Xenthos2008-04-09 17:12:00
QUOTE(Ongaku Nil @ Apr 9 2008, 06:47 AM) 500718
The way she spoke to Ongaku was always very similar to the way other pompous higher-ups in dark/evil cities have spoken to my characters. I just don't see what's so special about Shayle, though I suppose I'm biased, since I have never particularly liked that character type.
Because there was a LOT more to her character than the very little exposure you had. And besides-- this is a thread about characters whose personality you like, not being upset that other people are popular.
Bashara2008-04-10 00:18:57
QUOTE(silimaur @ Apr 9 2008, 07:36 AM) 500707
shayle owned
Shayle was like an unstoppable juggernaut of pure will and raw attitude. That woman totally rocked socks, whether you liked it or not. Gawsh, I miss her
Jael2008-04-10 00:41:41
Gack. I think I'm going to largely be sponging off of what other people have said.
Morgfyre in any RP sense I've seen him in. He is so creepily awesome. I was going to say more, but I think that pretty much sums it up.
Not that he's around, but Aiakon! Aiakon was the perfect fanatical, aristocratic nutcase. I think my first character hero-worshipped him.
Linaeve is great. I've RPed with her in the closest capacity of any of these just because we're both in Cacophony and both work so much on the stage, but she has such a well-established character. She is very, very interesting and always clearheaded, and manages to pull off the holier-than-thou Magnagora nobility thing with a slightly different spin in a few aspects.
Ashai is a rat bastard to his great-nephew, but I've got to give him some serious kudos for building his character up and having solid reasoning behind it, and a very good grasp of who he is. I seriously hope to have Jael to this point someday.
Morgfyre in any RP sense I've seen him in. He is so creepily awesome. I was going to say more, but I think that pretty much sums it up.
Not that he's around, but Aiakon! Aiakon was the perfect fanatical, aristocratic nutcase. I think my first character hero-worshipped him.
Linaeve is great. I've RPed with her in the closest capacity of any of these just because we're both in Cacophony and both work so much on the stage, but she has such a well-established character. She is very, very interesting and always clearheaded, and manages to pull off the holier-than-thou Magnagora nobility thing with a slightly different spin in a few aspects.
Ashai is a rat bastard to his great-nephew, but I've got to give him some serious kudos for building his character up and having solid reasoning behind it, and a very good grasp of who he is. I seriously hope to have Jael to this point someday.
Sthai2008-04-10 01:49:04
Even if I follow Fain ICly, I still think Elo is awesome, and thoroughly enjoyed the entire experience of Sthai as a secret Elostian-worshipping heretic. Him popping in on me early in my time in the Nihilists really shaped a lot of where Sthai has gone and what she's done.
Aiakon, for suggesting that Sthai ought to be strangled when she first showed up in Magnagora for her own good. And for favouring me for Metamorphosis.
Nariah. What more can I say? Mother figure, partner in crime, all around awesome person ICly and OOCly who's probably helped shape Sthai's RP and path the most. If you haven't had the chance to interact with her ICly, you're missing out on quite a lot.
The d'Murani family, especially the Cacophony elements, for giving me an entirely new direction to take my character and new inspiration to go with it.
Aiakon, for suggesting that Sthai ought to be strangled when she first showed up in Magnagora for her own good. And for favouring me for Metamorphosis.
Nariah. What more can I say? Mother figure, partner in crime, all around awesome person ICly and OOCly who's probably helped shape Sthai's RP and path the most. If you haven't had the chance to interact with her ICly, you're missing out on quite a lot.
The d'Murani family, especially the Cacophony elements, for giving me an entirely new direction to take my character and new inspiration to go with it.
Nariah2008-04-10 09:32:01
QUOTE(Sthai @ Apr 10 2008, 03:49 AM) 500886
... partner in crime...
I know NOTHING. My list:
Aiakon - you don't need justification for that one, he was just Aiakon!
Morvior - for the perfectly creepy scientist personality, and he just gets better (creepier) with age!
