Ryleth2008-06-30 10:37:52
Ryleth V Rika
My main problem here is that most of her attack combos do me ridiculous amounts of damage - 2.2k + stun + poisons (usually paralysis) a combo. With my max health at 3300 I'm rather resigned to that. Also through the fight I'm lacking the power to hinder more using fascinate/web, slow the whirling flails just a little
Oh combat: expert
Resilience: Virt
acrobatics: Myth
So I do need to raise them up but I'm rather looking I what I can do tactically.
Usually with demigods I tend to stay in my octaved maelstrom as much as possible, gives me the edge I need. However when they start to run, I'm torn between staying in maelstrom or going after them, one means going back to square one all over again, the other meaning I lose this advantage, blanknote and just spam minorsecond hoping to get lucky. In this spar I didn't see Rika's vitality hit so I was slow to make a decision, eventually making the wrong one and immediatly seeing my mistake. I've invested in an icewall enchantment to help stop running but it means I'm going to have to pick my gorund so carefully, can't waste time blockiing everything off.
This was a nasty little section:
Is there anything I can do, or try to streamline to stop that happening?
My main problem here is that most of her attack combos do me ridiculous amounts of damage - 2.2k + stun + poisons (usually paralysis) a combo. With my max health at 3300 I'm rather resigned to that. Also through the fight I'm lacking the power to hinder more using fascinate/web, slow the whirling flails just a little
Oh combat: expert
Resilience: Virt
acrobatics: Myth
So I do need to raise them up but I'm rather looking I what I can do tactically.
Usually with demigods I tend to stay in my octaved maelstrom as much as possible, gives me the edge I need. However when they start to run, I'm torn between staying in maelstrom or going after them, one means going back to square one all over again, the other meaning I lose this advantage, blanknote and just spam minorsecond hoping to get lucky. In this spar I didn't see Rika's vitality hit so I was slow to make a decision, eventually making the wrong one and immediatly seeing my mistake. I've invested in an icewall enchantment to help stop running but it means I'm going to have to pick my gorund so carefully, can't waste time blockiing everything off.
This was a nasty little section:
With a focused look, Rika strikes at you with a frost-streaked steel flail. You
are tapped in the stomach with little effect.
Your illusory doppleganger completely absorbs the damage.
3318h, 4482m, 5526e, 5p, 13534en, 21565w lrxkb-
3318h, 4482m, 5526e, 5p, lrxkb<>-|Safe|{0.31}
With a focused look, Rika strikes at you with a sand-scoured golden flail. You
are crushed in the gut, and the wind is knocked out of you.
Your illusory doppleganger completely absorbs the damage.
A prickly stinging overcomes your body, fading away into numbness.
3318h, 4482m, 5526e, 5p, 13544en, 21579w lrkbp-
3318h, 4482m, 5526e, 5p, lrkbp<>-|Proned!|{0.23}
You cease parrying.
3318h, 4482m, 5526e, 5p, 13544en, 21579w lrkbp-
3318h, 4482m, 5526e, 5p, lrkbp<>-|Proned!|{0.14}
You adjust your attention spent parrying your gut.
3318h, 4482m, 5526e, 5p, 13544en, 21579w lrkbp-
3318h, 4482m, 5526e, 5p, lrkbp<>-|Proned!|{0.19}
You must regain balance first.
3318h, 4482m, 5526e, 5p, 13544en, 21579w lrkbp-
3318h, 4482m, 5526e, 5p, lrkbp<>-|Proned!|{0.06}
You take out some salve and quickly rub it on your gut.
The deep damage in your gut partially heals.
3318h, 4482m, 5526e, 5p, 13544en, 21579w lrkbp-
3318h, 4482m, 5526e, 5p, lrkbp<>-|Proned!|{0.09}
You begin focusing your mind on your motor skills.
3318h, 4232m, 5526e, 5p, 13544en, 21504w lrkbp-
3318h, 4232m, 5526e, 5p, lrkbp<>-|Proned!|{0.16}|Mana: -250|
You have recovered balance on all limbs.
