Malarious2008-06-06 07:22:20
I decided there isnt enough new logs. I dont know what Sham was doing this fight, since he was kind of jumping me.. but yeah here it is.
Ackleberry Highway. (road).
The corrosiveness of the taint sickens the land. It is raining heavily, pregnant
drops of water pouring down onto you. This ancient road curves from north to
south on the eastern side of the basin of civilization. The ground of the road
is compacted tight under the weight of centuries of travellers, merchants,
heroes and villains trekking back and forth. Two channels have been engraved
within the road from the weight of wagon wheels carrying their heavy cargoes. A
statue of Tully stands here, memorializing his noble spirit. Urth Hister,
Instrument of the Fates is here.
You see exits leading north, southeast, and west.
3697h, 4408m, 4171e, 10p elrx-
Urth Hister, Instrument of the Fates says, "Nope."
3697h, 4408m, 4171e, 10p elrx-
A loboshigaru trudges in from the southeast.
3697h, 4408m, 4171e, 10p elrx-
Urth Hister, Instrument of the Fates says, "Yes."
3697h, 4408m, 4171e, 10p elrx-
A celestial archangel flings a cobalt blue disc at you, which envelops you in a
outr wormwood
eat wormwood
focus mind
field of crackling energy.
Bowing her head and crossing her arms, a celestial archangel sends a bolt of
topaz light at you, which sinks deep into your skull and sets your mind reeling.
3697h, 4408m, 4171e, 10p elrx-
You blur and slip through time as Shamarah approaches you.
3697h, 4408m, 4171e, 10p elrx-
You remove 1 wormwood, bringing the total in the Rift to 80.
3697h, 4408m, 4171e, 10p elrx-
The idea of putting something in your stomach sickens you.
focus mind
3697h, 4408m, 4171e, 10p elrx-
You focus your mind intently on curing your mental maladies.
Food is no longer repulsive to you.
3697h, 4221m, 4171e, 10p elrx-
(0h, -187m, 0e)
You concentrate, but your mind is too tired to focus.
3697h, 4034m, 4171e, 10p elrx-
(0h, -187m, 0e)
Your mind is able to focus once again.
focus mind
3697h, 4034m, 4171e, 10p elrx-
You rub your temples in frustration.
3697h, 4034m, 4171e, 10p elrx-
Shamarah flings a tarot card at you, and a jester appears with a slack jawed
enemy Shamarah
sip quicksilver
expression. With a mad jingling of his bells, the fool throws a custard pie in
your face.
3697h, 4197m, 4171e, 10p elrxp-
(0h, 163m, 0e)
You are too tangled up to do that.
3697h, 4197m, 4171e, 10p elrxp-
You twist and turn as you struggle to break free of the ropes that bind you.
3697h, 4197m, 4171e, 10p elrp-
You fondle yourself absently.
focus mind
3697h, 4197m, 4171e, 10p elrp-
You are too tangled up to do that.
3697h, 4197m, 4171e, 10p elrp-
You twist and turn as you struggle to break free of the ropes that bind you.
3697h, 4197m, 4171e, 10p elrp-
You focus your mind intently on curing your mental maladies.
You aren't such a complete idiot anymore.
3697h, 4010m, 4171e, 10p elrp-
(0h, -187m, 0e)
3697h, 4010m, 4171e, 10p elrp-
Your mind is able to focus once again.
3697h, 4010m, 4171e, 10p elrp-
You twist and turn as you attempt to escape from your entanglement.
3697h, 4010m, 4171e, 10p elrp-
NEW TARGET: shamarah
{ Balance Recovered }
You have writhed free of your ropes.
{{{ YOU ARE FREE! }}}
3697h, 4010m, 4171e, 10p elrx-
You begin to writhe helplessly, throwing your body off balance.
3697h, 4010m, 4171e, 10p elr-
Ackleberry Highway. (road).
The corrosiveness of the taint sickens the land. It is raining heavily, pregnant
drops of water pouring down onto you. This ancient road curves from north to
south on the eastern side of the basin of civilization. The ground of the road
is compacted tight under the weight of centuries of travellers, merchants,
heroes and villains trekking back and forth. Two channels have been engraved
within the road from the weight of wagon wheels carrying their heavy cargoes. A
statue of Tully stands here, memorializing his noble spirit. Pausing to rest, a
loboshigaru pilgrim looks off into the distance. Urth Hister, Instrument of the
Fates is here. Shamarah is here, shrouded. He wields a gold and iron buckler
shield in his right hand.
You see exits leading north, southeast, and west.
3697h, 4010m, 4171e, 10p elr-
Shamarah flings a tarot card at you, and a jester appears with a slack jawed
enemy Shamarah
sip quicksilver
expression. With a mad jingling of his bells, the fool throws a custard pie in
your face.
3697h, 4010m, 4171e, 10p elr-
{ Balance Recovered }
Shamarah is already an enemy.
3697h, 4010m, 4171e, 10p elrx-
You begin to writhe helplessly, throwing your body off balance.
3697h, 4010m, 4171e, 10p elr-
sting shamarah
outd aeon
fling aeon at shamarah
ind aeon
sting shamarah
You take a drink from a turquoise vial.
3697h, 4010m, 4171e, 10p elr-
You strike out at Shamarah with your deadly tail, and sting him.
3697h, 4010m, 4171e, 10p elr-
You must regain balance first.
3697h, 4010m, 4171e, 10p elr-
You aren't holding a tarot card with that image on it.
3697h, 4010m, 4171e, 10p elr-
You must regain balance first.
3697h, 4010m, 4171e, 10p elr-
3697h, 4010m, 4171e, 10p elr-
{ Balance Recovered }
3697h, 4010m, 4171e, 10p elrx-
A celestial archangel flings a cobalt blue disc at you, which envelops you in a
focus mind
field of crackling energy.
Bowing her head and crossing her arms, a celestial archangel sends a bolt of
topaz light at you, which sinks deep into your skull and sets your mind reeling.
3697h, 4010m, 4171e, 10p elrx-
You focus your mind intently on curing your mental maladies.
You aren't such a complete idiot anymore.
3697h, 3823m, 4171e, 10p elrx-
(0h, -187m, 0e)
order entourage kill shamarah
You order a hideous archdemon to kill Shamarah.
A hideous archdemon obeys your command.
3697h, 3823m, 4171e, 10p elrx-
Shamarah eats a horehound blossom.
3697h, 3823m, 4171e, 10p elrx-
ct me
Bleeding wounds open up on the body of Shamarah, whose eyes glow with holy
3697h, 3823m, 4171e, 10p elrx-
(Magnagora): You say, "Me."
3697h, 3823m, 4171e, 10p elrx-
Your mind is able to focus once again.
focus mind
3697h, 3823m, 4171e, 10p elrx-
You focus your mind intently on curing your mental maladies.
Food is no longer repulsive to you.
3697h, 3636m, 4171e, 10p elrx-
(0h, -187m, 0e)
order entourage kill shamarah
A hideous archdemon is already hostile towards Shamarah.
3697h, 3636m, 4171e, 10p elrx-
Shamarah flings a tarot card at you, and a jester appears with a slack jawed
enemy Shamarah
sip quicksilver
expression. With a mad jingling of his bells, the fool squirts water at you from
a large flower.
3697h, 3636m, 4171e, 10p elrx-
You move sluggishly into action.
*** AEONED ***
sip phlegmatic
3697h, 3636m, 4171e, 10p elrx-
sting shamarah
outd aeon
fling aeon at shamarah
ind aeon
sting shamarah
You move sluggishly into action.
*** AEONED ***
3697h, 3636m, 4171e, 10p elrx-
You move sluggishly into action.
*** AEONED ***
3697h, 3636m, 4171e, 10p elrx-
You move sluggishly into action.
*** AEONED ***
3697h, 3636m, 4171e, 10p elrx-
You move sluggishly into action.
*** AEONED ***
3697h, 3636m, 4171e, 10p elrx-
You move sluggishly into action.
*** AEONED ***
3697h, 3636m, 4171e, 10p elrx-
You move sluggishly into action.
*** AEONED ***
3697h, 3636m, 4171e, 10p elrx-
You move sluggishly into action.
*** AEONED ***
3697h, 3636m, 4171e, 10p elrx-
You move sluggishly into action.
*** AEONED ***
3697h, 3636m, 4171e, 10p elrx-
Your mind is able to focus once again.
3697h, 3636m, 4171e, 10p elrx-
Tiny tremours spread through your body as the world seems to slow down.
3697h, 3636m, 4171e, 10p elrx-
3697h, 3711m, 4171e, 10p elrx-
(0h, 75m, 0e)
A hideous archdemon vomits forth a stream of noxious fluid that strikes
Shamarah, coating him with a thick green slime.
3697h, 3799m, 4171e, 10p elrx-
(0h, 88m, 0e)
sip phlegmatic
You move sluggishly into action.
*** AEONED ***
3697h, 3799m, 4171e, 10p elrx-
Your tail is poised high above your head, ready to strike.
3697h, 3799m, 4171e, 10p elrx-
You take a drink from a jade vial.
You return to the normal timestream.
outr wormwood
eat wormwood
3697h, 3799m, 4171e, 10p elrx-
You remove 1 wormwood, bringing the total in the Rift to 79.
3697h, 3799m, 4171e, 10p elrx-
You eat a wormwood stem.
3697h, 3799m, 4171e, 10p elrx-
Shamarah stands an Aeon tarot on his palm and blows it at you.
Your speed defence is destroyed.
sip quicksilver
3697h, 3799m, 4171e, 10p elrx-
You take a drink from a turquoise vial.
3697h, 3799m, 4171e, 10p elrx-
You may drink another purgative or curing potion.
3697h, 3799m, 4171e, 10p elrx-
A celestial archangel flings a cobalt blue disc at you, which envelops you in a
focus mind
field of crackling energy.
Bowing her head and crossing her arms, a celestial archangel sends a bolt of
topaz light at you, which sinks deep into your skull and sets your mind reeling.
3697h, 3799m, 4171e, 10p elrx-
sting shamarah
outd aeon
fling aeon at shamarah
ind aeon
sting shamarah
You focus your mind intently on curing your mental maladies.
You aren't such a complete idiot anymore.
3697h, 3612m, 4171e, 10p elrx-
(0h, -187m, 0e)
You strike out at Shamarah with your deadly tail, and sting him.
3697h, 3612m, 4171e, 10p elrx-
You shuffle one tarot card with the image of the Aeon out of your deck.
3697h, 3612m, 4171e, 10p elrx-
You stand an Aeon tarot on your palm, and blow it lightly at Shamarah.
3697h, 3575m, 4171e, 10p elr-
(0h, -37m, 0e)
You must regain balance first.
3697h, 3575m, 4171e, 10p elr-
3697h, 3575m, 4171e, 10p elr-
You may eat or smoke another herb.
smoke 117735
3697h, 3575m, 4171e, 10p elr-
That pipe isn't lit.
light 117725
light 117735
light 117738
3697h, 3575m, 4171e, 10p elr-
You must regain balance first.
3697h, 3575m, 4171e, 10p elr-
You must regain balance first.
3697h, 3575m, 4171e, 10p elr-
You must regain balance first.
3697h, 3575m, 4171e, 10p elr-
Your mind is able to focus once again.
focus mind
3697h, 3575m, 4171e, 10p elr-
You focus your mind intently on curing your mental maladies.
Food is no longer repulsive to you.
3697h, 3388m, 4171e, 10p elr-
(0h, -187m, 0e)
Shamarah takes a long drag off his pipe.
3697h, 3388m, 4171e, 10p elr-
sting shamarah
outd aeon
fling aeon at shamarah
ind aeon
sting shamarah
3697h, 3388m, 4171e, 10p elr-
You must regain balance first.
3697h, 3388m, 4171e, 10p elr-
You aren't holding a tarot card with that image on it.
3697h, 3388m, 4171e, 10p elr-
You must regain balance first.
3697h, 3388m, 4171e, 10p elr-
3697h, 3388m, 4171e, 10p elr-
Your mind is able to focus once again.
3697h, 3388m, 4171e, 10p elr-
Shamarah takes a drink from a ruby vial.
