, Ragniliff strikes at you with an enormous gilded
broadsword. You are stabbed in the side of your chest, blood oozing from the
2693h, 1681m, 2932e, 10897w ex-
2693h, 1681m, 2932e, 10897w ex-
You bleed 135 health.
2558h, 1681m, 2932e, 10897w ex-drh
Dinoniel tells you, "Well hmm. You're an orclach with cuttin resistance,
electric resistance, and resilience. How much cutting is your plate?"
You tell Dinoniel, "85 unruned."
You say, "Again, 700 with the left, this time 800 on the right. Second round was
500 from left, but 900 from the right."
Iron Rose Ragniliff, Serpent's Breath says, "That doesn't even sound right,
You tell Dinoniel, "Second test, STRIKING CHEST: 700 with the left, this time
800 on the right. Second round was 500 from left, but 900 from the right."
Dinoniel tells you, "Wow.."
You tell Dinoniel, "Cha."
5472h, 1700m, 2932e, 10900w ex-
Ragniliff thrusts an enormous gilded broadsword into the ground near you, then
as she withdraws her weapon from the ground, your shadow comes with it.
Iron Rose Ragniliff, Serpent's Breath says, "One more round?"
5472h, 1659m, 2932e, 10897w ex-
Dinoniel tells you, "I don't remember hits varying that much when I was into
that stuff."
You say, "Four strikes to the chest. Let me heal."
Iron Rose Ragniliff, Serpent's Breath says, "I think I'll go for one strike on
each limb."
Iron Rose Ragniliff, Serpent's Breath says, "Or would you rather chest?"
You say, "We'll do two more rounds."
You say, "First, four strikes to chest."
With a focused look, Ragniliff strikes at you with an enormous gilded
broadsword. The blade bounces off your sternum, delivering only a shallow
A black shadow materialises in the air before Ragniliff and then quickly strikes
A black shadow materialises in the air before Ragniliff and then quickly strikes
4638h, 1656m, 2932e, 10896w ex-
With a focused look, Ragniliff strikes at you with an enormous gilded
broadsword. Ragniliff strikes into your chest and blood foams up from your
A black shadow materialises in the air before Ragniliff and then quickly strikes
A black shadow materialises in the air before Ragniliff and then quickly strikes
3804h, 1656m, 2932e, 10900w ex-
You bleed 63 health.
3741h, 1656m, 2932e, 10900w ex-
3741h, 1700m, 2932e, 10896w ex-
With a focused look, Ragniliff strikes at you with an enormous gilded
broadsword. Ragniliff strikes into your chest and blood foams up from your
A black shadow materialises in the air before Ragniliff and then quickly strikes
A black shadow materialises in the air before Ragniliff and then quickly strikes
2907h, 1700m, 2932e, 10896w ex-
With a focused look, Ragniliff strikes at you with an enormous gilded
broadsword. Ragniliff strikes into your chest and blood foams up from your
A black shadow materialises in the air before Ragniliff and then quickly strikes
A black shadow materialises in the air before Ragniliff and then quickly strikes
2073h, 1700m, 2932e, 10896w ex-
2073h, 1700m, 2932e, 10896w ex-
2073h, 1700m, 2932e, 10900w ex-drh
You take a drink from a turquoise vial.
The potion heals and soothes you.
3146h, 1700m, 2932e, 10900w ex-say hold
You bleed 129 health.
3017h, 1679m, 2932e, 10896w ex-
3017h, 1679m, 2932e, 10896w ex-
Ragniliff gives you the once over.
3017h, 1679m, 2932e, 10900w ex-
You may drink another health, mana, or bromide potion.
3017h, 1679m, 2932e, 10900w ex-
Iron Rose Ragniliff, Serpent's Breath says, "Damn."
3017h, 1700m, 2932e, 10900w ex-
You bleed 115 health.
2902h, 1700m, 2932e, 10900w ex-drh
You take a drink from a turquoise vial.
The potion heals and soothes you.
