Druken2008-06-25 13:07:44
Sorry for not posting.
I had a personal emergency.
has someone brought up envenomed weapons yet as possible poison kills? Could be an Infernal.

has someone brought up envenomed weapons yet as possible poison kills? Could be an Infernal.
Revan2008-06-25 13:26:06
Just to clarify, I really have nothing to defend against except for bogus "lurking" accusations. So far, the chips are all stacked for me really. Furien doesn't have any real solid reason to vote against me other than "it's a good start". WHy? Because I nailed out Daganev and you're afraid I might get you too, Furien? Are you so scummy that you cower within your bed, praying that Revan's Hand of Justice shall pass you by? Now, I realize I'm exaggerating a bit, but let's be real... what could you possibly have against me that would make me a Mafia? I'm not bandwagoning (like some people) and I'm giving (mostly) rational thought to my voting. Furien, Thul and Arix are playing by "omgus we needz random vote hax0rz l33t" and that kinda leads me to suspect. Alot of you jump around your voting, skeedadling at the first sign of doubt. Honestly, you can't get scummier than that.
Okin2008-06-25 13:37:09
If there was anyone who was slightly suspicious for any reason that hasn't been mentioned, it would be Druken and Hazar; they voted for Xavius, which is a perennial mafia distancing tactic. They don't seem dumb enough to do that (WIFOM problems here), but I thought I'd throw it out there.
Ayisdra2008-06-25 13:44:25
QUOTE(Thul @ Jun 25 2008, 08:16 AM) 525837
Grr. Didn't Daganev try this exact same crap, right down to the number of hours, right before he was gonna get lynched?
And? his roleclaim didn't help him and he was lynched.
Okin2008-06-25 14:32:02
Kaervas didn't feel like he needed to roleclaim yet, but acknowledges the possibility in the near future. However, it sounds like he's going to sleep/work/something, and knows he won't be at his computer for about 12 hours. He's asking that, if we decide to push him for a roleclaim, we give him at least 12 hours from his last post.
Daganev, on the other hand, was throwing a don't-lynch-me, you-need-me, look-I'll-show-you hissy-fit. It's quite clearly completely different.
Daganev, on the other hand, was throwing a don't-lynch-me, you-need-me, look-I'll-show-you hissy-fit. It's quite clearly completely different.
Unknown2008-06-25 17:42:56
Vote count please?
Also I just realized I could have been poisoned. Purple is a very poisony color D:
Also I just realized I could have been poisoned. Purple is a very poisony color D:
Shamarah2008-06-25 17:52:07
Vote Count
Kaervas - 4 (Thul, Casilu, Visaeris, Arix)
Revan - 2 (Furien, Ryleth)
Furien - 1 (Revan)
9 to lynch.
Kaervas - 4 (Thul, Casilu, Visaeris, Arix)
Revan - 2 (Furien, Ryleth)
Furien - 1 (Revan)
9 to lynch.
Xenthos2008-06-25 18:01:26
QUOTE(B_a_L_i @ Jun 25 2008, 01:42 PM) 525897
Vote count please?
Also I just realized I could have been poisoned. Purple is a very poisony color D:
Also I just realized I could have been poisoned. Purple is a very poisony color D:
That... seems somewhat unlikely, as you're not dead (and you did say it was just for the day, yes?)
Unknown2008-06-25 18:05:49
Well we seem to be at something of an impasse .. We really need to pick a target and just run with it, instead of just going back and forth. I don't like that Kaervas was so nonchalant about things, but I'm inclined to write that off as his inexperience more than anything.
Unknown2008-06-25 18:06:21
I was thinking a delayed poison? :shrug:
But yes...probably unlikely.
But yes...probably unlikely.
Unknown2008-06-25 18:08:56
So I'm pretty sure that the townies only have lusternian classes/skillsets.
Also, pretty sure the mafia/SK(s?) only have classes/skillsets from other IRE games.
It makes perfect sense Sham would set up the game like that.
Could be way wrong though. Kaervas suggesting two serpent lords is interesting. While I think that would be OP, its possible. Daganev was just silly and didnt play that role to its maximum potential. God it was so overpowered. If we're faced with two that worries me deeply. If I die of poisoning you guys know you're dealing with some other kind of serpent or poisoner type.
