Daganev2008-06-24 18:43:22
QUOTE(B_a_L_i @ Jun 24 2008, 10:33 AM) 525405
This game is far from stagnate, Dag.
You're sounding pretty scummy.
You're sounding pretty scummy.
If I stopped posting, there would be no conversation at this point in the game.
To me, that signifies stangnancy.
Look, I've made my vote, I've made my roleclaim. If I have to be silent, to prove to you that nobody is really talking and the game is stangant then so be it.
I'm not going to post for 12 hours. You have my roleclaim, I can't really enhance it without quoting from my role and getting modkilled.
I'm not sure how else to defend myself.
I can't explain why Shamarah didn't give me moon, because he didn't tell me. I post sometimes without spending a few mintues crafting every word, and looking up every past post. I post off the cuff, I don't have time look over the past 3 pages to see if what I wrote was exactly letter for letter what my role is. I mentioned 3 times that what I wrote was my role, yet you still kept asking me if it was -exactly- my role. Again, sorry for being honest.
My 12 hours of silence starts now, unless -DIRECTLY- asked to speak. Then we can decide if the game is stagnant or not.
Daganev2008-06-24 18:44:52
QUOTE(Shamarah @ Jun 24 2008, 11:38 AM) 525427
Gah. Stop forgetting to unvote, fool!

It is not necessary to unvote, unless you wish to be voting for nobody. You're welcome to do so if you choose.
Ok, NOW I'm being silent

Unknown2008-06-24 18:47:19
You really should just unvote, it makes it alot easier to count.
Shamarah2008-06-24 18:48:59
QUOTE(daganev @ Jun 24 2008, 02:44 PM) 525431

It is not necessary to unvote, unless you wish to be voting for nobody. You're welcome to do so if you choose.
Ok, NOW I'm being silent

I have no idea what you're talking about.
Casilu2008-06-24 18:49:49
Well, with twelve hours of silence we could just be mean and lynch him.
Ryleth2008-06-24 18:49:50
My vote stays on Daganev for making vote counts impossible! (sarcasm)
Also I vote we mod-kill shamarah for editing his posts.
Finally, on a serious note I'm rather lost who to vote for. I'm still hanging on Daganev for now though
Also I vote we mod-kill shamarah for editing his posts.
Finally, on a serious note I'm rather lost who to vote for. I'm still hanging on Daganev for now though
Unknown2008-06-24 18:58:05
My vote is staying on Daganev. Especially if he is going to continue to be silly and say that the town needs him because he talks. Just because your chatty does not mean your town and should be kept in the game. You also have a weak role claim and are trying to spin onto others.
Casilu2008-06-24 19:08:57
Am I the only one who doesn't find Dag suspicious? If you were going to claim that you're a class, wouldn't you at least pick some skills that they have? I think it's the little detail of him not having Moon or Wicca that really makes it more believable for me.
Unknown2008-06-24 19:17:01
Casilu, he didn't even say that he was a moondancer until Arix took a guess about it. I don't think he even was aiming for a class, he just threw out a couple of skills and then just agreed when someone said that it looked a bit like a moondancer.
Unknown2008-06-24 19:17:45
Yes it was a big foible on his part and we're going to exploit that. For the people who are voting for me, I'd like to point at that the person who convinced you to vote for me, Veyda, has changed has his mind and unvoted. Just put your vote on Dag and lets get to night 2. Also there are a few people who unvoted or just havent voted. Make your vote count!
Casilu2008-06-24 19:21:31
QUOTE(Othero @ Jun 24 2008, 12:17 PM) 525452
Casilu, he didn't even say that he was a moondancer until Arix took a guess about it. I don't think he even was aiming for a class, he just threw out a couple of skills and then just agreed when someone said that it looked a bit like a moondancer.
That makes more sense, then.
Vote: Dag
Daganev2008-06-24 19:24:13
Well that just ticks me off, in my first post I had writen moondancer but deleted it because I thought it would be too much information, and people would assume I had resurgem type skill. Oh well.
Daganev2008-06-24 19:25:57
Also, Thul is an investigator.
Unknown2008-06-24 19:26:06
Techinically she didnt vote for you...

Hazar2008-06-24 19:26:15
Extreme inconsistency in your commitments bad.
Vote: Daganev
Vote: Daganev
Unknown2008-06-24 19:26:23
Also, Thul is an investigator.
Xenthos2008-06-24 19:26:25
QUOTE(B_a_L_i @ Jun 24 2008, 03:17 PM) 525453
Yes it was a big foible on his part and we're going to exploit that.
Erm... much as I am questioning him at this point, would you clarify this, please? For some reason, it raised a little red flag for me.
Since he doesn't seem to be posting at this point, I'll go ahead and vote afterwards, but I would like to know what precisely you meant by this before the day ends.
Daganev2008-06-24 19:26:55
QUOTE(B_a_L_i @ Jun 24 2008, 12:26 PM) 525460
Techinically she didnt vote for you...

Who didn't vote for me?
Xenthos2008-06-24 19:27:24
... and, for not posting, he sure does seem to be posting. 

Hazar2008-06-24 19:29:20
That's the kind of wierdness which has reinforced doubts about his roleclaim. I'm for finishing him off.