4187h, 1679m, 2932e, 10896w ex-
Iron Rose Ragniliff, Serpent's Breath says, "That's insane."
4187h, 1679m, 2932e, 10900w ex-
You bleed 106 health.
4081h, 1679m, 2932e, 10900w ex-
You may drink another health, mana, or bromide potion.
4081h, 1659m, 2932e, 10896w ex-
You bleed 98 health.
3983h, 1680m, 2932e, 10896w ex-
You bleed 86 health.
4170h, 1661m, 2932e, 10900w ex-
You bleed 73 health.
4097h, 1700m, 2932e, 10900w ex-
You bleed 62 health.
4308h, 1660m, 2932e, 10896w ex-
Iron Rose Ragniliff, Serpent's Breath looks skeptical and says, "How did I
become so ridiculous?"
4308h, 1678m, 2932e, 10896w ex-
You bleed 50 health.
4258h, 1678m, 2932e, 10896w ex-
You bleed 40 health.
4491h, 1642m, 2932e, 10897w ex-
You bleed 32 health.
4459h, 1682m, 2932e, 10897w ex-
You bleed 21 health.
4711h, 1700m, 2932e, 10900w ex-
You bleed 9 health.
4702h, 1661m, 2932e, 10896w ex-
You say, "First round, 63 bleeding, second 129 total. Damage: left hand plus
shadows dealt mid 800's, right dealt 830 flat. Bleeding applies. Second round
damage: left hand hit for 840, right hit for 830."
You tell Dinoniel, "Third test round.
second 129 total. Damage: left hand plus shadows dealt mid 800's, right dealt
830 flat. Bleeding applies. Second round damage: left hand hit for 840, right
hit for 830."
Iron Rose Ragniliff, Serpent's Breath says, "What next?"
You say, "Use STRIKE, rotate body parts, leave 1 second inbetween each attack."
Dinoniel tells you, "Shadows seem fun..."
Iron Rose Ragniliff, Serpent's Breath says, "One sec after recovering balance?"
You say, "Yes."
5472h, 1678m, 2932e, 10896w ex-
Ragniliff nods her head emphatically.
5472h, 1678m, 2932e, 10900w ex-
With a focused look, Ragniliff strikes at you with an enormous gilded
broadsword. Ragniliff strikes your left arm, striking a major artery that
splurts blood in all directions.
4709h, 1680m, 2932e, 10896w ex-
You remove 1 yarrow, bringing the total in the Rift to 1031.
4709h, 1680m, 2932e, 10896w ex-
You eat a yarrow sprig.
The flow of blood recedes as your left arm's main artery mends.
4709h, 1680m, 2932e, 10896w ex-
You are already wielding a huge damascene steel waraxe in your hands.
4709h, 1680m, 2932e, 10896w ex-say I'll leave if I'm close to dying
You say, "I'll leave if I'm close to dying."
4709h, 1680m, 2932e, 10896w ex-
You bleed 31 health.
4678h, 1680m, 2932e, 10896w ex-
With a focused look, Ragniliff strikes at you with an enormous gilded
broadsword. Ragniliff strikes your right arm, striking a major artery that
splurts blood in all directions.
3915h, 1680m, 2932e, 10900w ex-
You remove 1 yarrow, bringing the total in the Rift to 1030.
3915h, 1680m, 2932e, 10900w ex-
You eat a yarrow sprig.
The plant has no effect.
3915h, 1680m, 2932e, 10900w ex-
You are already wielding a huge damascene steel waraxe in your hands.
3915h, 1680m, 2932e, 10900w ex-drh
You take a drink from a turquoise vial.
The potion heals and soothes you.
5098h, 1680m, 2932e, 10900w ex-
You may eat or smoke another herb.
5098h, 1662m, 2932e, 10897w ex-
With a focused look, Ragniliff strikes at you with an enormous gilded
broadsword. Ragniliff strikes your left leg, striking a major artery that
splurts blood in all directions.