3697h, 3388m, 4171e, 10p elr-
sting shamarah
outd aeon
fling aeon at shamarah
ind aeon
sting shamarah
3697h, 3388m, 4171e, 10p elr-
You must regain balance first.
3697h, 3388m, 4171e, 10p elr-
You aren't holding a tarot card with that image on it.
3697h, 3388m, 4171e, 10p elr-
You must regain balance first.
3697h, 3388m, 4171e, 10p elr-
3697h, 3388m, 4171e, 10p elr-
{ Balance Recovered }
3697h, 3388m, 4171e, 10p elrx-
Shamarah stands an Aeon tarot on his palm and blows it at you.
Suddenly your movements through the time stream are slowed.
drink phlegmatic
3697h, 3388m, 4171e, 10p elrx-
sting shamarah
outd aeon
fling aeon at shamarah
ind aeon
sting shamarah
You move sluggishly into action.
*** AEONED ***
3697h, 3388m, 4171e, 10p elrx-
You move sluggishly into action.
*** AEONED ***
3697h, 3388m, 4171e, 10p elrx-
You move sluggishly into action.
*** AEONED ***
3697h, 3388m, 4171e, 10p elrx-
You move sluggishly into action.
*** AEONED ***
3697h, 3388m, 4171e, 10p elrx-
You move sluggishly into action.
*** AEONED ***
3697h, 3388m, 4171e, 10p elrx-
You move sluggishly into action.
*** AEONED ***
3697h, 3388m, 4171e, 10p elrx-
Tiny tremours spread through your body as the world seems to slow down.
3697h, 3388m, 4171e, 10p elrx-
A hideous archdemon grabs the shoulders of Shamarah and gutturally whispers
something to him in a harsh and unknown language.
3697h, 3388m, 4171e, 10p elrx-
Bleeding wounds open up on the body of Shamarah, whose eyes glow with holy
3697h, 3388m, 4171e, 10p elrx-
3697h, 3388m, 4171e, 10p elrx-
drink phlegmatic
You move sluggishly into action.
*** AEONED ***
3697h, 3463m, 4171e, 10p elrx-
(0h, 75m, 0e)
You take a drink from a jade vial.
You return to the normal timestream.
outr wormwood
eat wormwood
3697h, 3551m, 4171e, 10p elrx-
(0h, 88m, 0e)
You remove 1 wormwood, bringing the total in the Rift to 78.
3697h, 3551m, 4171e, 10p elrx-
You eat a wormwood stem.
3697h, 3551m, 4171e, 10p elrx-
You see Shamarah yell, "I like cheese!"
3697h, 3551m, 4171e, 10p elrx-
ct at me now
Haiden tells you, "?"
3697h, 3551m, 4171e, 10p elrx-
Your tail is poised high above your head, ready to strike.
3697h, 3551m, 4171e, 10p elrx-
A celestial archangel flings a cobalt blue disc at you, which envelops you in a
focus mind
field of crackling energy.
Bowing her head and crossing her arms, a celestial archangel sends a bolt of
topaz light at you, which sinks deep into your skull and sets your mind reeling.
3697h, 3551m, 4171e, 10p elrx-
You flap your arms madly.
3697h, 3551m, 4171e, 10p elrx-
You focus your mind intently on curing your mental maladies.
You aren't such a complete idiot anymore.
3697h, 3364m, 4171e, 10p elrx-
(0h, -187m, 0e)
sting shamarah
outd aeon
fling aeon at shamarah
ind aeon
sting shamarah
Shamarah flaps his arms madly.
3697h, 3364m, 4171e, 10p elrx-
You strike out at Shamarah with your deadly tail, and sting him.
3697h, 3364m, 4171e, 10p elrx-
You shuffle one tarot card with the image of the Aeon out of your deck.
3697h, 3364m, 4171e, 10p elrx-
You stand an Aeon tarot on your palm, and blow it lightly at Shamarah.
3697h, 3327m, 4171e, 10p elr-
(0h, -37m, 0e)
You must regain balance first.
3697h, 3327m, 4171e, 10p elr-
3697h, 3327m, 4171e, 10p elr-
You may drink another purgative or curing potion.
3697h, 3327m, 4171e, 10p elr-
Shamarah stands an Aeon tarot on his palm and blows it at you.
Your speed defence is destroyed.
sip quicksilver
3697h, 3327m, 4171e, 10p elr-
The idea of putting something in your stomach sickens you.
3697h, 3327m, 4171e, 10p elr-
You may eat or smoke another herb.
smoke 117735
3697h, 3327m, 4171e, 10p elr-
That pipe isn't lit.
light 117725
light 117735
light 117738
3697h, 3327m, 4171e, 10p elr-
You must regain balance first.
3697h, 3327m, 4171e, 10p elr-
Your mind is able to focus once again.
focus mind
3697h, 3327m, 4171e, 10p elr-
You must regain balance first.
3697h, 3327m, 4171e, 10p elr-
You must regain balance first.
3697h, 3327m, 4171e, 10p elr-
You focus your mind intently on curing your mental maladies.
Food is no longer repulsive to you.
3697h, 3140m, 4171e, 10p elr-
drink mana
(0h, -187m, 0e)
You take a drink from a bloodstone vial.
Your mind feels stronger and more alert.
3697h, 3886m, 4171e, 10p elr-
(0h, 746m, 0e)
Shamarah empties out a ruby vial into his mouth.
3697h, 3886m, 4171e, 10p elr-
Your mind is able to focus once again.
3697h, 3886m, 4171e, 10p elr-
sting shamarah
outd hangedman
fling hangedman at shamarah
ind hangedman
sting shamarah
3697h, 3886m, 4171e, 10p elr-
You must regain balance first.
3697h, 3886m, 4171e, 10p elr-
You aren't holding a tarot card with that image on it.
3697h, 3886m, 4171e, 10p elr-
You must regain balance first.
3697h, 3886m, 4171e, 10p elr-
3697h, 3886m, 4171e, 10p elr-
{ Balance Recovered }
3697h, 3886m, 4171e, 10p elrx-
Clenching his fists, a hideous archdemon screams in rage at Shamarah, and a ball
of fire erupts at his feet, briefly enveloping him.
3697h, 3886m, 4171e, 10p elrx-
Shamarah stands an Aeon tarot on his palm and blows it at you.
Suddenly your movements through the time stream are slowed.
drink phlegmatic
3697h, 3886m, 4171e, 10p elrx-
You move sluggishly into action.
*** AEONED ***
3697h, 3886m, 4171e, 10p elrx-
darkchant disfigure shamarah
You move sluggishly into action.
*** AEONED ***
3697h, 3886m, 4171e, 10p elrx-
You may drink another health, mana, or bromide potion.
3697h, 3886m, 4171e, 10p elrx-
You concentrate and curse Shamarah with the visage of a rotting corpse.
3697h, 3774m, 4171e, 10p lrx-
(0h, -112m, 0e)
Shamarah takes a drink from a bloodstone vial.
3697h, 3774m, 4171e, 10p lrx-
drink phlegmatic
You move sluggishly into action.
*** AEONED ***
3697h, 3774m, 4171e, 10p lrx-
Your tail is poised high above your head, ready to strike.
A celestial archangel flings a cobalt blue disc at Shamarah, which envelops him
in a field of crackling energy.
Bowing her head and crossing her arms, a celestial archangel sends a bolt of
topaz light at Shamarah, which sinks deep into his skull and makes him reel
3697h, 3849m, 4171e, 10p lrx-
(0h, 75m, 0e)
You take a drink from a jade vial.
You return to the normal timestream.
outr wormwood
eat wormwood
sip quicksilver
3697h, 3849m, 4171e, 10p lrx-
You remove 1 wormwood, bringing the total in the Rift to 77.
3697h, 3849m, 4171e, 10p lrx-
You eat a wormwood stem.
3697h, 3849m, 4171e, 10p lrx-
You take a drink from a turquoise vial.
3697h, 3849m, 4171e, 10p lrx-
Bleeding wounds open up on the body of Shamarah, whose eyes glow with holy
3697h, 3937m, 4171e, 10p lrx-
(0h, 88m, 0e)
order entourage kill shamarah
sting shamarah
outd aeon
fling aeon at shamarah
ind aeon
sting shamarah
You must regain equilibrium first.
3697h, 3937m, 4171e, 10p lrx-
{ Equilibrium Recovered }
You strike out at Shamarah with your deadly tail, and sting him.
3697h, 3937m, 4171e, 10p elrx-
You shuffle one tarot card with the image of the Aeon out of your deck.
3697h, 3937m, 4171e, 10p elrx-
You stand an Aeon tarot on your palm, and blow it lightly at Shamarah.
3697h, 3900m, 4171e, 10p elr-
(0h, -37m, 0e)
You must regain balance first.
3697h, 3900m, 4171e, 10p elr-
3697h, 3900m, 4171e, 10p elr-
3697h, 3900m, 4171e, 10p elr-
You may drink another purgative or curing potion.
3697h, 3900m, 4171e, 10p elr-
You may eat or smoke another herb.
3697h, 3900m, 4171e, 10p elr-
Shedrin arrives from the west.
3697h, 3900m, 4171e, 10p elr-
Shamarah flaps his arms madly.
3697h, 3900m, 4171e, 10p elr-
Shamarah takes a long drag off his pipe.
3697h, 3900m, 4171e, 10p elr-
A hideous archdemon vomits forth a stream of noxious fluid that strikes
Shamarah, coating him with a thick green slime.
3697h, 3900m, 4171e, 10p elr-
{ Balance Recovered }
Shamarah takes a long drag off his pipe.
3697h, 3900m, 4171e, 10p elrx-
Tiny tremours spread through your body as the world seems to slow down.
3697h, 3900m, 4171e, 10p elrx-
darkchant disfigure shamarah
You concentrate and curse Shamarah with the visage of a rotting corpse.
3697h, 3788m, 4171e, 10p lrx-
(0h, -112m, 0e)
Sticky strands of webbing spray out from Shamarah to cover you.
3697h, 3788m, 4171e, 10p lrxp-
You begin to struggle free of your entanglement.
3697h, 3788m, 4171e, 10p lrp-
Shamarah takes a long drag off his pipe.
3697h, 3788m, 4171e, 10p lrp-
Shamarah eats a bunch of pennyroyal.
3697h, 3788m, 4171e, 10p lrp-
Urth Hister, Instrument of the Fates says, "Watch out! he likes cheese."
3697h, 3788m, 4171e, 10p lrp-
Shedrin leaves to the west.
3697h, 3788m, 4171e, 10p lrp-
A celestial archangel flings a cobalt blue disc at you, which envelops you in a
outr wormwood
eat wormwood
focus mind
field of crackling energy.
3697h, 3788m, 4171e, 10p lrp-
{ Balance Recovered }
3697h, 3788m, 4171e, 10p lrxp-
You remove 1 wormwood, bringing the total in the Rift to 76.
3697h, 3788m, 4171e, 10p lrxp-
The idea of putting something in your stomach sickens you.
focus mind
3697h, 3788m, 4171e, 10p lrxp-
You focus your mind intently on curing your mental maladies.
Food is no longer repulsive to you.
3697h, 3601m, 4171e, 10p lrxp-
(0h, -187m, 0e)
You concentrate, but your mind is too tired to focus.
3697h, 3414m, 4171e, 10p lrxp-
(0h, -187m, 0e)
You twist and turn as you attempt to escape from your entanglement.
3697h, 3414m, 4171e, 10p lrxp-
Your tail is poised high above your head, ready to strike.
3697h, 3414m, 4171e, 10p lrxp-
{ Equilibrium Recovered }
3697h, 3414m, 4171e, 10p elrxp-
Your mind is able to focus once again.
3697h, 3414m, 4171e, 10p elrxp-
darkchant disfigure shamarah
You have writhed free of your entanglement.
{{{ YOU ARE FREE! }}}
3697h, 3414m, 4171e, 10p elrx-
You concentrate and curse Shamarah with the visage of a rotting corpse.
3697h, 3377m, 4171e, 10p lrx-
(0h, -37m, 0e)
Shamarah takes a drink from a bloodstone vial.
3697h, 3377m, 4171e, 10p lrx-
"The voices! The voices! Get them out of my head!!" Shamarah moans, holding his
3697h, 3465m, 4171e, 10p lrx-
(0h, 88m, 0e)
The earth rumbles and pushes up a large tainted boulder that vibrates
momentarily before exploding into thousands of sharp shards of rock, which fly
around you.
