Selverad2008-06-25 05:54:27
Now that I'm back in the swing of things, I've been thinking of experimenting with a different archetype, and a different city.
Astrology has always seemed cool. Tremendously difficult, possibly impossible to use correctly, but still cool.
Guardians seem to have a lot of neat abilities, like deathsight and scry, available pretty early, plus the ability to be an Enchanter. All in all, they look pretty versatile.
A few questions. Lucidian seems cool, flavorwise, and possibly powerwise. I'm not terribly interested in being a Merian, but I could be convinced to go Human for faster leveling in the early stages (I think I can finish with the first 20 levels in a couple of hours, under good circumstances). Mugwump, probably not. The racial RP just doesn't come to me.
What are some of the trademarks of Celestines, and Astrology in particular? Comments on the other tertiaries would also be appreciated, as well as thoughts on Celestine bashing ability and proper racial choice. Heck, I'd even try a Kephera just for novelty factor.
EDIT: They also seem to be good for influencing, with two separate +1 to charisma buffs in Rituals and Highmagic.
Astrology has always seemed cool. Tremendously difficult, possibly impossible to use correctly, but still cool.
Guardians seem to have a lot of neat abilities, like deathsight and scry, available pretty early, plus the ability to be an Enchanter. All in all, they look pretty versatile.
A few questions. Lucidian seems cool, flavorwise, and possibly powerwise. I'm not terribly interested in being a Merian, but I could be convinced to go Human for faster leveling in the early stages (I think I can finish with the first 20 levels in a couple of hours, under good circumstances). Mugwump, probably not. The racial RP just doesn't come to me.
What are some of the trademarks of Celestines, and Astrology in particular? Comments on the other tertiaries would also be appreciated, as well as thoughts on Celestine bashing ability and proper racial choice. Heck, I'd even try a Kephera just for novelty factor.
EDIT: They also seem to be good for influencing, with two separate +1 to charisma buffs in Rituals and Highmagic.
Malarious2008-06-25 06:44:04
QUOTE(Selverad @ Jun 25 2008, 01:54 AM) 525769
Now that I'm back in the swing of things, I've been thinking of experimenting with a different archetype, and a different city.
Astrology has always seemed cool. Tremendously difficult, possibly impossible to use correctly, but still cool.
Guardians seem to have a lot of neat abilities, like deathsight and scry, available pretty early, plus the ability to be an Enchanter. All in all, they look pretty versatile.
A few questions. Lucidian seems cool, flavorwise, and possibly powerwise. I'm not terribly interested in being a Merian, but I could be convinced to go Human for faster leveling in the early stages (I think I can finish with the first 20 levels in a couple of hours, under good circumstances). Mugwump, probably not. The racial RP just doesn't come to me.
What are some of the trademarks of Celestines, and Astrology in particular? Comments on the other tertiaries would also be appreciated, as well as thoughts on Celestine bashing ability and proper racial choice. Heck, I'd even try a Kephera just for novelty factor.
EDIT: They also seem to be good for influencing, with two separate +1 to charisma buffs in Rituals and Highmagic.
Astrology has always seemed cool. Tremendously difficult, possibly impossible to use correctly, but still cool.
Guardians seem to have a lot of neat abilities, like deathsight and scry, available pretty early, plus the ability to be an Enchanter. All in all, they look pretty versatile.
A few questions. Lucidian seems cool, flavorwise, and possibly powerwise. I'm not terribly interested in being a Merian, but I could be convinced to go Human for faster leveling in the early stages (I think I can finish with the first 20 levels in a couple of hours, under good circumstances). Mugwump, probably not. The racial RP just doesn't come to me.
What are some of the trademarks of Celestines, and Astrology in particular? Comments on the other tertiaries would also be appreciated, as well as thoughts on Celestine bashing ability and proper racial choice. Heck, I'd even try a Kephera just for novelty factor.
EDIT: They also seem to be good for influencing, with two separate +1 to charisma buffs in Rituals and Highmagic.
