Vathael2008-04-03 05:03:35
Before we get started. Yes, my monk healing sucks. =\\ Here I am, standing around and minding my own business and whatnot when all of a sudden...
8004h, 7260m, 6300e, 10p, 31118en, 30900w elrxk<>-
Dysolis stares into his cupped hands.
You sense the piercing eyes of Dysolis looking upon you.
8004h, 7260m, 6300e, 10p, 31118en, 30900w elrxk<>-hi dysol
You raise your hand in greeting to Dysolis and say "Hi!"
8004h, 7260m, 6300e, 10p, 31158en, 30900w elrxk<>-
Eagle Hunter Kilana Dekoven, Bringer of Death says, "It was so funny."
8004h, 7260m, 6300e, 10p, 31158en, 30900w elrxk<>-
wipe 3779
wipe 6259
envenom 6259 with senso
envenom 3779 with dulak
lunge dysol head
lunge dysol head
Being careful not to poison yourself, you wipe off all the poisons from a bladed
scimitar resembling flame.
8004h, 7260m, 6300e, 10p, 31178en, 30900w elrxk<>-
There are no poisons on that item at present.
8004h, 7260m, 6300e, 10p, 31178en, 30900w elrxk<>-
You rub some senso on a bladed scimitar resembling flame.
8004h, 7260m, 6300e, 10p, 31178en, 30900w elrxk<>-
You rub some dulak on a bladed scimitar resembling flame.
8004h, 7260m, 6300e, 10p, 31178en, 30900w elrxk<>-
You change your mind as Avechna whispers in your mind an inquiry on whether you
wish first declare aggressions.
8004h, 7260m, 6300e, 10p, 31178en, 30900w elrxk<>-
You change your mind as Avechna whispers in your mind an inquiry on whether you
wish first declare aggressions.
8004h, 7260m, 6300e, 10p, 31178en, 30900w elrxk<>-
Doman twirls his staff above himself and sparkling water rains upon him, making
him shine with power.
8004h, 7260m, 6300e, 10p, 31238en, 30900w elrxk<>-
A sudden shiver shoots up your spine, making you involuntarily jerk as a
creeping sensation crawls over your skin.
<>-outr kafe
eat kafe
sip allheale
You remove 1 kafe, bringing the total in the Rift to 828.
The allheale burns your throat and makes your eyes water.
Your senses return in a rush.
8004h, 7260m, 6300e, 10p, 31238en, 30900w elrxk<>-diag
You are:
DEF insomnia
8004h, 7260m, 6300e, 10p, 31238en, 30900w lrxk<>-
You have recovered equilibrium.
8004h, 7260m, 6300e, 10p, 31238en, 30900w elrxk<>-
You may eat or smoke another herb.
8004h, 7260m, 6300e, 10p, 31238en, 30900w elrxk<>-wipe 3779
wipe 6259
envenom 6259 with senso
envenom 3779 with dulak
lunge dysol head
lunge dysol head
Being careful not to poison yourself, you wipe off all the poisons from a bladed
scimitar resembling flame.
8004h, 7260m, 6300e, 10p, 31238en, 30900w elrxk<>-
Being careful not to poison yourself, you wipe off all the poisons from a bladed
scimitar resembling flame.
8004h, 7260m, 6300e, 10p, 31258en, 30900w elrxk<>-
You rub some senso on a bladed scimitar resembling flame.
8004h, 7260m, 6300e, 10p, 31258en, 30900w elrxk<>-
You rub some dulak on a bladed scimitar resembling flame.
8004h, 7260m, 6300e, 10p, 31258en, 30900w elrxk<>-
With a powerful lunge, you strike at Dysolis's head with a bladed scimitar
resembling flame. You strike his forehead, which turns his face into a bloody
As the attack punches through Dysolis's phantom armour, a backlash of crackling
phantasmal energy lashes out at you.
"Yarr!" Dysolis snarls, squinting his eye about himself.
The Aetherplex Chamber.
This location is flooded with shallow, crystal clear water. A small key lies on
the ground here. The fossilized remains of Sadye are here. The fossilized
remains of Livictus are here. Feria is here. Lady Lorina Car'vier, the Water
Maiden is here, shrouded. She wields a coral staff in her left hand. She is
surrounded by one reflection of herself. Eagle Hunter Kilana Dekoven, Bringer of
Death is here. She wields an aslaran tribal rapier in each hand. Casilu Dekoven
is here. She wields a ravenwood tahto with both hands. She is surrounded by one
reflection of herself. Penumbra Aislinn d'Illici, Servant of Wisdom is here.
Doman, Aquatic Shifter is here. He wields a coral staff in his left hand. He is
surrounded by one reflection of himself. Captain Dysolis, Pasha of the flame is
here, shrouded. He wields the Pearl Staff of Rushing Water in his left hand and
a magic tome in his right. There is an aetherways portal here.
You see exits leading north (open door), south, and out.
You are no longer stunned.
Your senses return to you as the blackout ends.
8004h, 7260m, 6300e, 6p, 31228en, 30900w exk<>-wipe 3779
wipe 6259
envenom 6259 with senso
envenom 3779 with dulak
lunge dysol head
lunge dysol head
You have recovered balance on your right arm.
You have recovered balance on your left arm.
8004h, 7260m, 6300e, 6p, 31228en, 30900w elrxk<>-diag
There are no poisons on that item at present.
8004h, 7260m, 6300e, 6p, 31248en, 30900w elrxk<>-
The white mist here washes over you in a wave of ghostly tendrils.
8004h, 7260m, 6300e, 6p, 31248en, 30900w elrxk<>-
Being careful not to poison yourself, you wipe off all the poisons from a bladed
scimitar resembling flame.
8004h, 7260m, 6300e, 6p, 31248en, 30900w elrxk<>-
You rub some senso on a bladed scimitar resembling flame.
8004h, 7260m, 6300e, 6p, 31248en, 30900w elrxk<>-
You rub some dulak on a bladed scimitar resembling flame.
8004h, 7260m, 6300e, 6p, 31248en, 30900w elrxk<>-
With a powerful lunge, you strike at Dysolis's head with a bladed scimitar
resembling flame. You strike his forehead, which turns his face into a bloody
8004h, 7260m, 6300e, 4p, 31233en, 30900w elxk<>-
With a powerful lunge, you strike at Dysolis's head with a bladed scimitar
resembling flame. You strike his forehead, which turns his face into a bloody
8004h, 7260m, 6300e, 2p, 31218en, 30900w exk<>-
You must regain balance first.
8004h, 7260m, 6300e, 2p, 31218en, 30900w exk<>-ql
A reflection of Casilu blinks out of existence.
Casilu razes your speed defence with a ravenwood tahto.
Casilu sweeps a ravenwood tahto into your chest with a loud crack, causing the
staff to vibrate.
With a quick spin, Casilu kicks you in the chest with her left foot.
7590h, 7260m, 6300e, 2p, 31218en, 30900w exkb<>-adrenaline
outr myrtle
eat myrtle
You are blind and can see nothing but darkness.
7590h, 7260m, 6300e, 2p, 31218en, 30900w exkb<>-
You must regain balance first.
7590h, 7260m, 6300e, 2p, 31218en, 30900w exkb<>-
A sudden shiver shoots up your spine, making you involuntarily jerk as a
creeping sensation crawls over your skin.
You remove 1 myrtle, bringing the total in the Rift to 593.
Blessed sight returns to you.
Your senses return to you as the blackout ends.
6195h, 7260m, 6300e, 3p, 31218en, 30900w exk<>-wipe 3779
wipe 6259
envenom 6259 with mantakaya
envenom 3779 with senso
lunge dysol head
maneuver perform behead down dysol
There are no poisons on that item at present.
6195h, 7260m, 6300e, 3p, 31238en, 30900w exk<>-
You have recovered balance on your right arm.
You have recovered balance on your left arm.
6195h, 7260m, 6300e, 3p, 31238en, 30900w elrxk<>-
You may eat or smoke another herb.
6195h, 7260m, 6300e, 3p, 31238en, 30900w elrxk<>-
There are no poisons on that item at present.
6195h, 7260m, 6300e, 3p, 31238en, 30900w elrxk<>-
You rub some mantakaya on a bladed scimitar resembling flame.
6195h, 7260m, 6300e, 3p, 31238en, 30900w elrxk<>-
You rub some senso on a bladed scimitar resembling flame.
6195h, 7260m, 6300e, 3p, 31238en, 30900w elrxk<>-
With a powerful lunge, you strike at Dysolis's head with a bladed scimitar
resembling flame. You strike his forehead, which turns his face into a bloody
Horror overcomes Dysolis's face as his body stiffens into paralysis.
6195h, 7260m, 6300e, 1p, 31223en, 30900w elxk<>-
You execute the Behead maneuver: HACK DOWN DYSOL.
With a heavy overhand stroke, you slam a bladed scimitar resembling flame down
upon Dysolis. You hack into his neck, and blood fountains out in a thick spray.
6195h, 7260m, 6300e, 1p, 31208en, 30900w exk<>-outr kafe
eat kafe
Casilu takes some salve from a vial and rubs it on her head.
6195h, 7260m, 6300e, 1p, 31208en, 30900w exk<>-
Casilu swings a ravenwood tahto at you but hits nothing but air.
Casilu cracks a ravenwood tahto precisely into your left arm, causing spasms to
numb your stiffening side.
With a quick spin, Casilu kicks you in the head with her left foot.
5951h, 7260m, 6300e, 1p, 31208en, 30900w exk<>-
You remove 1 kafe, bringing the total in the Rift to 827.
5951h, 7260m, 6300e, 1p, 31208en, 30900w exk<>-ql
You eat a kafe bean.
5951h, 7260m, 6300e, 1p, 31208en, 30900w exk<>-
The Aetherplex Chamber.
This location is flooded with shallow, crystal clear water. A small key lies on
the ground here. The fossilized remains of Sadye are here. The fossilized
remains of Livictus are here. Feria is here. Lady Lorina Car'vier, the Water
Maiden is here, shrouded. She wields a coral staff in her left hand. Eagle
Hunter Kilana Dekoven, Bringer of Death is here. She wields an aslaran tribal
rapier in each hand. Penumbra Aislinn d'Illici, Servant of Wisdom is here.
Captain Dysolis, Pasha of the flame is here, shrouded. He wields the Pearl Staff
of Rushing Water in his left hand and a magic tome in his right. Casilu Dekoven
is here. She wields a ravenwood tahto with both hands. Doman, Aquatic Shifter is
here. He wields a coral staff in his left hand. He is surrounded by one
reflection of himself. There is an aetherways portal here.
