Triana2008-05-20 18:00:01
Are there really any good areas? Illithoids and Kephera are decent, but sort of started getting pretty unrewarding around 79. With bashing you always have Astral or Muud or other high end areas to move up to once you get to a certain level. Just curious if there is an area I've missed.
(the A in the title is a typo)
(the A in the title is a typo)
Triana2008-05-20 19:54:52
QUOTE(Triana @ May 20 2008, 02:00 PM) 513926
Are there really any good areas? Illithoids and Kephera are decent, but sort of started getting pretty unrewarding around 79. With bashing you always have Astral or Muud or other high end areas to move up to once you get to a certain level. Just curious if there is an area I've missed.
(the A in the title is a typo)
(the A in the title is a typo)
I sort of do realize this has already been addressed somewhat in another recent post. I'm just wondering if it's possible beyond extreme drudgery to influence all the way to Demi? As Moon Ladies/Illithoids are the best I've found so far.
Zalandrus2008-05-20 20:14:05
I think the general consensus is no, unless you have the patience of...well, of somebody who makes it a point to influence to demi.
I'm wondering though, do you get the same experience from winning an influence against a mob as you do if you kill it? If you do, then it becomes feasible, but slow. If you get less, then it's even more remote from possible...
I'm wondering though, do you get the same experience from winning an influence against a mob as you do if you kill it? If you do, then it becomes feasible, but slow. If you get less, then it's even more remote from possible...
Rauros2008-05-20 22:57:41
According to Daganev here, you get the same xp for bashing as influencing.
Xavius2008-05-21 02:19:40
You have to read the rest of the post for context. One influenced kephera is worth the same xp as one dead kephera, but you can't influence a kephera in the same time as you can cudgel one to death. It's comparable without crits. With crits, it's not close.
Ildaudid2008-05-21 02:31:53
Lysandus did alot of influencing between Tosha, Merian Isles and Dairuchi area (i think it was dairuchi)
When I used to chase him he would normally be easily found in those areas at some point or another and he was over 80 at the time.
You will have to ask him if it was worth it to influence so much though. (He is a higher level than I am now
When I used to chase him he would normally be easily found in those areas at some point or another and he was over 80 at the time.
You will have to ask him if it was worth it to influence so much though. (He is a higher level than I am now

Rauros2008-05-21 03:08:54
QUOTE(Xavius @ May 20 2008, 10:19 PM) 514088
You have to read the rest of the post for context. One influenced kephera is worth the same xp as one dead kephera, but you can't influence a kephera in the same time as you can cudgel one to death. It's comparable without crits. With crits, it's not close.
The question was if they are worth the same xp, not which was more efficient. Hunting will always be more efficient than influencing. But there's less risk with influencing.
Risk = reward.
Gwylifar2008-05-21 13:56:20
There isn't really less risk if you have death-averting skills like vitae, lich, conglutinate, resurgem, transmigration, sacrifice, darkrebirth, etc. Losing an influence costs less exp than a praying death, but it's quite comparable to conglutinate, vitae, resurgem, etc., and of course it's more than transmigrate, lich, and darkrebirth. So for most people, it's the same or worse risk as most of their hunting.
Shiri2008-05-21 14:01:36
QUOTE(Gwylifar @ May 21 2008, 02:56 PM) 514207
There isn't really less risk if you have death-averting skills like vitae, lich, conglutinate, resurgem, transmigration, sacrifice, darkrebirth, etc. Losing an influence costs less exp than a praying death, but it's quite comparable to conglutinate, vitae, resurgem, etc., and of course it's more than transmigrate, lich, and darkrebirth. So for most people, it's the same or worse risk as most of their hunting.
Yeah, but nothing really varies in influencing except your ping, so you'll usually know if you're going to win ahead of time. In hunting not only can you lag out, but more mobs can run in, or they can do crit attacks on you too much (say: bulls), or something like that.
Gwylifar2008-05-21 14:11:51
Fair point. So if they ever added influence criticals, they'd have to add in influence oacts too so the mobs could do criticals on you or give you debate afflictions. Which actually would be very cool.
Okin2008-05-21 23:27:21
QUOTE(Gwylifar @ May 22 2008, 12:41 AM) 514212
Fair point. So if they ever added influence criticals, they'd have to add in influence oacts too so the mobs could do criticals on you or give you debate afflictions. Which actually would be very cool.
Pretty please? With sugar on top?