Diamondais2008-06-18 03:21:47
I've no idea who's doing anything. I haven't heard anything bad going on. No gunshots or people moving around.
I've no idea who's doing anything. I haven't heard anything bad going on. No gunshots or people moving around.
Diamondais2008-06-18 03:22:14
I'm going to bed, I'll check in the morning.
Shiri2008-06-18 03:22:41
Damn. This means there are four scum. I think I know the fourth, but I'm not 100% sure. We'll see.
I do know the third though. We have to kill Rauros. (Just because he complained about the yellow.)
Vote: Rauros.
Roleblocking him was the reason no one died the night before last. After that we'll have to figure the last one out by more conventional means.
I do know the third though. We have to kill Rauros. (Just because he complained about the yellow.)
Vote: Rauros.
Roleblocking him was the reason no one died the night before last. After that we'll have to figure the last one out by more conventional means.
Xavius2008-06-18 03:26:55
Xenthos - Not voting
Silvanus - Not voting
Shiri - Voting Rauros
Shayle - Not voting
Othero - Not voting
Exeryte - Not voting
Diamondais - Not voting
Rauros - Not voting
Casilu - Not voting
9 active, 5 to lynch
Silvanus - Not voting
Shiri - Voting Rauros
Shayle - Not voting
Othero - Not voting
Exeryte - Not voting
Diamondais - Not voting
Rauros - Not voting
Casilu - Not voting
9 active, 5 to lynch
Rauros2008-06-18 03:27:15
I love you Shayle! 

Rauros2008-06-18 03:29:22
QUOTE(Shiri @ Jun 17 2008, 11:22 PM) 522688
Damn. This means there are four scum. I think I know the fourth, but I'm not 100% sure. We'll see.
I do know the third though. We have to kill Rauros. (Just because he complained about the yellow.)
Vote: Rauros.
Roleblocking him was the reason no one died the night before last. After that we'll have to figure the last one out by more conventional means.
I do know the third though. We have to kill Rauros. (Just because he complained about the yellow.)
Vote: Rauros.
Roleblocking him was the reason no one died the night before last. After that we'll have to figure the last one out by more conventional means.

Shall we get this over with quick, then?
Shiri2008-06-18 03:30:15
QUOTE(Rauros @ Jun 18 2008, 04:29 AM) 522692

Shall we get this over with quick, then?
Unless you have a really good roleclaim (or airstrike), yes.
Rauros2008-06-18 03:33:17
QUOTE(Shiri @ Jun 17 2008, 11:30 PM) 522693
Unless you have a really good roleclaim (or airstrike), yes.
No role claim, no air strike, just lynch me and be done with it.
Shiri2008-06-18 03:35:42
Well, either you're being a Shaddus, or Xavius included TWO jesters, which would be so retarded it's not even funny. If it's the former, needs lynching and we'll try and capture the 4th scum at night-time. If it's the latter, we'll pretend it didn't happen and play properly. So here goes I guess! 

Xenthos2008-06-18 03:36:55
Meh. I'm just going to hope that the jester-thing is behind us. He wasn't really trying to get lynched earlier.
vote: Rauros
vote: Rauros
Xavius2008-06-18 03:38:49
An alarm clock comes tumbling out of the hole in the ceiling, landing right behind Rauros. Everyone looks down. A moment later, a dresser comes careening down, squishing Rauros dead.
Night 6. FFS.
Night 6. FFS.
Unknown2008-06-18 03:46:03

Rauros2008-06-18 03:46:32
For what it's worth, I wasn't trying to get mod killed, I guess I stretched it a bit farther then I thought I could.
Xavius2008-06-19 03:32:19
Everyone runs out into the hallway and finds Casilu lying face down in a pool of blood. A discarded government firearm sits on top of a letter printed on Department of Homeland Security lying on the floor. Xenthos picks it up and reads, "The US Government is extending to you a limited promise of amnesty. The conditions are as follows: all deceased and incapacitated people shall be left in plain sight; no surviving member may confirm the current or previous existence of any casualty, either Government or rebel; no surviving member shall remain on US soil after 7 days; no emigrant shall return to US soil after leaving; no surviving member shall attempt further insurrection against the lawful US Government. Acceptance or rejection of these terms shall be decided by the surviving members' whereabouts after 7 days."