4335h, 1662m, 2932e, 10897w ex-
You remove 1 yarrow, bringing the total in the Rift to 1029.
4335h, 1662m, 2932e, 10897w ex-
You eat a yarrow sprig.
The flow of blood recedes as your right arm's main artery mends.
4335h, 1662m, 2932e, 10897w ex-
With a focused look, Ragniliff strikes at you with an enormous gilded
broadsword. Ragniliff strikes your right leg, striking a major artery that
splurts blood in all directions.
3572h, 1662m, 2932e, 10900w ex-
You bleed 221 health.
3351h, 1662m, 2932e, 10900w ex-
You may eat or smoke another herb.
3351h, 1662m, 2932e, 10900w ex-drh
You take a drink from a turquoise vial.
The potion flows down your throat without effect.
3351h, 1662m, 2932e, 10900w ex-
You may drink another health, mana, or bromide potion.
3351h, 1662m, 2932e, 10900w ex-
You take a drink from a turquoise vial.
The potion heals and soothes you.
4142h, 1700m, 2932e, 10897w ex-bleed
You remove 1 chervil, bringing the total in the Rift to 45.
4142h, 1700m, 2932e, 10900w ex-
You eat a sprig of chervil.
Your bleeding slows as your blood clots.
4142h, 1700m, 2932e, 10900w ex-bleed
You remove 1 chervil, bringing the total in the Rift to 44.
4142h, 1682m, 2932e, 10897w ex-
You eat a sprig of chervil.
The plant has no effect.
4142h, 1682m, 2932e, 10897w ex-
Ragniliff gives you the once over.
4142h, 1682m, 2932e, 10897w ex-clot
You bleed 269 health.
3873h, 1682m, 2932e, 10897w ex-
You exert superior mental control and your wounds clot before your eyes.
3873h, 1622m, 2932e, 10885w ex-
You may drink another health, mana, or bromide potion.
4146h, 1622m, 2932e, 10885w ex-
You may eat or smoke another herb.
4146h, 1622m, 2932e, 10885w ex-
You remove 1 chervil, bringing the total in the Rift to 43.
4146h, 1622m, 2932e, 10885w ex-
You eat a sprig of chervil.
Your bleeding slows as your blood clots.
4146h, 1622m, 2932e, 10885w ex-clot
You exert superior mental control and your wounds clot before your eyes.
4146h, 1562m, 2932e, 10887w ex-clot
You exert superior mental control and your wounds clot before your eyes.
4146h, 1502m, 2932e, 10875w ex-clot
You may eat or smoke another herb.
4146h, 1502m, 2932e, 10875w ex-
You exert superior mental control and your wounds clot before your eyes.
4146h, 1442m, 2932e, 10863w ex-clot
You exert superior mental control and your wounds clot before your eyes.
4146h, 1363m, 2932e, 10848w ex-clot
You exert superior mental control and your wounds clot before your eyes.
4146h, 1303m, 2932e, 10836w ex-drh
You take a drink from a turquoise vial.
The potion heals and soothes you.
4909h, 1303m, 2932e, 10836w ex-
You bleed 201 health.
4708h, 1303m, 2932e, 10842w ex-bleed
You remove 1 chervil, bringing the total in the Rift to 42.
4708h, 1303m, 2932e, 10842w ex-
You eat a sprig of chervil.
Your bleeding slows as your blood clots.
4708h, 1303m, 2932e, 10842w ex-bleed
You remove 1 chervil, bringing the total in the Rift to 41.
4708h, 1358m, 2932e, 10838w ex-
You eat a sprig of chervil.
The plant has no effect.
4708h, 1358m, 2932e, 10838w ex-
You may eat or smoke another herb.
You may drink another health, mana, or bromide potion.
4708h, 1358m, 2932e, 10844w ex-
You exert superior mental control and your wounds clot before your eyes.
4708h, 1298m, 2932e, 10832w ex-clot
You exert superior mental control and your wounds clot before your eyes.
