
by Lendren

Back to Ideas.

Lendren2008-07-02 18:33:56
I know that player-proposed skillsets never go anywhere, but Nejii encouraged me about six months ago to develop this idea as a proposed new bard tertiary, and it happened to float to the top of whatever list my personal muse uses, so I wrote it up just to get it out of my head. Who knows, maybe Estarra's a big fan of Escher and Da Vinci.... (Plus it would fit very well with the recent appearance of a few Fourth Circle goddesses, who would make perfect sense to be the ones to introduce this the way Lyreth introduced Dramatics.)

This is intended to be a third choice for tertiary skill for bards. The primary purpose is for it to be different not only in style and theme from the others, but also in what kind of role you play in combat and other activities when you take it. It doesn't completely sacrifice offense in favor of support, but its offense is low-key and mostly focused on team combat.

As bards are currently masters of the performing arts, this skillset is designed to extend their artistry into the fine arts, building on what's in the Arts skillset without supplanting it. (Someone who studies this but not Arts would have to buy a few supplies from their friendly local artist, though.) I just love the idea of incorporating the artistic styles of Escher and Renoir and Pollock and Rothko into the game...

The details (power costs, specific afflictions, etc.) are eminently changeable, and while I'd like to hear criticisms and suggestions about them, I'm primarily interested in comments about the fundamental design and theme, the choices of skills, etc. (Incidentally, I'm still not happy with the name. "Aesthetics" is just the least worst option I've found.)

ArtList             See a list of your works of art.
TouchupYellow       Use yellowtint to temporarily enhance greatrobes.
Landscape           Paint landscapes with your unique hallmark.
Grotesquerie        An artistic depiction of the terrors of the world.
TakeDown            Take a painting down without destroying it.
Script              Paint messages on the walls.
StillLife           Paint still lifes with your unique hallmark.
TouchupRed          Use redtint to temporarily add bleeding to weapons.
Paradox             An artistic depiction of dizzying optical illusions.
Portraits           Paint portraits of others with your unique hallmark.
TouchupBlue         Use bluetint to make pipes work faster.
Sketching           Create quick sketches of your subject for later use.
Impressionism       An artistic depiction of a beautiful pastoral scene.
Damage              Cure damage using a hallmarked portrait.
Surrealism          An artistic depiction of a confusing symbolic image.
Destroy             Destroy statues and paintings of substandard works.
Summon              Use a hallmarked still life to call an object.
Splatter            A splash of paint reveals those who are hidden.
Baroque             An artistic depiction of heroic deeds.
Prison              Turn an enchanted painting into a prison.
TouchupGreen        Use greentint to lend luck to your weapons.
Homunculus          Animate a figurine to be your companion.
Cracks              Use a hallmarked portrait to cure afflictions.
Catalog             List portraits of a particular person.
Minimalism          An artistic depiction of simple imagery.
Transcription       Copy elements between hallmarked portraits.
TouchupPurple       Use purpletint to make poisons hit more.
Foundation          Root a person in place using hallmarked paintings.
BaseCoat            Use a hallmarked portrait to repair deep damage.
Rococo              An artistic depiction that is rich with detail.
SummonPortrait      Use a hallmarked portrait to call a person to you.
Golem               Animate a statue to be your protector.
Transfix            Use a hallmarked portrait to transfix an opponent.
TouchupGold         Use goldtint to prevent stun.
Shadows             Erase shadows from a hallmarked landscape.
EyeForDetail        Your discerning artistic eye spots falsehoods.
TranscribePortrait  Transcribe a person into a landscape.


This ability will show you a list of any works of art you're carrying, and what they depict. It will show whether paintings are hallmarked and what they depict, along with how many months they have left.


Adding coats of yellow tint to greatrobes will give them a temporary increase of +10 protection against cutting and blunt damage.

Note on touchups: Any single item can have only a single colour of touchups, and not more than ten coats. Each application uses a single tint and adds two coats. Each coat will work through a single use; it will be used up whenever it takes effect. For instance, a yellow tint touchup will be used up every time the wearer is hit with any attack that depends on the level of protection that the robes provide.


Paint gorgeous landscapes of your favorite locations, and mark the painting with your unique hallmark, which connects the painting to the place it depicts. You'll need a blank canvas and a full palette of paints. (You can also leave out the hallmark, in which case, this produces a mundane painting precisely the same as the equivalent Arts skill.) Sketches cannot be used to create hallmarked paintings.