A long silence follows, broken first by Shayle. "I have friends back in Russia. They're sympathetic to our cause. We can go there. We can try again." A vote follows, and while the whole group seems uneasy, the vote is decisive: Shayle, Xenthos, Shiri, Silvanus, and Exeryte vote to go. Diamondais and Othero vote to stay. Shayle agrees to make the arrangements for everyone to fly out in four days.
After arrival, the dazed and shambling passengers stumble off, and begin to notice that something is amiss. Numerous armed soldiers surround them, dressed in Russian military uniforms. Guns are pointed in their direction as Shayle and Xenthos step away, no longer acting drunk. Xenthos passes off a pair of US-Government supplied guns to a soldier, keeping the third as he turns to survey the astonished group.
"Welcome to Russia," he says with a broad smile.
A gasp of horror rises up, which is only added to as the previously unnoticed crate is unloaded from the plane. Dylara and Othero are pulled from it, sore from their long confinement, and the rebels are marched off to put their expertise to use for the glory of Mother Russia.
Russia wins.
Xavius2008-06-19 03:32:51
Xenthos - Russian thief
Bali - Network administrator
Furien - Terrorist
Silvanus - Web Design Guru
Shamarah - Identity theft expert
Revan - CPU R&D
Shiri - Security
Visaeris - American lackey
Duke of Ess - Assembly Coder
Shayle - Russian prostitute
Othero - C# Coder
Arix - Python Coder
Ayisdra - American SWAT ops
Rika - Online Therapist
Exeryte - Ninja
Diamondais - Neural Interface Specialist
Rauros - American mole
Casilu - Marketting
Hakim al-Gazali, Terrorist
You are part of a Muslim jihadist movement based out of Montreal (yes, really) dedicated to purifying the Earth of the decadent, arrogant, infidel Americans. Unlike your brethren in the Middle East, you have reliable access to research, technology, and American espionage. The massive unsecured border is handy too. Also unlike the Middle Eastern jihadists, you understand that martyrdom means someone else has to kill you. That doesn't mean that you don't have suicide bombers. In fact, you are one! You're loaded with just enough explosives to destroy everything in a fairly large room, and it's hardwired to biosensors surgically implanted in your body. If you die, you explode. You win by getting killed in the daytime, earning yourself virgins in heaven and ridding the world of technocratic heathens. Because taking your own life is forbidden by the Quran, you may not vote for yourself.
Anastasia Smirnoff, Russian Special-Ops Intelligence Agent
You are a Russian spy sent to infiltrate the rebellion and assume control. You are the envy of all your female collegues back in the motherland. You are the highest ranking woman in any intelligence position, and unlike many others, you haven't lost your feminine charm. You are stunningly beautiful, mysterious, and naturally convincing. Your co-workers, out of jealousy, insist that you slept your way to the top. You also remember from your early training that there is a grain of truth in every slanderous accusation.
Ok, so maybe you're a shameless whore, but you're a talented shameless whore! Your seductive prowess serves you well in the field. Once per night, you may lure another player into bed with you. This will block their night power and give you a chance to discover what they were going to do that night. Needless to say, your role will be revealed, at least in part, when you use your power. However, your power over the heart is so strong that they will not act against you in any night kill or lynching vote.
You may communicate with Xenthos, your fellow spy, privately during the day by way of secret hand signals. If you make a substantial, accurate roleclaim in the course of the game, your lovers will become jaded and your hold will be lost. You must maintain the illusion that you only love one at a time. You win when all American spies are dead and the environment is safe for you and your partner.
Viktor Sereni, Russian Special-Ops Infiltration Agent
You are a Russian spy sent to infiltrate the rebellions and assume control. You are an up-and-coming agent with a talent for acquiring other people's stuff and framing political enemies when ordered to do so. Once per night, you may attempt to rob another player. The effect and chance for success varies, but generally, this will result in the targetted player being roleblocked for the next night and giving you a chance to use that player's ability. Because of the technical nature of the equipment, you must know what you are trying to steal to actually be able to find and make use of it. To target a player, send a PM at night with the player's name and what you believe the player's power/role to be.