{{{ Balance Recovered on All Limbs }}}
3318h, 4232m, 5526e, 5p, 13544en, 21504w lrxkbp-
3318h, 4232m, 5526e, 5p, lrxkbp<>-|Proned!|{1.75}
weave colourburst rika
Your muscles unlock; you are no longer paralysed.
3318h, 4232m, 5526e, 5p, 13544en, 21504w lrxkb-
3318h, 4232m, 5526e, 5p, lrxkb<>-|Safe|{0.33}
You must regain equilibrium first.
3318h, 4232m, 5526e, 5p, 13544en, 21504w lrxkb-
3318h, 4232m, 5526e, 5p, lrxkb<>-|Safe|{0.33}
{{{ You have Rebounding! }}}
You feel an aura of rebounding surround you.
3318h, 4232m, 5526e, 5p, 13544en, 21504w lrxkb-
3318h, 4232m, 5526e, 5p, lrxkb<>-|Safe|{0.09}
With a focused look, Rika strikes at you with a frost-streaked steel flail. You
are tapped in the stomach with little effect.
Your illusory doppleganger completely absorbs the damage.
3318h, 4232m, 5526e, 5p, 13544en, 21504w lrxkb-
3318h, 4232m, 5526e, 5p, lrxkb<>-|Safe|{0.17}
weave colourburst rika
You are already concentrating on regaining equilibrium.
3318h, 4232m, 5526e, 5p, 13544en, 21504w lrxkb-
3318h, 4232m, 5526e, 5p, lrxkb<>-|Safe|{0.34}
With a focused look, Rika strikes at you with a sand-scoured golden flail. You
are crushed in the gut, and the wind is knocked out of you.
Your illusory doppleganger completely absorbs the damage.
3318h, 4232m, 5526e, 5p, 13544en, 21504w lrkb-
3318h, 4232m, 5526e, 5p, lrkb<>-|Safe|{0.11}
You must regain balance first.
3318h, 4232m, 5526e, 5p, 13544en, 21504w lrkb-
3318h, 4232m, 5526e, 5p, lrkb<>-|Safe|{0.19}
You have recovered equilibrium.
{{{ Equilibrium Recovered }}}
3318h, 4232m, 5526e, 5p, 13554en, 21518w elrkb-
3318h, 4232m, 5526e, 5p, elrkb<>-|Safe|{0.31}
You may drink another health, mana, or bromide potion.
3318h, 4232m, 5526e, 5p, 13554en, 21518w elrkb-
3318h, 4232m, 5526e, 5p, elrkb<>-|Safe|{0.3}
weave colourburst rika
You take out some salve and quickly rub it on your gut.
The deep damage in your gut partially heals.
3318h, 4232m, 5526e, 5p, 13554en, 21518w elrkb-
3318h, 4232m, 5526e, 5p, elrkb<>-|Safe|{0.3}
You must regain balance first.
3318h, 4232m, 5526e, 5p, 13554en, 21518w elrkb-
3318h, 4232m, 5526e, 5p, elrkb<>-|Safe|{0.3}
Rika takes a drink from a beryl vial.
3318h, 4232m, 5526e, 5p, 13554en, 21518w elrkb-
3318h, 4232m, 5526e, 5p, elrkb<>-|Safe|{0.31}
weave colourburst rika
You must regain balance first.
3318h, 4232m, 5526e, 5p, 13554en, 21518w elrkb-
3318h, 4232m, 5526e, 5p, elrkb<>-|Safe|{0.58}
You have recovered balance on all limbs.
{{{ Balance Recovered on All Limbs }}}
are tapped in the stomach with little effect.
Your illusory doppleganger completely absorbs the damage.
3318h, 4482m, 5526e, 5p, 13534en, 21565w lrxkb-
3318h, 4482m, 5526e, 5p, lrxkb<
With a focused look, Rika strikes at you with a sand-scoured golden flail. You
are crushed in the gut, and the wind is knocked out of you.