1. His posts are very short and scummy. He practically never posts anything of subtance. 2 He is attacking Revan for a somewhat ambigous reason while I think its clear as day Revan is town. 3. Overall lack of posting. 4. My spidey sense is tingling in his direction.
Also, pretty sure the mafia/SK(s?) only have classes/skillsets from other IRE games.
It makes perfect sense Sham would set up the game like that.
Could be way wrong though. Kaervas suggesting two serpent lords is interesting. While I think that would be OP, its possible. Daganev was just silly and didnt play that role to its maximum potential. God it was so overpowered. If we're faced with two that worries me deeply. If I die of poisoning you guys know you're dealing with some other kind of serpent or poisoner type.
1. His posts are very short and scummy. He practically never posts anything of subtance. 2 He is attacking Revan for a somewhat ambigous reason while I think its clear as day Revan is town. 3. Overall lack of posting. 4. My spidey sense is tingling in his direction.
Thul2008-06-25 18:10:20
I can only guess what happened to Bali, and I'd rather not add further confusion to things. Whatever that effect is, it's damned annoying, though.
I'm just a bit irritated with Kaervas right now. He's had two posts all game, and we've prodded him quite a bit, so I was expecting something more than a short blurb and a "catch you later." Some sort of explanation for his behavior would mollify me a bit, but right now I want to push this train.
Also, Arix is on that count twice.
I'm just a bit irritated with Kaervas right now. He's had two posts all game, and we've prodded him quite a bit, so I was expecting something more than a short blurb and a "catch you later." Some sort of explanation for his behavior would mollify me a bit, but right now I want to push this train.
Also, Arix is on that count twice.
Xavius2008-06-25 19:51:21
Hey, guys. Ayisdra is male. You called him female all through the last game too, and he told you he was male multiple times.
Just saying.
Just saying.

Arix2008-06-25 21:21:59
Oi, my vote is just on Kaervas, Shammy.
Arix2008-06-25 21:23:22
And Revan, none of my votes have been random. Try again, Vanna
Ryleth2008-06-25 21:42:44
As to my shortish posts, I like to be fairly succint (spelling) rather than long dissertations about who is scum and possible theories. Also I can be fairly flippant at times, sometimes with suprising results from those posting back
As for my voting I'd like to switch back to Kaervas. We've given him twelve hours, and an explination would be rather nice
Unvote: Revan
Vote Kaervas
On that note, two serial killers in the game? It's a possibility but other classes do have poison damage, or maybe it's some kind of delayed attack, or delayed protection? I'm not really sure
As for my voting I'd like to switch back to Kaervas. We've given him twelve hours, and an explination would be rather nice
Unvote: Revan
Vote Kaervas
On that note, two serial killers in the game? It's a possibility but other classes do have poison damage, or maybe it's some kind of delayed attack, or delayed protection? I'm not really sure
Unknown2008-06-25 22:00:41
In all likelyhood its a townie colorburst power that hit me. (Would be another point as to why I think only townies are lusternians.)
I think Kaervas just is just a mafia noob and doesn't really know when/how to play. I personally do not like the reasons people are voting for him, I think he should be given a chance to at least roleclaim if you are all so determinted to bandwagon him. Because thats what you're doing, bandwagoning. The only reason you're voting for him is lack of posts and that could be explained because of his newness to the game.
I think Kaervas just is just a mafia noob and doesn't really know when/how to play. I personally do not like the reasons people are voting for him, I think he should be given a chance to at least roleclaim if you are all so determinted to bandwagon him. Because thats what you're doing, bandwagoning. The only reason you're voting for him is lack of posts and that could be explained because of his newness to the game.
Arix2008-06-25 22:06:06
I'm reading over the last few posts to see if I can find a valid person to vote for. I'm tempted to go back to Revan, but I'm not sure he's scummy, and I just voted for him to get him to talk a bit more. Yes, he's being defensive and trying to shift attention to others, but that doesn't necessarily make him scum
Kaervas2008-06-26 00:36:35
Yeah because I've played so many mafia games that I'm experienced at lying badly like Daganev. Take the whole thing as you want, it's the town who'll be losing out by lynching me.
Ayisdra2008-06-26 00:41:01
while it is kinda early (you are still 4 from lynch) to roleclaim, it seems alot of us are holding our votes back until you do so.
Vote: Kaervas for not providing a roleclaim like he said he would upon his return.
Vote: Kaervas for not providing a roleclaim like he said he would upon his return.