Many of the skills in this skillset require a painting with your hallmark. These paintings get worn out when they're used, decaying by a specified number of months. Only the original artist can upkeep a hallmarked painting. Destroying a hallmarked painting is considered an attack on the artist (according to Avechna, the Avenger). Note that hallmarked paintings cannot be enchanted, as they already contain their own native magical forces.


............ EXHIBIT TO
Decay: 2 months
You can produce a painting depicting horrific scenes of unearthly terrors. It requires a canvas and full palette to create the painting, and will be automatically hallmarked. Exhibiting this painting to someone will fill their minds with thoughts of fear.
Think of the paintings of Heironymous Bosch. For this skill and others like it, there will be several "canned" descriptions and you'll get one of them at random. Causes the fear affliction.


You can take down a painting that's been exhibited without destroying it. This can't be done with enchanted paintings, nor with hallmarked paintings painted by another artist.


You may write messages on walls for all to see. You must be in an urban environment, and will require three applications from a palette.
Identical to Illusions Script, but it's not an illusion so it can't be dispelled that way. Instead, it could be removed with Nature Rain or... what else, for non-Commune-ists?


Paint still life portraits of objects or things, and mark the painting with your unique hallmark, which connects the painting to the object it depicts. You'll need a blank canvas and a full palette of paints. (You can also leave out the hallmark, in which case, this produces a mundane painting precisely the same as the equivalent Arts skill.) Sketches cannot be used to create hallmarked paintings.


Coats of red tint applied to weapons (cutting or blunt) will cause a small increase to the amount of bleeding caused by those weapons, or if they don't normally cause any, they will.

AESTHETICS - PARADOX (Apprentice 66%)

............ EXHIBIT TO
Decay: 2 months
You can produce a painting depicting a paradoxical optical illusion. It requires a canvas and full palette to create the painting, and will be automatically hallmarked. Exhibiting this painting to someone will cause him to become dizzy and suffer from vertigo.
Think of the paintings of M. C. Escher. Afflicts with Dizziness and Vertigo.


Paint life-like portraits of others, and mark the painting with your unique hallmark, which connects the painting to the person it depicts. You'll need a blank canvas and a full palette of paints. (You can also leave out the hallmark, in which case, this produces a mundane painting precisely the same as the equivalent Arts skill.) Sketches cannot be used to create hallmarked paintings.


Coats of blue tint applied to pipes make the herbs go down easier. Whenever the pipe is smoked, herb balance will be recovered 50% more quickly. (This does not apply to other uses of herbs.)


Syntax: SKETCH
Draw quick sketches of your subject, to later use as an outline for paintings or statues. You'll need a blank sketch sheet and a piece of coal.
Identical to the Arts skill.


............ EXHIBIT TO
Decay: 2 months
You can produce a painting depicting a pastoral scene with soft, muted tones. It requires a canvas and full palette to create the painting, and will be automatically hallmarked. Exhibiting this painting to someone will cause him to become peaceful and lethargic.
Think of the paintings of August Renoir. Causes Pacifism and Lethargy afflictions.


............ PONDER
Decay: 1 month
Cleaning the minor damage to a hallmarked portrait of someone will heal damage that person has taken, to their health, mana, or ego. The depicted person must be within the same area as you, and you will take damage to your ego corresponding to how much you've healed. You can also ponder the painting to get an idea of the depicted person's state of health.
Works like the Healing skill Farheal, but will affect health, mana, or ego on the target, whichever one is most damaged (similar to a Bookbinding healing scroll). Pondering the painting will use a short amount of equilibrium.


............ EXHIBIT TO
Decay: 2 months
You can produce a painting depicting a confusing jumble of unrealistic images. It requires a canvas and full palette to create the painting, and will be automatically hallmarked. Exhibiting this painting to someone will cause him to become confused, hallucinated, or demented, and if he's blind, will jolt him out of it.
Think of the paintings of Pablo Picasso. Strips blindness similar to Glamours Fascination, or if you're not blind, afflicts with a random two of Confusion, Hallucinations, and Dementia, with the message not indicating which. Note that blindness protects against all the Exhibit paintings -- even Escher can't make the blind dizzy.


Some art just shouldn't exist. You can destroy paintings and statues, though this is a time consuming process. You can salvage some marble from statues, and re-use canvases from destroyed paintings.
Just like the Arts skill, but takes half as long.


Syntax: STARE
Power: 2 (any)
Decay: 6 months
By carefully considering a hallmarked still life, you can call the depicted object to you by reaching into the painting and drawing the object out. The object must be in the local area, and must be something you'd be able to pick up, or something that's loyal to you. You can never summon an object that's loyal to someone or something else. Summoning an object takes a little time and cannot be interrupted.
Takes as long as teleporting to the nexus.