You see exits leading north (open door), south, and out.
5951h, 7260m, 6300e, 1p, 31208en, 30900w exk<>-
Casilu sweeps a ravenwood tahto into you, sending painful vibrations up your
Casilu twists a ravenwood tahto painfully as it strikes.
Casilu cracks a ravenwood tahto precisely into your right arm, causing spasms to
numb your stiffening side.
Casilu twists a ravenwood tahto painfully as it strikes.
5691h, 7260m, 6300e, 1p, 31208en, 30900w exkp<>-sip health
You may eat or smoke another herb.
5691h, 7260m, 6300e, 1p, 31208en, 30900w exkp<>-wipe 3779
wipe 6259
envenom 6259 with mantakaya
envenom 3779 with senso
strike dysol rarm
maneuver perform behead down dysol
A cloud of jellyfish swarm around you, attacking you with tiny stings.
5532h, 7260m, 6300e, 1p, 31208en, 30900w exkp<>-
You are too stunned to be able to do anything.
5532h, 7260m, 6300e, 1p, 31208en, 30900w exkp<>-adrenaline
You are too stunned to be able to do anything.
5532h, 7260m, 6300e, 1p, 31208en, 30900w exkp<>-
You are too stunned to be able to do anything.
5532h, 7260m, 6300e, 1p, 31208en, 30900w exkp<>-
You are too stunned to be able to do anything.
5532h, 7260m, 6300e, 1p, 31208en, 30900w exkp<>-
You are too stunned to be able to do anything.
5532h, 7260m, 6300e, 1p, 31208en, 30900w exkp<>-
You are too stunned to be able to do anything.
5532h, 7260m, 6300e, 1p, 31208en, 30900w exkp<>-
You are too stunned to be able to do anything.
5532h, 7260m, 6300e, 1p, 31208en, 30900w exkp<>-
You have recovered balance on your right arm.
You have recovered balance on your left arm.
You are no longer stunned.
5932h, 7260m, 6300e, 1p, 31228en, 30900w elrxk<>-adrenaline
wipe 3779
wipe 6259
envenom 6259 with mantakaya
envenom 3779 with senso
strike dysol rarm
maneuver perform behead down dysol
A surge of adrenaline courses through your veins.
5932h, 7260m, 6300e, 1p, 31228en, 30900w elrxk<>-
Dysolis flaps his arms madly.
5932h, 7260m, 6300e, 1p, 31228en, 30900w elrxk<>-
A biting cold seeps deep into your bones from the frigid water, making your
teeth chatter.
5932h, 7260m, 6300e, 1p, 31228en, 30900w elrxk<>-sip fire
A surge of adrenaline courses through your veins.
5932h, 7260m, 6300e, 1p, 31228en, 30900w elrxk<>-
There are no poisons on that item at present.
5932h, 7260m, 6300e, 1p, 31228en, 30900w elrxk<>-
There are no poisons on that item at present.
5932h, 7260m, 6300e, 1p, 31228en, 30900w elrxk<>-
You rub some mantakaya on a bladed scimitar resembling flame.
5932h, 7260m, 6300e, 1p, 31228en, 30900w elrxk<>-
You rub some senso on a bladed scimitar resembling flame.
5932h, 7260m, 6300e, 1p, 31228en, 30900w elrxk<>-
Your left arm must be free.
5932h, 7260m, 6300e, 1p, 31228en, 30900w elrxk<>-
You execute the Behead maneuver: HACK DOWN DYSOL.
Your left arm must be free.
5932h, 7260m, 6300e, 1p, 31228en, 30900w elrxk<>-
Eagle Hunter Kilana Dekoven, Bringer of Death says to Casilu, "Stop."
5932h, 7260m, 6300e, 1p, 31228en, 30900w elrxk<>-apply mending to arms
wipe 3779
wipe 6259
envenom 6259 with mantakaya
envenom 3779 with senso
strike dysol rarm
maneuver perform behead down dysol
You take a drink from an opal vial.
CURED shivering
5932h, 7260m, 6300e, 1p, 31228en, 30900w elrxk<>-
You take out some salve and quickly rub it on your arms.
The salve has no discernable effect.
5932h, 7260m, 6300e, 1p, 31228en, 30900w elrxk<>-wipe 3779
wipe 6259
envenom 6259 with mantakaya
envenom 3779 with senso
strike dysol rarm
maneuver perform behead down dysol
Being careful not to poison yourself, you wipe off all the poisons from a bladed
scimitar resembling flame.
5932h, 7260m, 6300e, 1p, 31228en, 30900w elrxk<>-
Being careful not to poison yourself, you wipe off all the poisons from a bladed
scimitar resembling flame.
5932h, 7260m, 6300e, 1p, 31228en, 30900w elrxk<>-
You rub some mantakaya on a bladed scimitar resembling flame.
5932h, 7260m, 6300e, 1p, 31228en, 30900w elrxk<>-
You bleed 41 health.
5891h, 7260m, 6300e, 1p, 31228en, 30900w elrxk<>-
You rub some senso on a bladed scimitar resembling flame.
5891h, 7260m, 6300e, 1p, 31228en, 30900w elrxk<>-
Your left arm must be free.
5891h, 7260m, 6300e, 1p, 31228en, 30900w elrxk<>-
You execute the Behead maneuver: HACK DOWN DYSOL.
Your left arm must be free.
5891h, 7260m, 6300e, 1p, 31228en, 30900w elrxk<>-
Casilu sweeps a ravenwood tahto into you, sending painful vibrations up your
You shrug off the effects of the poison.
Casilu cracks a ravenwood tahto precisely into your left arm, causing spasms to
numb your stiffening side.
With a quick spin, Casilu kicks you in the head with her left foot.
5351h, 7260m, 6300e, 1p, 31228en, 30900w elrxkp<>-
A reflection of Doman blinks out of existence.
5351h, 7260m, 6300e, 1p, 31228en, 30900w elrxkp<>-apply mending to arms
sip health
The white mist here washes over you in a wave of ghostly tendrils.
5351h, 7260m, 6300e, 1p, 31228en, 30900w elrxkp<>-
You are too stunned to be able to do anything.
5351h, 7260m, 6300e, 1p, 31228en, 30900w elrxkp<>-
You may drink another purgative or curing potion.
5351h, 7260m, 6300e, 1p, 31228en, 30900w elrxkp<>-
You are no longer stunned.
5351h, 7260m, 6300e, 1p, 31228en, 30900w elrxk<>-clot
sip fire
apply mending to arms
sip health
Being careful not to poison yourself, you wipe off all the poisons from a bladed
scimitar resembling flame.
5351h, 7260m, 6300e, 1p, 31228en, 30900w elrxk<>-
You rub some mantakaya on a bladed scimitar resembling flame.
5351h, 7260m, 6300e, 1p, 31228en, 30900w elrxk<>-
You rub some senso on a bladed scimitar resembling flame.
5351h, 7260m, 6300e, 1p, 31228en, 30900w elrxk<>-
Your left arm must be free.
5351h, 7260m, 6300e, 1p, 31228en, 30900w elrxk<>-
You execute the Behead maneuver: HACK DOWN DYSOL.
Your left arm must be free.
5351h, 7260m, 6300e, 1p, 31228en, 30900w elrxk<>-
Dysolis reads a scroll.
5351h, 7260m, 6300e, 1p, 31228en, 30900w elrxk<>-
You take out some salve and quickly rub it on your arms.
The salve has no discernable effect.
5351h, 7260m, 6300e, 1p, 31228en, 30900w elrxk<>-
You take a drink from a beryl vial.
The potion heals and soothes you.
6859h, 7260m, 6300e, 1p, 31228en, 30900w elrxk<>-
6859h, 7200m, 6300e, 2p, 31228en, 30888w elrxk<>-
A surge of adrenaline courses through your veins.
6859h, 7200m, 6300e, 2p, 31228en, 30888w elrxk<>-
Casilu sweeps a ravenwood tahto into you, sending painful vibrations up your
Casilu twists a ravenwood tahto painfully as it strikes.
Casilu cracks a ravenwood tahto precisely into your right arm, causing spasms to
numb your stiffening side.
Casilu twists a ravenwood tahto painfully as it strikes.
7206h, 7260m, 6300e, 2p, 31228en, 30888w elrxkp<>-wipe 3779
wipe 6259
envenom 6259 with mantakaya
envenom 3779 with senso
strike dysol rarm
maneuver perform behead down dysol
You are too stunned to be able to do anything.
7206h, 7260m, 6300e, 2p, 31228en, 30888w elrxkp<>-
You are too stunned to be able to do anything.
7206h, 7260m, 6300e, 2p, 31228en, 30888w elrxkp<>-
You are too stunned to be able to do anything.
7206h, 7260m, 6300e, 2p, 31228en, 30888w elrxkp<>-adrenaline
A sudden shiver shoots up your spine, making you involuntarily jerk as a
creeping sensation crawls over your skin.
You are too stunned to be able to do anything.
You are no longer stunned.
outr kafe
eat kafe
sip fire
You rub some mantakaya on a bladed scimitar resembling flame.
You rub some senso on a bladed scimitar resembling flame.
Your left arm must be free.
You execute the Behead maneuver: HACK DOWN DYSOL.
Your left arm must be free.
A surge of adrenaline courses through your veins.
ONDEF speed
You are already speeded.
You may take another dose of allheale.
<>-sip allheale
You remove 1 kafe, bringing the total in the Rift to 826.
A feeling of comfortable warmth spreads over you.
The allheale burns your throat and makes your eyes water.
CURED hemiplegy (left side)
You use 10000 of your divine essence.
You may drink another purgative or curing potion.
You may eat or smoke another herb.
<>-outr kafe
eat kafe
sip fire
You bleed 394 health.
You may drink another health, mana, or bromide potion.
You heave a sigh of relief as you feel phantasmic claws dissipate.
8004h, 7260m, 6300e, 2p, 32400en, 30900w elrxk<>-sip health
You remove 1 kafe, bringing the total in the Rift to 825.
8004h, 7260m, 6300e, 2p, 32400en, 30900w elrxk<>-clot
Your senses return to you as the blackout ends.
8004h, 7260m, 6300e, 2p, 32400en, 30900w elrxk<>-
You eat a kafe bean.
8004h, 7260m, 6300e, 2p, 32400en, 30900w elrxk<>-
You take a drink from an opal vial.
ONDEF fire
8004h, 7260m, 6300e, 2p, 32400en, 30900w elrxk<>-diag
You take a drink from a beryl vial.
The potion heals and soothes you.
