
by Shaddus

Back to The Real World.

Shaddus2008-04-17 00:17:11
Seeking other people,. ones I like IC or not, who have the thing on facebook for lusternia, so I can add you as a friend
Harkux2008-04-17 01:51:10
Putting the link to mine in my profile, if anyone feels like adding, go for it.
Bashara2008-04-17 03:46:09
Linkage is in my sigage. Adding you guys atm while I autoforge.

Freaking stupid random forging system pullhair.gif
Bashara2008-04-17 03:59:32
Who are you guys? I can't tell sad.gif
Unknown2008-04-20 20:50:25
Same. I made an account: Hasani Lowe. I'm not ashamed of my nerdiness (like some people) and not choosy about my friends. Will add anybody who sends me a request. tongue.gif