Your illusory doppleganger completely absorbs the damage.
A prickly stinging overcomes your body, fading away into numbness.
3318h, 4482m, 5526e, 5p, 13544en, 21579w lrkbp-
3318h, 4482m, 5526e, 5p, lrkbp<
You cease parrying.
3318h, 4482m, 5526e, 5p, 13544en, 21579w lrkbp-
3318h, 4482m, 5526e, 5p, lrkbp<
You adjust your attention spent parrying your gut.
3318h, 4482m, 5526e, 5p, 13544en, 21579w lrkbp-
3318h, 4482m, 5526e, 5p, lrkbp<
You must regain balance first.
3318h, 4482m, 5526e, 5p, 13544en, 21579w lrkbp-
3318h, 4482m, 5526e, 5p, lrkbp<
You take out some salve and quickly rub it on your gut.
The deep damage in your gut partially heals.
3318h, 4482m, 5526e, 5p, 13544en, 21579w lrkbp-
3318h, 4482m, 5526e, 5p, lrkbp<
You begin focusing your mind on your motor skills.
3318h, 4232m, 5526e, 5p, 13544en, 21504w lrkbp-
3318h, 4232m, 5526e, 5p, lrkbp<
You have recovered balance on all limbs.
{{{ Balance Recovered on All Limbs }}}
3318h, 4232m, 5526e, 5p, 13544en, 21504w lrxkbp-
3318h, 4232m, 5526e, 5p, lrxkbp<
weave colourburst rika
Your muscles unlock; you are no longer paralysed.
3318h, 4232m, 5526e, 5p, 13544en, 21504w lrxkb-
3318h, 4232m, 5526e, 5p, lrxkb<
You must regain equilibrium first.
3318h, 4232m, 5526e, 5p, 13544en, 21504w lrxkb-
3318h, 4232m, 5526e, 5p, lrxkb<
{{{ You have Rebounding! }}}
You feel an aura of rebounding surround you.
3318h, 4232m, 5526e, 5p, 13544en, 21504w lrxkb-
3318h, 4232m, 5526e, 5p, lrxkb<
With a focused look, Rika strikes at you with a frost-streaked steel flail. You
are tapped in the stomach with little effect.
Your illusory doppleganger completely absorbs the damage.
3318h, 4232m, 5526e, 5p, 13544en, 21504w lrxkb-
3318h, 4232m, 5526e, 5p, lrxkb<
weave colourburst rika
You are already concentrating on regaining equilibrium.
3318h, 4232m, 5526e, 5p, 13544en, 21504w lrxkb-
3318h, 4232m, 5526e, 5p, lrxkb<
With a focused look, Rika strikes at you with a sand-scoured golden flail. You
are crushed in the gut, and the wind is knocked out of you.
Your illusory doppleganger completely absorbs the damage.
3318h, 4232m, 5526e, 5p, 13544en, 21504w lrkb-
3318h, 4232m, 5526e, 5p, lrkb<
You must regain balance first.
3318h, 4232m, 5526e, 5p, 13544en, 21504w lrkb-
3318h, 4232m, 5526e, 5p, lrkb<
You have recovered equilibrium.
{{{ Equilibrium Recovered }}}
3318h, 4232m, 5526e, 5p, 13554en, 21518w elrkb-
3318h, 4232m, 5526e, 5p, elrkb<
You may drink another health, mana, or bromide potion.
3318h, 4232m, 5526e, 5p, 13554en, 21518w elrkb-
3318h, 4232m, 5526e, 5p, elrkb<
weave colourburst rika
You take out some salve and quickly rub it on your gut.
The deep damage in your gut partially heals.
3318h, 4232m, 5526e, 5p, 13554en, 21518w elrkb-
3318h, 4232m, 5526e, 5p, elrkb<
You must regain balance first.
3318h, 4232m, 5526e, 5p, 13554en, 21518w elrkb-
3318h, 4232m, 5526e, 5p, elrkb<
Rika takes a drink from a beryl vial.
