Export power logs to Excel compatible format

by Aletheus

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Aletheus2008-05-30 08:03:13
Greetings all,

I just thought I'd share a little java utility that I wrote that helps me a ton with power log processing for New Celest. Basically you just config for long pagelength, dump all the power log for any completed past weave (unless you want incomplete results by using this weave...) via cut and paste, and hit go. It'll filter dangling lines due to wordwrap, your prompt data, any poorly timed tells or CTs etc, and of course the MORE messages. Boom, you have a .csv file that you can import and sort in Excel, gnumeric, etc. It works perfectly for me, but maybe all hell will break loose on someone else's computer. You'll need the java run time to get started, so if your computer can't find java.exe on the path, it's not going to load for you. I can help you fix that though, if you reply or message me.

It's cut and dry, no bells or whistles, just processing power in a split second. Some lines are ignored, but you are presented them so you can make manual corrections. Your ideas, bug reports, and comments are welcome in improving it to handle a larger variety of cases.

Should work for Windows, Mac, Linux. Tested to work on Windows and Mac so far. Unzip and follow README.txt.


Snaithy2008-06-04 14:24:34
tried it, looks good clap_1.gif

would also make it easier to put in power allotments and highlight those that are overdrawn