This requires one each of redtint, yellowtint, and bluetint. By tossing a splatter of paint at someone, you will make them too garishly colourful to remain shrouded. The paint wears off after a short time or can be scrubbed off.
Think of the works of Jackson Pollock. Effect is identical to FaerieFire and lasts the same amount of time, but can be cured by scrubbing, and not by focusing spirit.


............ EXHIBIT TO
Decay: 2 months
You can produce a painting depicting an inspiring, magnificent act of heroism. It requires a canvas and full palette to create the painting, and will be automatically hallmarked. Exhibiting this painting to someone will cause him to become reckless and deprive him of herb balance for two seconds.


Power: 4 (any)
This skill only works with exhibited, enchanted paintings, of the sort that can be touched to go to another painting in another location. By making a few subtle adjustments to such a painting, the aesthete can temporarily turn it into a prison; this can even be done in the interval between someone touching the painting, and falling into it. The change only lasts a few minutes. Anyone who falls into a painting that's been turned into a prison will be trapped, unable to do anything, for a period of 20 seconds, before the painting releases them.
The effect is the same as being pinlegged, except that you can't writhe from it, and it lasts a fixed amount of time.


Coats of green tint bring luck. Any weapon daubed with green tint (including musical instruments, athames, symbols, cudgels, etc.), when used, will have a 2% increase in its rate of critical hits. Note that every attack uses up one of the coats even if it doesn't result in a critical hit.


Power: 3 (any)
You must have a figurine of the same sort used in fighting rings. The figurine is converted into a denizen loyal to you, which you can order as you would other loyal denizens. Its attacks do only minor damage; however, a figurine that has been trained in, and won at, many fights in the fighting rings will do more damage, and be able to take more damage. If the homunculus is slain, it will revert to a figurine, and furthermore, will suffer the same loss it would suffer losing a fighting ring fight. However, if it happens to get a killing blow, it will gain twice as much. It will also revert to a figurine after one day, neither losing nor gaining.
Comparable to raisedead, save that the resulting creature's level depends on the figurine's training in fighting rings.


............ PONDER
Decay: 2 months
Repairing cracks in a hallmarked portrait of someone will repair harm done to that person, repairing any two afflictions suffered by that person (randomly chosen). The depicted person must be within the same area as you, and you will take damage to your ego as a result. When you ponder the painting, in addition to getting a sense for their state of health, you can learn their afflictions.
Cures the same things that allheale cures. Pondering still uses equilibrium.


Power: 2 (any) when used on someone else
You can identify the location of all hallmarked portraits of the specified person, at least those currently being held by someone. Only portraits in the inventory of logged-in persons will be included. The person you're cataloging must be present in the same room as you.


............ EXHIBIT TO
Decay: 2 months
Power: 2 (any)
You can produce a painting depicting a minimalistic image with an economy of elements. It requires a canvas and full palette to create the painting, and will be automatically hallmarked. Exhibiting this painting to someone will create a void in the mind of the target.
Think of the paintings of Mark Rothko. Afflicts with Void.


Decay: 3 months
Power: 2 (any)
By transcribing elements between two hallmarked portraits of people who are both present, you will strip one random defense from one person, and give it to the other person. The decay affects both portraits.
Can steal any defense that is normally stripped by defense-stripping skills, except those where it wouldn't make sense for the other person to get it too.


Adding coats of purple tint to a weapon that is envenomed will increase the likelihood of the poisons being delivered. A coat of paint will be used up each time there's a chance the poison will be delivered, whether it is or not.


Decay: 1 month
Firming the connection between a person and the background in a portrait will help affix the person to the location. You must be in the same location as the person. The effect lasts for five minutes, and while it's happening, the person cannot be pulled or called away to adjacent locations by skills like beckon, summon, and chaindrag. (They can still be pushed away from the location by skills like tackle and gust, however.)


............ PONDER
Decay: 3 months
Touching up the base coat, the underlayer of a painting, will heal the most deep of damage. Each application will heal deep wounds or ruptures on the target, in whichever body part needs it most. The depicted person must be within the same area as you, and you will take damage to your ego as a result. In addition, pondering the painting will add a summary of the depicted person's deep wounds status.
Works like the Healing skill Farcure Deepwounds. Ponder still uses equilibrium.


