Vista SP1

by Xavius

Back to The Real World.

Xavius2008-03-28 15:37:29
So, it's been out long enough for the worst issues to hit--has everyone who's installed it been generally pleased with it? Or at least not more displeased?

I'm a little leery because Microsoft says people with pre-existing driver issues should be caught by Windows Update and not install it. My wireless adapter's driver is still not fully compatible with Vista, and Windows Update hasn't automatically done this update like it has all the others, although the option to do so is still there without any sort of prompt or warning.

Daganev2008-03-28 21:52:26
wierd, I have no idea if it installed on my machine or not.

However, I have noticed hibernate and sleep mode working better lately. (does it autoinstall on some machines?)
Xavius2008-03-28 21:57:04
They send it through Windows Update, so if you're configured to automatically install updates, I imagine you'd automatically install this one.
Daganev2008-03-28 23:10:24
Ok, well in that case, my good fortune of my computer actually booting up after I close it (its a laptop) would be to SP 1, in which case I highly recomend it.
Caffrey2008-03-28 23:11:33
Hmm I installed it mid-February and can't say I've noticed any issues with it. I also heard about the potential driver problems, but I haven't seen them. Several people at work have also gone to SP1 with no problems. Although that's still no guarantee in your case! On the flip side, I also haven't noticed any vast speed improvement with SP1 either.