Unknown2008-07-15 20:44:44

In a small corner in the beautiful realm of Balilonia, there are whispers of a great treasure. The great King Anthony, a benevolent ruler for over fifty years, has fallen ill and died. In his years as king, he accumulated all sorts of wealth and treasure. He kept it hidden in a secret cove, away from the royal family and his all subjects. Why he did this, nobody knows. The king kept its location a well-guarded secret. Only he and a few of his most trusted guards knew its wareabouts.
Rumors of this great treasure have spread to every inn and tavern in the land. All manner of adventurer and swashbuckler intend to find the treasure and claim it for their own. Only problem is, they don’t know where it is.
This is not a problem for one enterprising individual. A guard of the royal family has stolen the only map to the Cove for himself. In haste, he departed from his post, desperately trying to reach the hidden cove before anyone else. While resting in a somewhat rowdy and a boisterous tavern, he was just trying to mind his own business when he was confronted by a random pack of hooligans. He told them to go away, seeing as he was not in the mood for a brawl. Despite this, he got into a fight with them. Annoyed, he drew his sword in self-defense. One of the hooligans screamed in shock. Here they were, just trying to have friendly bar fight and the man draws a sword. As they were slowly backing away with their arms raised, one of the hooligans quickly draws a dagger from his side and flings it with easy at the guard's neck. The guard gurgles and struggles for breath, grasping for his map in his pocket. Everything in the loud tavern pauses for a moment, eyes on the hooligans. They run out, laughing and high-fiving each other.
A large group settles around the bloodied guard, who is gurgling and making other unpleasant noises as he drowns in his own blood. He fumbles with the map, holding it forward, like an offering to the group. Perhaps he knew he was going to die and wanted to do one kind thing before he met his maker. Perhaps he was just delusional. In one last attempt at speech, he manages to blurt out "Treasure!" and slumps over, dead.
The group of tavern-goers talk among themselves. They inspect the map, seeing it labeled as the king's treasure cove. Much debate and yelling ensue. The group is composed of many different types of people, some much stranger than others. They let no one leave the tavern. Finally, it is settled. They will all leave the tavern together for the cove, and spread the treasure evenly among themselves.
However, there are whispers of warlocks and psychopaths among them. The majority of the group, having dubbed themselves the fellowship, are weary of who they might be. How to solve this problem? Group lynches of course!
As a new day rises, the sixteen random people from the tavern depart for the treasure. The journey will take 10 days. No more, no less. Who knows who or what they will encounter along the way?
Alive and kicking:
Requiem dot exe
Deader than disco:
Shiri - DEAD (Serial Killer)
Lorick - DEAD (Mafia/Overpowered Evil Guy)
Xenthos - DEAD (Mafia/Overpowered Evil Guy)
Rika - DEAD (Vanilla Townie/Useless)
Archer2 - DEAD (Town/One-Shot-Lyncher/Warrior)
Othero - DEAD (Town/Doctor/Fighter)
Arix - DEAD (Town/Thief)
Shamarah - DEAD (Town/Day Investigator)
Unknown2008-07-15 20:48:12
(Stolen shamelessly)
Voting is required to be in the format Vote: Fain. Abbreviations are ok as long as they are comprehensible. Voting must be bolded to count.
Please Unvote if you wish to change your vote.
Day lasts until one of the following happens: a player has a majority of votes, no lynch has a majority of votes, a challenge is resolved, or a deadline comes.
Once a player or no lynch hits a majority, it is Twilight. No amount of unvoting will make any difference. You may continue to talk until I lock the thread.
I reserve the right to call a deadline at any time if a day is taking too long. At deadline, the player with most votes will be lynched. In case of a tie, no one will be lynched.
After the day ends and the lynching occurs and the challenge vote has been resolved, it is Night. At this point, if your role allows it, you may talk to people via PM. I will declare the deadline for night-choice submissions when I lock the thread. If you do not declare your night-choice, I will count that as ‘No Action’.
There is absolutely no reason Night should last more than a few real days. I will post a day on which night will end and all choices must be received by then or you will be considered to have abstained from making a choice.
Day will restart as soon after Night deadline as possible.
Do not quote anything relevant to the game from outside the thread. That includes PMs or parts of PMs from me, PMs from people you can talk to at night, or random observations third parties make elsewhere.