3318h, 4232m, 5526e, 5p, 13554en, 21518w elrkb-
3318h, 4232m, 5526e, 5p, elrkb<
weave colourburst rika
You must regain balance first.
3318h, 4232m, 5526e, 5p, 13554en, 21518w elrkb-
3318h, 4232m, 5526e, 5p, elrkb<
You have recovered balance on all limbs.
{{{ Balance Recovered on All Limbs }}}
Is there anything I can do, or try to streamline to stop that happening?
Shiri2008-06-30 10:51:30
Raise your combat, mostly. Queuestance wouldn't have helped you there (I tihnk) but if you're not proned you can parry that with really high accuracy at trans. Looks like you managed alright with the glamour though, heh.
2891h, 4382m, 4753e, 1p, lrxkb<>-|Safe|{0.17}
With a heavy overhand stroke, Rika slams a frost-streaked steel flail down upon
you. Your nose is savagely smited and breaks, causing blood to splurt forth.
1759h, 4382m, 4753e, 1p, 13702en, 20526w lrxkbp-
1759h, 4382m, 4753e, 1p, lrxkbp<>-|STUN!|{0.56}|Health: -1132|
play blanknote rika
En sempre! You nod your head as the maestoso completes itself in a reverberating
harmonic unity.
1759h, 4382m, 4753e, 1p, 13722en, 20540w lrxkbp-
1759h, 4382m, 4753e, 1p, lrxkbp<>-|STUN!|{2.14}
You jump aside, narrowly avoiding the attack.
What's going on here? I thought that didn't happen when proned.
2891h, 4382m, 4753e, 1p, lrxkb<
With a heavy overhand stroke, Rika slams a frost-streaked steel flail down upon
you. Your nose is savagely smited and breaks, causing blood to splurt forth.
1759h, 4382m, 4753e, 1p, 13702en, 20526w lrxkbp-
1759h, 4382m, 4753e, 1p, lrxkbp<
play blanknote rika
En sempre! You nod your head as the maestoso completes itself in a reverberating
harmonic unity.
1759h, 4382m, 4753e, 1p, 13722en, 20540w lrxkbp-
1759h, 4382m, 4753e, 1p, lrxkbp<
You jump aside, narrowly avoiding the attack.
What's going on here? I thought that didn't happen when proned.
Desitrus2008-06-30 12:31:27
Yeah it's apparently bugged, I had someone dodge attacks while P too.
Nezha2008-07-01 13:39:45
1. more resilience will be nice. the paralysis is a little slower right now but at such low health, every little msec counts
2. maybe more combat..
bard combat:
being a harbinger, I guess you are forced to use octave. but you are faced with the central question to octave users, mainly how to stop them from running..
The blunt method involves icewalls and pfifth. Before, I usually i stay in a room with just one or two exits, then icewall everything off when they enter the room. or icewall both on the onset and then re-icewall when they melt and opp enter. Its odd that we have to seal the room when faced even with a demi, but there we go..
The other method that might stop them from running involves mesmerize. 10 applications will take someone from fully rested to exhausted. The value of sleep is not that they sleep for a long time, but that they are constantly and passively proned. This is very hindering so to speak. Actually maybe this is the time to icewall if you want to be doubly sure. (Of course there is metawake.. nothing to do with it.. although you might try to remove it too with the double mana loss song.. just a few minorsixth with the bleeding song might drop mana to dangerous levels)
Now when opponent is dropping to sleep, with maelstrom and octave.. then its time to put one or two barbs, wait for blanknote, one or two again.. (thoros suggested a lot of colorburst somewhere) -- then go for the kill..
Setting this requires a very long time.. and doesn't actually work if the opp has trueheal (yuck, it heals sleep tiredness :<).. but better to be slow, than hurry to your damnation..
1. more resilience will be nice. the paralysis is a little slower right now but at such low health, every little msec counts
2. maybe more combat..
bard combat:
being a harbinger, I guess you are forced to use octave. but you are faced with the central question to octave users, mainly how to stop them from running..