Since no one has given you an answer...
Astrology is a rather nice skillset, just dont expect it to be reliable, as other than nativity everything changes.
Spheres are useful for bashing though, and to buff allies.
Lucidian would be fine, most things would be.
Celestine Tertiary:
-Healing: This is far from being an offensive skill, but you will be alot harder to kill with it if used properly.
-Tarot: Traditional combat skillset for aeon and soulless. Packed with utility
-Astrology: Fairly high speeds, varied affs, and spheres are useful. Meteor is the best part of it though.
Meteor might be usable with Inquisition but it wont guarantee a kill without ALOT of spheres and the target not having a high magic resistance.
All in all its nice, but its not as good as tarot for Celestines.
Unknown2008-06-25 06:50:42
Astrology has always seemed cool. Tremendously difficult, possibly impossible to use correctly, but still cool.
Overall not many use Astrology in the Celestines at the moment, Tarot is considered very superior in offense and Healing seems common more for RP reasons then anything else. Mortexia is a Astrologer though I know, she seems to like the new Meteor skills in it. QUOTE
Guardians seem to have a lot of neat abilities, like deathsight and scry, available pretty early, plus the ability to be an Enchanter. All in all, they look pretty versatile.
They do have many nice abilities at low ranks and are fairly versatile I've found.
A few questions. Lucidian seems cool, flavorwise, and possibly powerwise. I'm not terribly interested in being a Merian, but I could be convinced to go Human for faster leveling in the early stages (I think I can finish with the first 20 levels in a couple of hours, under good circumstances). Mugwump, probably not. The racial RP just doesn't come to me.
We don't actually have that many Lucidians right now but the ones we've had seemed to do well. Merians are pretty common and do very well. Can't go wrong with Human if you want to level though. With our crappy bashing the xp bonus will be great. I agree on the Mugwump RP to be honest.QUOTE
What are some of the trademarks of Celestines, and Astrology in particular? Comments on the other tertiaries would also be appreciated, as well as thoughts on Celestine bashing ability and proper racial choice. Heck, I'd even try a Kephera just for novelty factor.
EDIT: They also seem to be good for influencing, with two separate +1 to charisma buffs in Rituals and Highmagic.
EDIT: They also seem to be good for influencing, with two separate +1 to charisma buffs in Rituals and Highmagic.
As for the Celestine Guild itself we are fairly laid back, and are mostly reasonable people. The tasks are not particularly lengthy or anything. Our overall RP is pretty straightforward and easy to get into, not to mention enjoyable.
As far as Bashing goes, Guardians suck. If you can get Symbol it will help, but not enough to make you really knock out levels like some other classes do.
I'm a Trill Celestine and I've found the Influencing to be pretty good as one. Like you said we have 2 charisma boosts and then theres Beauty Blessing and a Throne if you can afford it.
A fun little thing to remember is we are consider by some to be OP and have been that way for awhile. Long live Trueheal and Stripping Lich!
Celina2008-06-25 06:52:05
Celestines should go tarot. Inquisition + soulless is one of the easier, if not the easiest, kill in the game. Tarot is also wonderfully useful in tons of ways. Catacombs and hermit allow very easy travel, starleaper and hermit are awesome escape skills, lust/empress is awesome. The World Tarot means you ignore shields. Aeon is great in some circumstances. Healer/magician are nice. Fall is good for hindering.
Honestly, I love Tarot. It's probably one of the best tertiaries in the game.
Astro is nice for hunting, not so nice for PvP
Honestly, I love Tarot. It's probably one of the best tertiaries in the game.
Astro is nice for hunting, not so nice for PvP
Selverad2008-06-25 07:18:42
Trill could be fun, too... Although Celestines get the ability to fly anyway, the Charisma is much better for Trills, even if they are more fragile.
Is Tarot good for anything but PvP? Lacking a system or any way to make one, I tend to find my enjoyment in things besides killing other players.