Sthai - for the amount of creativity in whatever she does that would suffice to equip twenty people easily
Quois - simply the most amusing character I have met, in an OOC sense at least. The cockney accent/slum child/big mouth/complete coward/insanely intelligent flare just keeps me entertained each time. Also entretaining since I get to think up lots of punishments for him!
Linaeve - the perfect artisticly inclined aristocrat from day one
I could keep on going for quite a while probably but it's so hard to specify why Othero, Revan, Daevos, Bhairan, Karnagan and so on each have something amazing about their personality! <3
Urazial2008-04-10 14:33:03
Druken, because he is simply awesome. Especially when he's pissed- an angry Druken comes up with the most delightful G rated words that reduces the target of his wrath to nothing. In fact, all the Inseira's are delightfully stilted in one way or another. And yes, Lyora, I lubs you!
Daganev and Xenthos, both of them made Lusty fun for me when I was starting out and I thought the game was pretty much about teaching a seemingly never ending supply of novices and all the raiding that was done to Glom and it's villages that had me at -40 lessons for a while. Still kinda wish Vira hadn't fixed Daganev's head
Shayle. One of the most complex and vibrant characters I've ever met, may her detractors walk in mediocrity forever.
Hmm. Akraasiel for giving me the biggest wtf moment I think I've ever had in the game. If you read this, I've still got that nonsense written down in my journal
Rancoura, for making Urazial happy again
Daganev and Xenthos, both of them made Lusty fun for me when I was starting out and I thought the game was pretty much about teaching a seemingly never ending supply of novices and all the raiding that was done to Glom and it's villages that had me at -40 lessons for a while. Still kinda wish Vira hadn't fixed Daganev's head
Shayle. One of the most complex and vibrant characters I've ever met, may her detractors walk in mediocrity forever.
Hmm. Akraasiel for giving me the biggest wtf moment I think I've ever had in the game. If you read this, I've still got that nonsense written down in my journal
Rancoura, for making Urazial happy again
Feyrll2008-04-10 14:46:28
It's really a pity he's not around more, same goes for Aiakon, who I always found a genius in RP and general character.
It's really a pity he's not around more, same goes for Aiakon, who I always found a genius in RP and general character.
Daganev2008-04-10 15:01:14
QUOTE(Urazial @ Apr 10 2008, 07:33 AM) 500944
Still kinda wish Vira hadn't fixed Daganev's head
I've been thinking of reverting him in his old age, somehow... Just got to figure out how.
Shaddus2008-04-11 01:30:26
Fain. Every time I see or think of him, I hear that eery musc from FF2/4, Golbez ( sort of looks like him, too). And he's just awesome all around, even favoured me for writing a scroll about my views of him, for the guild
Nariah. Simply the best RP'd, period. Don't know? Make a nihilist alt. One time, she sat there and told me how she punished someone in the guild, by nailing them by their arms ( I think) to the church doors, and opening them slowly.. She REALLY gets into her work.
Munsia (gets out his flame shield) Yes, Munsia.. She's a true hag.. but inside the Aetherwyrm, sweet, giving, always ready to help me out if i need anything, be it borrowing money, or whatever, she's there.
Amatsemaru. A child at heart, she's always ready to brighten my day, no matter how bad it is.
Honourable Mention to Narsrim, who I have never seen speak to me, outside from taunting me after killing me. <3 my uncle
Nariah. Simply the best RP'd, period. Don't know? Make a nihilist alt. One time, she sat there and told me how she punished someone in the guild, by nailing them by their arms ( I think) to the church doors, and opening them slowly.. She REALLY gets into her work.
Munsia (gets out his flame shield) Yes, Munsia.. She's a true hag.. but inside the Aetherwyrm, sweet, giving, always ready to help me out if i need anything, be it borrowing money, or whatever, she's there.
Amatsemaru. A child at heart, she's always ready to brighten my day, no matter how bad it is.
Honourable Mention to Narsrim, who I have never seen speak to me, outside from taunting me after killing me. <3 my uncle
Unknown2008-04-11 05:52:55
Gwynevere: She's always fun to have around.
Suhnaye: Adorable and sweet.
Astraea: She's done a huge amount for the Night Coven.
