Morgfyre2008-04-18 01:17:28
QUOTE(Desitrus @ Apr 17 2008, 05:39 PM) 503367
Merian Lord
o Special: Already Weighted
o Special: Already Weighted
What is already weighted supposed to mean?
Jack2008-04-18 01:18:45
Strength : 12 Dexterity : 12 Constitution: 13
Intelligence: 12 Charisma : 13 Size : 12
o Can breathe poison gas upon reaching level 50.
o Regenerate health and mana while in Tainted land, level 2.
o Immune from poison gas.
o Resistance to poison damage, level 2.
o Resistance to blunt damage, level 1.
o Resistance to cutting damage, level 1.
o Special: Upon gaining the Geomancy specialization or Nihilist
specialization, a viscanti becomes a Master Viscanti with statistics
changing by -3 strength, -1 con, +4 intelligence and +2
charisma. Viscanti warriors who choose the necromancy path, upon
gaining the necromancy specialization become a Brood Viscanti with
statistics changing by -2 intelligence, -3 charisma, +4 strength,
+1 dexterity, +2 constitution and +4 size.
o Are susceptible to magic , level 1.
o Are susceptible to cold, level 1.
Strength : 12 Dexterity : 12 Constitution: 13
Intelligence: 12 Charisma : 13 Size : 12
o Can breathe poison gas upon reaching level 50.
o Regenerate health and mana while in Tainted land, level 2.
o Immune from poison gas.
o Resistance to poison damage, level 2.
o Resistance to blunt damage, level 1.
o Resistance to cutting damage, level 1.
o Special: Upon gaining the Geomancy specialization or Nihilist
specialization, a viscanti becomes a Master Viscanti with statistics
changing by -3 strength, -1 con, +4 intelligence and +2
charisma. Viscanti warriors who choose the necromancy path, upon
gaining the necromancy specialization become a Brood Viscanti with
statistics changing by -2 intelligence, -3 charisma, +4 strength,
+1 dexterity, +2 constitution and +4 size.
o Are susceptible to magic , level 1.
o Are susceptible to cold, level 1.
Basically I've tried to make them a viable race without making them too insane. The con and str for master viscanti has been toned down, in return for a buff to cha. The brood viscanti are fairly similar to their current incarnation. The sip penalty has been displaced in favour of a magic/cold weakness (makes sense given their opposition to Celest and desert-like climate!) and the poison resist buffed in favour of a weakened taint regeneration.
Ildaudid2008-04-18 01:19:22
QUOTE(Desitrus @ Apr 17 2008, 08:39 PM) 503367
Merian Lord
Strength : 15 (-1 from 16 Original)
Dexterity : 14 (Same)
Constitution: 15 (Same)
Intelligence: 13 (Same)
Charisma : 12 (+1 from 11 Original)
Size : 14 (Same)
o Have a racial language, merian.
o Regain equilibrium faster, level 1 if Imperial Merian; Regain balance faster, level 1 if Merian Lord. (Trade the equi for balance if Knight)
o Regenerate health and mana while in water, level 2.
o Can automatically swim and tread water without taking damage.
o Can breathe underwater.
o Can DIVE into the ocean depths (RISE to come up).
o Resist asphyxiation damage, level 0. (Removed)
o Special: Already Weighted
o Are susceptible to fire, level 1. (Down one)
o Are susceptible to electricity, level 1. (Down one)
Strength : 15 (-1 from 16 Original)
Dexterity : 14 (Same)
Constitution: 15 (Same)
Intelligence: 13 (Same)
Charisma : 12 (+1 from 11 Original)
Size : 14 (Same)
o Have a racial language, merian.
o Regain equilibrium faster, level 1 if Imperial Merian; Regain balance faster, level 1 if Merian Lord. (Trade the equi for balance if Knight)
o Regenerate health and mana while in water, level 2.
o Can automatically swim and tread water without taking damage.
o Can breathe underwater.
o Can DIVE into the ocean depths (RISE to come up).
o Resist asphyxiation damage, level 0. (Removed)
o Special: Already Weighted
o Are susceptible to fire, level 1. (Down one)
o Are susceptible to electricity, level 1. (Down one)
I am not sure if it would be wise to beef this race or elfen too much really, both of them are honestly 2 of the best specced races in the game.
I think a level 1 bal bonus to Merian Lords would be an awful lot to give just for losing a level 2 asphyxiation resistance, and combining that with removal of 1 from fire/elect seem a bit too much without adding another disadvantage or two.
Unknown2008-04-18 01:21:51
I have to agree that generally speaking, not pointing at any suggestion in particular, that there is such a thing as "give and take". You can't honestly just keep asking for buffs without having to sacrifice something in return.
Of course there are exceptions, but I'm sure most of you know when that applies.
Of course there are exceptions, but I'm sure most of you know when that applies.