............ EXHIBIT TO
Decay: 2 months
You can produce a painting depicting a complicated jumble of many imagery elements. It requires a canvas and full palette to create the painting, and will be automatically hallmarked. Exhibiting this painting to someone will give the victim two random mental afflictions.


Syntax: STARE
Power: 2 (any)
Decay: 6 months
By carefully considering a hallmarked portrait, you can call the depicted person to you by reaching into the painting and drawing the person out. The person must be in the local area. The summon is blocked by a monolith unless the person is in an adjacent location.
Takes half as long as Planar Summon. Can be resisted similarly to it.


Syntax: ANIMATE (to use an existing statue)
............ ANIMATE GOLEM (to create a temporary golem)
Power: 5 (any)
This requires a statue in the room that has more than 24 months of life, and a full palette. By applying paints to the statue to make it more lifelike, you can temporarily bring it to life as a golem, loyal to you, which you can order to attack a single target at a time. A golem makes for a fairly powerful defender capable of dealing a fair amount of damage, but it remains rooted to the spot, unable to move or pursue. The golem can also take a lot of damage. If slain, it reverts to statue form, and loses 24 months of remaining life. It will revert after one day if not slain, but loses nothing. Note that while animated, even if it's enchanted, it no longer acts as a statue, but when it reverts, it will return to its previous form and function.

In locations without a statue where statues may not be erected, you may create a golem directly out of six blocks of marble, without creating a statue first. This golem will behave the same as the ones fashioned from a statue, but it won't be as strong, or able to withstand as much damage. When it is slain or a day passes, it will be destroyed, leaving nothing behind.


Power: 1 (any)
Decay: 12 months
By showing someone a portrait of himself, you can transfix him. In addition, if the target has the egovice affliction, it will deal a burst of damage.


Adding coats of gold tint to a shield will provide a temporary immunity to stuns to the wearer. Any blow that would have caused stun will have no effect (but will also not grant stun immunity), while also consuming one coat of tint.


Power: 10 (any)
Decay: 12 months
The balance of shadows and light is one of the most challenging elements to get right when painting landscapes. By adjusting the shadows and light in a hallmarked landscape while standing in the location it depicts, you can remove certain effects from a location. This requires not only the hallmarked portrait of the location, but an extended period of uninterrupted concentration in the depicted location.
Takes 10 seconds and cannot be interrupted. Removes from that location the following effects: choke, brumetower, shine, and... and what? We need more ideas so that this is useful, and equally useful, for everyone. But they have to be things related to the location, not the people in it, since it's affecting the landscape painting. Also, keep in mind that this will be very easy to prevent: the person doing it can't do anything else while it's happening, and you can see them doing it, so you'd know to start pounding on them instantly.


Power: 2 (any)
By preparing your artist's eye for detail, you can recognize falsehoods and impersonations. While this defense is up, you have a substantial increase to your chance of recognizing illusions, and you will also have a chance to see through glamours, marauder's masks, and masquerade masks. The defence lasts only a day.


Power: 5 (any)
You can transcribe a person from a hallmarked portrait into a hallmarked landscape, causing that person to be instantly transported to that location. The person must be present in the room with you, and the transport is resisted as any summons, including by monolith sigils. If the transport succeeds, both paintings are destroyed.

Xiel2008-07-02 18:40:43
Yay ideas. A bit iffy on some of them, but it's much more than what I could come up with, so kudos. -thumbsup-
Unknown2008-07-02 18:49:02
didn't they take out all transfixes along time ago?
Lendren2008-07-02 18:50:34

Which reminds me, this needs a way to strip blindness since blindness will defend against a lot of it... editing.
Ardmore2008-07-02 19:15:49
In class but after taking a quick look I actually... would quite enjoy this. Be home in a few hours to read it more carefully and I'll gather my thoughts.

I really like the idea behind the idea, good job Lendren.
Celina2008-07-02 19:19:12
Cool content.gif

A couple comments:

A big fat NO on the no power, active void. At least dreamweavers have the restriction of being in dreamform.

Also a "no" on the Shadows thing. Making a skill to specifically target Night is the Spiritsinger in you, but it's not balanced.

Another "no" to the stun immunity.

I don't know how fond I am of giving bards another tertiary when they already have glamours all to themselves, but you have some really awesome ideas.
Druken2008-07-02 19:19:57
It's very neat! But why would a Harbinger want to strip shadows? Could that particular skill be swapped with something more Harbinger-oriented in the Harbinger bards' skillset?
Lendren2008-07-02 19:27:31
We can certainly put power onto the Void thing. I can also change the affliction, though I talked to a lot of people, and everyone ended up coming back to Void as a way for it to be worth doing but not overpowering (particularly since the bard has no way to prevent void being cured, or take advantage of it). So suggest what it should be changed to, or what the cost should be. I'm all ears.