You may communicate with Shayle, your fellow spy, privately during the day by way of secret hand signals. You win when all American spies are dead and the environment is safe for you and your partner.
Agent J. Smith, US Government operative
You are the mole for the government within the rebellion. Together with Ayisdra and Visaeris, you are charged with taking down the rebellion. Because you have been with the rebels for so long, you will appear to be one of them if your allegiance is revealed.
The three of you must decide on a night kill each night. The government will not permit you to be idle in this potential emergency. Two of the three must agree on a single target. Please send a PM with the final vote tally and which of the three will actually perform the kill. You win when government agents have assumed visible control of the convention.
Mike Wynne, US Government operative
You are one of the finest soldiers in the 20th century. You were once the chief Air Force secretary, but a momentary lapse in procedure lead to a media scandal and a public resignation. In reality, you were only demoted to a lifetime of service as a CIA lackey, where you get to spend all day grovelling to the counterintelligence agents who were forced to work 95 hour weeks to cover for your mistake. Together with Rauros and Ayisdra, you are charged with taking down this rebellion.
The three of you must decide on a night kill each night. The government will not permit you to be idle in this potential emergency. Two of the three must agree on a single target. Please send a PM with the final vote tally and which of the three will actually perform the kill. You win when government agents have assumed visible control of the convention.
Rear Admiral Duke Harkor, Navy SEAL
You are one of the finest soldiers in the 20th century. A spotless military record has sent you catapulting through the ranks, and you are now one of the top ranking Navy SEALs. Together with Rauros and Visaeris, you are charged with taking down this rebellion. As a ranking officer, you have an entourage of highly trained and heavily armed soldiers not far away. Once, you may issue the order for them to break in and kill someone in broad daylight. You don't expect them to last long in this environment, but you know you'll get at least one kill off. Needless to say, your cover will be blown if you do this. To use your power, type in bold Reveal my government role and order assault on . You may not use this power if a majority has been reached.
The three of you must decide on a night kill each night. The government will not permit you to be idle in this potential emergency. Two of the three must agree on a single target. Please send a PM with the final vote tally and which of the three will actually perform the kill. You win when government agents have assumed visible control of the convention.
Tso Nguyen, C-list martial arts actor
You are a ninja! Or, well, you pretend to be one. You really do know martial arts pretty well, and one of your friends showed you some supposedly authentic ninjutsu moves in his garage once, but really, you're just a bad actor. You got into the convention because you just knew that if you could convince this lot of tech geeks that you're a ninja, they would worship you as a god and set you atop their new world order. I mean, come on, what's cooler to a techie than a ninja? You just didn't know that it would turn into life or death.
You begin with no powers. If you can convince people that you are a ninja, you will gain new abilities. You win with the rebels.
Bob Richardson, Identity Theft Expert
Like the rest of the rebels, you believe in freedom, equality, and prosperity facilitated by technology. It saddens you to see the land of the free ruled by special interests and corrupt politicians. You seek to bring about a new world order for the good of all Americans.
In your previous life, you were an expert on identity management. You knew how to find someone's bank accounts, credit records, medical history, employment history, and other relevant information with very limited information to start with. You aren't much of a thief or a sneak, but you can lift a driver's license or passport off of a dead or incapacitated person. The roles of people removed from the game are revealed to you. You win with the rebels.
Diana Keating, Neural Interface Specialist
Like the rest of the rebels, you believe in freedom, equality, and prosperity facilitated by technology. It saddens you to see the land of the free ruled by special interests and corrupt politicians. You seek to bring about a new world order for the good of all Americans.
In your previous life, you were an expert on mind-machine interfacing. Some of your prototypes have even been wired into your own brain, giving you hightened sensory perception (mostly hearing) and the ability to plant a set of remote ears to further extend your range. You may get information on what someone does at night. Please promptly send your target via PM each night. You win with the rebels.
Jordan Myers, Surveillance and Security Specialist
Like the rest of the rebels, you believe in freedom, equality, and prosperity facilitated by technology. It saddens you to see the land of the free ruled by special interests and corrupt politicians. You seek to bring about a new world order for the good of all Americans.