Ildaudid2008-04-18 01:25:50
QUOTE(Sojiro @ Apr 17 2008, 09:21 PM) 503391
I have to agree that generally speaking, not pointing at any suggestion in particular, that there is such a thing as "give and take". You can't honestly just keep asking for buffs without having to sacrifice something in return.
Of course there are exceptions, but I'm sure most of you know when that applies.
Of course there are exceptions, but I'm sure most of you know when that applies.
You know you want to agree with me, but because I put that picture up of your deformed body you just can't quite do it yet eh?
Nah but seriously, you are right, there has to be give and takes.
@Morgfyre: What I think he meant (and I could be wrong) is that "already weighted" was that he already added the stats as a Merian Lord- a base merian non spec'd doesn't have those same statistics.
Merians non spec'd are:
11 Strength
11 Dexterity
10 Constitution
16 Intelligence
13 Charisma
12 Size
Desitrus2008-04-18 01:30:30
Dropped str on it as well, don't keep the equi bonus, and rid of the racial resistance. I assume part of the process for a lot of races is unnerfing the extreme racial penalties.
@Morg: Just meant that I had already added the "spec" paragraph that goes under special to the stats at the top.
@Morg: Just meant that I had already added the "spec" paragraph that goes under special to the stats at the top.
carameshian2008-04-18 02:16:19
QUOTE(Revan @ Apr 17 2008, 09:14 PM) 503385
here'smy idea for illithoid!
Strength : 13 (+2) Dexterity : 15 Constitution: 16 (+1)
Intelligence: 13 Charisma : 8 (+1) Size : 10
o Can psychically understand any spoken language.
o Regeneration while underground, level 2
o Have a level 3 resistance to psychic damage. (+1)
o Have a lvl 1 balance bonus. (New)
o MINDSENSE: Can sense others in the immediate area (level 50).
o Inner Worm: A unique racial ability. All illithoid contain an
inner worm. Upon reaching level 50, they may use this to drain the
psychic residue from corpses, artificially inflating their maximum
ego. They may ILLDRAIN corpses to inflate their ego, which
deteriorates to its original levels over time at a rate of 1 max
ego per minute. Their ego may be inflated 50 ego per level of the
illithoid player.
o Are susceptible to magic, level 1. (-1)
o Are susceptable to cutting damage, level 1. (new)
o Have a level 1 equilibrium penalty (new)
Illithoid Monk Specs!!
Stat changes: -2 int, +1 size, +2 dex, +1 str
Illithoid monks are more accurate with nekotai/ninjakari weapons.
Strength : 13 (+2) Dexterity : 15 Constitution: 16 (+1)
Intelligence: 13 Charisma : 8 (+1) Size : 10
o Can psychically understand any spoken language.
o Regeneration while underground, level 2
o Have a level 3 resistance to psychic damage. (+1)
o Have a lvl 1 balance bonus. (New)
o MINDSENSE: Can sense others in the immediate area (level 50).
o Inner Worm: A unique racial ability. All illithoid contain an
inner worm. Upon reaching level 50, they may use this to drain the
psychic residue from corpses, artificially inflating their maximum
ego. They may ILLDRAIN corpses to inflate their ego, which
deteriorates to its original levels over time at a rate of 1 max
ego per minute. Their ego may be inflated 50 ego per level of the
illithoid player.
o Are susceptible to magic, level 1. (-1)
o Are susceptable to cutting damage, level 1. (new)
o Have a level 1 equilibrium penalty (new)
Illithoid Monk Specs!!
Stat changes: -2 int, +1 size, +2 dex, +1 str
Illithoid monks are more accurate with nekotai/ninjakari weapons.
I'd rather have -2 magic disadvantage than -1 to damage and -1 to cutting. I can pick my fights and avoid magic damage-- in total, I'd probably take MORE damage rather than less with -1 to both types.
The str changes-- have you been to the prisons? Illithoids are weak man.
The eq penalty is silly and doesn't fit with their RP either-- the sappers in the prisons are scarily telepathic. Most illithoid players are in fact not monks but are equilibrium-based users. (You won't find another race with the combination of int and con except for Viscanti, and even then, illithoid dex makes my life easy as a bard) Perhaps you would put the +1 balance and -1 eq as a monk spec, an add on something like a +1 boost to size. I understand what you're trying to do make illithoids more "popular" as monks, but you have to be careful not to make life worse for the people who are already that race.
The con boost has the same problem that warriors have with str. It's capped. I can easily go from 15con now to 18, with some combination of yellow, lich, a platter, and maybe a divinefavor.
The biggest boost to illithoids need to be a way to make them viable as influencers. Even if we illdrain to huge levels of max ego, our influencing attacks are really weak. Perhaps a downgrade to illdrain (keep it, just make it add less maxego per corpse) can compensate for a little more charisma.