The Shadows skill would ideally also be able to strip other room effects so that everyone can use it. Suggestions are welcome. Thing is, there aren't that many room effects like that, and most things that could be seen as a room effect already have ways to get rid of them. Shadows stand out as something that you can't remove and that's why it makes sense to have a way to remove it added somewhere -- it means those who learn this are immediately useful because they can do something no one else can do. There's plenty of other situations like this, where the only counter to A is something that is only available to people who know B. Thus, I think the best way to fix that is to give the Shadows skill two or more uses, so that everyone has some use for it. What else makes sense for it to be able to do?

Though, really, there's tons of skills out there that are shared between multiple guilds but only one of those guilds can really make use of it. So it's not so precedent-violating as you guys are making it out to be.

I really appreciate the positive comments about the concept and theme. I know that the specific skills and costs are something I'm not great at tweaking, and I expect that the comments on this thread will help me get input from people better at that than me (as I have already gotten from a number of other people including Nejii, Asmodea, and Xiel). We can tweak those things easy, if the underlying concept is sound and interesting. smile.gif
Fionn2008-07-02 19:27:53
Some random thoughts:

Touchup yellow and gold sound ridiculously good. How long does it take to recover from a touchup with these? In comparison, touchup red, green, and purple look weak. It is odd that gold gives 100% stun immunity on the next stun hit, but touchups that only give a chance to increase a given rate get consumed irregardless of success. Green is especially bad because it will require a ton of applications to be of any use at all, and greentint requires some herbs that already have greater supply than demand more often than not (hi, myrtle and galingale!). Ew.

Afflictions given out are equally imbalanced. Why would anyone pick fear over void? Void at all sounds really iffy - its only defended as a "reasonable" dreamweaver affliction as is because a weaver in dreambody can do little else of direct combat value while in that state.

Shadows needs a secondary function of some sort so any Glom who manages to get that far up doesn't feel like they've been totally ripped off. That's a bit like giving out a skill that specifically strips lich (or prevents the use of trueheal) at mythical level in a new tertiary for monks.

But the idea behind the set is neat.
Lendren2008-07-02 19:29:17
QUOTE(Celina @ Jul 2 2008, 03:19 PM) 527785
I don't know how fond I am of giving bards another tertiary when they already have glamours all to themselves, but you have some really awesome ideas.

Assuming you do the usual thing of considering "guardian + wiccan" to be sort of one class (with variations), and anyway, four guilds; and "druid + mage" the same way... there's already several examples of a pair of tertiaries only available to one group of four guilds, so why is this different?
Lendren2008-07-02 19:32:28
All the tint touchups last by the number of uses. Get hit ten times, and you've used up the ten coats. For instance, you might PROBE ROBES and at the end, you'd see "There are 8 coats of yellow tint touching it up." (Only with better grammar.) Get hit by something that depends on the protection (i.e., almost everything), and you now have 7 coats. So they wear off quickly when being used, but otherwise not at all.

No one would ever pick fear over void. Just like no one ever picks most novice skills over fabled skills in almost every other skillset. All us tritrans folks forget that not everyone gets tritrans and the lowbies like to have something they can do too!

Funny about the void thing... opinion is 50/50 divided for whether it's too strong or too weak. Which I take as meaning it's perfect. I actually switched it to blackout at one point, and stupidity at another point, but people who know better than me keep dragging it back to void because it'd be something the aesthete couldn't capitalize on, or make stick, but it'd be useful for them in a group -- which fits the idea of the skillset's offense being primarily support-based.

I put 2 power on it to provide a starting point for the next phase of the discussion about Minimalism.
Ardmore2008-07-02 19:36:20
QUOTE(Celina @ Jul 2 2008, 03:19 PM) 527785
I don't know how fond I am of giving bards another tertiary when they already have glamours all to themselves, but you have some really awesome ideas.

Hey. Shh. Glamours sucks. I think all bards should get Ecology. dazed.gif
Xenthos2008-07-02 19:36:42
Void is pretty good at preventing curing of itself, Lendren, especially if other herb-cures are thrown in behind it. Even more so if one of those is stupidity (in the form of a poison, perhaps, utilizing the purpletouchup).