3697h, 3465m, 4171e, 10p lrx-
Shamarah shouts out a happy "Yay!"
3697h, 3465m, 4171e, 10p lrx-
Shamarah fondles himself absently.
3697h, 3465m, 4171e, 10p lrx-
{ Equilibrium Recovered }
3697h, 3465m, 4171e, 10p elrx-
Bleeding wounds open up on the body of Shamarah, whose eyes glow with holy
3697h, 3465m, 4171e, 10p elrx-
A hideous archdemon grabs the shoulders of Shamarah and gutturally whispers
something to him in a harsh and unknown language.
3697h, 3465m, 4171e, 10p elrx-
Shamarah mutters and traces a cobalt blue pentagram in the air that remains
*** SHIELDED ***
hovering before him.
3697h, 3465m, 4171e, 10p elrx-
sting shamarah
outd aeon
fling aeon at shamarah
ind aeon
sting shamarah
A dizzying beam of energy strikes you as your attack rebounds off of Shamarah's
3697h, 3465m, 4171e, 10p lrx-
You must regain equilibrium first.
3697h, 3465m, 4171e, 10p lrx-
You aren't holding a tarot card with that image on it.
3697h, 3465m, 4171e, 10p lrx-
You must regain equilibrium first.
3697h, 3465m, 4171e, 10p lrx-
A dizzying beam of energy strikes you as your attack rebounds off of Shamarah's
3697h, 3465m, 4171e, 10p lrx-
3697h, 3465m, 4171e, 10p lrx-
3697h, 3465m, 4171e, 10p lrx-
evoke pentagram
You must regain equilibrium first.
3697h, 3465m, 4171e, 10p lrx-
3697h, 3465m, 4171e, 10p lrx-
evoke pentagram
You must regain equilibrium first.
3697h, 3465m, 4171e, 10p lrx-
3697h, 3465m, 4171e, 10p lrx-
{ Equilibrium Recovered }
3697h, 3465m, 4171e, 10p elrx-
evoke pentagram
Muttering words of power, you trace a cobalt blue pentagram in the air that
remains hovering before you, protecting against assault.
3697h, 3443m, 4171e, 10p lrx-
(0h, -22m, 0e)
Shamarah's attack rebounds off your magical shield.
3697h, 3443m, 4171e, 10p lrx-
Ackleberry Highway. (road).
The corrosiveness of the taint sickens the land. It is raining heavily, pregnant
drops of water pouring down onto you. This ancient road curves from north to
south on the eastern side of the basin of civilization. The ground of the road
is compacted tight under the weight of centuries of travellers, merchants,
heroes and villains trekking back and forth. Two channels have been engraved
within the road from the weight of wagon wheels carrying their heavy cargoes. A
statue of Tully stands here, memorializing his noble spirit. Pausing to rest, a
loboshigaru pilgrim looks off into the distance. Urth Hister, Instrument of the
Fates is here. Shamarah is here, shrouded. He wields a gold and iron buckler
shield in his right hand.
You see exits leading north, southeast, and west.
3697h, 3443m, 4171e, 10p lrx-
Clenching his fists, a hideous archdemon screams in rage at Shamarah, and a ball
of fire erupts at his feet, briefly enveloping him.
3697h, 3518m, 4171e, 10p lrx-
(0h, 75m, 0e)
{ Equilibrium Recovered }
3697h, 3606m, 4171e, 10p elrx-
(0h, 88m, 0e)
Shamarah mutters and pokes his index finger towards you and makes a hooking
gesture. Invisible energies slam against you, ripping apart your magical shield
of protection.
3697h, 3606m, 4171e, 10p elrx-
sting shamarah
outd aeon
fling aeon at shamarah
ind aeon
sting shamarah
You strike out at Shamarah with your deadly tail, and sting him.
3697h, 3606m, 4171e, 10p elrx-
You shuffle one tarot card with the image of the Aeon out of your deck.
3697h, 3606m, 4171e, 10p elrx-
You stand an Aeon tarot on your palm, and blow it lightly at Shamarah.
Suddenly Shamarah's movements through the time stream are slowed.
3697h, 3569m, 4171e, 10p elr-
(0h, -37m, 0e)
You must regain balance first.
3697h, 3569m, 4171e, 10p elr-
3697h, 3569m, 4171e, 10p elr-
Bowing her head and crossing her arms, a celestial archangel sends a bolt of
topaz light at you, which sinks deep into your skull and sets your mind reeling.
focus mind
focus mind
3697h, 3569m, 4171e, 10p elr-
You focus your mind intently on curing your mental maladies.
You aren't such a complete idiot anymore.
3697h, 3382m, 4171e, 10p elr-
(0h, -187m, 0e)
You concentrate, but your mind is too tired to focus.
3697h, 3195m, 4171e, 10p elr-
(0h, -187m, 0e)
Bleeding wounds open up on the body of Shamarah, whose eyes glow with holy
3697h, 3195m, 4171e, 10p elr-
sting shamarah
outd aeon
fling aeon at shamarah
ind aeon
sting shamarah
Your mind is able to focus once again.
3697h, 3195m, 4171e, 10p elr-
3697h, 3195m, 4171e, 10p elr-
You must regain balance first.
3697h, 3195m, 4171e, 10p elr-
You aren't holding a tarot card with that image on it.
3697h, 3195m, 4171e, 10p elr-
You must regain balance first.
3697h, 3195m, 4171e, 10p elr-
3697h, 3195m, 4171e, 10p elr-
Continuing his journey, a loboshigaru pilgrim trudges off to the north.
3697h, 3195m, 4171e, 10p elr-
Shamarah takes a drink from an onyx vial.
3697h, 3195m, 4171e, 10p elr-
{ Balance Recovered }
3697h, 3195m, 4171e, 10p elrx-
Ackleberry Highway. (road).
The corrosiveness of the taint sickens the land. It is raining heavily, pregnant
drops of water pouring down onto you. This ancient road curves from north to
south on the eastern side of the basin of civilization. The ground of the road
is compacted tight under the weight of centuries of travellers, merchants,
heroes and villains trekking back and forth. Two channels have been engraved
within the road from the weight of wagon wheels carrying their heavy cargoes. A
statue of Tully stands here, memorializing his noble spirit. Urth Hister,
Instrument of the Fates is here. Shamarah is here, shrouded. He wields a gold
and iron buckler shield in his right hand.
You see exits leading north, southeast, and west.
3697h, 3195m, 4171e, 10p elrx-
sting shamarah
outd aeon
fling aeon at shamarah
ind aeon
sting shamarah
3697h, 3195m, 4171e, 10p elrx-
You shuffle one tarot card with the image of the Aeon out of your deck.
3697h, 3195m, 4171e, 10p elrx-
You stand an Aeon tarot on your palm, and blow it lightly at Shamarah.
Suddenly Shamarah's movements through the time stream are slowed.
3697h, 3158m, 4171e, 10p elr-
(0h, -37m, 0e)
You must regain balance first.
3697h, 3158m, 4171e, 10p elr-
3697h, 3158m, 4171e, 10p elr-
A hideous archdemon vomits forth a stream of noxious fluid that strikes
Shamarah, coating him with a thick green slime.
3697h, 3158m, 4171e, 10p elr-
Your tail is poised high above your head, ready to strike.
3697h, 3233m, 4171e, 10p elr-
(0h, 75m, 0e)
{ Balance Recovered }
3697h, 3233m, 4171e, 10p elrx-
abjure quickening
Focusing your entire will upon the cosmic strands that bind your own body, you
quicken every fiber of your being to lightning speed.
3697h, 3008m, 4171e, 7p lrx-
drink mana
(0h, -225m, 0e)
You take a drink from a bloodstone vial.
Your mind feels stronger and more alert.
3697h, 3589m, 4171e, 7p lrx-
(0h, 581m, 0e)
A celestial archangel flings a cobalt blue disc at you, which envelops you in a
focus mind
field of crackling energy.
3697h, 3677m, 4171e, 7p lrx-
(0h, 88m, 0e)
You focus your mind intently on curing your mental maladies.
Food is no longer repulsive to you.
3697h, 3490m, 4171e, 7p lrx-
(0h, -187m, 0e)
Your mind is able to focus once again.
3697h, 3490m, 4171e, 7p lrx-
{ Equilibrium Recovered }
3697h, 3490m, 4171e, 7p elrx-
order entourage kill shamarah
A hideous archdemon is already hostile towards Shamarah.
3697h, 3490m, 4171e, 7p elrx-
You may drink another health, mana, or bromide potion.
3697h, 3490m, 4171e, 7p elrx-
sting shamarah
outd aeon
fling aeon at shamarah
ind aeon
sting shamarah
You strike out at Shamarah with your deadly tail, and sting him.
3697h, 3490m, 4171e, 7p elrx-
You shuffle one tarot card with the image of the Aeon out of your deck.
3697h, 3490m, 4171e, 7p elrx-
You stand an Aeon tarot on your palm, and blow it lightly at Shamarah.
Suddenly Shamarah's movements through the time stream are slowed.
3697h, 3453m, 4171e, 7p elr-
(0h, -37m, 0e)
You must regain balance first.
3697h, 3453m, 4171e, 7p elr-
3697h, 3453m, 4171e, 7p elr-
Bleeding wounds open up on the body of Shamarah, whose eyes glow with holy
3697h, 3453m, 4171e, 7p elr-
Ackleberry Highway. (road).
The corrosiveness of the taint sickens the land. It is raining heavily, pregnant
drops of water pouring down onto you. This ancient road curves from north to
south on the eastern side of the basin of civilization. The ground of the road
is compacted tight under the weight of centuries of travellers, merchants,
heroes and villains trekking back and forth. Two channels have been engraved
within the road from the weight of wagon wheels carrying their heavy cargoes. A
statue of Tully stands here, memorializing his noble spirit. Urth Hister,
Instrument of the Fates is here. Shamarah is here, shrouded. He wields a gold
and iron buckler shield in his right hand.
You see exits leading north, southeast, and west.
3697h, 3453m, 4171e, 7p elr-
A hideous archdemon grabs the shoulders of Shamarah and gutturally whispers
something to him in a harsh and unknown language.
3697h, 3453m, 4171e, 7p elr-
You feel a slight tug within your chest and the air around you sparkles with
motes of bright light.
3697h, 3453m, 4171e, 7p elr-
{ Balance Recovered }
3697h, 3453m, 4171e, 7p elrx-
Bowing her head and crossing her arms, a celestial archangel sends a bolt of
topaz light at you, which sinks deep into your skull and sets your mind reeling.
focus mind
focus mind
3697h, 3528m, 4171e, 7p elrx-
(0h, 75m, 0e)
abjure quickening
"The voices! The voices! Get them out of my head!!" you moan, holding your head
focus mind
in pain.
3697h, 3528m, 4171e, 7p elrx-
You focus your mind intently on curing your mental maladies.
You aren't such a complete idiot anymore.
3697h, 3341m, 4171e, 7p elrx-
(0h, -187m, 0e)
Focusing your entire will upon the cosmic strands that bind your own body, you
quicken every fiber of your being to lightning speed.
3697h, 3116m, 4171e, 4p lrx-
drink mana
(0h, -225m, 0e)
You concentrate, but your mind is too tired to focus.
3697h, 2929m, 4171e, 4p lrx-
(0h, -187m, 0e)
You take a drink from a bloodstone vial.
Your mind feels stronger and more alert.
3697h, 3667m, 4171e, 4p lrx-
(0h, 738m, 0e)
Shamarah mutters and traces a cobalt blue pentagram in the air that remains
*** SHIELDED ***
hovering before him.
3697h, 3667m, 4171e, 4p lrx-
Your mind is able to focus once again.
3697h, 3667m, 4171e, 5p lrx-
{ Equilibrium Recovered }
3697h, 3755m, 4171e, 5p elrx-
(0h, 88m, 0e)
evoke void shamarah
sting shamarah
Muttering words of power, you poke your index finger towards Shamarah and make a
hooking gesture. Invisible energies slam against Shamarah, ripping apart his
magical shield of protection.