In your previous life, you set up high-end security systems. You may set up surveillance around someone's room each night. You also have some more impressive toys that you brought along for demonstration. You may set up an advanced alarm system, which will reveal the sneak's identity and role to the whole game, and an explosive trap, which will kill anyone trying to break into your target's room. Each of the special systems can only be used one. Because you are a kind and generous soul, you may only protect yourself once during the game, and it cannot be with one of your special systems. Please promptly send your target via PM each night. You win with the rebels.
Renee Deveaux, Online Therapist
Like the rest of the rebels, you believe in freedom, equality, and prosperity facilitated by technology. It saddens you to see the land of the free ruled by special interests and corrupt politicians. You seek to bring about a new world order for the good of all Americans.
In your previous life, you worked as a therapist who preferred online sessions over face to face sessions. You are slightly awkward in person, but your training is not lost. You may glean information on one person each night. Please promptly send your target via PM each night. You win with the rebels.
Thomas Harding, Network Administrator
Like the rest of the rebels, you believe in freedom, equality, and prosperity facilitated by technology. It saddens you to see the land of the free ruled by special interests and corrupt politicians. You seek to bring about a new world order for the good of all Americans.
In your previous life, you worked as a network administrator. You weren't highly paid, you were never famous, you never did cutting edge research, but you were good at what you did. You can collect very detailed information on one person's computer usage each night. Unfortunately, if they aren't working on a computer, you will not learn anything. Please promptly send your target via PM each night. You win with the rebels.
Josh Wheelock, CPU Research and Development
Like the rest of the rebels, you believe in freedom, equality, and prosperity facilitated by technology. It saddens you to see the land of the free ruled by special interests and corrupt politicians. You seek to bring about a new world order for the good of all Americans.
You are an expert in the design of new and better computer processors. While your skills are essential to the long-term success of the rebellion, they will not help save your life. You win with the rebels.
Mary Lowess, Online Marketting Savant
Like the rest of the rebels, you believe in freedom, equality, and prosperity facilitated by technology. It saddens you to see the land of the free ruled by special interests and corrupt politicians. You seek to bring about a new world order for the good of all Americans.
You might as well have invented the get rich quick scheme, because your talent in online marketting is unmatched. You have a little less talent in the meatworld. If the number of remaining players is even, lending your vote to someone will cause a lynch at 50% (i.e. if 14 people are remaining, normally it's 8 to lynch--if you're voting, it's only 7). Otherwise, your marketting skills won't save your life in a pinch. You win with the rebels.
Steve Terry, Web Design Guru
Like the rest of the rebels, you believe in freedom, equality, and prosperity facilitated by technology. It saddens you to see the land of the free ruled by special interests and corrupt politicians. You seek to bring about a new world order for the good of all Americans.
You are an expert in the design of sleek, visually appealing, and quickly loading websites. While your skills are essential to the long-term success of the rebellion, they will not help save your life. You win with the rebels.
Sam Gorges, Assembly Coder
Like the rest of the rebels, you believe in freedom, equality, and prosperity facilitated by technology. It saddens you to see the land of the free ruled by special interests and corrupt politicians. You seek to bring about a new world order for the good of all Americans.
You are an expert in the design of new and better programming languages. While your skills are essential to the long-term success of the rebellion, they will not help save your life. You win with the rebels.
Brian Day, C# Coder
Like the rest of the rebels, you believe in freedom, equality, and prosperity facilitated by technology. It saddens you to see the land of the free ruled by special interests and corrupt politicians. You seek to bring about a new world order for the good of all Americans.
You are an expert in the C# computer language and solving complex problems. While your skills are essential to the long-term success of the rebellion, they will not help save your life. You win with the rebels.
Monte Van Horn, Python Coder
Like the rest of the rebels, you believe in freedom, equality, and prosperity facilitated by technology. It saddens you to see the land of the free ruled by special interests and corrupt politicians. You seek to bring about a new world order for the good of all Americans.
You are an expert in the Python computer language and quickly creating small scripts to automate common processes. While your skills are essential to the long-term success of the rebellion, they will not help save your life. You win with the rebels.
