Unknown2008-06-25 03:39:51
oh goddamnit.
Vote Kaervas
Vote Kaervas
Hazar2008-06-25 03:40:14
Hmm. Lots of speculation today, not so much hard things to go on. Though apparently Thul is a celestine SK-investigator? Or something? It seems popular to ascribe him roles.
Nothing's leading me to vote yet. Going to go back and look at things when I wake up in the morning.
PS Envoy vote O.o
Nothing's leading me to vote yet. Going to go back and look at things when I wake up in the morning.
PS Envoy vote O.o
Revan2008-06-25 04:25:53
It's only "speculation" says thul and rika... but I have my suspicions. However Thul could just have made an honest to god good shot in the dark (refer you to Wheel of Fortune Family Guy)
Arix2008-06-25 06:51:25
My reason for voting for you, Revan, was to get you to post more. I was going to change it now that you're actually posting, but you seem to be trying to shift attention to me for some reason (although I could just be paranoid) so I'm going to leave my vote as is while I finish reading the last few pages.
Arix2008-06-25 07:06:14
Okay, Aside from trying to shift attention to me, Revan isn't really suspicious enough to me at the moment to keep voting for him. I'm going to
Because he REALLY needs to post. I went back and saw like, one post to vote against that weird angel thing and that was IT.
Because he REALLY needs to post. I went back and saw like, one post to vote against that weird angel thing and that was IT.
Rika2008-06-25 07:33:32
I think that makes it 6 votes. With 9 to lynch, I think we should keep it at 7 until he can defend himself.
Arix2008-06-25 07:58:34
I see you Kaervas
Kaervas2008-06-25 08:25:34
Sorry about the lack of posting been pretty busy lately, and this is my first game so I haven't been sure exactly what to say. The whole death scene suggests that there's more than one serpentlord around, though I suppose there's a few different classes that could potentially do poison damage like a geomancer or a necromancer possibly, so it'll be interesting to see how the vengeance thing affects that. No one is really striking me as massively suspicious atm so I'll save my vote for later when there's more stuff to read. I'm gonna be away for the next 12 hours so if you could not lynch me in the meantime I'll roleclaim later if I have to.
Rika2008-06-25 09:28:50
Unvote: Kaervas Back to being lost. 

Rika2008-06-25 09:33:01
Who else has been inactive? I don't remember reading much from Ayisdra, so I might as well go with Vote: Ayisdra
Arix2008-06-25 09:39:58
Actually, Ayisdra HAS been posting a decent amount, enough that I consider her active
Rika2008-06-25 09:44:47
Actually, you're right. She's probably been sleeping for the last couple of pages. Unvote: Ayisdra What now?
Ryleth2008-06-25 10:16:46
I can run with whole 'why isn't kaervas posting lark'
Vote: Kaervas
Seee if we can get him to talk.
Vote: Kaervas
Seee if we can get him to talk.
Furien2008-06-25 10:17:33
Unvote Kaervas
Vote: Revan
Good place to start!
Vote: Revan
Good place to start!
Arix2008-06-25 10:19:55
I don't know, but I'm going to bed and will likely not post until wednesday evening
Ryleth2008-06-25 10:21:59
I just realised I posted from the wrong page, he has spoken!
Unvote: Kaervas
Vote: Revan
His defense has just been point blank denial or refuting of arguments - no real explination. Also for lack of another option
Unvote: Kaervas
Vote: Revan
His defense has just been point blank denial or refuting of arguments - no real explination. Also for lack of another option
Rika2008-06-25 10:38:35
I'll be going to bed soon, so don't expect any posts from me until quite late tomorrow. Got school again. I'll be holding my vote for now.
Revan2008-06-25 11:15:02
vote: Furien
A far better place to start, I think
vote: Furien
A far better place to start, I think
Furien2008-06-25 11:21:20
QUOTE(Revan @ Jun 25 2008, 04:15 AM) 525831
vote: Furien
A far better place to start, I think
vote: Furien
A far better place to start, I think
OMGUS vote =! defense
Thul2008-06-25 12:16:49
QUOTE(Kaervas @ Jun 25 2008, 03:25 AM) 525803
Sorry about the lack of posting been pretty busy lately, and this is my first game so I haven't been sure exactly what to say. The whole death scene suggests that there's more than one serpentlord around, though I suppose there's a few different classes that could potentially do poison damage like a geomancer or a necromancer possibly, so it'll be interesting to see how the vengeance thing affects that. No one is really striking me as massively suspicious atm so I'll save my vote for later when there's more stuff to read. I'm gonna be away for the next 12 hours so if you could not lynch me in the meantime I'll roleclaim later if I have to.
Grr. Didn't Daganev try this exact same crap, right down to the number of hours, right before he was gonna get lynched?
QUOTE(daganev @ Jun 24 2008, 01:43 PM) 525430
I'm not going to post for 12 hours. You have my roleclaim, I can't really enhance it without quoting from my role and getting modkilled.
My 12 hours of silence starts now, unless -DIRECTLY- asked to speak. Then we can decide if the game is stagnant or not.
I, for one, am thoroughly unsatisfied with the nutritional value of that last post, and I'm really suspicious now of what I'm reading as a blatant stall tactic. I'm leaving my vote where it is, though I'd agree that Revan hasn't been making very solid arguments for or against anything. He's active at this point, though.