4981h, 1238m, 2932e, 10820w ex-clot
You bleed 208 health.
4773h, 1238m, 2932e, 10820w ex-
You exert superior mental control and your wounds clot before your eyes.
4773h, 1178m, 2932e, 10808w ex-clot
You exert superior mental control and your wounds clot before your eyes.
4773h, 1118m, 2932e, 10796w ex-drm
You take a drink from a moonstone vial.
Your mind feels stronger and more alert.
4773h, 1491m, 2932e, 10792w ex-wounds
Your wound status is:
/ \\
@ ( 0) @
\\_ _/ Deep Wounds: Ruptures:
| | ------------- ---------
_____/_____\\_____ Head: none (0)
/ \\ Chest: trifling (0)
| | ( 49) | | Gut: none (0)
(237) (236) Larm: negligible (0)
| | ( 0) | | Rarm: negligible (0)
\\___|_________|___/ Lleg: negligible (0)
R | | | | L Rleg: negligible (0)
| | | |
(237)| |(236)
| | | |
_| | | |_
(_____| |_____)
4773h, 1491m, 2932e, 10798w x-
You have recovered equilibrium.
4773h, 1491m, 2932e, 10798w ex-
You say, "Keep going."
4773h, 1545m, 2932e, 10794w ex-
You bleed 258 health.
4515h, 1545m, 2932e, 10794w ex-
You may drink another health, mana, or bromide potion.
4515h, 1545m, 2932e, 10794w ex-
You say, "Gut, chest, head."
4515h, 1527m, 2932e, 10805w ex-
You bleed 344 health.
4444h, 1527m, 2932e, 10819w ex-wounds
Your wound status is:
/ \\
@ ( 0) @
\\_ _/ Deep Wounds: Ruptures:
| | ------------- ---------
_____/_____\\_____ Head: none (0)
/ \\ Chest: trifling (0)
| | ( 49) | | Gut: none (0)
(237) (236) Larm: negligible (0)
| | ( 0) | | Rarm: negligible (0)
\\___|_________|___/ Lleg: negligible (0)
R | | | | L Rleg: negligible (0)
| | | |
(237)| |(236)
| | | |
_| | | |_
(_____| |_____)
4444h, 1527m, 2932e, 10819w x-
You have recovered equilibrium.
4444h, 1527m, 2932e, 10819w ex-
With a focused look, Ragniliff strikes at you with an enormous gilded
broadsword. You are pricked in the gut and bleed slightly.
3681h, 1527m, 2932e, 10819w ex-
You are:
suffering from a severed artery in the right leg.
suffering from a severed artery in the left leg.
3681h, 1527m, 2932e, 10819w x-
You remove 1 yarrow, bringing the total in the Rift to 1028.
3681h, 1507m, 2932e, 10815w x-
You eat a yarrow sprig.
The flow of blood recedes as your left leg's main artery mends.
3681h, 1507m, 2932e, 10815w x-
With a focused look, Ragniliff strikes at you with an enormous gilded
broadsword. The blade bounces off your sternum, delivering only a shallow
2918h, 1507m, 2932e, 10815w x-
You remove 1 yarrow, bringing the total in the Rift to 1027.
2918h, 1507m, 2932e, 10815w x-
You eat a yarrow sprig.
The plant has no effect.
2918h, 1507m, 2932e, 10815w x-
You have recovered equilibrium.
2918h, 1507m, 2932e, 10815w ex-
You may eat or smoke another herb.
2918h, 1507m, 2932e, 10821w ex-drh
You take a drink from a turquoise vial.
The potion heals and soothes you.
3847h, 1582m, 2932e, 10821w ex-
With a focused look, Ragniliff strikes at you with an enormous gilded
broadsword. Ragniliff strikes your forehead, causing blood to flow into your
eyes and coat your entire face.
2712h, 1582m, 2932e, 10821w ex-
You bleed 409 health.