8004h, 7260m, 6300e, 2p, 32400en, 30900w elrxk<>-
Eagle Hunter Kilana Dekoven, Bringer of Death says to Casilu, "It is not your
place to interfere."
8004h, 7260m, 6300e, 2p, 32400en, 30900w elrxk<>-
8004h, 7260m, 6300e, 2p, 32400en, 30900w elrxk<>-
You are:
8004h, 7260m, 6300e, 2p, 32400en, 30900w lrxk<>-
Casilu sweeps a ravenwood tahto into you, sending painful vibrations up your
You shrug off the effects of the poison.
Casilu cracks a ravenwood tahto precisely into your left arm, causing spasms to
numb your stiffening side.
You shrug off the effects of the poison.
With a quick spin, Casilu kicks you in the head with her left foot.
8004h, 7260m, 6300e, 2p, 32400en, 30900w lrxkp<>-
A cloud of jellyfish swarm around you, attacking you with tiny stings.
8004h, 7260m, 6300e, 2p, 32400en, 30900w lrxkp<>-
You have recovered equilibrium.
8004h, 7260m, 6300e, 2p, 32400en, 30900w elrxkp<>-
You may drink another purgative or curing potion.
8004h, 7260m, 6300e, 2p, 32400en, 30900w elrxkp<>-
You may eat or smoke another herb.
8004h, 7260m, 6300e, 2p, 32400en, 30900w elrxkp<>-
Doman points his staff at you, icy water erupting forth and pounding into your
body. The shock of the cold water makes you gasp involuntarily, knocking the
breath out of you.
8004h, 7260m, 6300e, 2p, 32400en, 30900w elrxkp<>-
You are no longer stunned.
8004h, 7260m, 6300e, 2p, 32400en, 30900w elrxk<>-
A biting cold seeps deep into your skin.
An enormous wave sweeps over you, knocking you to the ground.
8004h, 7260m, 6300e, 2p, 32400en, 30900w elrxkp<>-sip fire
Casilu razes your speed defence with a ravenwood tahto.
Casilu sweeps a ravenwood tahto into you, sending painful vibrations up your
Casilu twists a ravenwood tahto painfully as it strikes.
You shrug off the effects of the poison.
Casilu swings a ravenwood tahto at you but hits nothing but air.
8004h, 7260m, 6300e, 2p, 32400en, 30900w elrxkp<>-adrenaline
You are too stunned to be able to do anything.
8004h, 7260m, 6300e, 2p, 32400en, 30900w elrxkp<>-adrenaline
You are too stunned to be able to do anything.
8004h, 7260m, 6300e, 2p, 32400en, 30900w elrxkp<>-adrenaline
You are too stunned to be able to do anything.
8004h, 7260m, 6300e, 3p, 32400en, 30900w elrxkp<>-
You are too stunned to be able to do anything.
8004h, 7260m, 6300e, 3p, 32400en, 30900w elrxkp<>-
You are no longer stunned.
8004h, 7260m, 6300e, 3p, 32400en, 30900w elrxk<>-
(House d'Murani): Hyperion says, "Bah. A cave-fisher didn't used to do 1800 to
8004h, 7260m, 6300e, 3p, 32400en, 30900w elrxk<>-adrenaline
sip fire
A surge of adrenaline courses through your veins.
8004h, 7260m, 6300e, 3p, 32400en, 30900w elrxk<>-
A surge of adrenaline courses through your veins.
8004h, 7260m, 6300e, 3p, 32400en, 30900w elrxk<>-
A surge of adrenaline courses through your veins.
8004h, 7260m, 6300e, 3p, 32400en, 30900w elrxk<>-
The white mist here washes over you in a wave of ghostly tendrils.
You may drink another health, mana, or bromide potion.
8004h, 7260m, 6300e, 3p, 32400en, 30900w elrxk<>-
You take a drink from an opal vial.
ONDEF fire
8004h, 7260m, 6300e, 3p, 32400en, 30900w elrxk<>-
You bleed 19 health.
8004h, 7260m, 6300e, 3p, 32400en, 30900w elrxk<>-
Casilu swings her leg high into the air at your head.
Casilu sweeps a ravenwood tahto into your chest with a loud crack, causing the
staff to vibrate.
You shrug off the effects of the poison.
8004h, 7260m, 6300e, 3p, 32400en, 30900w elrxk<>-wipe 3779
wipe 6259
envenom 6259 with mantakaya
envenom 3779 with senso
lunge dysol head
maneuver perform behead down dysol
Being careful not to poison yourself, you wipe off all the poisons from a bladed
scimitar resembling flame.
8004h, 7260m, 6300e, 3p, 32400en, 30900w elrxk<>-
You may drink another purgative or curing potion.
8004h, 7260m, 6300e, 3p, 32400en, 30900w elrxk<>-
Doman points his staff at you, icy water erupting forth and pounding into your
body. The shock of the cold water makes you gasp involuntarily, knocking the
breath out of you.
8004h, 7260m, 6300e, 3p, 32400en, 30900w elrxk<>-
Being careful not to poison yourself, you wipe off all the poisons from a bladed
scimitar resembling flame.
8004h, 7260m, 6300e, 3p, 32400en, 30900w elrxk<>-
You rub some mantakaya on a bladed scimitar resembling flame.
8004h, 7260m, 6300e, 3p, 32400en, 30900w elrxk<>-
You rub some senso on a bladed scimitar resembling flame.
8004h, 7260m, 6300e, 3p, 32400en, 30900w elrxk<>-
The divine fire wreathing your body shimmers away at your action.
With a powerful lunge, you strike at Dysolis's head with a bladed scimitar
resembling flame. You strike his forehead, which turns his face into a bloody
Horror overcomes Dysolis's face as his body stiffens into paralysis.
8004h, 7260m, 6300e, 1p, 32385en, 30900w elxk<>-
You execute the Behead maneuver: HACK DOWN DYSOL.
With a heavy overhand stroke, you slam a bladed scimitar resembling flame down
upon Dysolis. You hack his chest, leaving a small surface wound.
8004h, 7260m, 6300e, 1p, 32370en, 30900w exk<>-
A sudden shiver shoots up your spine, making you involuntarily jerk as a
creeping sensation crawls over your skin.
<>-outr kafe
eat kafe
You remove 1 kafe, bringing the total in the Rift to 824.
The Aetherplex Chamber.
This location is flooded with shallow, crystal clear water. A small key lies on
the ground here. The fossilized remains of Sadye are here. The fossilized
remains of Livictus are here. Feria is here. Lady Lorina Car'vier, the Water
Maiden is here, shrouded. She wields a coral staff in her left hand. Eagle
Hunter Kilana Dekoven, Bringer of Death is here. She wields an aslaran tribal
rapier in each hand. Casilu Dekoven is here. She wields a ravenwood tahto with
both hands. Penumbra Aislinn d'Illici, Servant of Wisdom is here. Doman, Aquatic
Shifter is here. He wields a coral staff in his left hand. Captain Dysolis,
Pasha of the flame is here, shrouded. He wields the Pearl Staff of Rushing Water
in his left hand and a magic tome in his right. There is an aetherways portal
You see exits leading north (open door), south, and out.
ONDEF speed
You may eat or smoke another herb.
<>-outr kafe
eat kafe
wipe 3779
wipe 6259
envenom 6259 with mantakaya
envenom 3779 with senso
strike dysol larm
maneuver perform behead down dysol
You remove 1 kafe, bringing the total in the Rift to 823.
You have recovered balance on your right arm.
You have recovered balance on your left arm.
There are no poisons on that item at present.
There are no poisons on that item at present.
You rub some mantakaya on a bladed scimitar resembling flame.
Your senses return to you as the blackout ends.
8004h, 7260m, 6300e, 1p, 32390en, 30900w elrxk<>-
You rub some senso on a bladed scimitar resembling flame.
8004h, 7260m, 6300e, 1p, 32390en, 30900w elrxk<>-
Focusing on his left arm, you strike at Dysolis with a bladed scimitar
resembling flame. You strike deep into his left shoulder, causing his entire
left side to slump.
Dysolis ceases to wield the Pearl Staff of Rushing Water in his left hand.
As the attack punches through Dysolis's phantom armour, a backlash of crackling
phantasmal energy lashes out at you.
You execute the Behead maneuver: HACK DOWN DYSOL.
You sense the piercing eyes of Talkan looking upon you.
The Aetherplex Chamber.
This location is flooded with shallow, crystal clear water. A small key lies on
the ground here. The fossilized remains of Sadye are here. The fossilized
remains of Livictus are here. Feria is here. Lady Lorina Car'vier, the Water
Maiden is here, shrouded. She wields a coral staff in her left hand. Eagle
Hunter Kilana Dekoven, Bringer of Death is here. She wields an aslaran tribal
rapier in each hand. Casilu Dekoven is here. She wields a ravenwood tahto with
both hands. Penumbra Aislinn d'Illici, Servant of Wisdom is here. Doman, Aquatic
Shifter is here. He wields a coral staff in his left hand. Captain Dysolis,
Pasha of the flame is here, shrouded. He wields a magic tome in his right hand.
There is an aetherways portal here.
You see exits leading north (open door), south, and out.
You may eat or smoke another herb.
<>-outr kafe
eat kafe
You are too stunned to be able to do anything.
You are too stunned to be able to do anything.
You are no longer stunned.
<>-outr kafe
eat kafe
You remove 1 kafe, bringing the total in the Rift to 822.
Your senses return to you as the blackout ends.
6624h, 7260m, 6300e, 2p, 32380en, 30900w ek<>-
You eat a kafe bean.
6624h, 7260m, 6300e, 2p, 32380en, 30900w ek<>-
You have recovered balance on your legs.
You have recovered balance on your right arm.
6624h, 7260m, 6300e, 2p, 32380en, 30900w erxk<>-wipe 3779
wipe 6259
envenom 6259 with mantakaya
envenom 3779 with senso
strike dysol rarm
maneuver perform behead down dysol
You have recovered balance on your left arm.
6624h, 7260m, 6300e, 2p, 32380en, 30900w elrxk<>-diag
The white mist here washes over you in a wave of ghostly tendrils.
6624h, 7260m, 6300e, 2p, 32380en, 30900w elrxk<>-
Being careful not to poison yourself, you wipe off all the poisons from a bladed
scimitar resembling flame.
6624h, 7260m, 6300e, 2p, 32380en, 30900w elrxk<>-
Being careful not to poison yourself, you wipe off all the poisons from a bladed
scimitar resembling flame.
6624h, 7260m, 6300e, 2p, 32380en, 30900w elrxk<>-
Casilu sweeps a ravenwood tahto into your chest with a loud crack, causing the
staff to vibrate.