The blunt method involves icewalls and pfifth. Before, I usually i stay in a room with just one or two exits, then icewall everything off when they enter the room. or icewall both on the onset and then re-icewall when they melt and opp enter. Its odd that we have to seal the room when faced even with a demi, but there we go..
The other method that might stop them from running involves mesmerize. 10 applications will take someone from fully rested to exhausted. The value of sleep is not that they sleep for a long time, but that they are constantly and passively proned. This is very hindering so to speak. Actually maybe this is the time to icewall if you want to be doubly sure. (Of course there is metawake.. nothing to do with it.. although you might try to remove it too with the double mana loss song.. just a few minorsixth with the bleeding song might drop mana to dangerous levels)
Now when opponent is dropping to sleep, with maelstrom and octave.. then its time to put one or two barbs, wait for blanknote, one or two again.. (thoros suggested a lot of colorburst somewhere) -- then go for the kill..
Setting this requires a very long time.. and doesn't actually work if the opp has trueheal (yuck, it heals sleep tiredness :<).. but better to be slow, than hurry to your damnation..
Ryleth2008-07-01 15:06:48
The other method that might stop them from running involves mesmerize. 10 applications will take someone from fully rested to exhausted. The value of sleep is not that they sleep for a long time, but that they are constantly and passively proned. This is very hindering so to speak. Actually maybe this is the time to icewall if you want to be doubly sure. (Of course there is metawake.. nothing to do with it.. although you might try to remove it too with the double mana loss song.. just a few minorsixth with the bleeding song might drop mana to dangerous levels)
Yeah, I've been experimenting with this before but with little success..the problem is that it isn't just the 10 mesmerize applications but the deadlypatterns to keep removing insomnia and kafe..so as you said it will take an age, which honestly sometimes you really don't have. For example illusoryself helps me right at the start of the fight..but later on the damage+ wounding really starts to stack and stack. I suppose I could run in and out mesmerizing though
Ardmore2008-07-01 16:13:51
As much as I hate to do it, sometimes you just have to go on the defensive against hard hitters. Be a shield whore when you can't take many hits and slow them down with fascinate and mesmerize.
Rika2008-07-01 20:24:14
Or just reflect more. Take lessons from Daedalion. 

Ryleth2008-07-01 21:27:34
Alas alack, the days of OP muggie reflections are past. Wouldn't really be enough to stop the damage..especially for BC and BM
Rika2008-07-01 21:31:11
QUOTE(Ryleth @ Jul 2 2008, 09:27 AM) 527509
Alas alack, the days of OP muggie reflections are past. Wouldn't really be enough to stop the damage..especially for BC and BM
It doesn't matter what whether I am a BC/BM or any other class (I think, but at least for the four weapon specialisations). Hitting reflections takes equilibrium, and not arm balance. Though I wouldn't mind if that was changed so we can raze it.

Xenthos2008-07-01 21:33:24
QUOTE(rika @ Jul 1 2008, 05:31 PM) 527512
It doesn't matter what whether I am a BC/BM or any other class (I think, but at least for the four weapon specialisations). Hitting reflections takes equilibrium, and not arm balance. Though I wouldn't mind if that was changed so we can raze it.
And it doesn't have to last you the entire fight, just long enough to get a bit of curing in.

It's already been submitted as a possible change in last month's report (though not quite that same solution).
Rika2008-07-01 21:36:50
I have no idea what people talk about when they say envoys mess up. 

Desitrus2008-07-01 21:37:04
That's me, nerfin your random defense skills.
Celina2008-07-01 22:02:49
If that change goes through, you should be slapped. Stop buffing warriors!
I'm not sure if it's actually viable to kill a demi warrior with minorsecond...so Octave is your best bet.
I'm not sure if it's actually viable to kill a demi warrior with minorsecond...so Octave is your best bet.
Ardmore2008-07-01 23:38:03
You should get thrown off eq / balance if you hit a reflection because it's like wtf, my target just disappeared? Oh, it was just a reflection. Silly me.