Do not talk about this game outside the game, unless your role permits. If your role permits, you may only talk when it is Night.
Do NOT edit your posts. Ever. Period. Even to fix typos. Double post if you have to.
If you're not going to be available for more than 48 hours, let me know. If you're not going to be available for more than a week, I reserve the right to find a replacement.
When you are dead, don't post in the game. (A simple "Bah, go town" is ok.)
I reserve the right to modkill anyone who breaks these rules. They really aren't very hard.
I reserve the right to modkill anyone who does not abide by a posting restriction.
I am always right, except when I'm not.
As a note, I'm not going to be modkilling people for determining scum by looking at people's profile views. It's your own fault if you get caught that way. Don't PM via the profile, because everyone can see you visited theirs.
Notes to the players:
Roles will be revealed at the end of a lynch and night. Role assignments are completely random. Talking outside the game with anyone is strictly forbidden.
If I catch anyone doing this or if I get a whiff of it at all, a Bad Thing will happen and you'll be modkilled - No warnings, no mercy. I wont have any sort
of cheating. This of course does not apply if I claim otherwise in your Role PM.
This game is different from conventional mafia games in the respect that each day, a "challenge" will appear before the group of travelers. How you overcome
the obstacle is up to you. The challenge can be either a threat, a chance to buy upgrades or weapons, etc etc. I must admit this is basically a modified
version of Shamarah's envoy device. Thanks Sham ^^'. Regular lynchings will still happen.
A little more on challenges. The day cannot be resolved until the challenge is finished. Challenges can give you gold, provide clues about roles, or maybe
give you items. -Every- player has a role flavor ability that has something to do with challenges. It is the first line of your powers list. For instance:
Disco Dancing Skills - Dance the night away. <------ This is your challenge ability.
Punch - Punch someone
Kick - Kick someone
So, I hope that clears it up. Challenges are a very important part of this game! Dont be afraid to argh-pee a little. It'll be fun. Also, after the day 1
challenge, all of them will be randomized. (I've already wrote them out)
The game will go on for exactly 10 days. On the 10th day, the travelers will have reached their destination and all roles will be revealed. The town wins
when all threats to Fellowship are vanquished. The fellowship will lose if they cannot achieve this by the 10th day. Because of all the different tactics and
variables in this game, a LyLo (Lynch or Lose) situation will be rare.
I want to emphasize that ninja lynches are not ok. Lurking is not ok. Right now I'm going to strongly discourage any type of ninja lynching or lurking. Be warned, if I see it, Bad Things might happen. For all concerned mafia, the town win condition is "You win with the fellowship."
Besides "Challenges", there is another important feature to this mafia game. The shopkeep system. If you encounter a small village with a shop, everyone will
be privy to shop and buy something. Once you do buy an item, you will receive a PM with important details relating to the item. Watch your pocketbooks
though! These items are meant to supplement you, or help you in some way. I was debating on figuring out some bidding system, but I'm going to do it
first-come first serve. I figure this will encourage activity among other things. If you want, you may trade or give gold to other players. Just make sure
bold your posts. It is perfectable acceptable if you wish to pool your money. Once the day is over, you will not be able to buy anything from that same shop
again. The shops will look like this:
Welcome to
Johan's Muck Stall!
a silver sword.................100g
a small blue pouch.............150g
a set of crummy armor..........300g
a few sugar snacks.............50g
For instance, if I wanted to something from this shop, I'd type
For dealing with other players, you can use these syntaxes:
Remember to bold!
Again, as a reminder - absolutely no talking about the game outside the forum unless I specifically say its ok. No aim, no OOC channels, etc. Talking with
someone over an OOC channel is not talking in private. Just do not do it. It goes against the spirit of the game and is unfair to all the players involved.
Even if you die do not discuss the game. A common blunder is people telling their friends who they investigated, who they killed, while the game is still
going even though they are dead. DO NOT DO THIS. There are revive abilities in this game. If you are killed it is not necessarily the end for you. Dying does
not give you license to go have a hissy fit and reveal all your night actions. Keep a cool head.
Oh, and have fun.
(Stolen shamelessly)
Voting is required to be in the format Vote: Fain. Abbreviations are ok as long as they are comprehensible. Voting must be bolded to count.