3697h, 3733m, 4171e, 5p lrx-
(0h, -22m, 0e)
3697h, 3733m, 4171e, 5p lrx-
Your tail is poised high above your head, ready to strike.
3697h, 3733m, 4171e, 5p lrx-
{ Equilibrium Recovered }
You may drink another health, mana, or bromide potion.
3697h, 3733m, 4171e, 5p elrx-
Clenching his fists, a hideous archdemon screams in rage at Shamarah, and a ball
of fire erupts at his feet, briefly enveloping him.
3697h, 3733m, 4171e, 5p elrx-
darkchant leech shamarah
You point at Shamarah and utter words of power, leeching his mental reserves
into your own.
3697h, 4192m, 4171e, 5p lrx-
(0h, 459m, 0e)
Among the sparkling motes of light, a translucent figure appears in the air and
then quickly solidifies as Haiden comes into view.
3697h, 4192m, 4171e, 5p lrx-
Shamarah takes a drink from an onyx vial.
3697h, 4192m, 4171e, 5p lrx-
{ Equilibrium Recovered }
3697h, 4192m, 4171e, 5p elrx-
darkchant leech shamarah
You cannot see that being here.
3697h, 4192m, 4171e, 5p elrx-
Haiden leaves to the north.
3697h, 4267m, 4171e, 6p elrx-
(0h, 75m, 0e)
The quickening within your being subsides.
3697h, 4355m, 4171e, 6p elrx-
(0h, 88m, 0e)
Haiden arrives from the north.
3697h, 4355m, 4171e, 6p elrx-
darkcall beckon shamarah
Your attack is repelled by the prismatic barrier surrounding Shamarah.
3697h, 4355m, 4171e, 6p elrx-
Shedrin arrives from the west.
3697h, 4355m, 4171e, 6p elrx-
Haiden leaves to the southeast.
3697h, 4355m, 4171e, 6p elrx-
darkcall beckon shamarah
Your attack is repelled by the prismatic barrier surrounding Shamarah.
3697h, 4355m, 4171e, 6p elrx-
Haiden arrives from the southeast.
3697h, 4355m, 4171e, 6p elrx-
Ackleberry Highway. (road).
The corrosiveness of the taint sickens the land. It is raining heavily, pregnant
drops of water pouring down onto you. This ancient road curves from north to
south on the eastern side of the basin of civilization. The ground of the road
is compacted tight under the weight of centuries of travellers, merchants,
heroes and villains trekking back and forth. Two channels have been engraved
within the road from the weight of wagon wheels carrying their heavy cargoes. A
statue of Tully stands here, memorializing his noble spirit. Urth Hister,
Instrument of the Fates is here. Shedrin, Shield of Klaymech is here. He wields
an iron shield in his left hand and a twisted staff in his right. Tormentor
Haiden, The Wrath is here. He wields a bladed scimitar resembling flame in each
You see exits leading north, southeast, and west.
3697h, 4355m, 4171e, 6p elrx-
Haiden leaves to the west.
3697h, 4355m, 4171e, 6p elrx-
glance n
Ackleberry Highway. (road).
The corrosiveness of the taint sickens the land. It is raining heavily, pregnant
drops of water pouring down onto you. A statue of Tully stands here,
memorializing his noble spirit. Pausing to rest, a loboshigaru pilgrim looks off
into the distance.
You see exits leading north and south.
3697h, 4355m, 4171e, 6p lrx-
{ Equilibrium Recovered }
3697h, 4355m, 4171e, 6p elrx-
glance w
Acknor Road. (road).
The corrosiveness of the taint sickens the land. The stars twinkle in the clear
night sky. Shamarah is here, shrouded. He wields a gold and iron buckler shield
in his right hand. Tormentor Haiden, The Wrath is here. He wields a bladed
scimitar resembling flame in each hand.
You see exits leading east and west.
3697h, 4355m, 4171e, 6p lrx-
{ Equilibrium Recovered }
3697h, 4355m, 4171e, 6p elrx-
Acknor Road. (road).
The corrosiveness of the taint sickens the land. The stars twinkle in the clear
night sky. Tormentor Haiden, The Wrath is here. He wields a bladed scimitar
resembling flame in each hand. Shamarah is here, shrouded. He wields a gold and
iron buckler shield in his right hand.
You see exits leading east and west.
3697h, 4355m, 4171e, 6p elrx-
Shamarah's prismatic barrier dissolves into nothing.
*** KILL IT!! ***
*** KILL IT!! ***
3697h, 4355m, 4171e, 6p elrx-
sting shamarah
outd aeon
fling aeon at shamarah
ind aeon
sting shamarah
You detect nothing here by that name.
3697h, 4355m, 4171e, 6p elrx-
You shuffle one tarot card with the image of the Aeon out of your deck.
3697h, 4355m, 4171e, 6p elrx-
You detect nothing here by that name.
3697h, 4318m, 4171e, 6p elrx-
(0h, -37m, 0e)
You put one tarot card with the image of the Aeon in your deck of cards.
3697h, 4318m, 4171e, 6p elrx-
You cannot see that being here.
3697h, 4318m, 4171e, 6p elrx-
Acknor Road. (road).
The corrosiveness of the taint sickens the land. The stars twinkle in the clear
night sky. The rough road breaks off from Ackleberry Highway and descends
towards Acknor. The basic dirt road is festooned with weeds and slightly muddy.
Tormentor Haiden, The Wrath is here. He wields a bladed scimitar resembling
flame in each hand.
You see exits leading east and west.
3697h, 4393m, 4171e, 7p elrx-
(0h, 75m, 0e)
Ackleberry Highway. (road).
The corrosiveness of the taint sickens the land. It is raining heavily, pregnant
drops of water pouring down onto you. A statue of Tully stands here,
memorializing his noble spirit. Shedrin, Shield of Klaymech is here. He wields
an iron shield in his left hand and a twisted staff in his right. Urth Hister,
Instrument of the Fates is here.
You see exits leading north, southeast, and west.
3697h, 4408m, 4171e, 7p elrx-
(0h, 15m, 0e)
Ackleberry Highway. (road).
The corrosiveness of the taint sickens the land. It is raining heavily, pregnant
drops of water pouring down onto you. A statue of Tully stands here,
memorializing his noble spirit. Pausing to rest, a loboshigaru pilgrim looks off
into the distance. Shamarah is here, shrouded. He wields a gold and iron buckler
shield in his right hand.
You see exits leading north and south.
3697h, 4408m, 4171e, 7p elrx-
Continuing his journey, a loboshigaru pilgrim trudges off to the north.
3697h, 4408m, 4171e, 7p elrx-
sting shamarah
outd aeon
fling aeon at shamarah
ind aeon
sting shamarah
You strike out at Shamarah with your deadly tail, and sting him.
Shamarah's eyes close suddenly as he falls asleep.
3697h, 4408m, 4171e, 7p elrx-
You shuffle one tarot card with the image of the Aeon out of your deck.
3697h, 4408m, 4171e, 7p elrx-
You stand an Aeon tarot on your palm, and blow it lightly at Shamarah.
Suddenly Shamarah's movements through the time stream are slowed.
3697h, 4371m, 4171e, 7p elr-
(0h, -37m, 0e)
You must regain balance first.
3697h, 4371m, 4171e, 7p elr-
3697h, 4371m, 4171e, 7p elr-
A hideous archdemon vomits forth a stream of noxious fluid that strikes
Shamarah, coating him with a thick green slime.
3697h, 4371m, 4171e, 7p elr-
{ Balance Recovered }
3697h, 4408m, 4171e, 7p elrx-
(0h, 37m, 0e)
abjure quickening
Focusing your entire will upon the cosmic strands that bind your own body, you
quicken every fiber of your being to lightning speed.
3697h, 4183m, 4171e, 4p lrx-
(0h, -225m, 0e)
A celestial archangel flings a cobalt blue disc at you, which envelops you in a
focus mind
field of crackling energy.
3697h, 4183m, 4171e, 5p lrx-
You focus your mind intently on curing your mental maladies.
Food is no longer repulsive to you.
3697h, 3996m, 4171e, 5p lrx-
(0h, -187m, 0e)
Your mind is able to focus once again.
3697h, 4084m, 4171e, 5p lrx-
(0h, 88m, 0e)
darkchant leech shamarah
Your tail is poised high above your head, ready to strike.
3697h, 4084m, 4171e, 5p lrx-
You must regain equilibrium first.
3697h, 4084m, 4171e, 5p lrx-
3697h, 4084m, 4171e, 5p lrx-
darkchant leech shamarah
{ Equilibrium Recovered }
You point at Shamarah and utter words of power, leeching his mental reserves
into your own.
3697h, 4408m, 4171e, 5p lrx-
(0h, 324m, 0e)
darkchant leech shamarah
You must regain equilibrium first.
3697h, 4408m, 4171e, 5p lrx-
3697h, 4408m, 4171e, 5p lrx-
{ Equilibrium Recovered }
3697h, 4408m, 4171e, 5p elrx-
darkchant leech shamarah
A hideous archdemon grabs the shoulders of Shamarah and gutturally whispers
something to him in a harsh and unknown language.
3697h, 4408m, 4171e, 5p elrx-
You point at Shamarah and utter words of power, leeching his mental reserves
into your own.
3697h, 4408m, 4171e, 5p lrx-
{ Equilibrium Recovered }
3697h, 4408m, 4171e, 5p elrx-
darkchant leech shamarah
You point at Shamarah and utter words of power, leeching his mental reserves
into your own.
3697h, 4408m, 4171e, 5p lrx-
Bowing her head and crossing her arms, a celestial archangel sends a bolt of
topaz light at you, which sinks deep into your skull and sets your mind reeling.
focus mind
focus mind
3697h, 4408m, 4171e, 5p lrx-
You focus your mind intently on curing your mental maladies.
You aren't such a complete idiot anymore.
3697h, 4221m, 4171e, 5p lrx-
(0h, -187m, 0e)
You concentrate, but your mind is too tired to focus.
3697h, 4034m, 4171e, 5p lrx-
(0h, -187m, 0e)
Shamarah takes a drink from a ruby vial.
3697h, 4034m, 4171e, 5p lrx-
{ Equilibrium Recovered }
3697h, 4034m, 4171e, 6p elrx-
Your mind is able to focus once again.
3697h, 4034m, 4171e, 6p elrx-
abjure web shamarah
You grasp a handful of cosmic threads and will them into existence, then release
them onto Shamarah as a mass of sticky webs.
3697h, 3997m, 4171e, 6p lrx-
(0h, -37m, 0e)
A torrent of poisonous fumes and sharp rocks hurtle towards Shamarah from the
3697h, 3997m, 4171e, 6p lrx-
The quickening within your being subsides.
3697h, 3997m, 4171e, 6p lrx-
Shamarah takes a drink from an onyx vial.
3697h, 4085m, 4171e, 6p lrx-
(0h, 88m, 0e)
{ Equilibrium Recovered }
3697h, 4085m, 4171e, 6p elrx-
Haiden tells you, ":censor: that. Not getting status today."
3697h, 4085m, 4171e, 6p elrx-
darkcall wrack shamarah
Sheathing yourself in the taint of Nil, you plunge your hand into the chest of
Shamarah, and rip out his soul. Shadowy snakes swarm from the darkness that
surrounds you and burrow into the soul of Shamarah, consuming his essence.
Shamarah's body falls lifelessly to the floor just as his soul disintegrates
into the seething mass of unholy darkness.
You have slain Shamarah.
Your karma falls in response to your deeds.
Shamarah drops a bunch of pennyroyal.
3697h, 4048m, 4171e, 1p lrx-
NOTE: I have a log of dying to him, it just is a cluster (it didnt parse
Ackleberry Highway. (road).
The corrosiveness of the taint sickens the land. It is raining heavily, pregnant
drops of water pouring down onto you. This ancient road curves from north to
south on the eastern side of the basin of civilization. The ground of the road
is compacted tight under the weight of centuries of travellers, merchants,
heroes and villains trekking back and forth. Two channels have been engraved
within the road from the weight of wagon wheels carrying their heavy cargoes. A
statue of Tully stands here, memorializing his noble spirit. Urth Hister,
Instrument of the Fates is here.
You see exits leading north, southeast, and west.
3697h, 4408m, 4171e, 10p elrx-
Urth Hister, Instrument of the Fates says, "Nope."