Nezha2008-07-02 00:10:53
Yeah, I've been experimenting with this before but with little success..the problem is that it isn't just the 10 mesmerize applications but the deadlypatterns to keep removing insomnia and kafe..so as you said it will take an age, which honestly sometimes you really don't have. For example illusoryself helps me right at the start of the fight..but later on the damage+ wounding really starts to stack and stack. I suppose I could run in and out mesmerizing though
well, I actually have done this quite a lot of times.. even to our subject here ms rika. Although she said she wont fight me anymore after that 
and I feel as if you are rushing things.. like what do you mean illself helps at the start? if it drops, go out wait for power and put it back up.. dont be afraid to go out of the octave yourself. you can always put it back later, but being defeated means the end..
have more patience
Or just reflect more. Take lessons from Daedalion
Not viable anymore. I sparred thoros just two days ago and he can attack before i get balance back from reflecting.. although, i dont know about mugwumps if they can still do it. but i rather think not since the speed decrease is pretty massive.
Shiri2008-07-02 01:16:49
Of course people won't fight you if you just do that, there's nothing anyone can do about tiredness/run over and over, especially with reflections thrown in (I don't know about Thoros but I sure as hell can't outpace it.)
Rika2008-07-02 01:25:05
What Shiri said. There is absolutely nothing I can do about it except for run and sleep. I even like hunger more, because I can actually solve that one relatively easily.
Nezha2008-07-02 01:44:09
hunger, sleep.. people have dealt with such problems and won.. ive fought dreamweaving druid in demesne with the sleep mist.. hungering cacophony/geomancer.. these skills exists and are very valid imho.. its a persons personal choice of course if he/she choses to just not deal with it.. but me personally im trying to learn how to deal with any and all situation..
as for reflection.. hmm, perhaps mugwumps can still do it i guess, as I cannot.
To be fair, i try not run but rather tend to stay in the room. like those three spars with thoros, i only ran on the second fight because my song dropped. And even when the song dropped in the third i opted to stay and try my luck.
as for reflection.. hmm, perhaps mugwumps can still do it i guess, as I cannot.
tiredness/run over and over
To be fair, i try not run but rather tend to stay in the room. like those three spars with thoros, i only ran on the second fight because my song dropped. And even when the song dropped in the third i opted to stay and try my luck.
Shiri2008-07-02 01:46:56
You can win if they're incompetent and let you kill them before the attrition takes effect, or if you take multiple 5-minute breaks to get over the tiredness. Of course the skills exist and are "valid" (what does that mean? That they're not bugged? Sure, but that doesn't mean much), but they're unbeatable in the middle-long term so no one's going to want to fight you for fun if you just abuse them. It's not "choosing not to deal with it" by any means.
EDIT: Fair enough if you don't run, but if most people are going to whore out the lame sleep they're probably to go all the way with it so I don't think you'll find many people like that.
EDIT: Fair enough if you don't run, but if most people are going to whore out the lame sleep they're probably to go all the way with it so I don't think you'll find many people like that.
Ardmore2008-07-02 02:19:48
Oh dear Nejii, if you only bought credits attrition based attacks would cease to exist.
Moment from making fun of...someone...
I'm actually working to remove hunger from Necroscream but the ENVOYS AREN'T BEING VERY HELPFUL!
It will still be many months because...Cara (no offense, wasn't your fault) blew our special report and I highly doubt they'll give me another one...that is IF they like my idea.
Okay, back to making fun of...someone...
Buy credits and everything will be perfect.
Oh dear Nejii, if you only bought credits attrition based attacks would cease to exist.
Moment from making fun of...someone...
I'm actually working to remove hunger from Necroscream but the ENVOYS AREN'T BEING VERY HELPFUL!
It will still be many months because...Cara (no offense, wasn't your fault) blew our special report and I highly doubt they'll give me another one...that is IF they like my idea.

Okay, back to making fun of...someone...
Buy credits and everything will be perfect.