As to the shadows thing: That really is the in you, as Celina said (though tweaked it a bit). It doesn't even make a whole lot of sense in the skillset (as suggested)-- *removing* shadows isn't the hard part, actually getting the shadows *correctly* is the difficult aspect of the art. There's a lot more "ooh, ahh!" of artwork with appropriate shadowing/depth than flat, shadowless pieces.

Edit: And to the 50/50 thing, I'd be interested in hearing names of those who think it's fine as suggested, and names who think it's overly much. That might help clarify why it's 50/50.
Fionn2008-07-02 19:45:48
QUOTE(Lendren @ Jul 2 2008, 02:32 PM) 527793
No one would ever pick fear over void. Just like no one ever picks most novice skills over fabled skills in almost every other skillset. All us tritrans folks forget that not everyone gets tritrans and the lowbies like to have something they can do too!

And no one likes skills that eventually become obsolete, or are even of questionable value before you get to the higher echelons in the skillset. Some people work hard to get their crappy skills replaced with more useful things over time. If you're going to start a new skillset, you may as well try to make sure that everything is useful, at least situationally!

Having said that, Grotesquerie might be more fun if it gave some sort of phobia based affliction as well as fear. You could even vary which phobia it gives depending on what "stock" painting you make.

Shadows also has way too high of a power cost for its given purpose, unless its purpose is going to be expanded. New shadows can be dropped again very quickly. You might make it prevent shadows from being dropped for a set period of time instead, or for the Gloms, similarly block them from being removed/extend the period of time that they would remain dropped beyond normal decay time.
Ardmore2008-07-02 19:46:20
I'm sorry I must have missed this and I can't find it with 'find'. How many coats does one tint give? Just one? Ten? A hundred?
Lendren2008-07-02 19:46:32
I never denied being Seren. So get the Glomdorian in you to suggest the other use for that skill that'd make it useful for everyone, like I've asked for.

Also, suggest what affliction to replace Void with. Personally I favor blackout, but I know that's another widely loathed affliction.
Fionn2008-07-02 19:47:35
QUOTE(Ardmore @ Jul 2 2008, 02:46 PM) 527798
I'm sorry I must have missed this and I can't find it with 'find'. How many coats does one tint give? Just one? Ten? A hundred?

Lendren2008-07-02 19:48:33
QUOTE(Fionn @ Jul 2 2008, 03:45 PM) 527797
Shadows also has way too high of a power cost for its given purpose, unless its purpose is going to be expanded. New shadows can be dropped again very quickly.

I like the limitation -- this skill is useless unless it's coordinated with someone else in your team preventing the shadows being replaced the moment it goes through. Which is as it should be.

QUOTE(Ardmore @ Jul 2 2008, 03:46 PM) 527798
I'm sorry I must have missed this and I can't find it with 'find'. How many coats does one tint give? Just one? Ten? A hundred?

As written, one tint gives two coats, and you can have a maximum of ten on an item. If this is looking too expensive, the number of coats per tint could be adjusted easily -- it's just a constant.

I am really appreciating the positive tone of these comments, even the critical ones by and large. Thanks everyone! I'm going back and editing in the changes that people propose that seem like good ones or ones with a consensus behind them, so don't think your criticisms and suggestions are wasted.
Xenthos2008-07-02 19:49:14
QUOTE(Lendren @ Jul 2 2008, 03:46 PM) 527799
I never denied being Seren. So get the Glomdorian in you to suggest the other use for that skill that'd make it useful for everyone, like I've asked for.

Or... replace it, since as I said, it really doesn't even make sense in the skillset as suggested. It's essentially a "This is something that I personally really want somehow, so I'm going to put it in this skillset and hope" suggestion (which, well, isn't the first time: it's happened with some skills like Rushing, but that doesn't really make it a great thing to encourage regardless).
Celina2008-07-02 19:52:12
QUOTE(Lendren @ Jul 2 2008, 02:29 PM) 527792
Assuming you do the usual thing of considering "guardian + wiccan" to be sort of one class (with variations), and anyway, four guilds; and "druid + mage" the same way... there's already several examples of a pair of tertiaries only available to one group of four guilds, so why is this different?

Druids and mages are very different. Wiccans and Guardians can be the similiar at times, I'll agree with you there, but not enough for me to agree with your line of reasoning (For example, wiccans are quite successful with hexes while nihilists...aren't. SD can fight with healing while Celestines can't). Bards are bards. It's not like they are "comparable"...they are the same.

edit: Blackout might work. Give it a small power cost, maybe 1? Blackout is easier to deal with than void IMO.