Please Unvote if you wish to change your vote.
Day lasts until one of the following happens: a player has a majority of votes, no lynch has a majority of votes, a challenge is resolved, or a deadline comes.
Once a player or no lynch hits a majority, it is Twilight. No amount of unvoting will make any difference. You may continue to talk until I lock the thread.
I reserve the right to call a deadline at any time if a day is taking too long. At deadline, the player with most votes will be lynched. In case of a tie, no one will be lynched.
After the day ends and the lynching occurs and the challenge vote has been resolved, it is Night. At this point, if your role allows it, you may talk to people via PM. I will declare the deadline for night-choice submissions when I lock the thread. If you do not declare your night-choice, I will count that as ‘No Action’.
There is absolutely no reason Night should last more than a few real days. I will post a day on which night will end and all choices must be received by then or you will be considered to have abstained from making a choice.
Day will restart as soon after Night deadline as possible.
Do not quote anything relevant to the game from outside the thread. That includes PMs or parts of PMs from me, PMs from people you can talk to at night, or random observations third parties make elsewhere.
Do not talk about this game outside the game, unless your role permits. If your role permits, you may only talk when it is Night.
Do NOT edit your posts. Ever. Period. Even to fix typos. Double post if you have to.
If you're not going to be available for more than 48 hours, let me know. If you're not going to be available for more than a week, I reserve the right to find a replacement.
When you are dead, don't post in the game. (A simple "Bah, go town" is ok.)
I reserve the right to modkill anyone who breaks these rules. They really aren't very hard.
I reserve the right to modkill anyone who does not abide by a posting restriction.
I am always right, except when I'm not.
As a note, I'm not going to be modkilling people for determining scum by looking at people's profile views. It's your own fault if you get caught that way. Don't PM via the profile, because everyone can see you visited theirs.
Notes to the players:
Roles will be revealed at the end of a lynch and night. Role assignments are completely random. Talking outside the game with anyone is strictly forbidden.
If I catch anyone doing this or if I get a whiff of it at all, a Bad Thing will happen and you'll be modkilled - No warnings, no mercy. I wont have any sort
of cheating. This of course does not apply if I claim otherwise in your Role PM.
This game is different from conventional mafia games in the respect that each day, a "challenge" will appear before the group of travelers. How you overcome
the obstacle is up to you. The challenge can be either a threat, a chance to buy upgrades or weapons, etc etc. I must admit this is basically a modified
version of Shamarah's envoy device. Thanks Sham ^^'. Regular lynchings will still happen.
A little more on challenges. The day cannot be resolved until the challenge is finished. Challenges can give you gold, provide clues about roles, or maybe
give you items. -Every- player has a role flavor ability that has something to do with challenges. It is the first line of your powers list. For instance:
Disco Dancing Skills - Dance the night away. <------ This is your challenge ability.
Punch - Punch someone
Kick - Kick someone
So, I hope that clears it up. Challenges are a very important part of this game! Dont be afraid to argh-pee a little. It'll be fun. Also, after the day 1
challenge, all of them will be randomized. (I've already wrote them out)
The game will go on for exactly 10 days. On the 10th day, the travelers will have reached their destination and all roles will be revealed. The town wins
when all threats to Fellowship are vanquished. The fellowship will lose if they cannot achieve this by the 10th day. Because of all the different tactics and
variables in this game, a LyLo (Lynch or Lose) situation will be rare.
I want to emphasize that ninja lynches are not ok. Lurking is not ok. Right now I'm going to strongly discourage any type of ninja lynching or lurking. Be warned, if I see it, Bad Things might happen. For all concerned mafia, the town win condition is "You win with the fellowship."
Besides "Challenges", there is another important feature to this mafia game. The shopkeep system. If you encounter a small village with a shop, everyone will
be privy to shop and buy something. Once you do buy an item, you will receive a PM with important details relating to the item. Watch your pocketbooks
though! These items are meant to supplement you, or help you in some way. I was debating on figuring out some bidding system, but I'm going to do it
first-come first serve. I figure this will encourage activity among other things. If you want, you may trade or give gold to other players. Just make sure
bold your posts. It is perfectable acceptable if you wish to pool your money. Once the day is over, you will not be able to buy anything from that same shop
again. The shops will look like this:
Welcome to
Johan's Muck Stall!
a silver sword.................100g
a small blue pouch.............150g
a set of crummy armor..........300g
a few sugar snacks.............50g
For instance, if I wanted to something from this shop, I'd type
For dealing with other players, you can use these syntaxes:
Remember to bold!