2303h, 1582m, 2932e, 10821w ex-diag
You are:
suffering from a sliced open forehead.
suffering from a severed artery in the right leg.
2303h, 1582m, 2932e, 10821w x-
You remove 1 yarrow, bringing the total in the Rift to 1026.
2303h, 1561m, 2932e, 10817w x-
You eat a yarrow sprig.
The flow of blood recedes as your right leg's main artery mends.
2303h, 1561m, 2932e, 10817w x-
You remove 1 yarrow, bringing the total in the Rift to 1025.
4179h, 1205m, 2932e, 10711w ex-wounds
Your wound status is:
/ \\
@ ( 513) @
\\_ _/ Deep Wounds: Ruptures:
| | ------------- ---------
_____/_____\\_____ Head: medium (0)
/ \\ Chest: light (0)
| | ( 286) | | Gut: negligible (0)
(237) (236) Larm: negligible (0)
| | ( 236) | | Rarm: negligible (0)
\\___|_________|___/ Lleg: negligible (0)
R | | | | L Rleg: negligible (0)
| | | |
(237)| |(236)
| | | |
_| | | |_
(_____| |_____)
Raggy scares me now X____X;;
Hyrtakos2008-03-25 19:24:04
Exactly what were you testing? Heh. That's generally the way capped damage weapons with elemental runes work.
It is good proof of how unbalancing a speed bonus can become once hitting demigod though. There's really no reason not to become an aslaran, faeling, or human for insane stats if you want to go that route.
Edit: On today's episode of "What were they thinking?" let's tackle the topic of why strength buffs matter -more- for the races who can use it -faster- in hopes of balance. Go!
It is good proof of how unbalancing a speed bonus can become once hitting demigod though. There's really no reason not to become an aslaran, faeling, or human for insane stats if you want to go that route.
Edit: On today's episode of "What were they thinking?" let's tackle the topic of why strength buffs matter -more- for the races who can use it -faster- in hopes of balance. Go!
Unknown2008-03-25 19:48:53
I'd have to see something as a comparison. Doing 700-900 doesn't seem so bad, especially when you look at the magic folks that do 2-3k in one hit. 

Hyrtakos2008-03-25 19:54:45
QUOTE(Zarquan @ Mar 25 2008, 03:48 PM) 495649
I'd have to see something as a comparison. Doing 700-900 doesn't seem so bad, especially when you look at the magic folks that do 2-3k in one hit. 

Are you considering the wounds, afflictions, and poisons done with that damage in the time she claims to be able to swing them here? Also, the damage is effectively twice that since those were numbers on a one-handed weapon.
If you would like a comparison, have Shuyin beat on you a bit. He's an aslaran I believe, and doesn't seem to have too much trouble throwing around damage with his speed bonus.
Bashara2008-03-25 23:38:07
This session was a straight up damage test. No previous records to compare it to, but Ragniliff has been wanting to test out her broads ever since she got the lightning runes. Since I'm an Orclach now, I've got cutting and lightning resistance. She was curious if my racials, along with my assorted damage reduction from skills+buffs, would lessen the damage.
Compared to Dinoniel who is quite a few levels higher than I am, as well as a Loboshigaru which has the lvl 3 magic weakness, I wasn't any tougher. His fullplate has better cutting resist than my fieldplate (I haven't trans'd Forging yet
), but my skillranks in Resilience (Trans) and Magic (Master) put me way above him on resistance.
All told, Raggy can hit me for 1300-1700, but this is with me being a punching bag, no parrying, stancing, anything. So in reality, my theoretical damage reduction from parry/dodge (which can't really be calculated) isn't factored in.
Of course, it doesn't really matter when Raggy's a Demigod combo-striking me for 1/5 of my health and dealing deepwounds simultaneously
Really though, this post was more for Raggy's benefit. Wanted to provide the target's POV, and also save this for future testing.
P.S.: Don't talk to me about Sojiro. He can combo me for 1700 minimum. During the Seren raid last night, I died in 10 seconds flat to focus fire from him and Rika. It's ridiculous.