Bali - Network administrator
Furien - Terrorist
Silvanus - Web Design Guru
Shamarah - Identity theft expert
Revan - CPU R&D
Shiri - Security
Visaeris - American lackey
Duke of Ess - Assembly Coder
Shayle - Russian prostitute
Othero - C# Coder
Arix - Python Coder
Ayisdra - American SWAT ops
Rika - Online Therapist
Exeryte - Ninja
Diamondais - Neural Interface Specialist
Rauros - American mole
Casilu - Marketting
Hakim al-Gazali, Terrorist
You are part of a Muslim jihadist movement based out of Montreal (yes, really) dedicated to purifying the Earth of the decadent, arrogant, infidel Americans. Unlike your brethren in the Middle East, you have reliable access to research, technology, and American espionage. The massive unsecured border is handy too. Also unlike the Middle Eastern jihadists, you understand that martyrdom means someone else has to kill you. That doesn't mean that you don't have suicide bombers. In fact, you are one! You're loaded with just enough explosives to destroy everything in a fairly large room, and it's hardwired to biosensors surgically implanted in your body. If you die, you explode. You win by getting killed in the daytime, earning yourself virgins in heaven and ridding the world of technocratic heathens. Because taking your own life is forbidden by the Quran, you may not vote for yourself.
Anastasia Smirnoff, Russian Special-Ops Intelligence Agent
You are a Russian spy sent to infiltrate the rebellion and assume control. You are the envy of all your female collegues back in the motherland. You are the highest ranking woman in any intelligence position, and unlike many others, you haven't lost your feminine charm. You are stunningly beautiful, mysterious, and naturally convincing. Your co-workers, out of jealousy, insist that you slept your way to the top. You also remember from your early training that there is a grain of truth in every slanderous accusation.
Ok, so maybe you're a shameless whore, but you're a talented shameless whore! Your seductive prowess serves you well in the field. Once per night, you may lure another player into bed with you. This will block their night power and give you a chance to discover what they were going to do that night. Needless to say, your role will be revealed, at least in part, when you use your power. However, your power over the heart is so strong that they will not act against you in any night kill or lynching vote.
You may communicate with Xenthos, your fellow spy, privately during the day by way of secret hand signals. If you make a substantial, accurate roleclaim in the course of the game, your lovers will become jaded and your hold will be lost. You must maintain the illusion that you only love one at a time. You win when all American spies are dead and the environment is safe for you and your partner.
Viktor Sereni, Russian Special-Ops Infiltration Agent
You are a Russian spy sent to infiltrate the rebellions and assume control. You are an up-and-coming agent with a talent for acquiring other people's stuff and framing political enemies when ordered to do so. Once per night, you may attempt to rob another player. The effect and chance for success varies, but generally, this will result in the targetted player being roleblocked for the next night and giving you a chance to use that player's ability. Because of the technical nature of the equipment, you must know what you are trying to steal to actually be able to find and make use of it. To target a player, send a PM at night with the player's name and what you believe the player's power/role to be.
You may communicate with Shayle, your fellow spy, privately during the day by way of secret hand signals. You win when all American spies are dead and the environment is safe for you and your partner.
Agent J. Smith, US Government operative
You are the mole for the government within the rebellion. Together with Ayisdra and Visaeris, you are charged with taking down the rebellion. Because you have been with the rebels for so long, you will appear to be one of them if your allegiance is revealed.
The three of you must decide on a night kill each night. The government will not permit you to be idle in this potential emergency. Two of the three must agree on a single target. Please send a PM with the final vote tally and which of the three will actually perform the kill. You win when government agents have assumed visible control of the convention.
Mike Wynne, US Government operative
You are one of the finest soldiers in the 20th century. You were once the chief Air Force secretary, but a momentary lapse in procedure lead to a media scandal and a public resignation. In reality, you were only demoted to a lifetime of service as a CIA lackey, where you get to spend all day grovelling to the counterintelligence agents who were forced to work 95 hour weeks to cover for your mistake. Together with Rauros and Ayisdra, you are charged with taking down this rebellion.
The three of you must decide on a night kill each night. The government will not permit you to be idle in this potential emergency. Two of the three must agree on a single target. Please send a PM with the final vote tally and which of the three will actually perform the kill. You win when government agents have assumed visible control of the convention.