Casilu twists a ravenwood tahto painfully as it strikes.
You shrug off the effects of the poison.
6522h, 7260m, 6300e, 2p, 32380en, 30900w elrxk<>-
Doman points his staff at you, icy water erupting forth and pounding into your
body. The shock of the cold water makes you gasp involuntarily, knocking the
breath out of you.
5272h, 7260m, 6300e, 2p, 32380en, 30900w elrxk<>-
You rub some mantakaya on a bladed scimitar resembling flame.
5272h, 7260m, 6300e, 2p, 32380en, 30900w elrxk<>-
You rub some senso on a bladed scimitar resembling flame.
5272h, 7260m, 6300e, 2p, 32380en, 30900w elrxk<>-
Focusing on his right arm, you strike at Dysolis with a bladed scimitar
resembling flame. You strike his right arm, striking a major artery that splurts
blood in all directions.
5272h, 7260m, 6300e, 2p, 32365en, 30900w elxk<>-sip health
You execute the Behead maneuver: HACK DOWN DYSOL.
With a heavy overhand stroke, you slam a bladed scimitar resembling flame down
upon Dysolis. You hack through his neck like it's butter, and his head goes
flying through the air.
Dysolis's severed head lands on the ground with a thud and rolls around like a
You have slain Dysolis.
Your karma falls in response to your deeds.
A ghostly form rises from Dysolis's body followed by a bright flash. A new
breathing body appears around the form, restoring him from certain death.
5272h, 7260m, 6300e, 2p, 32350en, 30900w exk<>-
You must regain balance first.
5272h, 7260m, 6300e, 2p, 32350en, 30900w exk<>-
Doman eats a yarrow sprig.
5272h, 7260m, 6300e, 2p, 32350en, 30900w exk<>-ql
You may eat or smoke another herb.
5272h, 7260m, 6300e, 2p, 32350en, 30900w exk<>-
You take a drink from a beryl vial.
The potion heals and soothes you.
6325h, 7260m, 6300e, 2p, 32350en, 30900w exk<>-
You bleed 16 health.
6309h, 7260m, 6300e, 2p, 32350en, 30900w exk<>-outr kafe
eat kafe
The Aetherplex Chamber.
This location is flooded with shallow, crystal clear water. A small key lies on
the ground here. The fossilized remains of Sadye are here. The fossilized
remains of Livictus are here. Feria is here. Lady Lorina Car'vier, the Water
Maiden is here, shrouded. She wields a coral staff in her left hand. Eagle
Hunter Kilana Dekoven, Bringer of Death is here. She wields an aslaran tribal
rapier in each hand. Penumbra Aislinn d'Illici, Servant of Wisdom is here.
Casilu Dekoven is here. She wields a ravenwood tahto with both hands. Doman,
Aquatic Shifter is here. He wields a coral staff in his left hand. Captain
Dysolis, Pasha of the flame is here. He wields a magic tome in his right hand.
There is an aetherways portal here.
You see exits leading north (open door), south, and out.
6309h, 7260m, 6300e, 2p, 32350en, 30900w exk<>-
You remove 1 kafe, bringing the total in the Rift to 821.
6976h, 7260m, 6300e, 2p, 32370en, 30900w exk<>-
You eat a kafe bean.
6976h, 7260m, 6300e, 2p, 32370en, 30900w exk<>-
With a quick spin, Casilu kicks you in the left leg with her left foot.
Casilu sweeps a ravenwood tahto into your left leg with a loud crack, causing
the staff to vibrate.
You shrug off the effects of the poison.
6572h, 7260m, 6300e, 2p, 32370en, 30900w exk<>-insomnia
Dysolis takes some salve from a vial and rubs it on his head.
6572h, 7260m, 6300e, 2p, 32370en, 30900w exk<>-
ONDEF insomnia
6572h, 7160m, 6300e, 2p, 32370en, 30900w exk<>-
Dysolis takes a drink from a pearl vial.
6572h, 7160m, 6300e, 2p, 32370en, 30900w exk<>-
You may take another dose of allheale.
6572h, 7160m, 6300e, 2p, 32370en, 30900w exk<>-
You may eat or smoke another herb.
6572h, 7160m, 6300e, 2p, 32370en, 30900w exk<>-
You have recovered balance on your right arm.
You have recovered balance on your left arm.
6572h, 7160m, 6300e, 2p, 32370en, 30900w elrxk<>-diag
g dysol
g herb
You are:
DEF insomnia
6572h, 7160m, 6300e, 2p, 32370en, 30900w lrxk<>-
Dysolis leaves to the south.
6572h, 7160m, 6300e, 2p, 32370en, 30900w lrxk<>-
Doman wiggles his fingers before you, and you sense a shadow passing overhead.
6572h, 7160m, 6300e, 2p, 32370en, 30900w lrxk<>-
You must regain equilibrium first.
6572h, 7160m, 6300e, 2p, 32370en, 30900w lrxk<>-
You must regain equilibrium first.
6572h, 7160m, 6300e, 2p, 32370en, 30900w lrxk<>-
You have recovered equilibrium.
You may drink another health, mana, or bromide potion.
6572h, 7160m, 6300e, 3p, 32370en, 30900w elrxk<>-
Casilu locks your left leg in a solid grapple.
Casilu locks your right leg in a solid grapple.
6572h, 7160m, 6300e, 3p, 32370en, 30900w elrxk<>-
You twist and turn as you struggle to break free of the grapple that holds you.
6572h, 7160m, 6300e, 3p, 32390en, 30900w elrk<>-portal enter torment
You twist and turn as you struggle to break free of the grapple that holds you.
6572h, 7160m, 6300e, 3p, 32390en, 30900w elrk<>-
The Handmaiden of Shakiniel flies in from the ether, her sword drawn and shield
held high.
+--+ Talkan
6572h, 7160m, 6300e, 3p, 32390en, 30900w elrk<>-
You must regain balance first.
6572h, 7160m, 6300e, 3p, 32390en, 30900w elrk<>-
You bleed 3 health.
6569h, 7160m, 6300e, 3p, 32390en, 30900w elrk<>-portal enter torment
Casilu applies precise pressure and burning agony shoots up your left leg as it
Casilu applies precise pressure and burning agony shoots up your right leg as it
With a quick spin, Casilu kicks you in the head with her left foot.
6779h, 7235m, 6300e, 3p, 32390en, 30900w elrk<>-portal enter
You must regain balance first.
6779h, 7235m, 6300e, 3p, 32390en, 30900w elrk<>-portal enter
You have recovered balance on all limbs.
6779h, 7235m, 6300e, 3p, 32390en, 30900w elrxk<>-
You portal to Torment's Sanctuary.
A foreboding entryway.
The corrosiveness of the taint sickens the land. Filling the room with its
presence, an ebony chest adorned with taint wyrms has been placed on the ground
with its top down. A painting of Celina is proudly exhibited on a nearby wall.
Animated from death, a skeletal horse stands here in an imposing manner. You see
a sign here instructing you to use the PORTAL command to enter the aetherplex
You see exits leading north and up.
6779h, 7235m, 6300e, 3p, 32389en, 30900w elrxk<>-
EDIT: There was a part 2 but apparently I didn't save that one. :/ Same deal, cept had Malarious defend and come in to beckon out of demesne. Dysolis down again, Casilu empressed away and Malicia, Nydekion, and Talkan come to help the people that jumped me to begin with......
8004h, 7260m, 6300e, 10p, 31118en, 30900w elrxk<>-
Dysolis stares into his cupped hands.
You sense the piercing eyes of Dysolis looking upon you.
8004h, 7260m, 6300e, 10p, 31118en, 30900w elrxk<>-hi dysol
You raise your hand in greeting to Dysolis and say "Hi!"
8004h, 7260m, 6300e, 10p, 31158en, 30900w elrxk<>-
Eagle Hunter Kilana Dekoven, Bringer of Death says, "It was so funny."
8004h, 7260m, 6300e, 10p, 31158en, 30900w elrxk<>-
wipe 3779
wipe 6259
envenom 6259 with senso
envenom 3779 with dulak
lunge dysol head
lunge dysol head
Being careful not to poison yourself, you wipe off all the poisons from a bladed
scimitar resembling flame.
8004h, 7260m, 6300e, 10p, 31178en, 30900w elrxk<>-
There are no poisons on that item at present.
8004h, 7260m, 6300e, 10p, 31178en, 30900w elrxk<>-
You rub some senso on a bladed scimitar resembling flame.
8004h, 7260m, 6300e, 10p, 31178en, 30900w elrxk<>-
You rub some dulak on a bladed scimitar resembling flame.
8004h, 7260m, 6300e, 10p, 31178en, 30900w elrxk<>-
You change your mind as Avechna whispers in your mind an inquiry on whether you
wish first declare aggressions.
8004h, 7260m, 6300e, 10p, 31178en, 30900w elrxk<>-
You change your mind as Avechna whispers in your mind an inquiry on whether you
wish first declare aggressions.
8004h, 7260m, 6300e, 10p, 31178en, 30900w elrxk<>-
Doman twirls his staff above himself and sparkling water rains upon him, making
him shine with power.
8004h, 7260m, 6300e, 10p, 31238en, 30900w elrxk<>-
A sudden shiver shoots up your spine, making you involuntarily jerk as a
creeping sensation crawls over your skin.
<>-outr kafe
eat kafe
sip allheale
You remove 1 kafe, bringing the total in the Rift to 828.
The allheale burns your throat and makes your eyes water.
Your senses return in a rush.
8004h, 7260m, 6300e, 10p, 31238en, 30900w elrxk<>-diag
You are:
DEF insomnia
8004h, 7260m, 6300e, 10p, 31238en, 30900w lrxk<>-
You have recovered equilibrium.
8004h, 7260m, 6300e, 10p, 31238en, 30900w elrxk<>-
You may eat or smoke another herb.
8004h, 7260m, 6300e, 10p, 31238en, 30900w elrxk<>-wipe 3779
wipe 6259
envenom 6259 with senso
envenom 3779 with dulak
lunge dysol head
lunge dysol head
Being careful not to poison yourself, you wipe off all the poisons from a bladed
scimitar resembling flame.
8004h, 7260m, 6300e, 10p, 31238en, 30900w elrxk<>-
Being careful not to poison yourself, you wipe off all the poisons from a bladed
scimitar resembling flame.
8004h, 7260m, 6300e, 10p, 31258en, 30900w elrxk<>-
You rub some senso on a bladed scimitar resembling flame.
8004h, 7260m, 6300e, 10p, 31258en, 30900w elrxk<>-
You rub some dulak on a bladed scimitar resembling flame.
