Linux clients

by Unknown

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Unknown2008-06-28 13:58:17
Just curious, is anyone else working in kmuddy for their linux client? Or is there a more prevalent linux client for lusternia? I've quite enjoyed kmuddy's flexibility when it comes to scripting languages, and am working on a modular system in ruby (because I quite like ruby's ease of use and featureset) but I'm open to other options, if they have ruby support. Still and all, I suppose I'm just curious what's in use, and if there's any effort to get the linux users together and working cooperatively on their scripting projects or not?

Also, I obviously need to remove some blood from my caffiene stream, as this doesn't make much sense.
Simimi2008-06-28 16:59:02
Most Linux users will be using TF (Tiny Fugue) or Mushclient with wine. Very few use kmuddy here as it simply has nothing on someone who knows tf, and there is no reason to use it over the much more feature rich and much more powerful Mushclient.
Gartinua2008-07-07 04:03:21
i use kildclient myself, running through the means i can also use tf at times and have most of the setup stay the same.

kildclient has a perl parser which is pretty neat. So I have some stuff in perl for it and some stuff in lua for other things and nearly go insane when I try to remember if I'm supposed to be using =~ or ~=