How do the three tertiaries line up in terms of bashing usefulness? I like the flavor of Astrology, but Healing seems cost-effective to save herbs, and Tarot... I don't really know anything about tarot, so that's something else entirely.
EDIT: Ninja'd by Celina. Ok, Tarot is best for PvP. If I can figure it out without resorting to a system of some sort, maybe. But what is it about astrology that makes it useful for hunting?
Is Tarot good for anything but PvP? Lacking a system or any way to make one, I tend to find my enjoyment in things besides killing other players.
How do the three tertiaries line up in terms of bashing usefulness? I like the flavor of Astrology, but Healing seems cost-effective to save herbs, and Tarot... I don't really know anything about tarot, so that's something else entirely.
EDIT: Ninja'd by Celina. Ok, Tarot is best for PvP. If I can figure it out without resorting to a system of some sort, maybe. But what is it about astrology that makes it useful for hunting?
Malarious2008-06-25 07:24:36
QUOTE(Selverad @ Jun 25 2008, 03:18 AM) 525787
Trill could be fun, too... Although Celestines get the ability to fly anyway, the Charisma is much better for Trills, even if they are more fragile.
Is Tarot good for anything but PvP? Lacking a system or any way to make one, I tend to find my enjoyment in things besides killing other players.
How do the three tertiaries line up in terms of bashing usefulness? I like the flavor of Astrology, but Healing seems cost-effective to save herbs, and Tarot... I don't really know anything about tarot, so that's something else entirely.
EDIT: Ninja'd by Celina. Ok, Tarot is best for PvP. If I can figure it out without resorting to a system of some sort, maybe. But what is it about astrology that makes it useful for hunting?
Is Tarot good for anything but PvP? Lacking a system or any way to make one, I tend to find my enjoyment in things besides killing other players.
How do the three tertiaries line up in terms of bashing usefulness? I like the flavor of Astrology, but Healing seems cost-effective to save herbs, and Tarot... I don't really know anything about tarot, so that's something else entirely.
EDIT: Ninja'd by Celina. Ok, Tarot is best for PvP. If I can figure it out without resorting to a system of some sort, maybe. But what is it about astrology that makes it useful for hunting?
Which can affect:
Con, int, cha, dex
focus body speed, writhe speed
and damge resistances to- physical, fire, cold, psychic, asphyxiation, and magic
Unknown2008-06-25 08:32:37
Astrology has spheres yes, for actual bashing theres not much in Tarot, though as Malarious and Celina already said it has ALOT of utility. I'm not sure about Healing for bashing really, I personally don't think its a great choice for that. To be perfectly honest if your interested in bashing go with a non-Guardian. Though its always nice to have new Celestines! Trill are also somewhat weak in bashing, not a whole lot of health.
Selverad2008-06-25 19:26:46
But Trill would be great for Influencing, right? Anything in the tertiaries that helps with that? Figure it's faster and better for a Celestine anyway.
Celina2008-06-25 19:41:35
tarot has little to nothing at all for hunting. Maybe Healer tarot.
Healing will save you herbs and the health aura is really nice for hunting
Healing will save you herbs and the health aura is really nice for hunting
Kiradawea2008-06-25 21:59:36
For a Celestine, you will want to choose Tarot for PvP, Astrology for PvE and Healing for flavour. Tarot is about the only reasonable choice for a Celestine when it comes to PvP... though maybe Astrology has gotten a bit better. Healing is just completely worthless since you get pretty little variety in offensive abilities in your primary and secondary guild skills. Celestialism (and I guess by extent Nihilism) are also incredibly boring skillsets I've found, with most skills just being a boost of a previous one.
Healing can be decent for PvE for the reasons stated already yes, but Astrology will be far more beneficial since you get very bad tanking capabilities from the main skills. Spheres like Skull will help a lot with that, and others might be even interested in buying those spheres off you.
Celestines are good for influence with both Populus and Netzach. You can also find a use for Emissary to help you with Amnesty and Parley if you wish.
And now I really really need to go to bed.