8004h, 7260m, 6300e, 10p, 31258en, 30900w elrxk<>-
With a powerful lunge, you strike at Dysolis's head with a bladed scimitar
resembling flame. You strike his forehead, which turns his face into a bloody
As the attack punches through Dysolis's phantom armour, a backlash of crackling
phantasmal energy lashes out at you.
"Yarr!" Dysolis snarls, squinting his eye about himself.
The Aetherplex Chamber.
This location is flooded with shallow, crystal clear water. A small key lies on
the ground here. The fossilized remains of Sadye are here. The fossilized
remains of Livictus are here. Feria is here. Lady Lorina Car'vier, the Water
Maiden is here, shrouded. She wields a coral staff in her left hand. She is
surrounded by one reflection of herself. Eagle Hunter Kilana Dekoven, Bringer of
Death is here. She wields an aslaran tribal rapier in each hand. Casilu Dekoven
is here. She wields a ravenwood tahto with both hands. She is surrounded by one
reflection of herself. Penumbra Aislinn d'Illici, Servant of Wisdom is here.
Doman, Aquatic Shifter is here. He wields a coral staff in his left hand. He is
surrounded by one reflection of himself. Captain Dysolis, Pasha of the flame is
here, shrouded. He wields the Pearl Staff of Rushing Water in his left hand and
a magic tome in his right. There is an aetherways portal here.
You see exits leading north (open door), south, and out.
You are no longer stunned.
Your senses return to you as the blackout ends.
8004h, 7260m, 6300e, 6p, 31228en, 30900w exk<>-wipe 3779
wipe 6259
envenom 6259 with senso
envenom 3779 with dulak
lunge dysol head
lunge dysol head
You have recovered balance on your right arm.
You have recovered balance on your left arm.
8004h, 7260m, 6300e, 6p, 31228en, 30900w elrxk<>-diag
There are no poisons on that item at present.
8004h, 7260m, 6300e, 6p, 31248en, 30900w elrxk<>-
The white mist here washes over you in a wave of ghostly tendrils.
8004h, 7260m, 6300e, 6p, 31248en, 30900w elrxk<>-
Being careful not to poison yourself, you wipe off all the poisons from a bladed
scimitar resembling flame.
8004h, 7260m, 6300e, 6p, 31248en, 30900w elrxk<>-
You rub some senso on a bladed scimitar resembling flame.
8004h, 7260m, 6300e, 6p, 31248en, 30900w elrxk<>-
You rub some dulak on a bladed scimitar resembling flame.
8004h, 7260m, 6300e, 6p, 31248en, 30900w elrxk<>-
With a powerful lunge, you strike at Dysolis's head with a bladed scimitar
resembling flame. You strike his forehead, which turns his face into a bloody
8004h, 7260m, 6300e, 4p, 31233en, 30900w elxk<>-
With a powerful lunge, you strike at Dysolis's head with a bladed scimitar
resembling flame. You strike his forehead, which turns his face into a bloody
8004h, 7260m, 6300e, 2p, 31218en, 30900w exk<>-
You must regain balance first.
8004h, 7260m, 6300e, 2p, 31218en, 30900w exk<>-ql
A reflection of Casilu blinks out of existence.
Casilu razes your speed defence with a ravenwood tahto.
Casilu sweeps a ravenwood tahto into your chest with a loud crack, causing the
staff to vibrate.
With a quick spin, Casilu kicks you in the chest with her left foot.
7590h, 7260m, 6300e, 2p, 31218en, 30900w exkb<>-adrenaline
outr myrtle
eat myrtle
You are blind and can see nothing but darkness.
7590h, 7260m, 6300e, 2p, 31218en, 30900w exkb<>-
You must regain balance first.
7590h, 7260m, 6300e, 2p, 31218en, 30900w exkb<>-
A sudden shiver shoots up your spine, making you involuntarily jerk as a
creeping sensation crawls over your skin.
You remove 1 myrtle, bringing the total in the Rift to 593.
Blessed sight returns to you.
Your senses return to you as the blackout ends.
6195h, 7260m, 6300e, 3p, 31218en, 30900w exk<>-wipe 3779
wipe 6259
envenom 6259 with mantakaya
envenom 3779 with senso
lunge dysol head
maneuver perform behead down dysol
There are no poisons on that item at present.
6195h, 7260m, 6300e, 3p, 31238en, 30900w exk<>-
You have recovered balance on your right arm.
You have recovered balance on your left arm.
6195h, 7260m, 6300e, 3p, 31238en, 30900w elrxk<>-
You may eat or smoke another herb.
6195h, 7260m, 6300e, 3p, 31238en, 30900w elrxk<>-
There are no poisons on that item at present.
6195h, 7260m, 6300e, 3p, 31238en, 30900w elrxk<>-
You rub some mantakaya on a bladed scimitar resembling flame.
6195h, 7260m, 6300e, 3p, 31238en, 30900w elrxk<>-
You rub some senso on a bladed scimitar resembling flame.
6195h, 7260m, 6300e, 3p, 31238en, 30900w elrxk<>-
With a powerful lunge, you strike at Dysolis's head with a bladed scimitar
resembling flame. You strike his forehead, which turns his face into a bloody
Horror overcomes Dysolis's face as his body stiffens into paralysis.
6195h, 7260m, 6300e, 1p, 31223en, 30900w elxk<>-
You execute the Behead maneuver: HACK DOWN DYSOL.
With a heavy overhand stroke, you slam a bladed scimitar resembling flame down
upon Dysolis. You hack into his neck, and blood fountains out in a thick spray.
6195h, 7260m, 6300e, 1p, 31208en, 30900w exk<>-outr kafe
eat kafe
Casilu takes some salve from a vial and rubs it on her head.
6195h, 7260m, 6300e, 1p, 31208en, 30900w exk<>-
Casilu swings a ravenwood tahto at you but hits nothing but air.
Casilu cracks a ravenwood tahto precisely into your left arm, causing spasms to
numb your stiffening side.
With a quick spin, Casilu kicks you in the head with her left foot.
5951h, 7260m, 6300e, 1p, 31208en, 30900w exk<>-
You remove 1 kafe, bringing the total in the Rift to 827.
5951h, 7260m, 6300e, 1p, 31208en, 30900w exk<>-ql
You eat a kafe bean.
5951h, 7260m, 6300e, 1p, 31208en, 30900w exk<>-
The Aetherplex Chamber.
This location is flooded with shallow, crystal clear water. A small key lies on
the ground here. The fossilized remains of Sadye are here. The fossilized
remains of Livictus are here. Feria is here. Lady Lorina Car'vier, the Water
Maiden is here, shrouded. She wields a coral staff in her left hand. Eagle
Hunter Kilana Dekoven, Bringer of Death is here. She wields an aslaran tribal
rapier in each hand. Penumbra Aislinn d'Illici, Servant of Wisdom is here.
Captain Dysolis, Pasha of the flame is here, shrouded. He wields the Pearl Staff
of Rushing Water in his left hand and a magic tome in his right. Casilu Dekoven
is here. She wields a ravenwood tahto with both hands. Doman, Aquatic Shifter is
here. He wields a coral staff in his left hand. He is surrounded by one
reflection of himself. There is an aetherways portal here.
You see exits leading north (open door), south, and out.
5951h, 7260m, 6300e, 1p, 31208en, 30900w exk<>-
Casilu sweeps a ravenwood tahto into you, sending painful vibrations up your
Casilu twists a ravenwood tahto painfully as it strikes.
Casilu cracks a ravenwood tahto precisely into your right arm, causing spasms to
numb your stiffening side.
Casilu twists a ravenwood tahto painfully as it strikes.
5691h, 7260m, 6300e, 1p, 31208en, 30900w exkp<>-sip health
You may eat or smoke another herb.
5691h, 7260m, 6300e, 1p, 31208en, 30900w exkp<>-wipe 3779
wipe 6259
envenom 6259 with mantakaya
envenom 3779 with senso
strike dysol rarm
maneuver perform behead down dysol
A cloud of jellyfish swarm around you, attacking you with tiny stings.
5532h, 7260m, 6300e, 1p, 31208en, 30900w exkp<>-
You are too stunned to be able to do anything.
5532h, 7260m, 6300e, 1p, 31208en, 30900w exkp<>-adrenaline
You are too stunned to be able to do anything.
5532h, 7260m, 6300e, 1p, 31208en, 30900w exkp<>-
You are too stunned to be able to do anything.
5532h, 7260m, 6300e, 1p, 31208en, 30900w exkp<>-
You are too stunned to be able to do anything.
5532h, 7260m, 6300e, 1p, 31208en, 30900w exkp<>-
You are too stunned to be able to do anything.
5532h, 7260m, 6300e, 1p, 31208en, 30900w exkp<>-
You are too stunned to be able to do anything.
5532h, 7260m, 6300e, 1p, 31208en, 30900w exkp<>-
You are too stunned to be able to do anything.
5532h, 7260m, 6300e, 1p, 31208en, 30900w exkp<>-
You have recovered balance on your right arm.
You have recovered balance on your left arm.
You are no longer stunned.
5932h, 7260m, 6300e, 1p, 31228en, 30900w elrxk<>-adrenaline
wipe 3779
wipe 6259
envenom 6259 with mantakaya
envenom 3779 with senso
strike dysol rarm
maneuver perform behead down dysol
A surge of adrenaline courses through your veins.
5932h, 7260m, 6300e, 1p, 31228en, 30900w elrxk<>-
Dysolis flaps his arms madly.
5932h, 7260m, 6300e, 1p, 31228en, 30900w elrxk<>-
A biting cold seeps deep into your bones from the frigid water, making your
teeth chatter.
5932h, 7260m, 6300e, 1p, 31228en, 30900w elrxk<>-sip fire
A surge of adrenaline courses through your veins.
5932h, 7260m, 6300e, 1p, 31228en, 30900w elrxk<>-
There are no poisons on that item at present.
5932h, 7260m, 6300e, 1p, 31228en, 30900w elrxk<>-
There are no poisons on that item at present.
5932h, 7260m, 6300e, 1p, 31228en, 30900w elrxk<>-
You rub some mantakaya on a bladed scimitar resembling flame.
5932h, 7260m, 6300e, 1p, 31228en, 30900w elrxk<>-
You rub some senso on a bladed scimitar resembling flame.
5932h, 7260m, 6300e, 1p, 31228en, 30900w elrxk<>-
Your left arm must be free.
5932h, 7260m, 6300e, 1p, 31228en, 30900w elrxk<>-
You execute the Behead maneuver: HACK DOWN DYSOL.
Your left arm must be free.
