Rika2008-06-28 20:11:44
QUOTE(Silvanus @ Jun 29 2008, 07:55 AM) 526974
Defending Visaeris?
How was I defending Visaeris? The only thing that I said I'd defend him about was the Envoy Vote, and that was mostly on the basis of the last game where you accidently got lynched.
How was I defending Visaeris? The only thing that I said I'd defend him about was the Envoy Vote, and that was mostly on the basis of the last game where you accidently got lynched.
Still suspicious of you, but after reading the post again, I've decided not to vote for you at this point. Unvote: Silvanus
Vote: Ryleth because we haven't been wrong so far.
IF we're taking the deathsights into consideration, and we're sticking to the sacraments user being a vigilante, he is probably a Paladin.
Shamarah2008-06-28 20:47:39
Vote Count
Ryleth - 3 (Thul, Karnagan, Rika)
Karnagan - 1 (Druken)
7 to lynch.
Envoy Vote Count
Yea - 6 (Karnagan, Ryleth, Thul, Silvanus, Casilu, Rika)
Nay - 0
7 to pass/kill motion.
Ryleth - 3 (Thul, Karnagan, Rika)
Karnagan - 1 (Druken)
7 to lynch.
Envoy Vote Count
Yea - 6 (Karnagan, Ryleth, Thul, Silvanus, Casilu, Rika)
Nay - 0
7 to pass/kill motion.
Revan2008-06-28 20:57:44
Uh, ok. First off, I'm surprised as to why you guys are ignorng the fact that Druken pretty much blatantly voted for the guy who caught us our Mafia guy. wtf? Does this not come off as scummy to you all?
Vote: Druken
Envoy Vote: yea sure why the hell not
Vote: Druken
Envoy Vote: yea sure why the hell not
Silvanus2008-06-28 21:04:41
The reason why I didn't originally find Druken suspicious is because he voted for a mafia member (Xavius) and then voted for Daganev (serial killer). But that could've just been to distance himself from Xavius, who is always a little bit shady. Not to mention, most of his posts have been one-liners and we know next to nothing about him. Even if we don't get near a lynch on him, it might make him be around more and easier to judge:
Vote: Druken
Vote: Druken
Shamarah2008-06-28 21:05:35
"Enhance the power of eavesdropping abilities" passes!
Yea - 7 (Karnagan, Ryleth, Thul, Silvanus, Casilu, Rika, Revan)
Nay - 0
Those who this affects have been PMed.
Yea - 7 (Karnagan, Ryleth, Thul, Silvanus, Casilu, Rika, Revan)
Nay - 0
Those who this affects have been PMed.
Rika2008-06-28 21:16:07
Silvanus makes a fair point about the one-liners. Though I'm still suspicious..
Unvote: Ryleth
Vote: Druken
Unvote: Ryleth
Vote: Druken
Druken2008-06-28 21:24:09
I voted for Karnagan because it's a life's goal of mine to take out the verbosely arrogant. However! Now I'm suspicious of Rika, whose every vote has been on the bandwagon. She joins the lynch mob every time her lit torch is safe, and is always very unassuming.
Vote: Rika
Vote: Rika
Rika2008-06-28 21:35:02
Yes, every my votes has been for the bandwagon. Everyone we've lynched has been good too.
Xenthos2008-06-28 21:42:56
QUOTE(Revan @ Jun 28 2008, 04:57 PM) 526989
Uh, ok. First off, I'm surprised as to why you guys are ignorng the fact that Druken pretty much blatantly voted for the guy who caught us our Mafia guy. wtf? Does this not come off as scummy to you all?
My question, then, is this: Are you completely convinced that Karnagan is as he says? The more he posts, the more unsure I get as to what he's actually about. First of all, the "caught us our Mafia guy" isn't exactly a tell. I'm still pretty sure there's a second scum group out there, and... don't forget what happened the last game. The cult caught out the Mafia, strung them up, and used that to prove that they were the good guys.