One possible biggish suggestion would be to change illdrain somewhat and allow people to have a choice on WHAT illdrain will do. Perhaps at some level (80?) you can choose to switch illdrain from raising ego and instead have it raise something else... maxhp, or maxmana, or maybe even some other stats, like str or int. This is just a wild idea.
Xiel2008-04-18 02:42:53
I think that racial balance/equilibrium bonuses should just be removed altogether so that the deciding factor between what race one chooses for their class doesn't rely upon the question of what race would make me hit first. <.<
Unknown2008-04-18 06:18:16
QUOTE(carameshian @ Apr 18 2008, 10:16 AM) 503424
The biggest boost to illithoids need to be a way to make them viable as influencers. Even if we illdrain to huge levels of max ego, our influencing attacks are really weak. Perhaps a downgrade to illdrain (keep it, just make it add less maxego per corpse) can compensate for a little more charisma.
One possible biggish suggestion would be to change illdrain somewhat and allow people to have a choice on WHAT illdrain will do. Perhaps at some level (80?) you can choose to switch illdrain from raising ego and instead have it raise something else... maxhp, or maxmana, or maybe even some other stats, like str or int. This is just a wild idea.
One possible biggish suggestion would be to change illdrain somewhat and allow people to have a choice on WHAT illdrain will do. Perhaps at some level (80?) you can choose to switch illdrain from raising ego and instead have it raise something else... maxhp, or maxmana, or maybe even some other stats, like str or int. This is just a wild idea.
It's not that RP-wise, though. Many races of the Basin see Illithoids as freaks, since they're splinters of Illith, a Soulless. They shouldn't be able to see Illithoids as that enchanting.
And let's face it, Illithoids are far from being cute
Jitwix2008-04-18 07:19:06
I always thought it would make sense if furrikin could gain an ability linked to the type of furrikin they're RPing.
At level 50 a furrikin could choose one ability from BURROW (maybe just up to one level), CLIMB (trees for commune, rooftops for city), FLUIDSWIM, or SPRINT.
It would make sense for say, a molekin or badgerkin to be able to burrow, a squirrelkin or catkin to be able to climb, an otterkin to be able to swim without drowning, and a foxkin, weaselkin or harekin to be able to sprint.
Not sure if furrikin having one of these skills plus tumble is op'd. If it is you could make tumble (or leap) options for the selectable skill.
Any other suggestions? For tae'kin maybe?
Could be done for other races too, like aslaran choosing sprint, climb or roar, depending on if they're more lion-like, leopard-like or cheetah-like.
At level 50 a furrikin could choose one ability from BURROW (maybe just up to one level), CLIMB (trees for commune, rooftops for city), FLUIDSWIM, or SPRINT.
It would make sense for say, a molekin or badgerkin to be able to burrow, a squirrelkin or catkin to be able to climb, an otterkin to be able to swim without drowning, and a foxkin, weaselkin or harekin to be able to sprint.
Not sure if furrikin having one of these skills plus tumble is op'd. If it is you could make tumble (or leap) options for the selectable skill.
Any other suggestions? For tae'kin maybe?
Could be done for other races too, like aslaran choosing sprint, climb or roar, depending on if they're more lion-like, leopard-like or cheetah-like.
Daganev2008-04-18 07:49:54
I would like to recomend that we make a thread for each race, so that we can debate specific races where people are interseted in them.
Also, this would allow people to suggest various changes to races per thread. (like the Lusternized "stat/pack" idea... need a new name for that so people don't get confused)
i.e. I think each race should have a magic/physical/adveturer version to choose from.
Also, this would allow people to suggest various changes to races per thread. (like the Lusternized "stat/pack" idea... need a new name for that so people don't get confused)
i.e. I think each race should have a magic/physical/adveturer version to choose from.
Saran2008-04-18 09:26:02
Just curious though... can changelings switch into the spec'ed races?
Xavius2008-04-18 09:27:20
If they meet the requirements for the spec races, they become the spec race. Changeling faeling turns me into a Shadowcaster, never a base faeling.
Saran2008-04-18 09:37:26
QUOTE(Xavius @ Apr 18 2008, 07:27 PM) 503511
If they meet the requirements for the spec races, they become the spec race. Changeling faeling turns me into a Shadowcaster, never a base faeling.
Yes, however with these spec'ed races what requirements are there?
Unknown2008-04-18 10:27:33
While the abilities Tekora mentioned would be absolutely wonderful to have, I think they are a bit inappropriate as racial skills. At the very least, would it be possible for trills to have either reduced balance time for Flight, or less/no chance of being blown around?