5932h, 7260m, 6300e, 1p, 31228en, 30900w elrxk<>-
Eagle Hunter Kilana Dekoven, Bringer of Death says to Casilu, "Stop."
5932h, 7260m, 6300e, 1p, 31228en, 30900w elrxk<>-apply mending to arms
wipe 3779
wipe 6259
envenom 6259 with mantakaya
envenom 3779 with senso
strike dysol rarm
maneuver perform behead down dysol
You take a drink from an opal vial.
CURED shivering
5932h, 7260m, 6300e, 1p, 31228en, 30900w elrxk<>-
You take out some salve and quickly rub it on your arms.
The salve has no discernable effect.
5932h, 7260m, 6300e, 1p, 31228en, 30900w elrxk<>-wipe 3779
wipe 6259
envenom 6259 with mantakaya
envenom 3779 with senso
strike dysol rarm
maneuver perform behead down dysol
Being careful not to poison yourself, you wipe off all the poisons from a bladed
scimitar resembling flame.
5932h, 7260m, 6300e, 1p, 31228en, 30900w elrxk<>-
Being careful not to poison yourself, you wipe off all the poisons from a bladed
scimitar resembling flame.
5932h, 7260m, 6300e, 1p, 31228en, 30900w elrxk<>-
You rub some mantakaya on a bladed scimitar resembling flame.
5932h, 7260m, 6300e, 1p, 31228en, 30900w elrxk<>-
You bleed 41 health.
5891h, 7260m, 6300e, 1p, 31228en, 30900w elrxk<>-
You rub some senso on a bladed scimitar resembling flame.
5891h, 7260m, 6300e, 1p, 31228en, 30900w elrxk<>-
Your left arm must be free.
5891h, 7260m, 6300e, 1p, 31228en, 30900w elrxk<>-
You execute the Behead maneuver: HACK DOWN DYSOL.
Your left arm must be free.
5891h, 7260m, 6300e, 1p, 31228en, 30900w elrxk<>-
Casilu sweeps a ravenwood tahto into you, sending painful vibrations up your
You shrug off the effects of the poison.
Casilu cracks a ravenwood tahto precisely into your left arm, causing spasms to
numb your stiffening side.
With a quick spin, Casilu kicks you in the head with her left foot.
5351h, 7260m, 6300e, 1p, 31228en, 30900w elrxkp<>-
A reflection of Doman blinks out of existence.
5351h, 7260m, 6300e, 1p, 31228en, 30900w elrxkp<>-apply mending to arms
sip health
The white mist here washes over you in a wave of ghostly tendrils.
5351h, 7260m, 6300e, 1p, 31228en, 30900w elrxkp<>-
You are too stunned to be able to do anything.
5351h, 7260m, 6300e, 1p, 31228en, 30900w elrxkp<>-
You may drink another purgative or curing potion.
5351h, 7260m, 6300e, 1p, 31228en, 30900w elrxkp<>-
You are no longer stunned.
5351h, 7260m, 6300e, 1p, 31228en, 30900w elrxk<>-clot
sip fire
apply mending to arms
sip health
Being careful not to poison yourself, you wipe off all the poisons from a bladed
scimitar resembling flame.
5351h, 7260m, 6300e, 1p, 31228en, 30900w elrxk<>-
You rub some mantakaya on a bladed scimitar resembling flame.
5351h, 7260m, 6300e, 1p, 31228en, 30900w elrxk<>-
You rub some senso on a bladed scimitar resembling flame.
5351h, 7260m, 6300e, 1p, 31228en, 30900w elrxk<>-
Your left arm must be free.
5351h, 7260m, 6300e, 1p, 31228en, 30900w elrxk<>-
You execute the Behead maneuver: HACK DOWN DYSOL.
Your left arm must be free.
5351h, 7260m, 6300e, 1p, 31228en, 30900w elrxk<>-
Dysolis reads a scroll.
5351h, 7260m, 6300e, 1p, 31228en, 30900w elrxk<>-
You take out some salve and quickly rub it on your arms.
The salve has no discernable effect.
5351h, 7260m, 6300e, 1p, 31228en, 30900w elrxk<>-
You take a drink from a beryl vial.
The potion heals and soothes you.
6859h, 7260m, 6300e, 1p, 31228en, 30900w elrxk<>-
6859h, 7200m, 6300e, 2p, 31228en, 30888w elrxk<>-
A surge of adrenaline courses through your veins.
6859h, 7200m, 6300e, 2p, 31228en, 30888w elrxk<>-
Casilu sweeps a ravenwood tahto into you, sending painful vibrations up your
Casilu twists a ravenwood tahto painfully as it strikes.
Casilu cracks a ravenwood tahto precisely into your right arm, causing spasms to
numb your stiffening side.
Casilu twists a ravenwood tahto painfully as it strikes.
7206h, 7260m, 6300e, 2p, 31228en, 30888w elrxkp<>-wipe 3779
wipe 6259
envenom 6259 with mantakaya
envenom 3779 with senso
strike dysol rarm
maneuver perform behead down dysol
You are too stunned to be able to do anything.
7206h, 7260m, 6300e, 2p, 31228en, 30888w elrxkp<>-
You are too stunned to be able to do anything.
7206h, 7260m, 6300e, 2p, 31228en, 30888w elrxkp<>-
You are too stunned to be able to do anything.
7206h, 7260m, 6300e, 2p, 31228en, 30888w elrxkp<>-adrenaline
A sudden shiver shoots up your spine, making you involuntarily jerk as a
creeping sensation crawls over your skin.
You are too stunned to be able to do anything.
You are no longer stunned.
outr kafe
eat kafe
sip fire
You rub some mantakaya on a bladed scimitar resembling flame.
You rub some senso on a bladed scimitar resembling flame.
Your left arm must be free.
You execute the Behead maneuver: HACK DOWN DYSOL.
Your left arm must be free.
A surge of adrenaline courses through your veins.
ONDEF speed
You are already speeded.
You may take another dose of allheale.
<>-sip allheale
You remove 1 kafe, bringing the total in the Rift to 826.
A feeling of comfortable warmth spreads over you.
The allheale burns your throat and makes your eyes water.
CURED hemiplegy (left side)
You use 10000 of your divine essence.
You may drink another purgative or curing potion.
You may eat or smoke another herb.
<>-outr kafe
eat kafe
sip fire
You bleed 394 health.
You may drink another health, mana, or bromide potion.
You heave a sigh of relief as you feel phantasmic claws dissipate.
8004h, 7260m, 6300e, 2p, 32400en, 30900w elrxk<>-sip health
You remove 1 kafe, bringing the total in the Rift to 825.
8004h, 7260m, 6300e, 2p, 32400en, 30900w elrxk<>-clot
Your senses return to you as the blackout ends.
8004h, 7260m, 6300e, 2p, 32400en, 30900w elrxk<>-
You eat a kafe bean.
8004h, 7260m, 6300e, 2p, 32400en, 30900w elrxk<>-
You take a drink from an opal vial.
ONDEF fire
8004h, 7260m, 6300e, 2p, 32400en, 30900w elrxk<>-diag
You take a drink from a beryl vial.
The potion heals and soothes you.
8004h, 7260m, 6300e, 2p, 32400en, 30900w elrxk<>-
Eagle Hunter Kilana Dekoven, Bringer of Death says to Casilu, "It is not your
place to interfere."
8004h, 7260m, 6300e, 2p, 32400en, 30900w elrxk<>-
8004h, 7260m, 6300e, 2p, 32400en, 30900w elrxk<>-
You are:
8004h, 7260m, 6300e, 2p, 32400en, 30900w lrxk<>-
Casilu sweeps a ravenwood tahto into you, sending painful vibrations up your
You shrug off the effects of the poison.
Casilu cracks a ravenwood tahto precisely into your left arm, causing spasms to
numb your stiffening side.
You shrug off the effects of the poison.
With a quick spin, Casilu kicks you in the head with her left foot.
8004h, 7260m, 6300e, 2p, 32400en, 30900w lrxkp<>-
A cloud of jellyfish swarm around you, attacking you with tiny stings.
8004h, 7260m, 6300e, 2p, 32400en, 30900w lrxkp<>-
You have recovered equilibrium.
8004h, 7260m, 6300e, 2p, 32400en, 30900w elrxkp<>-
You may drink another purgative or curing potion.
8004h, 7260m, 6300e, 2p, 32400en, 30900w elrxkp<>-
You may eat or smoke another herb.
8004h, 7260m, 6300e, 2p, 32400en, 30900w elrxkp<>-
Doman points his staff at you, icy water erupting forth and pounding into your
body. The shock of the cold water makes you gasp involuntarily, knocking the
breath out of you.
8004h, 7260m, 6300e, 2p, 32400en, 30900w elrxkp<>-
You are no longer stunned.
8004h, 7260m, 6300e, 2p, 32400en, 30900w elrxk<>-
A biting cold seeps deep into your skin.
An enormous wave sweeps over you, knocking you to the ground.
8004h, 7260m, 6300e, 2p, 32400en, 30900w elrxkp<>-sip fire
Casilu razes your speed defence with a ravenwood tahto.
Casilu sweeps a ravenwood tahto into you, sending painful vibrations up your
Casilu twists a ravenwood tahto painfully as it strikes.
You shrug off the effects of the poison.
Casilu swings a ravenwood tahto at you but hits nothing but air.
8004h, 7260m, 6300e, 2p, 32400en, 30900w elrxkp<>-adrenaline
You are too stunned to be able to do anything.
8004h, 7260m, 6300e, 2p, 32400en, 30900w elrxkp<>-adrenaline
You are too stunned to be able to do anything.
8004h, 7260m, 6300e, 2p, 32400en, 30900w elrxkp<>-adrenaline
You are too stunned to be able to do anything.
8004h, 7260m, 6300e, 3p, 32400en, 30900w elrxkp<>-
You are too stunned to be able to do anything.
8004h, 7260m, 6300e, 3p, 32400en, 30900w elrxkp<>-
You are no longer stunned.
8004h, 7260m, 6300e, 3p, 32400en, 30900w elrxk<>-
(House d'Murani): Hyperion says, "Bah. A cave-fisher didn't used to do 1800 to

8004h, 7260m, 6300e, 3p, 32400en, 30900w elrxk<>-adrenaline
sip fire
A surge of adrenaline courses through your veins.
8004h, 7260m, 6300e, 3p, 32400en, 30900w elrxk<>-
A surge of adrenaline courses through your veins.
8004h, 7260m, 6300e, 3p, 32400en, 30900w elrxk<>-
A surge of adrenaline courses through your veins.