Karnagan's also been vacillating between "experience" and "newbie". His entire aggressive posting style is intended to portray a certain amount of knowledge of how the game works, while at the same time being riddled with inconsistencies. First of all, take his claim that "because he was blocked, the Mafia must know exactly who and what he is." That... is pretty much bogus. Looking at Xavius' skills, he had a choice of nightkilling or blocking. If he chose not to nightkill, he could block someone at random (and would know who his team was, so he'd obviously block a townie).
Further, we have the whole "claim to be a doctor thing," and normally in a game this size (around here at least), there's 1 doctor and perhaps 1 backup doctor. Yet, for some reason he kept insisting that he'd be protected by something... eh. There's just something about all his posts that feels to me like nails on a chalkboard. I'm not convinced that he's scum (the roleclaim seems plausible), but I really can't blame someone else for questioning his style.
Karnagan2008-06-28 22:14:39
Xenthos, I imagined that the Mafia wouldn't waste a perfectly good disrupt on Kaervas when they had no idea if he was even active or not. It probably would have been put to much better use against someone who was posting considerably more at the time. Which is why I believed they were already putting pressure on me. Even so, I haven't needed to divert attention away from anyone- I want to exterminate the Aetolian mob first, so that we don't get killed two per night, whether due to a serial killer or a second body of scum.
However- two members of the Aetolian mafia are dead. No doubt a third is on his way. Luckily, Druken seems to stuck his neck out in a silly fashion- wildly vacillating between either myself or Rika on the flimsiest of pretexts. Verbosely arrogant indeed. That works for starting a framework at the start of the game, but Druken has done a poor job in trying to pretend he's not scum. I say he be forced to roleclaim, so we know his true intentions. Putting him close to a lynch should help.
UNVOTE: Ryleth
VOTE: Druken
However- two members of the Aetolian mafia are dead. No doubt a third is on his way. Luckily, Druken seems to stuck his neck out in a silly fashion- wildly vacillating between either myself or Rika on the flimsiest of pretexts. Verbosely arrogant indeed. That works for starting a framework at the start of the game, but Druken has done a poor job in trying to pretend he's not scum. I say he be forced to roleclaim, so we know his true intentions. Putting him close to a lynch should help.
UNVOTE: Ryleth
VOTE: Druken
Thul2008-06-28 22:33:11
I would normally be irritated at the group's lack of focus (dammit, people, I want a roleclaim out of Ryleth already, we've put it off for two days,) but since Druken's in the hot seat, I present to you:
All of Druken's Posts This Game!
(in Technicolor)
Day One:
Filler post.
Supposedly random vote on someone that has since been established as scum.
Short, but not unwarranted.
Filler post.
Worthless post.
Worthless post.
Day Two:
Oh, that was his only post for the day, too. I thought the personal emergency happened already.
Day Three:
First one to point the finger right at the obvious lynch target.
Confounding and useless speculation.
Blame. Disparagement. OMGUS vote.
I'll board this train. Ryleth, I'll get back to you soon.
Unvote: Ryleth
Vote: Druken
Druken, that puts you at five out of seven. Roleclaim or die.
All of Druken's Posts This Game!
(in Technicolor)
Day One:
QUOTE(Druken @ Jun 22 2008, 11:45 AM) 524463
Envoy Vote: Nay Just because I have no idea what it does!
Filler post.
QUOTE(Druken @ Jun 22 2008, 04:25 PM) 524570
You're creepy and manipulative, Xavius, so I think you're using circuitous logic.
Vote: Xavius
Vote: Xavius
Supposedly random vote on someone that has since been established as scum.
QUOTE(Druken @ Jun 23 2008, 10:45 AM) 524836
That's needlessly confounding.
Unvote: Xavius
Vote: Daganev
Unvote: Xavius
Vote: Daganev
Short, but not unwarranted.
QUOTE(Druken @ Jun 23 2008, 02:07 PM) 524885
How did -I- get two votes?
C'mon, Sham!

Filler post.
QUOTE(Druken @ Jun 23 2008, 07:45 PM) 525063
Well now I just don't know who to pick. 

Worthless post.
QUOTE(Druken @ Jun 24 2008, 08:08 AM) 525310
Holy crap. I just scrolled through the garbage for ten minutes and want those minutes back.
I'm keeping my vote on Daganev and am going to work.

Worthless post.