Compared to Dinoniel who is quite a few levels higher than I am, as well as a Loboshigaru which has the lvl 3 magic weakness, I wasn't any tougher. His fullplate has better cutting resist than my fieldplate (I haven't trans'd Forging yet

All told, Raggy can hit me for 1300-1700, but this is with me being a punching bag, no parrying, stancing, anything. So in reality, my theoretical damage reduction from parry/dodge (which can't really be calculated) isn't factored in.
Of course, it doesn't really matter when Raggy's a Demigod combo-striking me for 1/5 of my health and dealing deepwounds simultaneously

Really though, this post was more for Raggy's benefit. Wanted to provide the target's POV, and also save this for future testing.
P.S.: Don't talk to me about Sojiro. He can combo me for 1700 minimum. During the Seren raid last night, I died in 10 seconds flat to focus fire from him and Rika. It's ridiculous.
Bashara2008-03-25 23:57:27
QUOTE(hyrtakos @ Mar 25 2008, 07:24 PM) 495641
Edit: On today's episode of "What were they thinking?" let's tackle the topic of why strength buffs matter -more- for the races who can use it -faster- in hopes of balance. Go!
Since races like faelings and aslarans have a lower starting point in terms of Str, the benefits they receive from Str buffs are exponentially better than races such as Krokani, Orclach, etc. who start with 15+ Str. The new damage cap essentially makes pursuing pure damage or burst damage combat worthless, at least for the stronger races.
The weaker races can apply Str buffs to a much greater extent than the stronger races because their total Str score won't reach the point of diminishing returns. They also retain their speed, which further amplifies their damage over time.
In a straight damage race between two identically buffed warriors, one Aslaran/Faeling and one of any of the stronger races, an Aslaran will output more raw damage because if their damage is exactly the same, the only factor is how fast the output of the damage is.
In my opinion: this new damage cap is t3h suXXor.
Unknown2008-03-26 01:45:35
QUOTE(Bashara @ Mar 25 2008, 06:38 PM) 495785
No previous records to compare it to, but Ragniliff has been wanting to test out her broads ever since she got the lightning runes.
Not quite.
Before the runes were added, the damage was tested on a faeling Druidess with nothing but 49 cutting on her robes and barkskin protecting her. Pretty sure her resilience is inept, but I can always check on that. The damage per swing? 422.
Everything was exactly the same in the Druidess test except for two factors: a war blessing, and the addition of Jagged Lightning Runes.
War blessing increases damage by 15%, doesn't it? Let's factor that in.
422 x 1.15 = 485.3
Let's be a bit generous and round that up to 490.
Now, let's take one of the swings that hit Bashara. Let's go for the low end and say 700 flat.
Now, let's assume (rather improbably) that the damage done to a druidess with just 49 cutting robes and barkskin protecting her will be the exact same as the damage done to an orclach with racial resistances to cutting, magic, and electric, and 85 cutting plate. Now let's figure out the percent difference.
700 - 490 = 210
210/700 = 30%
The Jagged Lightning Rune is supposed to change 1/3 of the damage to lightning source. So this looks like a reasonable damage increase, except that we were a little generous with boosting the damage from the druidess test, we picked a low-mid value from the damage that was done to Bashara, and we're pretending that a faeling druidess would have the same ability to resist damage from these swings as an orclach in fieldplate.
It seems like the damage boost would go beyond the 1/3 if a retest were done on the druidess. Where is this extra damage coming from? Skill level in the magic skill set and related skill families, maybe? Damage scaling to max health, perhaps? Anything else? Curious.
Unknown2008-03-26 02:26:44
1. The attacker is a demigod. Yes, that makes a difference, obviously.
2. Warriors miss, even without stancing or parrying, which it was stated weren't used in this test.
3. Non-warriors do not rebound their attacks and hit themselves wounds, poison, damage, etc.
4. You don't really need afflictions when you can pretty much kill someone with your magic damage. Most of those archetypes also have passive effects (songs, fae, etc) that warriors do not have or use. (My own passive effects are power intensive and not as proactive, basically.)