Healing can be decent for PvE for the reasons stated already yes, but Astrology will be far more beneficial since you get very bad tanking capabilities from the main skills. Spheres like Skull will help a lot with that, and others might be even interested in buying those spheres off you.
Celestines are good for influence with both Populus and Netzach. You can also find a use for Emissary to help you with Amnesty and Parley if you wish.
And now I really really need to go to bed.
Selverad2008-06-26 02:48:17
I think I'll be going with a Trill Celestine Astrological Enchanter.
Focusing on PvE, primarily Influence. Not sure how much I'll put into the trade, but I'll be getting enough Highmagic for the boost. Trill PvE will be tricky, since I have all the tanking potential of a wet paper bag. But wings are cool. And 17+ charisma is also cool. Will having 1 less intelligence hinder my bashing much?
Focusing on PvE, primarily Influence. Not sure how much I'll put into the trade, but I'll be getting enough Highmagic for the boost. Trill PvE will be tricky, since I have all the tanking potential of a wet paper bag. But wings are cool. And 17+ charisma is also cool. Will having 1 less intelligence hinder my bashing much?
Furien2008-06-26 03:39:13
QUOTE(Selverad @ Jun 24 2008, 10:54 PM) 525769
Now that I'm back in the swing of things, I've been thinking of experimenting with a different archetype, and a different city.
Astrology has always seemed cool. Tremendously difficult, possibly impossible to use correctly, but still cool.
Guardians seem to have a lot of neat abilities, like deathsight and scry, available pretty early, plus the ability to be an Enchanter. All in all, they look pretty versatile.
A few questions. Lucidian seems cool, flavorwise, and possibly powerwise. I'm not terribly interested in being a Merian, but I could be convinced to go Human for faster leveling in the early stages (I think I can finish with the first 20 levels in a couple of hours, under good circumstances). Mugwump, probably not. The racial RP just doesn't come to me.
What are some of the trademarks of Celestines, and Astrology in particular? Comments on the other tertiaries would also be appreciated, as well as thoughts on Celestine bashing ability and proper racial choice. Heck, I'd even try a Kephera just for novelty factor.
EDIT: They also seem to be good for influencing, with two separate +1 to charisma buffs in Rituals and Highmagic.
Astrology has always seemed cool. Tremendously difficult, possibly impossible to use correctly, but still cool.
Guardians seem to have a lot of neat abilities, like deathsight and scry, available pretty early, plus the ability to be an Enchanter. All in all, they look pretty versatile.
A few questions. Lucidian seems cool, flavorwise, and possibly powerwise. I'm not terribly interested in being a Merian, but I could be convinced to go Human for faster leveling in the early stages (I think I can finish with the first 20 levels in a couple of hours, under good circumstances). Mugwump, probably not. The racial RP just doesn't come to me.
What are some of the trademarks of Celestines, and Astrology in particular? Comments on the other tertiaries would also be appreciated, as well as thoughts on Celestine bashing ability and proper racial choice. Heck, I'd even try a Kephera just for novelty factor.
EDIT: They also seem to be good for influencing, with two separate +1 to charisma buffs in Rituals and Highmagic.
*Already has a kephera astrologer Celestine*
I'll see you there.

Did I mention it's an enchanter, too?
Selverad2008-06-26 08:32:13
Tradeskills I've explored so far.... Forging, Poisons, and Bookbinding.
All for IC reasons, and self-supply.
Now I'm pondering, what tradeskill to take with this one? Should my Trill be a tailor, which would ensure I become quickly clothed after any great hibernation, and in exactly the design I'm looking for, rather than bending to the vagaries of stock in the local shops, or an enchanter or alchemist, which could also save me a good bit of money along with actually turning a profit.
What are good tradeskills for a Celestine?
All for IC reasons, and self-supply.
Now I'm pondering, what tradeskill to take with this one? Should my Trill be a tailor, which would ensure I become quickly clothed after any great hibernation, and in exactly the design I'm looking for, rather than bending to the vagaries of stock in the local shops, or an enchanter or alchemist, which could also save me a good bit of money along with actually turning a profit.