8004h, 7260m, 6300e, 3p, 32400en, 30900w elrxk<>-
The white mist here washes over you in a wave of ghostly tendrils.
You may drink another health, mana, or bromide potion.
8004h, 7260m, 6300e, 3p, 32400en, 30900w elrxk<>-
You take a drink from an opal vial.
ONDEF fire
8004h, 7260m, 6300e, 3p, 32400en, 30900w elrxk<>-
You bleed 19 health.
8004h, 7260m, 6300e, 3p, 32400en, 30900w elrxk<>-
Casilu swings her leg high into the air at your head.
Casilu sweeps a ravenwood tahto into your chest with a loud crack, causing the
staff to vibrate.
You shrug off the effects of the poison.
8004h, 7260m, 6300e, 3p, 32400en, 30900w elrxk<>-wipe 3779
wipe 6259
envenom 6259 with mantakaya
envenom 3779 with senso
lunge dysol head
maneuver perform behead down dysol
Being careful not to poison yourself, you wipe off all the poisons from a bladed
scimitar resembling flame.
8004h, 7260m, 6300e, 3p, 32400en, 30900w elrxk<>-
You may drink another purgative or curing potion.
8004h, 7260m, 6300e, 3p, 32400en, 30900w elrxk<>-
Doman points his staff at you, icy water erupting forth and pounding into your
body. The shock of the cold water makes you gasp involuntarily, knocking the
breath out of you.
8004h, 7260m, 6300e, 3p, 32400en, 30900w elrxk<>-
Being careful not to poison yourself, you wipe off all the poisons from a bladed
scimitar resembling flame.
8004h, 7260m, 6300e, 3p, 32400en, 30900w elrxk<>-
You rub some mantakaya on a bladed scimitar resembling flame.
8004h, 7260m, 6300e, 3p, 32400en, 30900w elrxk<>-
You rub some senso on a bladed scimitar resembling flame.
8004h, 7260m, 6300e, 3p, 32400en, 30900w elrxk<>-
The divine fire wreathing your body shimmers away at your action.
With a powerful lunge, you strike at Dysolis's head with a bladed scimitar
resembling flame. You strike his forehead, which turns his face into a bloody
Horror overcomes Dysolis's face as his body stiffens into paralysis.
8004h, 7260m, 6300e, 1p, 32385en, 30900w elxk<>-
You execute the Behead maneuver: HACK DOWN DYSOL.
With a heavy overhand stroke, you slam a bladed scimitar resembling flame down
upon Dysolis. You hack his chest, leaving a small surface wound.
8004h, 7260m, 6300e, 1p, 32370en, 30900w exk<>-
A sudden shiver shoots up your spine, making you involuntarily jerk as a
creeping sensation crawls over your skin.
<>-outr kafe
eat kafe
You remove 1 kafe, bringing the total in the Rift to 824.
The Aetherplex Chamber.
This location is flooded with shallow, crystal clear water. A small key lies on
the ground here. The fossilized remains of Sadye are here. The fossilized
remains of Livictus are here. Feria is here. Lady Lorina Car'vier, the Water
Maiden is here, shrouded. She wields a coral staff in her left hand. Eagle
Hunter Kilana Dekoven, Bringer of Death is here. She wields an aslaran tribal
rapier in each hand. Casilu Dekoven is here. She wields a ravenwood tahto with
both hands. Penumbra Aislinn d'Illici, Servant of Wisdom is here. Doman, Aquatic
Shifter is here. He wields a coral staff in his left hand. Captain Dysolis,
Pasha of the flame is here, shrouded. He wields the Pearl Staff of Rushing Water
in his left hand and a magic tome in his right. There is an aetherways portal
You see exits leading north (open door), south, and out.
ONDEF speed
You may eat or smoke another herb.
<>-outr kafe
eat kafe
wipe 3779
wipe 6259
envenom 6259 with mantakaya
envenom 3779 with senso
strike dysol larm
maneuver perform behead down dysol
You remove 1 kafe, bringing the total in the Rift to 823.
You have recovered balance on your right arm.
You have recovered balance on your left arm.
There are no poisons on that item at present.
There are no poisons on that item at present.
You rub some mantakaya on a bladed scimitar resembling flame.
Your senses return to you as the blackout ends.
8004h, 7260m, 6300e, 1p, 32390en, 30900w elrxk<>-
You rub some senso on a bladed scimitar resembling flame.
8004h, 7260m, 6300e, 1p, 32390en, 30900w elrxk<>-
Focusing on his left arm, you strike at Dysolis with a bladed scimitar
resembling flame. You strike deep into his left shoulder, causing his entire
left side to slump.
Dysolis ceases to wield the Pearl Staff of Rushing Water in his left hand.
As the attack punches through Dysolis's phantom armour, a backlash of crackling
phantasmal energy lashes out at you.
You execute the Behead maneuver: HACK DOWN DYSOL.
You sense the piercing eyes of Talkan looking upon you.
The Aetherplex Chamber.
This location is flooded with shallow, crystal clear water. A small key lies on
the ground here. The fossilized remains of Sadye are here. The fossilized
remains of Livictus are here. Feria is here. Lady Lorina Car'vier, the Water
Maiden is here, shrouded. She wields a coral staff in her left hand. Eagle
Hunter Kilana Dekoven, Bringer of Death is here. She wields an aslaran tribal
rapier in each hand. Casilu Dekoven is here. She wields a ravenwood tahto with
both hands. Penumbra Aislinn d'Illici, Servant of Wisdom is here. Doman, Aquatic
Shifter is here. He wields a coral staff in his left hand. Captain Dysolis,
Pasha of the flame is here, shrouded. He wields a magic tome in his right hand.
There is an aetherways portal here.
You see exits leading north (open door), south, and out.
You may eat or smoke another herb.
<>-outr kafe
eat kafe
You are too stunned to be able to do anything.
You are too stunned to be able to do anything.
You are no longer stunned.
<>-outr kafe
eat kafe
You remove 1 kafe, bringing the total in the Rift to 822.
Your senses return to you as the blackout ends.
6624h, 7260m, 6300e, 2p, 32380en, 30900w ek<>-
You eat a kafe bean.
6624h, 7260m, 6300e, 2p, 32380en, 30900w ek<>-
You have recovered balance on your legs.
You have recovered balance on your right arm.
6624h, 7260m, 6300e, 2p, 32380en, 30900w erxk<>-wipe 3779
wipe 6259
envenom 6259 with mantakaya
envenom 3779 with senso
strike dysol rarm
maneuver perform behead down dysol
You have recovered balance on your left arm.
6624h, 7260m, 6300e, 2p, 32380en, 30900w elrxk<>-diag
The white mist here washes over you in a wave of ghostly tendrils.
6624h, 7260m, 6300e, 2p, 32380en, 30900w elrxk<>-
Being careful not to poison yourself, you wipe off all the poisons from a bladed
scimitar resembling flame.
6624h, 7260m, 6300e, 2p, 32380en, 30900w elrxk<>-
Being careful not to poison yourself, you wipe off all the poisons from a bladed
scimitar resembling flame.
6624h, 7260m, 6300e, 2p, 32380en, 30900w elrxk<>-
Casilu sweeps a ravenwood tahto into your chest with a loud crack, causing the
staff to vibrate.
Casilu twists a ravenwood tahto painfully as it strikes.
You shrug off the effects of the poison.
6522h, 7260m, 6300e, 2p, 32380en, 30900w elrxk<>-
Doman points his staff at you, icy water erupting forth and pounding into your
body. The shock of the cold water makes you gasp involuntarily, knocking the
breath out of you.
5272h, 7260m, 6300e, 2p, 32380en, 30900w elrxk<>-
You rub some mantakaya on a bladed scimitar resembling flame.
5272h, 7260m, 6300e, 2p, 32380en, 30900w elrxk<>-
You rub some senso on a bladed scimitar resembling flame.
5272h, 7260m, 6300e, 2p, 32380en, 30900w elrxk<>-
Focusing on his right arm, you strike at Dysolis with a bladed scimitar
resembling flame. You strike his right arm, striking a major artery that splurts
blood in all directions.
5272h, 7260m, 6300e, 2p, 32365en, 30900w elxk<>-sip health
You execute the Behead maneuver: HACK DOWN DYSOL.
With a heavy overhand stroke, you slam a bladed scimitar resembling flame down
upon Dysolis. You hack through his neck like it's butter, and his head goes
flying through the air.
Dysolis's severed head lands on the ground with a thud and rolls around like a
You have slain Dysolis.
Your karma falls in response to your deeds.
A ghostly form rises from Dysolis's body followed by a bright flash. A new
breathing body appears around the form, restoring him from certain death.
5272h, 7260m, 6300e, 2p, 32350en, 30900w exk<>-
You must regain balance first.
5272h, 7260m, 6300e, 2p, 32350en, 30900w exk<>-
Doman eats a yarrow sprig.
5272h, 7260m, 6300e, 2p, 32350en, 30900w exk<>-ql
You may eat or smoke another herb.
5272h, 7260m, 6300e, 2p, 32350en, 30900w exk<>-
You take a drink from a beryl vial.
The potion heals and soothes you.
6325h, 7260m, 6300e, 2p, 32350en, 30900w exk<>-
You bleed 16 health.
6309h, 7260m, 6300e, 2p, 32350en, 30900w exk<>-outr kafe
eat kafe
The Aetherplex Chamber.
This location is flooded with shallow, crystal clear water. A small key lies on
the ground here. The fossilized remains of Sadye are here. The fossilized
remains of Livictus are here. Feria is here. Lady Lorina Car'vier, the Water
Maiden is here, shrouded. She wields a coral staff in her left hand. Eagle
Hunter Kilana Dekoven, Bringer of Death is here. She wields an aslaran tribal
rapier in each hand. Penumbra Aislinn d'Illici, Servant of Wisdom is here.
Casilu Dekoven is here. She wields a ravenwood tahto with both hands. Doman,
Aquatic Shifter is here. He wields a coral staff in his left hand. Captain
Dysolis, Pasha of the flame is here. He wields a magic tome in his right hand.
There is an aetherways portal here.
You see exits leading north (open door), south, and out.
6309h, 7260m, 6300e, 2p, 32350en, 30900w exk<>-
You remove 1 kafe, bringing the total in the Rift to 821.
6976h, 7260m, 6300e, 2p, 32370en, 30900w exk<>-
You eat a kafe bean.
6976h, 7260m, 6300e, 2p, 32370en, 30900w exk<>-
With a quick spin, Casilu kicks you in the left leg with her left foot.
Casilu sweeps a ravenwood tahto into your left leg with a loud crack, causing
the staff to vibrate.