Sure, it's a good bit of damage, but when "tests" like these are performed, they seem to take a limited number of things into consideration. There are FAR too many factors involved in even a single attack to cry "overpowered" or "woe is me."
2. Warriors miss, even without stancing or parrying, which it was stated weren't used in this test.
3. Non-warriors do not rebound their attacks and hit themselves wounds, poison, damage, etc.
4. You don't really need afflictions when you can pretty much kill someone with your magic damage. Most of those archetypes also have passive effects (songs, fae, etc) that warriors do not have or use. (My own passive effects are power intensive and not as proactive, basically.)
Sure, it's a good bit of damage, but when "tests" like these are performed, they seem to take a limited number of things into consideration. There are FAR too many factors involved in even a single attack to cry "overpowered" or "woe is me."

Bashara2008-03-26 02:36:31
Agreed. This was a flat out damage test using a normally buffed Orclach Warrior. Of course the damage is going to be different. I'm not crying OP or anything like that. Raggy's a Demigod, I'm only lvl 75. I'm not an expert, but I'd bet my money on Raggy winning every time.
Really, what surprised me is that even with my cutting and lightning resistance and all the factors contributing to my DR (Resil, armor, skills, etc) she can combo me for 1300 on minimum, followed up upwards of 100 bleeding. This of course doesn't take into account deepwounds, or any of the active defenses I'd be using in an actual combat situation.
Demigods are supposed to be disgusting, especially when you consider the level comparison and the influence of artifacts.
Really, what surprised me is that even with my cutting and lightning resistance and all the factors contributing to my DR (Resil, armor, skills, etc) she can combo me for 1300 on minimum, followed up upwards of 100 bleeding. This of course doesn't take into account deepwounds, or any of the active defenses I'd be using in an actual combat situation.
Demigods are supposed to be disgusting, especially when you consider the level comparison and the influence of artifacts.
Asarnil2008-03-26 04:58:43
Bashara, even if you were L95, you'd lose. Demi/Titan vs non-Demi/Titan combat is pretty much a useless endeavor - especially as a warrior. 

Bashara2008-03-26 05:24:33
QUOTE(Asarnil @ Mar 26 2008, 04:58 AM) 495968
Bashara, even if you were L95, you'd lose. Demi/Titan vs non-Demi/Titan combat is pretty much a useless endeavor - especially as a warrior. 

So true. Sad, but true

Ashteru2008-03-26 12:22:37
You know what sucks? Being Tae'dae with 24 str and level 3 speed penalty, doing barely more than a faeling demigod with level 3 speed advantage. 

Shiri2008-03-26 12:40:57
QUOTE(hyrtakos @ Mar 25 2008, 07:24 PM) 495641
Edit: On today's episode of "What were they thinking?" let's tackle the topic of why strength buffs matter -more- for the races who can use it -faster- in hopes of balance. Go!
Speed buffs in general seem to totally not be integrated with everything else.
Bashara2008-03-26 13:02:22
QUOTE(Ashteru @ Mar 26 2008, 12:22 PM) 496082
You know what sucks? Being Tae'dae with 24 str and level 3 speed penalty, doing barely more than a faeling demigod with level 3 speed advantage. 

Like I said, the new damage cap is t3h suXXor. Then again, if it wasn't there, Shuyin wouldn't just be comboing people for 2100 average.
Besides, Ash, you hit like a teddy bear. A huge, cuddly, armored... angry... teddy bear...
Malarious2008-03-26 21:34:59
Also remember Shuyin and Nydekion (half suprised no one mentioned Nydekion who I believe does more damage with his axe) are champions with helms that boost damage and wounding on top of being Demigods.