What are good tradeskills for a Celestine?
Kiradawea2008-06-26 10:56:28
Enchantment is a pretty decent tradeskill, but you'll need to get pretty skilled in both Enchantment and Highmagic for it to be useful, since the main demand is for Cubes, Mercy, Kingdom, Beauty and Perfection. However you get Waterwalk and Deathsight pretty early on, which is also in very high demand. You will have to take Highmagic so Poisons and Herbs are out of the question. You also can't become an Alchemist. That's reserved for the forests, like Enchantment is reserved for the cities. But really, it's up to you. Enchantment as a Celestine is decent, and the Trans item is pretty cool, but arguably not incredibly useful.
I've been hunting a lot as a Furrikin and I can't say I notice a huge difference between my general int of 13 and when I get it to 14 with Fortuna. I'd actually be slightly inclined to suggest Loboshigaru, since then you won't have a miserable endurance. Or, of course, Lucidian or Female Kephera.
But if you're gonna mainly Influence, Trill is the way to go. We already have a lot of featherbrains in the guild, so you won't have a problem fitting in.
I've been hunting a lot as a Furrikin and I can't say I notice a huge difference between my general int of 13 and when I get it to 14 with Fortuna. I'd actually be slightly inclined to suggest Loboshigaru, since then you won't have a miserable endurance. Or, of course, Lucidian or Female Kephera.
But if you're gonna mainly Influence, Trill is the way to go. We already have a lot of featherbrains in the guild, so you won't have a problem fitting in.

Selverad2008-06-26 17:49:26
I also considered cook, since most of the comms are pretty cheap, I tend to do food quests often (cows and chickens and such) and -everyone- needs food. Not sure how well that will work in practice, though, since I figure I'd need to contract with a store to make any money, and food doesn't sell for much.
Kiradawea2008-06-26 20:26:56
Yeah, you really need to contact a store, and the Celestine guild store doesn't carry much in the way of food. 

Rauros2008-06-28 01:33:43
QUOTE(Celina @ Jun 25 2008, 03:41 PM) 525971
tarot has little to nothing at all for hunting. Maybe Healer tarot.
Chant Puella?
I guess it depends if you're a fast balance or faster equilibrium. I haven't had much success with healer tarot.
Hermit will get you out of sticky spots, just make sure to pick a place that noone ever goes to (read: NOT the nexus)
Rauros2008-06-28 01:35:55
There's lots of demand for enchanters, so you can't go wrong there, and you don't even have to be trans, just be able to enchant what they want. (unlike most other trades, where trans is preferred because of decay time I guess)
Selverad2008-06-28 06:16:34
Ok, already working on becoming a decent enchanter.
Right now I'm working the top of Smoke Mountain until they kick me out, but my newbie manapot has already run out, which sucks. Oh, well. Meditation for the win! Gives them time to respawn before I come back to kill more.
Not doing much influencing now, since I'm trying to get as many bodies as possible to sell. If I influenced, I'd get experience faster, thus losing access faster. Ergo, my plan is to hunt Smoke Mountain until they kick me out, then go back to Celest for a learning frenzy.
Right now I'm working the top of Smoke Mountain until they kick me out, but my newbie manapot has already run out, which sucks. Oh, well. Meditation for the win! Gives them time to respawn before I come back to kill more.
Not doing much influencing now, since I'm trying to get as many bodies as possible to sell. If I influenced, I'd get experience faster, thus losing access faster. Ergo, my plan is to hunt Smoke Mountain until they kick me out, then go back to Celest for a learning frenzy.
Unknown2008-06-28 06:33:19
QUOTE(Selverad @ Jun 28 2008, 02:16 PM) 526852
Not doing much influencing now, since I'm trying to get as many bodies as possible to sell. If I influenced, I'd get experience faster, thus losing access faster. Ergo, my plan is to hunt Smoke Mountain until they kick me out, then go back to Celest for a learning frenzy.
I never have enough patience for that...