Day Two:
QUOTE(Druken @ Jun 25 2008, 08:07 AM) 525843
Sorry for not posting.
I had a personal emergency.
has someone brought up envenomed weapons yet as possible poison kills? Could be an Infernal.

has someone brought up envenomed weapons yet as possible poison kills? Could be an Infernal.
Oh, that was his only post for the day, too. I thought the personal emergency happened already.
Day Three:
QUOTE(Druken @ Jun 28 2008, 12:19 PM) 526916
Jeeze. Karnagan's just sleezy. Even if I'm not altogether sure what he is, this will satisfy me.
Vote: Karnagan
Vote: Karnagan
First one to point the finger right at the obvious lynch target.
QUOTE(Druken @ Jun 28 2008, 02:05 PM) 526957
I haven't kept track very well, but have both kills been the same every night? Like... could the vigilante be using some kind of a 'mimic' skill? I'm not sure if Aetolia has that, but it's worth considering.
Confounding and useless speculation.
QUOTE(Druken @ Jun 28 2008, 04:24 PM) 526995
I voted for Karnagan because it's a life's goal of mine to take out the verbosely arrogant. However! Now I'm suspicious of Rika, whose every vote has been on the bandwagon. She joins the lynch mob every time her lit torch is safe, and is always very unassuming.
Vote: Rika
Vote: Rika
Blame. Disparagement. OMGUS vote.
I'll board this train. Ryleth, I'll get back to you soon.
Unvote: Ryleth
Vote: Druken
Druken, that puts you at five out of seven. Roleclaim or die.
Ayisdra2008-06-28 22:35:31
Karnagan, Why are you trying to get people to roleclaim? you are just making the targets for nightkills easier for the scum. Trying to start a bandwagon on people to get them to roleclaim, while somewhat useful in the end, is also stupid as for the reason I just stated.
Karnagan2008-06-28 22:52:57
Well, it helps when they're shifty as *bleep*. We've bandwagoned three people for roles now. Two have tripped up and died, and none have turned out to be innocent. It seems to be working out pretty well so far.
Karnagan2008-06-28 22:53:53
8 User(s) are reading this topic (2 Guests and 0 Anonymous Users)
6 Members: Karnagan, Druken, Xavius, Ayisdra, Othero, casilu
I see you, Druken. Post or perish. I'm not giving you time to lie your way out.
6 Members: Karnagan, Druken, Xavius, Ayisdra, Othero, casilu
I see you, Druken. Post or perish. I'm not giving you time to lie your way out.
Druken2008-06-28 22:58:40
I'm going easy. It's my first mafia game, and I'm not entirely sure what level of rhetoric I'm supposed to be using. So far, it's been pretty bully-esque and that's not my style.
Speculate hoy!
Speculate hoy!
Karnagan2008-06-28 23:00:31
We jump on inconsistency and dishonesty. When people are major liars, that's usually when they're trying to build their case. You could resolve this simply by posting your role, or at least the major part of it. Right now, I'm quite convinced that you taking this opportunity to say "I'm new, lol, but I'm not bad," makes me think you're a mafia.
Ayisdra2008-06-28 23:04:50
QUOTE(Karnagan @ Jun 28 2008, 07:00 PM) 527019
We jump on inconsistency and dishonesty. When people are major liars, that's usually when they're trying to build their case. You could resolve this simply by posting your role, or at least the major part of it. Right now, I'm quite convinced that you taking this opportunity to say "I'm new, lol, but I'm not bad," makes me think you're a mafia.
Are you saying that the new people would be mafia? If that is your logic that would make you scum as well them as this was Kaeveas first game as well.
Druken2008-06-28 23:05:33
Well, darn! How silly of me!
Karnagan2008-06-28 23:06:17
QUOTE(Ayisdra @ Jun 28 2008, 08:34 PM) 527020
Are you saying that the new people would be mafia? If that is your logic that would make you scum as well them as this was Kaeveas first game as well.
You try twisting my words, but you're never quite getting it. I said that him posting that he'll take his time in making up a good lie, as opposed to simply posting his words, makes him scum. Not being a newbie.
Ayisdra2008-06-28 23:06:19
pardon the misspelling. Kaervas, not "Kaeveas"