They are fully meant to hurt, and pass if not meet the perfect circumstances for overpowered knights
They are fully meant to hurt, and pass if not meet the perfect circumstances for overpowered knights

Bashara2008-03-26 22:29:35
QUOTE(Malarious @ Mar 26 2008, 09:34 PM) 496192
Also remember Shuyin and Nydekion (half suprised no one mentioned Nydekion who I believe does more damage with his axe) are champions with helms that boost damage and wounding on top of being Demigods.
They are fully meant to hurt, and pass if not meet the perfect circumstances for overpowered knights
They are fully meant to hurt, and pass if not meet the perfect circumstances for overpowered knights

From what I've heard, Shuyin's been using a self-forged helm, instead. I could be wrong, though; I never see him in person for more than ten seconds

Also, Nydekion's an Axelord which is, if you put aside the fact that Bonecrusher is the only bludgeoning weapon spec, the smashiest of all the specs. It also has the potential for higher raw damage, or did up until the recent damage cap. I know that I could personally whomp people for well over 1500 with a waraxe, even as a lvl 50-60 Aslaran. Of course, I don't have logs to prove it and can't recall who I hit or what their DR was, but when people send you a tell/message about 30 minutes after a fight telling you how much damage you caused, you tend to remember it. Back to my point, though: I've never seen a serious Pureblade fighter using anything other than a greatsword/katana, while pretty much every Axelord (can count 'em all on two hands) I ever met had a top notch waraxe. The drawback to using a 2hander is that you only have one attack, and even with a fast waraxe you'll only be swinging every 2-3 seconds. If your swing gets parried/dodged/missed, then the entire time you took recovering balance to swing, swinging, and then waiting to balance again (which could be anywhere from 5-8 seconds, more if aeon/choke) could've been better spent twiddling your thumbs and blowing raspberries for all the good you did. However, when you do land those MASSIVE hits, even a well buffed opponent will take a significant amount of damage.
Considering Nydekion being Demi + all the damage crap he has, I wouldn't be surprised if he could beat the pants of Shuyin in a damage race. BC and BM deliver consistent damage, Axelord waraxes wielded by the right person will deliver far more in burst damage, even if the output is slightly variable.
On a sidenote, I've completely stopped using my 278 spd klangaxe for hunting. I just walk around with my 380 (it's got forging runes on it) damage waraxe with my 18 Str and the Aggressive combatstyle for mo' damage. Oddly enough, I kill just as quickly with the waraxe, and much quicker if I get any kind of critical. A Crushing Critical from me will instagib pretty much any mob that has health equal to or lesser than an Aslaran warrior in the Grey Moors, and I one-shot a cave-fisher with a x16 crit just yesterday.
Unknown2008-03-28 04:15:49
Bashara what are you trying to get at though? Warriors were nerfed to kingdom come already. Ragniliff was doing -moderate- damage, compared to what used to be done back in the day. Ixion's 2k damage lunges, Diamante's insane's warriors don't do squat, even with elementals.
Tael2008-03-29 23:40:31
QUOTE(Thoros LaSaet @ Mar 28 2008, 12:15 AM) 496883
Bashara what are you trying to get at though? Warriors were nerfed to kingdom come already. Ragniliff was doing -moderate- damage, compared to what used to be done back in the day. Ixion's 2k damage lunges, Diamante's insane's warriors don't do squat, even with elementals.
Heh. Agreed. Go look up some of Diamante's old logs in the combat logs section if you want to see the definition of overpowered. Though yeah, Champ Helms are really the only champ artie that honestly needs nerfing. Some people are just ridiculous. I'm looking at you, Sojiro. *eye*
Rika2008-03-30 00:15:17
Sojiro doesn't even use his champion helm most of the time.
Malarious2008-03-30 00:23:23
QUOTE(rika @ Mar 29 2008, 08:15 PM) 497590
Sojiro doesn't even use his champion helm most of the time.
Sojiro can be overpowered all on his lonesome? Yay Demigod stats + aslaran speed + BC stuns?