Anae: A total sweet heart.
Thoros: Funny!
Shayle: There is no other woman IG that has done what she has done. She dominated an entire culture ruthlessly, mercilessly, and in a way that clearly said, "Don't like it? Fine. I'll just kill you."
Araura: One of the best designers I've had the joy of working with IG
Shric: Totally and utterly sweet.
Anae and Leiliadhe: Love them to pieces.
And more!
Suhnaye: Adorable and sweet.
Astraea: She's done a huge amount for the Night Coven.
Anae: A total sweet heart.
Thoros: Funny!
Shayle: There is no other woman IG that has done what she has done. She dominated an entire culture ruthlessly, mercilessly, and in a way that clearly said, "Don't like it? Fine. I'll just kill you."
Araura: One of the best designers I've had the joy of working with IG
Shric: Totally and utterly sweet.
Anae and Leiliadhe: Love them to pieces.
And more!
Unknown2008-04-11 09:22:14
Revan: For being so easily broken.
Tervic2008-04-11 10:38:50
Inky, for breaking Revan.
Nerra2008-04-11 15:33:02
QUOTE(Shaddus Mes @ Apr 10 2008, 09:30 PM) 501111
Munsia (gets out his flame shield) Yes, Munsia.. She's a true hag.. but inside the Aetherwyrm, sweet, giving, always ready to help me out if i need anything, be it borrowing money, or whatever, she's there.
Munsia is very underrated. I fully agree. I've almost never had a bad time RPing with Munsia. My fav personalities...
Divine: Elostian, he's just too funny at times.
Player: Kalodan
But NPCs take the cake fore best personalities. There's so many! Master Shimtobi (or whatever, dairuchi leader), Abeytu, the gumpy old man, the Nagabali is pretty funny though he doesn't say much
Neuf2008-04-11 16:08:49
Feyrll - for that quiet roleplaying in midst of loud pompous aristocracy of Magnagora, her personality shines through her actions. Love the one-on-one sessions of family arguments and discussions ;-)
Aiakon - for that awesome scaryness, and intelligence displayed when in character, and letting me see a hint of his real self in some OOC tells.
Kalodan - for being one hypocritical son of a bitch, and for playing his character drunk most of the time
Astrasia - a darling personality, always there for others and her friends, and always playing the quiet behind the scenes in the guild
Dain - the best faeling, in my opinion. Though he has changed much over the years with the many different puppeteers
White Hart - for a npc who doesn't speak..much..awesome
Avarath - best example of an ur'Guard, I still remember the time where he took a young Ur'Guard off my hands to 'explain a few things'
Peedia family - hilarious Uncle and niece duo
Estarra - for coming up with Lusternia and its great concept. Yes, I know it's not much of a personality thing, but still! Also, remember the zap threat for calling collegeums, Mudschools. :-D
Fain - 'both' versions that I have known have impressed me well. one version I hardly dared to open my mouth. One version forced me to open a dictionary when they spoke and learn new words. heh
Viravain - yes, I know most didn't like her personalities. But I liked that all and think it was a waste to see it go.
Lisaera - from maiden to mother, my moonie hatred is back with vengeance! well, sort of..
Shikari - Best predator. Even though I did not play a Glomdoring at the time, his personality affected those in the enemy camp as well.
ok, I'll stop here now, before I start naming every single God there's been. All have great personalities, some less liked, some more liked than others, but great nonetheless.
Aiakon - for that awesome scaryness, and intelligence displayed when in character, and letting me see a hint of his real self in some OOC tells.
Kalodan - for being one hypocritical son of a bitch, and for playing his character drunk most of the time
Astrasia - a darling personality, always there for others and her friends, and always playing the quiet behind the scenes in the guild
Dain - the best faeling, in my opinion. Though he has changed much over the years with the many different puppeteers
White Hart - for a npc who doesn't speak..much..awesome
Avarath - best example of an ur'Guard, I still remember the time where he took a young Ur'Guard off my hands to 'explain a few things'
Peedia family - hilarious Uncle and niece duo
Estarra - for coming up with Lusternia and its great concept. Yes, I know it's not much of a personality thing, but still! Also, remember the zap threat for calling collegeums, Mudschools. :-D
Fain - 'both' versions that I have known have impressed me well. one version I hardly dared to open my mouth. One version forced me to open a dictionary when they spoke and learn new words. heh
Viravain - yes, I know most didn't like her personalities. But I liked that all and think it was a waste to see it go.