You shrug off the effects of the poison.
6572h, 7260m, 6300e, 2p, 32370en, 30900w exk<>-insomnia
Dysolis takes some salve from a vial and rubs it on his head.
6572h, 7260m, 6300e, 2p, 32370en, 30900w exk<>-
ONDEF insomnia
6572h, 7160m, 6300e, 2p, 32370en, 30900w exk<>-
Dysolis takes a drink from a pearl vial.
6572h, 7160m, 6300e, 2p, 32370en, 30900w exk<>-
You may take another dose of allheale.
6572h, 7160m, 6300e, 2p, 32370en, 30900w exk<>-
You may eat or smoke another herb.
6572h, 7160m, 6300e, 2p, 32370en, 30900w exk<>-
You have recovered balance on your right arm.
You have recovered balance on your left arm.
6572h, 7160m, 6300e, 2p, 32370en, 30900w elrxk<>-diag
g dysol
g herb
You are:
DEF insomnia
6572h, 7160m, 6300e, 2p, 32370en, 30900w lrxk<>-
Dysolis leaves to the south.
6572h, 7160m, 6300e, 2p, 32370en, 30900w lrxk<>-
Doman wiggles his fingers before you, and you sense a shadow passing overhead.
6572h, 7160m, 6300e, 2p, 32370en, 30900w lrxk<>-
You must regain equilibrium first.
6572h, 7160m, 6300e, 2p, 32370en, 30900w lrxk<>-
You must regain equilibrium first.
6572h, 7160m, 6300e, 2p, 32370en, 30900w lrxk<>-
You have recovered equilibrium.
You may drink another health, mana, or bromide potion.
6572h, 7160m, 6300e, 3p, 32370en, 30900w elrxk<>-
Casilu locks your left leg in a solid grapple.
Casilu locks your right leg in a solid grapple.
6572h, 7160m, 6300e, 3p, 32370en, 30900w elrxk<>-
You twist and turn as you struggle to break free of the grapple that holds you.
6572h, 7160m, 6300e, 3p, 32390en, 30900w elrk<>-portal enter torment
You twist and turn as you struggle to break free of the grapple that holds you.
6572h, 7160m, 6300e, 3p, 32390en, 30900w elrk<>-
The Handmaiden of Shakiniel flies in from the ether, her sword drawn and shield
held high.
+--+ Talkan
6572h, 7160m, 6300e, 3p, 32390en, 30900w elrk<>-
You must regain balance first.
6572h, 7160m, 6300e, 3p, 32390en, 30900w elrk<>-
You bleed 3 health.
6569h, 7160m, 6300e, 3p, 32390en, 30900w elrk<>-portal enter torment
Casilu applies precise pressure and burning agony shoots up your left leg as it
Casilu applies precise pressure and burning agony shoots up your right leg as it
With a quick spin, Casilu kicks you in the head with her left foot.
6779h, 7235m, 6300e, 3p, 32390en, 30900w elrk<>-portal enter
You must regain balance first.
6779h, 7235m, 6300e, 3p, 32390en, 30900w elrk<>-portal enter
You have recovered balance on all limbs.
6779h, 7235m, 6300e, 3p, 32390en, 30900w elrxk<>-
You portal to Torment's Sanctuary.
A foreboding entryway.
The corrosiveness of the taint sickens the land. Filling the room with its
presence, an ebony chest adorned with taint wyrms has been placed on the ground
with its top down. A painting of Celina is proudly exhibited on a nearby wall.
Animated from death, a skeletal horse stands here in an imposing manner. You see
a sign here instructing you to use the PORTAL command to enter the aetherplex
You see exits leading north and up.
6779h, 7235m, 6300e, 3p, 32389en, 30900w elrxk<>-
EDIT: There was a part 2 but apparently I didn't save that one. :/ Same deal, cept had Malarious defend and come in to beckon out of demesne. Dysolis down again, Casilu empressed away and Malicia, Nydekion, and Talkan come to help the people that jumped me to begin with......
Malicia2008-04-03 05:29:22
Um, I came to see what the fight was about. No one came to jump you. Don't assume. I thought Dysolis was duelling Livictus; saw him die to Vathael. Just peeked out a sec. Since Malicia isn't in the habit of jumping/teaming Vathael with anyone, I don't see how you draw that conclusion, heh. Neither does Nydekion.
Vathael2008-04-03 05:37:25
QUOTE(Malicia @ Apr 3 2008, 12:29 AM) 498996
Um, I came to see what the fight was about. No one came to jump you. Don't assume. I thought Dysolis was duelling Livictus; saw him die to Vathael. Just peeked out a sec. Since Malicia isn't in the habit of jumping/teaming Vathael with anyone, I don't see how you draw that conclusion, heh. Neither does Nydekion.
Alright, alright perhaps less of pointing the finger and throwing around accusations but honestly.. What would you think if you were fighting a group of people to begin with and more show up on top of that.

Malarious2008-04-03 05:43:24
Yeah if someone breaks out an attack on you theny ou presume all their allies have to jump in to help. Dysolis just doesnt like to fight alone it seems, even with casilu there he still died.
I am all for helping you out anytime Vath
I am all for helping you out anytime Vath

Nezha2008-04-03 05:50:13
Faeling damage is really low. Casilu was hammering in there and it seems vathael is almost always full..
Anyway, the power consumption is interesting. One lunge is 2 power?
And oh.. Someone in there dies a lot.. During defenses I am loath to follow it as I know it leads to certain doom..
Yeah, celest dont raid so much anymore.. Whats up with that? pfft.. wish someone will train and go with glauco and me.. OR -- bring back forren!

Anyway, the power consumption is interesting. One lunge is 2 power?
And oh.. Someone in there dies a lot.. During defenses I am loath to follow it as I know it leads to certain doom..

Also.. bring back Forren! Oddly enough, things aren't the same without his raiding.
Yeah, celest dont raid so much anymore.. Whats up with that? pfft.. wish someone will train and go with glauco and me.. OR -- bring back forren!
Casilu2008-04-03 05:58:31
8004h, 7260m, 6300e, 2p, 32400en, 30900w elrxkp<>-
Doman points his staff at you, icy water erupting forth and pounding into your
body. The shock of the cold water makes you gasp involuntarily, knocking the
breath out of you.
8004h, 7260m, 6300e, 2p, 32400en, 30900w elrxkp<>-
Doman points his staff at you, icy water erupting forth and pounding into your
body. The shock of the cold water makes you gasp involuntarily, knocking the
breath out of you.
8004h, 7260m, 6300e, 2p, 32400en, 30900w elrxkp<>-
I'm pretty sure he was reckless for a while.

It was probably me, Charybdon does that.
Vathael2008-04-03 06:23:32
QUOTE(casilu @ Apr 3 2008, 12:58 AM) 499004
I'm pretty sure he was reckless for a while. 
It was probably me, Charybdon does that.

It was probably me, Charybdon does that.
If you'll notice the "2p", I was not reckless else it would be "10p".
Rika2008-04-03 06:28:12
QUOTE(casilu @ Apr 3 2008, 06:58 PM) 499004
I'm pretty sure he was reckless for a while. 
It was probably me, Charybdon does that.

It was probably me, Charybdon does that.
Casilu, meet divinefire.
Casilu2008-04-03 06:31:40
Oh. Divinefire, just noticed... that explains the no damage.
Edit: Yeah, I just noticed that right before you posted. It's not my job to know these things!
Edit: Yeah, I just noticed that right before you posted. It's not my job to know these things!
Nezha2008-04-03 07:20:03
on an semi-related note.. maybe divinefire and power-refresh should not be allowed during arena events? defeating a demi is hard enough as it is..
Casilu2008-04-03 07:22:12
Or we just make them cost no essence then and can be done unlimited times, solely to annoy.
Malarious2008-04-03 10:16:43
QUOTE(nezha @ Apr 3 2008, 03:20 AM) 499022
on an semi-related note.. maybe divinefire and power-refresh should not be allowed during arena events? defeating a demi is hard enough as it is..
We can do each once per RL hour, we dont get to use it again when we leave arena

Same for essence from using zap
*still zaps in arena for

Catarin2008-04-03 12:49:52
QUOTE(nezha @ Apr 2 2008, 11:50 PM) 499002
Yeah, celest dont raid so much anymore.. Whats up with that? pfft.. wish someone will train and go with glauco and me.. OR -- bring back forren!
I can't speak for most of Celest but I don't raid much because I'm honestly tired of the OOC beratings I get whenever I do it. Not a lot of fun to be called a whore and be told I'm ruining the game if I kill a defender. I could try snub but how do you snub the majority of a city...?
Unknown2008-04-03 14:10:51
Catarin, you could always do what the gaming community does to me when I have a complaint about their play style (them exploiting a bug or balance issue typically): tell them to STOP CRYING! Unfortunately it only works when you have the majority backing you on it, since as we know, majority rules!
Still.. I say do what the hell you want to do and not let a bunch of babies ruin your fun, as long as you're playing fair. Sani has a war-cry on Imperian, I'll mod that for this situation!
"Kill 'em all and let the admins sort 'em out!"
Still.. I say do what the hell you want to do and not let a bunch of babies ruin your fun, as long as you're playing fair. Sani has a war-cry on Imperian, I'll mod that for this situation!
"Kill 'em all and let the admins sort 'em out!"
Nezha2008-04-03 14:56:20
I can't speak for most of Celest but I don't raid much because I'm honestly tired of the OOC beratings I get whenever I do it. Not a lot of fun to be called a whore and be told I'm ruining the game if I kill a defender.
it happens to the best of us.. 
but -- such childish insults

I could try snub but how do you snub the majority of a city...?
function snubCity () {
    for i in (@entirecity) {
        snub $i;
    for i in (@entirecity) {
        snub $i;
hehe.. just kidding..
Unknown2008-04-04 00:16:42
I got called far worse just cause a certain paladin wanted to quit the game but felt it was needed to do so in the most dramatic of fashions. /hijack
Krellan2008-04-04 02:05:42
Join Glomdoring and boost the commune conflict then. We serens encourage Gloms to raid and it's partly true on the vice versa.
Nezha2008-04-04 02:25:10
We serens encourage Gloms to raid and it's partly true on the vice versa.
remove the frosthags from the entrace to ethereal serenwilde..
Arix2008-04-04 02:27:54
Catarin raids?
Shiri2008-04-04 02:28:30
QUOTE(nezha @ Apr 4 2008, 03:25 AM) 499365
remove the frosthags from the entrace to ethereal serenwilde..
1. I see what you did there
2. You first!
3. Use a ship