Rear Admiral Duke Harkor, Navy SEAL
You are one of the finest soldiers in the 20th century. A spotless military record has sent you catapulting through the ranks, and you are now one of the top ranking Navy SEALs. Together with Rauros and Visaeris, you are charged with taking down this rebellion. As a ranking officer, you have an entourage of highly trained and heavily armed soldiers not far away. Once, you may issue the order for them to break in and kill someone in broad daylight. You don't expect them to last long in this environment, but you know you'll get at least one kill off. Needless to say, your cover will be blown if you do this. To use your power, type in bold Reveal my government role and order assault on
The three of you must decide on a night kill each night. The government will not permit you to be idle in this potential emergency. Two of the three must agree on a single target. Please send a PM with the final vote tally and which of the three will actually perform the kill. You win when government agents have assumed visible control of the convention.
Tso Nguyen, C-list martial arts actor
You are a ninja! Or, well, you pretend to be one. You really do know martial arts pretty well, and one of your friends showed you some supposedly authentic ninjutsu moves in his garage once, but really, you're just a bad actor. You got into the convention because you just knew that if you could convince this lot of tech geeks that you're a ninja, they would worship you as a god and set you atop their new world order. I mean, come on, what's cooler to a techie than a ninja? You just didn't know that it would turn into life or death.
You begin with no powers. If you can convince people that you are a ninja, you will gain new abilities. You win with the rebels.
Bob Richardson, Identity Theft Expert
Like the rest of the rebels, you believe in freedom, equality, and prosperity facilitated by technology. It saddens you to see the land of the free ruled by special interests and corrupt politicians. You seek to bring about a new world order for the good of all Americans.
In your previous life, you were an expert on identity management. You knew how to find someone's bank accounts, credit records, medical history, employment history, and other relevant information with very limited information to start with. You aren't much of a thief or a sneak, but you can lift a driver's license or passport off of a dead or incapacitated person. The roles of people removed from the game are revealed to you. You win with the rebels.
Diana Keating, Neural Interface Specialist
Like the rest of the rebels, you believe in freedom, equality, and prosperity facilitated by technology. It saddens you to see the land of the free ruled by special interests and corrupt politicians. You seek to bring about a new world order for the good of all Americans.
In your previous life, you were an expert on mind-machine interfacing. Some of your prototypes have even been wired into your own brain, giving you hightened sensory perception (mostly hearing) and the ability to plant a set of remote ears to further extend your range. You may get information on what someone does at night. Please promptly send your target via PM each night. You win with the rebels.
Jordan Myers, Surveillance and Security Specialist
Like the rest of the rebels, you believe in freedom, equality, and prosperity facilitated by technology. It saddens you to see the land of the free ruled by special interests and corrupt politicians. You seek to bring about a new world order for the good of all Americans.
In your previous life, you set up high-end security systems. You may set up surveillance around someone's room each night. You also have some more impressive toys that you brought along for demonstration. You may set up an advanced alarm system, which will reveal the sneak's identity and role to the whole game, and an explosive trap, which will kill anyone trying to break into your target's room. Each of the special systems can only be used one. Because you are a kind and generous soul, you may only protect yourself once during the game, and it cannot be with one of your special systems. Please promptly send your target via PM each night. You win with the rebels.
Renee Deveaux, Online Therapist
Like the rest of the rebels, you believe in freedom, equality, and prosperity facilitated by technology. It saddens you to see the land of the free ruled by special interests and corrupt politicians. You seek to bring about a new world order for the good of all Americans.
In your previous life, you worked as a therapist who preferred online sessions over face to face sessions. You are slightly awkward in person, but your training is not lost. You may glean information on one person each night. Please promptly send your target via PM each night. You win with the rebels.
Thomas Harding, Network Administrator
Like the rest of the rebels, you believe in freedom, equality, and prosperity facilitated by technology. It saddens you to see the land of the free ruled by special interests and corrupt politicians. You seek to bring about a new world order for the good of all Americans.
In your previous life, you worked as a network administrator. You weren't highly paid, you were never famous, you never did cutting edge research, but you were good at what you did. You can collect very detailed information on one person's computer usage each night. Unfortunately, if they aren't working on a computer, you will not learn anything. Please promptly send your target via PM each night. You win with the rebels.