3697h, 4408m, 4171e, 10p elrx-
A loboshigaru trudges in from the southeast.
3697h, 4408m, 4171e, 10p elrx-
Urth Hister, Instrument of the Fates says, "Yes."
3697h, 4408m, 4171e, 10p elrx-
A celestial archangel flings a cobalt blue disc at you, which envelops you in a
outr wormwood
eat wormwood
focus mind
field of crackling energy.
Bowing her head and crossing her arms, a celestial archangel sends a bolt of
topaz light at you, which sinks deep into your skull and sets your mind reeling.
3697h, 4408m, 4171e, 10p elrx-
You blur and slip through time as Shamarah approaches you.
3697h, 4408m, 4171e, 10p elrx-
You remove 1 wormwood, bringing the total in the Rift to 80.
3697h, 4408m, 4171e, 10p elrx-
The idea of putting something in your stomach sickens you.
focus mind
3697h, 4408m, 4171e, 10p elrx-
You focus your mind intently on curing your mental maladies.
Food is no longer repulsive to you.
3697h, 4221m, 4171e, 10p elrx-
(0h, -187m, 0e)
You concentrate, but your mind is too tired to focus.
3697h, 4034m, 4171e, 10p elrx-
(0h, -187m, 0e)
Your mind is able to focus once again.
focus mind
3697h, 4034m, 4171e, 10p elrx-
You rub your temples in frustration.
3697h, 4034m, 4171e, 10p elrx-
Shamarah flings a tarot card at you, and a jester appears with a slack jawed
enemy Shamarah
sip quicksilver
expression. With a mad jingling of his bells, the fool throws a custard pie in
your face.
3697h, 4197m, 4171e, 10p elrxp-
(0h, 163m, 0e)
You are too tangled up to do that.
3697h, 4197m, 4171e, 10p elrxp-
You twist and turn as you struggle to break free of the ropes that bind you.
3697h, 4197m, 4171e, 10p elrp-
You fondle yourself absently.
focus mind
3697h, 4197m, 4171e, 10p elrp-
You are too tangled up to do that.
3697h, 4197m, 4171e, 10p elrp-
You twist and turn as you struggle to break free of the ropes that bind you.
3697h, 4197m, 4171e, 10p elrp-
You focus your mind intently on curing your mental maladies.
You aren't such a complete idiot anymore.
3697h, 4010m, 4171e, 10p elrp-
(0h, -187m, 0e)
3697h, 4010m, 4171e, 10p elrp-
Your mind is able to focus once again.
3697h, 4010m, 4171e, 10p elrp-
You twist and turn as you attempt to escape from your entanglement.
3697h, 4010m, 4171e, 10p elrp-
NEW TARGET: shamarah
{ Balance Recovered }
You have writhed free of your ropes.
{{{ YOU ARE FREE! }}}
3697h, 4010m, 4171e, 10p elrx-
You begin to writhe helplessly, throwing your body off balance.
3697h, 4010m, 4171e, 10p elr-
Ackleberry Highway. (road).
The corrosiveness of the taint sickens the land. It is raining heavily, pregnant
drops of water pouring down onto you. This ancient road curves from north to
south on the eastern side of the basin of civilization. The ground of the road
is compacted tight under the weight of centuries of travellers, merchants,
heroes and villains trekking back and forth. Two channels have been engraved
within the road from the weight of wagon wheels carrying their heavy cargoes. A
statue of Tully stands here, memorializing his noble spirit. Pausing to rest, a
loboshigaru pilgrim looks off into the distance. Urth Hister, Instrument of the
Fates is here. Shamarah is here, shrouded. He wields a gold and iron buckler
shield in his right hand.
You see exits leading north, southeast, and west.
3697h, 4010m, 4171e, 10p elr-
Shamarah flings a tarot card at you, and a jester appears with a slack jawed
enemy Shamarah
sip quicksilver
expression. With a mad jingling of his bells, the fool throws a custard pie in
your face.
3697h, 4010m, 4171e, 10p elr-
{ Balance Recovered }
Shamarah is already an enemy.
3697h, 4010m, 4171e, 10p elrx-
You begin to writhe helplessly, throwing your body off balance.
3697h, 4010m, 4171e, 10p elr-
sting shamarah
outd aeon
fling aeon at shamarah
ind aeon
sting shamarah
You take a drink from a turquoise vial.
3697h, 4010m, 4171e, 10p elr-
You strike out at Shamarah with your deadly tail, and sting him.
3697h, 4010m, 4171e, 10p elr-
You must regain balance first.
3697h, 4010m, 4171e, 10p elr-
You aren't holding a tarot card with that image on it.
3697h, 4010m, 4171e, 10p elr-
You must regain balance first.
3697h, 4010m, 4171e, 10p elr-
3697h, 4010m, 4171e, 10p elr-
{ Balance Recovered }
3697h, 4010m, 4171e, 10p elrx-
A celestial archangel flings a cobalt blue disc at you, which envelops you in a
focus mind
field of crackling energy.
Bowing her head and crossing her arms, a celestial archangel sends a bolt of
topaz light at you, which sinks deep into your skull and sets your mind reeling.
3697h, 4010m, 4171e, 10p elrx-
You focus your mind intently on curing your mental maladies.
You aren't such a complete idiot anymore.
3697h, 3823m, 4171e, 10p elrx-
(0h, -187m, 0e)
order entourage kill shamarah
You order a hideous archdemon to kill Shamarah.
A hideous archdemon obeys your command.
3697h, 3823m, 4171e, 10p elrx-
Shamarah eats a horehound blossom.
3697h, 3823m, 4171e, 10p elrx-
ct me
Bleeding wounds open up on the body of Shamarah, whose eyes glow with holy
3697h, 3823m, 4171e, 10p elrx-
(Magnagora): You say, "Me."
3697h, 3823m, 4171e, 10p elrx-
Your mind is able to focus once again.
focus mind
3697h, 3823m, 4171e, 10p elrx-
You focus your mind intently on curing your mental maladies.
Food is no longer repulsive to you.
3697h, 3636m, 4171e, 10p elrx-
(0h, -187m, 0e)
order entourage kill shamarah
A hideous archdemon is already hostile towards Shamarah.
3697h, 3636m, 4171e, 10p elrx-
Shamarah flings a tarot card at you, and a jester appears with a slack jawed
enemy Shamarah
sip quicksilver
expression. With a mad jingling of his bells, the fool squirts water at you from
a large flower.
3697h, 3636m, 4171e, 10p elrx-
You move sluggishly into action.
*** AEONED ***
sip phlegmatic
3697h, 3636m, 4171e, 10p elrx-
sting shamarah
outd aeon
fling aeon at shamarah
ind aeon
sting shamarah
You move sluggishly into action.
*** AEONED ***
3697h, 3636m, 4171e, 10p elrx-
You move sluggishly into action.
*** AEONED ***
3697h, 3636m, 4171e, 10p elrx-
You move sluggishly into action.
*** AEONED ***
3697h, 3636m, 4171e, 10p elrx-
You move sluggishly into action.
*** AEONED ***
3697h, 3636m, 4171e, 10p elrx-
You move sluggishly into action.
*** AEONED ***
3697h, 3636m, 4171e, 10p elrx-
You move sluggishly into action.
*** AEONED ***
3697h, 3636m, 4171e, 10p elrx-
You move sluggishly into action.
*** AEONED ***
3697h, 3636m, 4171e, 10p elrx-
You move sluggishly into action.
*** AEONED ***
3697h, 3636m, 4171e, 10p elrx-
Your mind is able to focus once again.
3697h, 3636m, 4171e, 10p elrx-
Tiny tremours spread through your body as the world seems to slow down.
3697h, 3636m, 4171e, 10p elrx-
3697h, 3711m, 4171e, 10p elrx-
(0h, 75m, 0e)
A hideous archdemon vomits forth a stream of noxious fluid that strikes
Shamarah, coating him with a thick green slime.
3697h, 3799m, 4171e, 10p elrx-
(0h, 88m, 0e)
sip phlegmatic
You move sluggishly into action.
*** AEONED ***
3697h, 3799m, 4171e, 10p elrx-
Your tail is poised high above your head, ready to strike.
3697h, 3799m, 4171e, 10p elrx-
You take a drink from a jade vial.
You return to the normal timestream.
outr wormwood
eat wormwood
3697h, 3799m, 4171e, 10p elrx-
You remove 1 wormwood, bringing the total in the Rift to 79.
3697h, 3799m, 4171e, 10p elrx-
You eat a wormwood stem.
3697h, 3799m, 4171e, 10p elrx-
Shamarah stands an Aeon tarot on his palm and blows it at you.
Your speed defence is destroyed.
sip quicksilver
3697h, 3799m, 4171e, 10p elrx-
You take a drink from a turquoise vial.
3697h, 3799m, 4171e, 10p elrx-
You may drink another purgative or curing potion.
3697h, 3799m, 4171e, 10p elrx-
A celestial archangel flings a cobalt blue disc at you, which envelops you in a
focus mind
field of crackling energy.
Bowing her head and crossing her arms, a celestial archangel sends a bolt of
topaz light at you, which sinks deep into your skull and sets your mind reeling.
3697h, 3799m, 4171e, 10p elrx-
sting shamarah
outd aeon
fling aeon at shamarah
ind aeon
sting shamarah
You focus your mind intently on curing your mental maladies.
You aren't such a complete idiot anymore.
3697h, 3612m, 4171e, 10p elrx-
(0h, -187m, 0e)
You strike out at Shamarah with your deadly tail, and sting him.
3697h, 3612m, 4171e, 10p elrx-
You shuffle one tarot card with the image of the Aeon out of your deck.
3697h, 3612m, 4171e, 10p elrx-
You stand an Aeon tarot on your palm, and blow it lightly at Shamarah.
3697h, 3575m, 4171e, 10p elr-
(0h, -37m, 0e)
You must regain balance first.
3697h, 3575m, 4171e, 10p elr-
3697h, 3575m, 4171e, 10p elr-
You may eat or smoke another herb.
smoke 117735
3697h, 3575m, 4171e, 10p elr-
That pipe isn't lit.
light 117725
light 117735
light 117738
3697h, 3575m, 4171e, 10p elr-
You must regain balance first.
3697h, 3575m, 4171e, 10p elr-
You must regain balance first.
3697h, 3575m, 4171e, 10p elr-
You must regain balance first.
3697h, 3575m, 4171e, 10p elr-
Your mind is able to focus once again.
focus mind
3697h, 3575m, 4171e, 10p elr-
You focus your mind intently on curing your mental maladies.
Food is no longer repulsive to you.
3697h, 3388m, 4171e, 10p elr-
(0h, -187m, 0e)
Shamarah takes a long drag off his pipe.
3697h, 3388m, 4171e, 10p elr-
sting shamarah
outd aeon
fling aeon at shamarah
ind aeon
sting shamarah
3697h, 3388m, 4171e, 10p elr-
You must regain balance first.
3697h, 3388m, 4171e, 10p elr-
You aren't holding a tarot card with that image on it.
3697h, 3388m, 4171e, 10p elr-
You must regain balance first.
3697h, 3388m, 4171e, 10p elr-
3697h, 3388m, 4171e, 10p elr-
Your mind is able to focus once again.
3697h, 3388m, 4171e, 10p elr-
Shamarah takes a drink from a ruby vial.
3697h, 3388m, 4171e, 10p elr-
sting shamarah
outd aeon
fling aeon at shamarah
ind aeon
sting shamarah
3697h, 3388m, 4171e, 10p elr-
You must regain balance first.
3697h, 3388m, 4171e, 10p elr-
You aren't holding a tarot card with that image on it.
3697h, 3388m, 4171e, 10p elr-
You must regain balance first.
3697h, 3388m, 4171e, 10p elr-
3697h, 3388m, 4171e, 10p elr-
{ Balance Recovered }
3697h, 3388m, 4171e, 10p elrx-
Shamarah stands an Aeon tarot on his palm and blows it at you.
Suddenly your movements through the time stream are slowed.
drink phlegmatic
3697h, 3388m, 4171e, 10p elrx-
sting shamarah
outd aeon
fling aeon at shamarah
ind aeon
sting shamarah
You move sluggishly into action.
