Fain2008-07-11 12:52:54
QUOTE(Atellus @ Jul 10 2008, 01:27 PM) 531044
2. How do you deal with a clearly forgetful NPC? Do you just ignore it and work in a reminder about what you last spoke about? Do you call the NPC (and thus indirectly the admin) on it ("How could you already forget what we spoke about last month?")?
The NPC side of any interaction is logged, so if you do give a little nudge to an absentminded NPC, said NPC will hopefully remember all about it with only the slightest of pauses.
QUOTE(Atellus @ Jul 10 2008, 01:27 PM) 531044
3. Do players ever drive RP plot lines? For example could I speak with a Kephera Queen about my (made up) concerns that the illithoid seemed to be breeding faster than normal, and that might in turn give an admin an idea for a mini event? Or is that kind of player attempt to drive things frowned on?
It's not frowned on by any means - it can work and when it does it's great! However, setting up an event can be a long, drawn-out process and this may make it difficult to roll with things spontaneously at our end.
Selverad2008-07-11 20:18:15
Does your rank affect your chances at interaction? Only one of my characters has any rank, and that's my Harbinger Undersecretary, not exactly the sort of person people are clamoring to see.
Saaga2008-07-11 20:22:10
I had Ciarrus speak with me when Saaga was barely out of novicehood.
Gwylifar2008-07-11 20:49:29
QUOTE(Selverad @ Jul 11 2008, 04:18 PM) 531472
Does your rank affect your chances at interaction? Only one of my characters has any rank, and that's my Harbinger Undersecretary, not exactly the sort of person people are clamoring to see.
In an ideal world, no. But I bet the admins, being only human, will be more likely to respond if the person is someone they've heard of and know something about, and especially if it's someone from whom they can expect a more pleasant or at least less unpleasant interaction. But "more likely" doesn't mean it won't happen. Admins being only human also means they may act on a whim, especially if the overture catches someone's fancy.