Karnagan2008-04-18 12:56:25
QUOTE(Revan @ Apr 17 2008, 06:18 PM) 503278
Viscanti (non-specced)
Strength : 13 Dexterity : 13 Constitution: 13
Intelligence: 14 Charisma : 14 Size : 13
o Can breathe poison gas upon reaching level 50.
o Regenerate health and mana while in Tainted land, level 2.
o Immune from poison gas.
o Resistance to poison damage, level 2.
o Resistance to blunt damage, level 1.
o Resistance to cutting damage, level 1.
o Weakness to magic damage, level 1
o Weakness to psychic damage, level 1
Master Viscanti: -3 strength, -2 dexterity, +3 intelligence and +2 charisma, +1 equilibrium bonus.
Brood Viscanti: -3 intelligence, -3 charisma, +3 strength, +2 dexterity, +2 constitution and +2 size, +1 balance bonus, -1 equlibrium bonus.
This makes Viscanti WAY more balanced and playable![smile.gif](style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/smile.gif)
Edit: here's the current Viscani for comparison:
Strength : 13 Dexterity : 10 Constitution: 14
Intelligence: 12 Charisma : 10 Size : 13
o Can breathe poison gas upon reaching level 50.
o Regenerate health and mana while in Tainted land, level 3.
o Immune from poison gas.
o Resistance to poison damage, level 1.
o Resistance to blunt damage, level 1.
o Resistance to cutting damage, level 1.
o Special: Upon gaining the Geomancy specialization or Nihilist
specialization, a viscanti becomes a Master Viscanti with statistics
changing by -2 strength, -2 dexterity, +3 intelligence and +2
charisma. Viscanti warriors who choose the necromancy path, upon
gaining the necromancy specialization become a Brood Viscanti with
statistics changing by -3 intelligence, -1 charisma, +3 strength,
+2 dexterity, +2 constitution and +2 size.
o Heal more slowly from elixirs, level 2.
Strength : 13 Dexterity : 13 Constitution: 13
Intelligence: 14 Charisma : 14 Size : 13
o Can breathe poison gas upon reaching level 50.
o Regenerate health and mana while in Tainted land, level 2.
o Immune from poison gas.
o Resistance to poison damage, level 2.
o Resistance to blunt damage, level 1.
o Resistance to cutting damage, level 1.
o Weakness to magic damage, level 1
o Weakness to psychic damage, level 1
Master Viscanti: -3 strength, -2 dexterity, +3 intelligence and +2 charisma, +1 equilibrium bonus.
Brood Viscanti: -3 intelligence, -3 charisma, +3 strength, +2 dexterity, +2 constitution and +2 size, +1 balance bonus, -1 equlibrium bonus.
This makes Viscanti WAY more balanced and playable
Edit: here's the current Viscani for comparison:
Strength : 13 Dexterity : 10 Constitution: 14
Intelligence: 12 Charisma : 10 Size : 13
o Can breathe poison gas upon reaching level 50.
o Regenerate health and mana while in Tainted land, level 3.
o Immune from poison gas.
o Resistance to poison damage, level 1.
o Resistance to blunt damage, level 1.
o Resistance to cutting damage, level 1.
o Special: Upon gaining the Geomancy specialization or Nihilist
specialization, a viscanti becomes a Master Viscanti with statistics
changing by -2 strength, -2 dexterity, +3 intelligence and +2
charisma. Viscanti warriors who choose the necromancy path, upon
gaining the necromancy specialization become a Brood Viscanti with
statistics changing by -3 intelligence, -1 charisma, +3 strength,
+2 dexterity, +2 constitution and +2 size.
o Heal more slowly from elixirs, level 2.
I don't know if 17 INT and equil bonuses are really going to fly, especially not without a sip disadvantage, but I like where you're going with this, Revan. Make viscanti a good all around race, like the other localized races. I approve this message.
Hyrtakos2008-04-18 14:58:20
QUOTE(Karnagan @ Apr 17 2008, 03:57 PM) 503232
Special - Upon gaining the Necromancy specialization as a warrior, an orclach becomes an Ur'Lord Orclach, with statistics changing by +2 int and gaining Lvl 2 mana regeneration.
Most orclach are not Ur'guard however. There are more Paladin orclach than Ur'guard orclach
Unknown2008-04-18 15:46:25
QUOTE(thalos @ Apr 17 2008, 03:44 PM) 503221
From a roleplay perspective it would seem fitting for Igasho's to be able to Scale. At least, I think it would be neat
If you're going to give me an ability I already possess, you'll have to make it better, like requiring half the balance recovery time. Not a bad idea, though.
Unknown2008-04-18 16:10:15
QUOTE(Zarquan @ Apr 18 2008, 11:46 AM) 503559
If you're going to give me an ability I already possess, you'll have to make it better, like requiring half the balance recovery time. Not a bad idea, though.
~~Edited and personal attack removed.
Gwylifar2008-04-18 16:18:42
Plenty of people have the same ability through several paths.