*** AEONED ***
3697h, 3388m, 4171e, 10p elrx-
You move sluggishly into action.
*** AEONED ***
3697h, 3388m, 4171e, 10p elrx-
You move sluggishly into action.
*** AEONED ***
3697h, 3388m, 4171e, 10p elrx-
You move sluggishly into action.
*** AEONED ***
3697h, 3388m, 4171e, 10p elrx-
You move sluggishly into action.
*** AEONED ***
3697h, 3388m, 4171e, 10p elrx-
You move sluggishly into action.
*** AEONED ***
3697h, 3388m, 4171e, 10p elrx-
Tiny tremours spread through your body as the world seems to slow down.
3697h, 3388m, 4171e, 10p elrx-
A hideous archdemon grabs the shoulders of Shamarah and gutturally whispers
something to him in a harsh and unknown language.
3697h, 3388m, 4171e, 10p elrx-
Bleeding wounds open up on the body of Shamarah, whose eyes glow with holy
3697h, 3388m, 4171e, 10p elrx-
3697h, 3388m, 4171e, 10p elrx-
drink phlegmatic
You move sluggishly into action.
*** AEONED ***
3697h, 3463m, 4171e, 10p elrx-
(0h, 75m, 0e)
You take a drink from a jade vial.
You return to the normal timestream.
outr wormwood
eat wormwood
3697h, 3551m, 4171e, 10p elrx-
(0h, 88m, 0e)
You remove 1 wormwood, bringing the total in the Rift to 78.
3697h, 3551m, 4171e, 10p elrx-
You eat a wormwood stem.
3697h, 3551m, 4171e, 10p elrx-
You see Shamarah yell, "I like cheese!"
3697h, 3551m, 4171e, 10p elrx-
ct at me now
Haiden tells you, "?"
3697h, 3551m, 4171e, 10p elrx-
Your tail is poised high above your head, ready to strike.
3697h, 3551m, 4171e, 10p elrx-
A celestial archangel flings a cobalt blue disc at you, which envelops you in a
focus mind
field of crackling energy.
Bowing her head and crossing her arms, a celestial archangel sends a bolt of
topaz light at you, which sinks deep into your skull and sets your mind reeling.
3697h, 3551m, 4171e, 10p elrx-
You flap your arms madly.
3697h, 3551m, 4171e, 10p elrx-
You focus your mind intently on curing your mental maladies.
You aren't such a complete idiot anymore.
3697h, 3364m, 4171e, 10p elrx-
(0h, -187m, 0e)
sting shamarah
outd aeon
fling aeon at shamarah
ind aeon
sting shamarah
Shamarah flaps his arms madly.
3697h, 3364m, 4171e, 10p elrx-
You strike out at Shamarah with your deadly tail, and sting him.
3697h, 3364m, 4171e, 10p elrx-
You shuffle one tarot card with the image of the Aeon out of your deck.
3697h, 3364m, 4171e, 10p elrx-
You stand an Aeon tarot on your palm, and blow it lightly at Shamarah.
3697h, 3327m, 4171e, 10p elr-
(0h, -37m, 0e)
You must regain balance first.
3697h, 3327m, 4171e, 10p elr-
3697h, 3327m, 4171e, 10p elr-
You may drink another purgative or curing potion.
3697h, 3327m, 4171e, 10p elr-
Shamarah stands an Aeon tarot on his palm and blows it at you.
Your speed defence is destroyed.
sip quicksilver
3697h, 3327m, 4171e, 10p elr-
The idea of putting something in your stomach sickens you.
3697h, 3327m, 4171e, 10p elr-
You may eat or smoke another herb.
smoke 117735
3697h, 3327m, 4171e, 10p elr-
That pipe isn't lit.
light 117725
light 117735
light 117738
3697h, 3327m, 4171e, 10p elr-
You must regain balance first.
3697h, 3327m, 4171e, 10p elr-
Your mind is able to focus once again.
focus mind
3697h, 3327m, 4171e, 10p elr-
You must regain balance first.
3697h, 3327m, 4171e, 10p elr-
You must regain balance first.
3697h, 3327m, 4171e, 10p elr-
You focus your mind intently on curing your mental maladies.
Food is no longer repulsive to you.
3697h, 3140m, 4171e, 10p elr-
drink mana
(0h, -187m, 0e)
You take a drink from a bloodstone vial.
Your mind feels stronger and more alert.
3697h, 3886m, 4171e, 10p elr-
(0h, 746m, 0e)
Shamarah empties out a ruby vial into his mouth.
3697h, 3886m, 4171e, 10p elr-
Your mind is able to focus once again.
3697h, 3886m, 4171e, 10p elr-
sting shamarah
outd hangedman
fling hangedman at shamarah
ind hangedman
sting shamarah
3697h, 3886m, 4171e, 10p elr-
You must regain balance first.
3697h, 3886m, 4171e, 10p elr-
You aren't holding a tarot card with that image on it.
3697h, 3886m, 4171e, 10p elr-
You must regain balance first.
3697h, 3886m, 4171e, 10p elr-
3697h, 3886m, 4171e, 10p elr-
{ Balance Recovered }
3697h, 3886m, 4171e, 10p elrx-
Clenching his fists, a hideous archdemon screams in rage at Shamarah, and a ball
of fire erupts at his feet, briefly enveloping him.
3697h, 3886m, 4171e, 10p elrx-
Shamarah stands an Aeon tarot on his palm and blows it at you.
Suddenly your movements through the time stream are slowed.
drink phlegmatic
3697h, 3886m, 4171e, 10p elrx-
You move sluggishly into action.
*** AEONED ***
3697h, 3886m, 4171e, 10p elrx-
darkchant disfigure shamarah
You move sluggishly into action.
*** AEONED ***
3697h, 3886m, 4171e, 10p elrx-
You may drink another health, mana, or bromide potion.
3697h, 3886m, 4171e, 10p elrx-
You concentrate and curse Shamarah with the visage of a rotting corpse.
3697h, 3774m, 4171e, 10p lrx-
(0h, -112m, 0e)
Shamarah takes a drink from a bloodstone vial.
3697h, 3774m, 4171e, 10p lrx-
drink phlegmatic
You move sluggishly into action.
*** AEONED ***
3697h, 3774m, 4171e, 10p lrx-
Your tail is poised high above your head, ready to strike.
A celestial archangel flings a cobalt blue disc at Shamarah, which envelops him
in a field of crackling energy.
Bowing her head and crossing her arms, a celestial archangel sends a bolt of
topaz light at Shamarah, which sinks deep into his skull and makes him reel
3697h, 3849m, 4171e, 10p lrx-
(0h, 75m, 0e)
You take a drink from a jade vial.
You return to the normal timestream.
outr wormwood
eat wormwood
sip quicksilver
3697h, 3849m, 4171e, 10p lrx-
You remove 1 wormwood, bringing the total in the Rift to 77.
3697h, 3849m, 4171e, 10p lrx-
You eat a wormwood stem.
3697h, 3849m, 4171e, 10p lrx-
You take a drink from a turquoise vial.
3697h, 3849m, 4171e, 10p lrx-
Bleeding wounds open up on the body of Shamarah, whose eyes glow with holy
3697h, 3937m, 4171e, 10p lrx-
(0h, 88m, 0e)
order entourage kill shamarah
sting shamarah
outd aeon
fling aeon at shamarah
ind aeon
sting shamarah
You must regain equilibrium first.
3697h, 3937m, 4171e, 10p lrx-
{ Equilibrium Recovered }
You strike out at Shamarah with your deadly tail, and sting him.
3697h, 3937m, 4171e, 10p elrx-
You shuffle one tarot card with the image of the Aeon out of your deck.
3697h, 3937m, 4171e, 10p elrx-
You stand an Aeon tarot on your palm, and blow it lightly at Shamarah.
3697h, 3900m, 4171e, 10p elr-
(0h, -37m, 0e)
You must regain balance first.
3697h, 3900m, 4171e, 10p elr-
3697h, 3900m, 4171e, 10p elr-
3697h, 3900m, 4171e, 10p elr-
You may drink another purgative or curing potion.
3697h, 3900m, 4171e, 10p elr-
You may eat or smoke another herb.
3697h, 3900m, 4171e, 10p elr-
Shedrin arrives from the west.
3697h, 3900m, 4171e, 10p elr-
Shamarah flaps his arms madly.
3697h, 3900m, 4171e, 10p elr-
Shamarah takes a long drag off his pipe.
3697h, 3900m, 4171e, 10p elr-
A hideous archdemon vomits forth a stream of noxious fluid that strikes
Shamarah, coating him with a thick green slime.
3697h, 3900m, 4171e, 10p elr-
{ Balance Recovered }
Shamarah takes a long drag off his pipe.
3697h, 3900m, 4171e, 10p elrx-
Tiny tremours spread through your body as the world seems to slow down.
3697h, 3900m, 4171e, 10p elrx-
darkchant disfigure shamarah
You concentrate and curse Shamarah with the visage of a rotting corpse.
3697h, 3788m, 4171e, 10p lrx-
(0h, -112m, 0e)
Sticky strands of webbing spray out from Shamarah to cover you.
3697h, 3788m, 4171e, 10p lrxp-
You begin to struggle free of your entanglement.
3697h, 3788m, 4171e, 10p lrp-
Shamarah takes a long drag off his pipe.
3697h, 3788m, 4171e, 10p lrp-
Shamarah eats a bunch of pennyroyal.
3697h, 3788m, 4171e, 10p lrp-
Urth Hister, Instrument of the Fates says, "Watch out! he likes cheese."
3697h, 3788m, 4171e, 10p lrp-
Shedrin leaves to the west.
3697h, 3788m, 4171e, 10p lrp-
A celestial archangel flings a cobalt blue disc at you, which envelops you in a
outr wormwood
eat wormwood
focus mind
field of crackling energy.
3697h, 3788m, 4171e, 10p lrp-
{ Balance Recovered }
3697h, 3788m, 4171e, 10p lrxp-
You remove 1 wormwood, bringing the total in the Rift to 76.
3697h, 3788m, 4171e, 10p lrxp-
The idea of putting something in your stomach sickens you.
focus mind
3697h, 3788m, 4171e, 10p lrxp-
You focus your mind intently on curing your mental maladies.
Food is no longer repulsive to you.
3697h, 3601m, 4171e, 10p lrxp-
(0h, -187m, 0e)
You concentrate, but your mind is too tired to focus.
3697h, 3414m, 4171e, 10p lrxp-
(0h, -187m, 0e)
You twist and turn as you attempt to escape from your entanglement.
3697h, 3414m, 4171e, 10p lrxp-
Your tail is poised high above your head, ready to strike.
3697h, 3414m, 4171e, 10p lrxp-
{ Equilibrium Recovered }
3697h, 3414m, 4171e, 10p elrxp-
Your mind is able to focus once again.
3697h, 3414m, 4171e, 10p elrxp-
darkchant disfigure shamarah
You have writhed free of your entanglement.
{{{ YOU ARE FREE! }}}
3697h, 3414m, 4171e, 10p elrx-
You concentrate and curse Shamarah with the visage of a rotting corpse.
3697h, 3377m, 4171e, 10p lrx-
(0h, -37m, 0e)
Shamarah takes a drink from a bloodstone vial.
3697h, 3377m, 4171e, 10p lrx-
"The voices! The voices! Get them out of my head!!" Shamarah moans, holding his
3697h, 3465m, 4171e, 10p lrx-
(0h, 88m, 0e)
The earth rumbles and pushes up a large tainted boulder that vibrates
momentarily before exploding into thousands of sharp shards of rock, which fly
around you.
3697h, 3465m, 4171e, 10p lrx-
Shamarah shouts out a happy "Yay!"
3697h, 3465m, 4171e, 10p lrx-
Shamarah fondles himself absently.
3697h, 3465m, 4171e, 10p lrx-
{ Equilibrium Recovered }
3697h, 3465m, 4171e, 10p elrx-
Bleeding wounds open up on the body of Shamarah, whose eyes glow with holy
3697h, 3465m, 4171e, 10p elrx-
A hideous archdemon grabs the shoulders of Shamarah and gutturally whispers
something to him in a harsh and unknown language.
3697h, 3465m, 4171e, 10p elrx-
Shamarah mutters and traces a cobalt blue pentagram in the air that remains
*** SHIELDED ***
hovering before him.
