Newest Edition to the Luxi family...

by Unknown

Back to The Real World.

Unknown2008-04-14 21:29:34
Simmer down ladies (and in the case of Lusternia, gentleman), he's only 4 weeks old right now. Too young to leave mom, but when I got him he looked like he was very badly taken care of and I didn't want to take him back to the people I got him from. He is currently being bottle fed for another 2 weeks and he will be coming to work everyday with me, hanging out in his Kennel Cab.

Anyways, now for the pictures (yes, its a KITTEH). I tried to keep my ugly ass out of ruining such a cute kitteh's pictures, but I wanted to make all the woman "aww" from the bottle feeding Please forgive my hockey playoff beard (go Sharks):

Unknown2008-04-14 21:35:46
X3 Very cute.
Ashai2008-04-14 22:21:23
Unknown2008-04-14 22:25:29
Totally adorable.

The kitten's cute, too.

I miss Luxi. sad.gif
Diamondais2008-04-14 22:28:14
OMG. I WANT IT. wub.gif
ongaku2008-05-01 21:32:01
Wow...I'm such a baby...those pics made me cry because I miss my cats so much...I need to find some time to go visit my parents...
Celina2008-05-02 06:48:26
Despite the cat looking totally freaky in the second picture....awwwww!

As for YOU. Come back or the cat gets it.
Xiel2008-05-02 07:28:46
QUOTE(diamondais @ Apr 14 2008, 03:28 PM) 502206
OMG. I WANT TO EAT IT. wub.gif

Fixed for Dylara's true intentions.

Other than that, those eyes..dazed.gif Very cute kitteh.