Josh Wheelock, CPU Research and Development
Like the rest of the rebels, you believe in freedom, equality, and prosperity facilitated by technology. It saddens you to see the land of the free ruled by special interests and corrupt politicians. You seek to bring about a new world order for the good of all Americans.
You are an expert in the design of new and better computer processors. While your skills are essential to the long-term success of the rebellion, they will not help save your life. You win with the rebels.
Mary Lowess, Online Marketting Savant
Like the rest of the rebels, you believe in freedom, equality, and prosperity facilitated by technology. It saddens you to see the land of the free ruled by special interests and corrupt politicians. You seek to bring about a new world order for the good of all Americans.
You might as well have invented the get rich quick scheme, because your talent in online marketting is unmatched. You have a little less talent in the meatworld. If the number of remaining players is even, lending your vote to someone will cause a lynch at 50% (i.e. if 14 people are remaining, normally it's 8 to lynch--if you're voting, it's only 7). Otherwise, your marketting skills won't save your life in a pinch. You win with the rebels.
Steve Terry, Web Design Guru
Like the rest of the rebels, you believe in freedom, equality, and prosperity facilitated by technology. It saddens you to see the land of the free ruled by special interests and corrupt politicians. You seek to bring about a new world order for the good of all Americans.
You are an expert in the design of sleek, visually appealing, and quickly loading websites. While your skills are essential to the long-term success of the rebellion, they will not help save your life. You win with the rebels.
Sam Gorges, Assembly Coder
Like the rest of the rebels, you believe in freedom, equality, and prosperity facilitated by technology. It saddens you to see the land of the free ruled by special interests and corrupt politicians. You seek to bring about a new world order for the good of all Americans.
You are an expert in the design of new and better programming languages. While your skills are essential to the long-term success of the rebellion, they will not help save your life. You win with the rebels.
Brian Day, C# Coder
Like the rest of the rebels, you believe in freedom, equality, and prosperity facilitated by technology. It saddens you to see the land of the free ruled by special interests and corrupt politicians. You seek to bring about a new world order for the good of all Americans.
You are an expert in the C# computer language and solving complex problems. While your skills are essential to the long-term success of the rebellion, they will not help save your life. You win with the rebels.
Monte Van Horn, Python Coder
Like the rest of the rebels, you believe in freedom, equality, and prosperity facilitated by technology. It saddens you to see the land of the free ruled by special interests and corrupt politicians. You seek to bring about a new world order for the good of all Americans.
You are an expert in the Python computer language and quickly creating small scripts to automate common processes. While your skills are essential to the long-term success of the rebellion, they will not help save your life. You win with the rebels.
Shiri2008-06-19 03:37:06

W.T.G SETUP. I got culted by Shayle, was told that I was 100% sure she was town...and both of cultists roleblocked, too.
Ah well, beats the terrorist. Well played.
Diamondais2008-06-19 03:46:26

Shiri2008-06-19 03:46:49
Oh yeah, and this is the 2nd use of a gamebreaking strategy: viewing each other's PMs and profiles to see who the scum are. Xenthos got all 3 of the scum this way (which is why I believed him.)
Next time we do this, we should put some kind of warning on the front page along with all the rules so people know to PM directly from the threads (or use IMs, or OOC tells/messages in Lusternia.)
EDIT: Personally, I love Exeryte's role, I wish he could have used it. Dylara and I believed him on the whole ninja thing, but we never posted it so Xavius never knew and could give him superpowers.
EDIT2: The colours were just to piss everyone off by the way. How many people caught onto that before I told them? I know Sham did.
Next time we do this, we should put some kind of warning on the front page along with all the rules so people know to PM directly from the threads (or use IMs, or OOC tells/messages in Lusternia.)
EDIT: Personally, I love Exeryte's role, I wish he could have used it. Dylara and I believed him on the whole ninja thing, but we never posted it so Xavius never knew and could give him superpowers.
EDIT2: The colours were just to piss everyone off by the way. How many people caught onto that before I told them? I know Sham did.

Xenthos2008-06-19 03:59:09
Or prohibit it as reasoning (I did speak about it with Xavius), or ask that people log in anonymously. But the warning & prohibiting it as reasoning's probably good enough.
Rauros2008-06-19 04:02:22

Ah well.
Just for