3697h, 3465m, 4171e, 10p elrx-
sting shamarah
outd aeon
fling aeon at shamarah
ind aeon
sting shamarah
A dizzying beam of energy strikes you as your attack rebounds off of Shamarah's
3697h, 3465m, 4171e, 10p lrx-
You must regain equilibrium first.
3697h, 3465m, 4171e, 10p lrx-
You aren't holding a tarot card with that image on it.
3697h, 3465m, 4171e, 10p lrx-
You must regain equilibrium first.
3697h, 3465m, 4171e, 10p lrx-
A dizzying beam of energy strikes you as your attack rebounds off of Shamarah's
3697h, 3465m, 4171e, 10p lrx-
3697h, 3465m, 4171e, 10p lrx-
3697h, 3465m, 4171e, 10p lrx-
evoke pentagram
You must regain equilibrium first.
3697h, 3465m, 4171e, 10p lrx-
3697h, 3465m, 4171e, 10p lrx-
evoke pentagram
You must regain equilibrium first.
3697h, 3465m, 4171e, 10p lrx-
3697h, 3465m, 4171e, 10p lrx-
{ Equilibrium Recovered }
3697h, 3465m, 4171e, 10p elrx-
evoke pentagram
Muttering words of power, you trace a cobalt blue pentagram in the air that
remains hovering before you, protecting against assault.
3697h, 3443m, 4171e, 10p lrx-
(0h, -22m, 0e)
Shamarah's attack rebounds off your magical shield.
3697h, 3443m, 4171e, 10p lrx-
Ackleberry Highway. (road).
The corrosiveness of the taint sickens the land. It is raining heavily, pregnant
drops of water pouring down onto you. This ancient road curves from north to
south on the eastern side of the basin of civilization. The ground of the road
is compacted tight under the weight of centuries of travellers, merchants,
heroes and villains trekking back and forth. Two channels have been engraved
within the road from the weight of wagon wheels carrying their heavy cargoes. A
statue of Tully stands here, memorializing his noble spirit. Pausing to rest, a
loboshigaru pilgrim looks off into the distance. Urth Hister, Instrument of the
Fates is here. Shamarah is here, shrouded. He wields a gold and iron buckler
shield in his right hand.
You see exits leading north, southeast, and west.
3697h, 3443m, 4171e, 10p lrx-
Clenching his fists, a hideous archdemon screams in rage at Shamarah, and a ball
of fire erupts at his feet, briefly enveloping him.
3697h, 3518m, 4171e, 10p lrx-
(0h, 75m, 0e)
{ Equilibrium Recovered }
3697h, 3606m, 4171e, 10p elrx-
(0h, 88m, 0e)
Shamarah mutters and pokes his index finger towards you and makes a hooking
gesture. Invisible energies slam against you, ripping apart your magical shield
of protection.
3697h, 3606m, 4171e, 10p elrx-
sting shamarah
outd aeon
fling aeon at shamarah
ind aeon
sting shamarah
You strike out at Shamarah with your deadly tail, and sting him.
3697h, 3606m, 4171e, 10p elrx-
You shuffle one tarot card with the image of the Aeon out of your deck.
3697h, 3606m, 4171e, 10p elrx-
You stand an Aeon tarot on your palm, and blow it lightly at Shamarah.
Suddenly Shamarah's movements through the time stream are slowed.
3697h, 3569m, 4171e, 10p elr-
(0h, -37m, 0e)
You must regain balance first.
3697h, 3569m, 4171e, 10p elr-
3697h, 3569m, 4171e, 10p elr-
Bowing her head and crossing her arms, a celestial archangel sends a bolt of
topaz light at you, which sinks deep into your skull and sets your mind reeling.
focus mind
focus mind
3697h, 3569m, 4171e, 10p elr-
You focus your mind intently on curing your mental maladies.
You aren't such a complete idiot anymore.
3697h, 3382m, 4171e, 10p elr-
(0h, -187m, 0e)
You concentrate, but your mind is too tired to focus.
3697h, 3195m, 4171e, 10p elr-
(0h, -187m, 0e)
Bleeding wounds open up on the body of Shamarah, whose eyes glow with holy
3697h, 3195m, 4171e, 10p elr-
sting shamarah
outd aeon
fling aeon at shamarah
ind aeon
sting shamarah
Your mind is able to focus once again.
3697h, 3195m, 4171e, 10p elr-
3697h, 3195m, 4171e, 10p elr-
You must regain balance first.
3697h, 3195m, 4171e, 10p elr-
You aren't holding a tarot card with that image on it.
3697h, 3195m, 4171e, 10p elr-
You must regain balance first.
3697h, 3195m, 4171e, 10p elr-
3697h, 3195m, 4171e, 10p elr-
Continuing his journey, a loboshigaru pilgrim trudges off to the north.
3697h, 3195m, 4171e, 10p elr-
Shamarah takes a drink from an onyx vial.
3697h, 3195m, 4171e, 10p elr-
{ Balance Recovered }
3697h, 3195m, 4171e, 10p elrx-
Ackleberry Highway. (road).
The corrosiveness of the taint sickens the land. It is raining heavily, pregnant
drops of water pouring down onto you. This ancient road curves from north to
south on the eastern side of the basin of civilization. The ground of the road
is compacted tight under the weight of centuries of travellers, merchants,
heroes and villains trekking back and forth. Two channels have been engraved
within the road from the weight of wagon wheels carrying their heavy cargoes. A
statue of Tully stands here, memorializing his noble spirit. Urth Hister,
Instrument of the Fates is here. Shamarah is here, shrouded. He wields a gold
and iron buckler shield in his right hand.
You see exits leading north, southeast, and west.
3697h, 3195m, 4171e, 10p elrx-
sting shamarah
outd aeon
fling aeon at shamarah
ind aeon
sting shamarah
3697h, 3195m, 4171e, 10p elrx-
You shuffle one tarot card with the image of the Aeon out of your deck.
3697h, 3195m, 4171e, 10p elrx-
You stand an Aeon tarot on your palm, and blow it lightly at Shamarah.
Suddenly Shamarah's movements through the time stream are slowed.
3697h, 3158m, 4171e, 10p elr-
(0h, -37m, 0e)
You must regain balance first.
3697h, 3158m, 4171e, 10p elr-
3697h, 3158m, 4171e, 10p elr-
A hideous archdemon vomits forth a stream of noxious fluid that strikes
Shamarah, coating him with a thick green slime.
3697h, 3158m, 4171e, 10p elr-
Your tail is poised high above your head, ready to strike.
3697h, 3233m, 4171e, 10p elr-
(0h, 75m, 0e)
{ Balance Recovered }
3697h, 3233m, 4171e, 10p elrx-
abjure quickening
Focusing your entire will upon the cosmic strands that bind your own body, you
quicken every fiber of your being to lightning speed.
3697h, 3008m, 4171e, 7p lrx-
drink mana
(0h, -225m, 0e)
You take a drink from a bloodstone vial.
Your mind feels stronger and more alert.
3697h, 3589m, 4171e, 7p lrx-
(0h, 581m, 0e)
A celestial archangel flings a cobalt blue disc at you, which envelops you in a
focus mind
field of crackling energy.
3697h, 3677m, 4171e, 7p lrx-
(0h, 88m, 0e)
You focus your mind intently on curing your mental maladies.
Food is no longer repulsive to you.
3697h, 3490m, 4171e, 7p lrx-
(0h, -187m, 0e)
Your mind is able to focus once again.
3697h, 3490m, 4171e, 7p lrx-
{ Equilibrium Recovered }
3697h, 3490m, 4171e, 7p elrx-
order entourage kill shamarah
A hideous archdemon is already hostile towards Shamarah.
3697h, 3490m, 4171e, 7p elrx-
You may drink another health, mana, or bromide potion.
3697h, 3490m, 4171e, 7p elrx-
sting shamarah
outd aeon
fling aeon at shamarah
ind aeon
sting shamarah
You strike out at Shamarah with your deadly tail, and sting him.
3697h, 3490m, 4171e, 7p elrx-
You shuffle one tarot card with the image of the Aeon out of your deck.
3697h, 3490m, 4171e, 7p elrx-
You stand an Aeon tarot on your palm, and blow it lightly at Shamarah.
Suddenly Shamarah's movements through the time stream are slowed.
3697h, 3453m, 4171e, 7p elr-
(0h, -37m, 0e)
You must regain balance first.
3697h, 3453m, 4171e, 7p elr-
3697h, 3453m, 4171e, 7p elr-
Bleeding wounds open up on the body of Shamarah, whose eyes glow with holy
3697h, 3453m, 4171e, 7p elr-
Ackleberry Highway. (road).
The corrosiveness of the taint sickens the land. It is raining heavily, pregnant
drops of water pouring down onto you. This ancient road curves from north to
south on the eastern side of the basin of civilization. The ground of the road
is compacted tight under the weight of centuries of travellers, merchants,
heroes and villains trekking back and forth. Two channels have been engraved
within the road from the weight of wagon wheels carrying their heavy cargoes. A
statue of Tully stands here, memorializing his noble spirit. Urth Hister,
Instrument of the Fates is here. Shamarah is here, shrouded. He wields a gold
and iron buckler shield in his right hand.
You see exits leading north, southeast, and west.
3697h, 3453m, 4171e, 7p elr-
A hideous archdemon grabs the shoulders of Shamarah and gutturally whispers
something to him in a harsh and unknown language.
3697h, 3453m, 4171e, 7p elr-
You feel a slight tug within your chest and the air around you sparkles with
motes of bright light.
3697h, 3453m, 4171e, 7p elr-
{ Balance Recovered }
3697h, 3453m, 4171e, 7p elrx-
Bowing her head and crossing her arms, a celestial archangel sends a bolt of
topaz light at you, which sinks deep into your skull and sets your mind reeling.
focus mind
focus mind
3697h, 3528m, 4171e, 7p elrx-
(0h, 75m, 0e)
abjure quickening
"The voices! The voices! Get them out of my head!!" you moan, holding your head
focus mind
in pain.
3697h, 3528m, 4171e, 7p elrx-
You focus your mind intently on curing your mental maladies.
You aren't such a complete idiot anymore.
3697h, 3341m, 4171e, 7p elrx-
(0h, -187m, 0e)
Focusing your entire will upon the cosmic strands that bind your own body, you
quicken every fiber of your being to lightning speed.
3697h, 3116m, 4171e, 4p lrx-
drink mana
(0h, -225m, 0e)
You concentrate, but your mind is too tired to focus.
3697h, 2929m, 4171e, 4p lrx-
(0h, -187m, 0e)
You take a drink from a bloodstone vial.
Your mind feels stronger and more alert.
3697h, 3667m, 4171e, 4p lrx-
(0h, 738m, 0e)
Shamarah mutters and traces a cobalt blue pentagram in the air that remains
*** SHIELDED ***
hovering before him.
3697h, 3667m, 4171e, 4p lrx-
Your mind is able to focus once again.
3697h, 3667m, 4171e, 5p lrx-
{ Equilibrium Recovered }
3697h, 3755m, 4171e, 5p elrx-
(0h, 88m, 0e)
evoke void shamarah
sting shamarah
Muttering words of power, you poke your index finger towards Shamarah and make a
hooking gesture. Invisible energies slam against Shamarah, ripping apart his
magical shield of protection.
3697h, 3733m, 4171e, 5p lrx-
(0h, -22m, 0e)
3697h, 3733m, 4171e, 5p lrx-
Your tail is poised high above your head, ready to strike.
3697h, 3733m, 4171e, 5p lrx-
{ Equilibrium Recovered }
You may drink another health, mana, or bromide potion.
3697h, 3733m, 4171e, 5p elrx-
Clenching his fists, a hideous archdemon screams in rage at Shamarah, and a ball
of fire erupts at his feet, briefly enveloping him.
3697h, 3733m, 4171e, 5p elrx-
darkchant leech shamarah
You point at Shamarah and utter words of power, leeching his mental reserves
into your own.
3697h, 4192m, 4171e, 5p lrx-
(0h, 459m, 0e)
Among the sparkling motes of light, a translucent figure appears in the air and
then quickly solidifies as Haiden comes into view.