Lisaera - from maiden to mother, my moonie hatred is back with vengeance! well, sort of..
Shikari - Best predator. Even though I did not play a Glomdoring at the time, his personality affected those in the enemy camp as well.
ok, I'll stop here now, before I start naming every single God there's been. All have great personalities, some less liked, some more liked than others, but great nonetheless.
silimaur2008-04-11 17:42:59
QUOTE(Neuf @ Apr 11 2008, 05:08 PM) 501228
Estarra - for coming up with Lusternia and its great concept.
Read The Chronicles of Thomas Covenant, the Unbeliever, by Stephen Donaldson and i think you will be surprised and learn alot! Also the "wyrd" is not tainted!!! Also read the second chronicles..and the final chronicles there all good x)
Unknown2008-04-11 19:44:52
I wish I knew others well enough to really enjoy their personalities. I alway feel like I'm looking at everyone in a higher light. One that I can't reach yet. I guess It's just Mokin's all work no play attitude that keeps him away from all the fun stuff.
Personalities that I do like though...
I really like it when people are absolutely believable. The person everyone looks up to. The one who has always had the purest of smiles on their face. Who, for one second you would never doubt. Then one day you find that the person you thought you knew so well never really existed at all...
Personalities that I do like though...
I really like it when people are absolutely believable. The person everyone looks up to. The one who has always had the purest of smiles on their face. Who, for one second you would never doubt. Then one day you find that the person you thought you knew so well never really existed at all...
Daganev2008-04-11 20:21:48
QUOTE(silimaur @ Apr 11 2008, 10:42 AM) 501240
Read The Chronicles of Thomas Covenant, the Unbeliever, by Stephen Donaldson and i think you will be surprised and learn alot! Also the "wyrd" is not tainted!!! Also read the second chronicles..and the final chronicles there all good x)
"Worm/Word/Weird. In the cosmology of the Land, the Earth's core consists of a coiled-up serpent called the "Worm of the World's End". When Covenant attempts to sever a branch of the One Tree by using the power of the white gold, he risks rousing the Worm (which is not fully asleep, but merely resting) and thus destroying the Earth. The Waynhim and Ur-viles believe in a principle of ethics or destiny called the "Weird". The Elohim have a concept which appears to do duty for both these beliefs: it is impossible to determine whether the sound used for this is "Worm", "Word" or "Weird", as it comes out in a blurred form sounding something like "Würd".
Is it really worth reading or just interesting because of the comparisons?
"Lord Foul is the most commonly used name for the ancient enemy of The Land, given to him by the Council of Lords. He's also called 'The Despiser', the 'Gray Slayer' (his name in The Plains),-dag edit: "Grey Moors anyone?) 'Fangthane the Render' by the Ramen and 'a-Jeroth of the Seven Hells' by The Clave. He also called himself a-Jeroth during the time he served on Kevin's council. He is described as "the wicked son or brother of the Creator's heart" and is the source of all evil in The Land. He is a being of pure spirit, although capable of taking on human form, and is apparently immortal: he cannot be killed, but his power can be reduced to near insignificance. On occasions when this has happened he has always been able to restore and regenerate his power over time.
silimaur2008-04-11 22:37:58
Just reading the wikipedia article will get you no where it doesnt explain it at all, and after reading it myself i realised that it doesnt even fit in with the book.... Nearly everything from lusternia can be found somewhere in the chronicles of thomas covenant x).
Daganev2008-04-11 23:13:45
But is it a good book? And worth reading on its own?
Nadjia2008-04-11 23:21:24
i have to chime in on the Shayle fan club as well. It was her teaching ability and warmth in the Shadowdancers that kept me here in Lusternia and very much a stronger role model for Nadjia. I miss her talks.