3697h, 4192m, 4171e, 5p lrx-
Shamarah takes a drink from an onyx vial.
3697h, 4192m, 4171e, 5p lrx-
{ Equilibrium Recovered }
3697h, 4192m, 4171e, 5p elrx-
darkchant leech shamarah
You cannot see that being here.
3697h, 4192m, 4171e, 5p elrx-
Haiden leaves to the north.
3697h, 4267m, 4171e, 6p elrx-
(0h, 75m, 0e)
The quickening within your being subsides.
3697h, 4355m, 4171e, 6p elrx-
(0h, 88m, 0e)
Haiden arrives from the north.
3697h, 4355m, 4171e, 6p elrx-
darkcall beckon shamarah
Your attack is repelled by the prismatic barrier surrounding Shamarah.
3697h, 4355m, 4171e, 6p elrx-
Shedrin arrives from the west.
3697h, 4355m, 4171e, 6p elrx-
Haiden leaves to the southeast.
3697h, 4355m, 4171e, 6p elrx-
darkcall beckon shamarah
Your attack is repelled by the prismatic barrier surrounding Shamarah.
3697h, 4355m, 4171e, 6p elrx-
Haiden arrives from the southeast.
3697h, 4355m, 4171e, 6p elrx-
Ackleberry Highway. (road).
The corrosiveness of the taint sickens the land. It is raining heavily, pregnant
drops of water pouring down onto you. This ancient road curves from north to
south on the eastern side of the basin of civilization. The ground of the road
is compacted tight under the weight of centuries of travellers, merchants,
heroes and villains trekking back and forth. Two channels have been engraved
within the road from the weight of wagon wheels carrying their heavy cargoes. A
statue of Tully stands here, memorializing his noble spirit. Urth Hister,
Instrument of the Fates is here. Shedrin, Shield of Klaymech is here. He wields
an iron shield in his left hand and a twisted staff in his right. Tormentor
Haiden, The Wrath is here. He wields a bladed scimitar resembling flame in each
You see exits leading north, southeast, and west.
3697h, 4355m, 4171e, 6p elrx-
Haiden leaves to the west.
3697h, 4355m, 4171e, 6p elrx-
glance n
Ackleberry Highway. (road).
The corrosiveness of the taint sickens the land. It is raining heavily, pregnant
drops of water pouring down onto you. A statue of Tully stands here,
memorializing his noble spirit. Pausing to rest, a loboshigaru pilgrim looks off
into the distance.
You see exits leading north and south.
3697h, 4355m, 4171e, 6p lrx-
{ Equilibrium Recovered }
3697h, 4355m, 4171e, 6p elrx-
glance w
Acknor Road. (road).
The corrosiveness of the taint sickens the land. The stars twinkle in the clear
night sky. Shamarah is here, shrouded. He wields a gold and iron buckler shield
in his right hand. Tormentor Haiden, The Wrath is here. He wields a bladed
scimitar resembling flame in each hand.
You see exits leading east and west.
3697h, 4355m, 4171e, 6p lrx-
{ Equilibrium Recovered }
3697h, 4355m, 4171e, 6p elrx-
Acknor Road. (road).
The corrosiveness of the taint sickens the land. The stars twinkle in the clear
night sky. Tormentor Haiden, The Wrath is here. He wields a bladed scimitar
resembling flame in each hand. Shamarah is here, shrouded. He wields a gold and
iron buckler shield in his right hand.
You see exits leading east and west.
3697h, 4355m, 4171e, 6p elrx-
Shamarah's prismatic barrier dissolves into nothing.
*** KILL IT!! ***
*** KILL IT!! ***
3697h, 4355m, 4171e, 6p elrx-
sting shamarah
outd aeon
fling aeon at shamarah
ind aeon
sting shamarah
You detect nothing here by that name.
3697h, 4355m, 4171e, 6p elrx-
You shuffle one tarot card with the image of the Aeon out of your deck.
3697h, 4355m, 4171e, 6p elrx-
You detect nothing here by that name.
3697h, 4318m, 4171e, 6p elrx-
(0h, -37m, 0e)
You put one tarot card with the image of the Aeon in your deck of cards.
3697h, 4318m, 4171e, 6p elrx-
You cannot see that being here.
3697h, 4318m, 4171e, 6p elrx-
Acknor Road. (road).
The corrosiveness of the taint sickens the land. The stars twinkle in the clear
night sky. The rough road breaks off from Ackleberry Highway and descends
towards Acknor. The basic dirt road is festooned with weeds and slightly muddy.
Tormentor Haiden, The Wrath is here. He wields a bladed scimitar resembling
flame in each hand.
You see exits leading east and west.
3697h, 4393m, 4171e, 7p elrx-
(0h, 75m, 0e)
Ackleberry Highway. (road).
The corrosiveness of the taint sickens the land. It is raining heavily, pregnant
drops of water pouring down onto you. A statue of Tully stands here,
memorializing his noble spirit. Shedrin, Shield of Klaymech is here. He wields
an iron shield in his left hand and a twisted staff in his right. Urth Hister,
Instrument of the Fates is here.
You see exits leading north, southeast, and west.
3697h, 4408m, 4171e, 7p elrx-
(0h, 15m, 0e)
Ackleberry Highway. (road).
The corrosiveness of the taint sickens the land. It is raining heavily, pregnant
drops of water pouring down onto you. A statue of Tully stands here,
memorializing his noble spirit. Pausing to rest, a loboshigaru pilgrim looks off
into the distance. Shamarah is here, shrouded. He wields a gold and iron buckler
shield in his right hand.
You see exits leading north and south.
3697h, 4408m, 4171e, 7p elrx-
Continuing his journey, a loboshigaru pilgrim trudges off to the north.
3697h, 4408m, 4171e, 7p elrx-
sting shamarah
outd aeon
fling aeon at shamarah
ind aeon
sting shamarah
You strike out at Shamarah with your deadly tail, and sting him.
Shamarah's eyes close suddenly as he falls asleep.
3697h, 4408m, 4171e, 7p elrx-
You shuffle one tarot card with the image of the Aeon out of your deck.
3697h, 4408m, 4171e, 7p elrx-
You stand an Aeon tarot on your palm, and blow it lightly at Shamarah.
Suddenly Shamarah's movements through the time stream are slowed.
3697h, 4371m, 4171e, 7p elr-
(0h, -37m, 0e)
You must regain balance first.
3697h, 4371m, 4171e, 7p elr-
3697h, 4371m, 4171e, 7p elr-
A hideous archdemon vomits forth a stream of noxious fluid that strikes
Shamarah, coating him with a thick green slime.
3697h, 4371m, 4171e, 7p elr-
{ Balance Recovered }
3697h, 4408m, 4171e, 7p elrx-
(0h, 37m, 0e)
abjure quickening
Focusing your entire will upon the cosmic strands that bind your own body, you
quicken every fiber of your being to lightning speed.
3697h, 4183m, 4171e, 4p lrx-
(0h, -225m, 0e)
A celestial archangel flings a cobalt blue disc at you, which envelops you in a
focus mind
field of crackling energy.
3697h, 4183m, 4171e, 5p lrx-
You focus your mind intently on curing your mental maladies.
Food is no longer repulsive to you.
3697h, 3996m, 4171e, 5p lrx-
(0h, -187m, 0e)
Your mind is able to focus once again.
3697h, 4084m, 4171e, 5p lrx-
(0h, 88m, 0e)
darkchant leech shamarah
Your tail is poised high above your head, ready to strike.
3697h, 4084m, 4171e, 5p lrx-
You must regain equilibrium first.
3697h, 4084m, 4171e, 5p lrx-
3697h, 4084m, 4171e, 5p lrx-
darkchant leech shamarah
{ Equilibrium Recovered }
You point at Shamarah and utter words of power, leeching his mental reserves
into your own.
3697h, 4408m, 4171e, 5p lrx-
(0h, 324m, 0e)
darkchant leech shamarah
You must regain equilibrium first.
3697h, 4408m, 4171e, 5p lrx-
3697h, 4408m, 4171e, 5p lrx-
{ Equilibrium Recovered }
3697h, 4408m, 4171e, 5p elrx-
darkchant leech shamarah
A hideous archdemon grabs the shoulders of Shamarah and gutturally whispers
something to him in a harsh and unknown language.
3697h, 4408m, 4171e, 5p elrx-
You point at Shamarah and utter words of power, leeching his mental reserves
into your own.
3697h, 4408m, 4171e, 5p lrx-
{ Equilibrium Recovered }
3697h, 4408m, 4171e, 5p elrx-
darkchant leech shamarah
You point at Shamarah and utter words of power, leeching his mental reserves
into your own.
3697h, 4408m, 4171e, 5p lrx-
Bowing her head and crossing her arms, a celestial archangel sends a bolt of
topaz light at you, which sinks deep into your skull and sets your mind reeling.
focus mind
focus mind
3697h, 4408m, 4171e, 5p lrx-
You focus your mind intently on curing your mental maladies.
You aren't such a complete idiot anymore.
3697h, 4221m, 4171e, 5p lrx-
(0h, -187m, 0e)
You concentrate, but your mind is too tired to focus.
3697h, 4034m, 4171e, 5p lrx-
(0h, -187m, 0e)
Shamarah takes a drink from a ruby vial.
3697h, 4034m, 4171e, 5p lrx-
{ Equilibrium Recovered }
3697h, 4034m, 4171e, 6p elrx-
Your mind is able to focus once again.
3697h, 4034m, 4171e, 6p elrx-
abjure web shamarah
You grasp a handful of cosmic threads and will them into existence, then release
them onto Shamarah as a mass of sticky webs.
3697h, 3997m, 4171e, 6p lrx-
(0h, -37m, 0e)
A torrent of poisonous fumes and sharp rocks hurtle towards Shamarah from the
3697h, 3997m, 4171e, 6p lrx-
The quickening within your being subsides.
3697h, 3997m, 4171e, 6p lrx-
Shamarah takes a drink from an onyx vial.
3697h, 4085m, 4171e, 6p lrx-
(0h, 88m, 0e)
{ Equilibrium Recovered }
3697h, 4085m, 4171e, 6p elrx-
Haiden tells you, ":censor: that. Not getting status today."
3697h, 4085m, 4171e, 6p elrx-
darkcall wrack shamarah
Sheathing yourself in the taint of Nil, you plunge your hand into the chest of
Shamarah, and rip out his soul. Shadowy snakes swarm from the darkness that
surrounds you and burrow into the soul of Shamarah, consuming his essence.
Shamarah's body falls lifelessly to the floor just as his soul disintegrates
into the seething mass of unholy darkness.
You have slain Shamarah.
Your karma falls in response to your deeds.
Shamarah drops a bunch of pennyroyal.
3697h, 4048m, 4171e, 1p lrx-
NOTE: I have a log of dying to him, it just is a cluster (it didnt parse

Celina2008-06-06 07:41:35
Good lord was this before symbols? The best part about this log is that it might actually be considered a fossil 

Malarious2008-06-06 07:44:58
Nope I was a Nihilist after symbols came out. I dont know if I was in the guild, in which case I would have lost my symbol before this. No Grim, and I have almost always been champ, that leads me to believe it was before I took champ (which I took a few years IG after returning to the guild).
Shamarah2008-06-06 10:33:20
Why the hell did you post this? This is from, like... years ago D:
Shiri2008-06-06 11:03:53
To prove that Nihilists are fine and don't need any buffs. In fact Celestines are the crippled ones.
Malarious2008-06-06 11:40:49
QUOTE(Shamarah @ Jun 6 2008, 06:33 AM) 518568
Why the hell did you post this? This is from, like... years ago D:
Grabbing random logs. Most of them are too short though or were for testing purposes. Most of my logs are with Talkan :/
EDIT: I willz start logging stuffs again to get some more logs. But most forums went quiet in the last day or two it seems... idiots is the most active thing from what I can tell (most often change of 'last post by').
Unknown2008-06-06 15:04:44
Dude, how many times did you two frickin' use Aeon? 

Ardmore2008-06-06 17:27:51
Kind of reminds me of Occultists.
Malarious2008-06-07 01:03:35
QUOTE(Myrkr @ Jun 6 2008, 11:04 AM) 518582
Dude, how many times did you two frickin' use Aeon? 

Welcome to guardian tarot combat.