Again, as a reminder - absolutely no talking about the game outside the forum unless I specifically say its ok. No aim, no OOC channels, etc. Talking with
someone over an OOC channel is not talking in private. Just do not do it. It goes against the spirit of the game and is unfair to all the players involved.
Even if you die do not discuss the game. A common blunder is people telling their friends who they investigated, who they killed, while the game is still
going even though they are dead. DO NOT DO THIS. There are revive abilities in this game. If you are killed it is not necessarily the end for you. Dying does
not give you license to go have a hissy fit and reveal all your night actions. Keep a cool head.
Oh, and have fun.
Unknown2008-07-15 20:49:16
It is now PREGAME.
Role PMs are being sent out. The game will start with Day 1.
Role PMs are being sent out. The game will start with Day 1.
Silvanus2008-07-15 21:04:08
Sounds exciting.
Shaddus2008-07-15 21:04:57
QUOTE(Silvanus @ Jul 15 2008, 04:04 PM) 533126
Sounds exciting.
Wait, too late to join?
Rika2008-07-15 21:14:38
And where's my PM?

And where's my PM?

Shamarah2008-07-15 21:16:38
Trust Balizar to come up with an even more obscenely complicated game mechanic than I did.
Thul2008-07-15 21:23:18
I'm spending all my money on ale and whores.
Silvanus2008-07-15 21:28:13
QUOTE(Thul @ Jul 15 2008, 04:23 PM) 533133
I'm spending all my money on ale and whores.
Gives 10 gold to Thul.
Room A or Room B?
Thul2008-07-15 21:44:48
QUOTE(Silvanus @ Jul 15 2008, 04:28 PM) 533134
Gives 10 gold to Thul.
Room A or Room B?
Room A or Room B?
Uh. One, I'm no gigolo. Two, after doubling back and checking a few things, I'm 80% certain that you're male. Do you really think I'd be up for that?
Give me another 20 and meet in Room A. 40 and I'll let you bring a friend.
Unknown2008-07-15 21:44:49
Balizar I told you if I didn't get a dwarf tosser role I'd quit. YOU JERK :mad: But fine this looks cool so I'll stay. Jerk!
Unknown2008-07-15 21:47:26
Erp. I'm going to bed, so might be late coming into Day 1. Later!
Unknown2008-07-15 21:47:37
Ooooo, too bad Johhny. That door only has a goat behind it!
Oh wait, were those the whores?
Oh wait, were those the whores?
Unknown2008-07-15 21:56:02
All Role PMs are out.
If you want, PM me back with confirmation and any questions. Also - if there was a number next to beginning of your role, ignore that. You cannot use that in any roleclaim.
Your group has formed. You are preparing for the journey. Everyone is suited up, rations packed, and waterskins are in place. There is only one thing missing. A leader. Without a leader, your group will wander the lands aimlessly. A good leader should be someone who is tough and who has a good lay of the land. Do you have what it takes to lead? The leader cannot be lynched and will also receive a small bonus purse.
If you want, PM me back with confirmation and any questions. Also - if there was a number next to beginning of your role, ignore that. You cannot use that in any roleclaim.
Your group has formed. You are preparing for the journey. Everyone is suited up, rations packed, and waterskins are in place. There is only one thing missing. A leader. Without a leader, your group will wander the lands aimlessly. A good leader should be someone who is tough and who has a good lay of the land. Do you have what it takes to lead? The leader cannot be lynched and will also receive a small bonus purse.
Daganev2008-07-15 21:59:59
How does shopping work exactly, its all public or are those PMs we send to you?
Also... Yeah.. no dwarf tossing!
Also... Yeah.. no dwarf tossing!
Unknown2008-07-15 22:01:08
On the one hand, I want to lead, on the other.. Big big target..
And a more or less random Vote: requiem dot exe. I don't trust pipboy!
And a more or less random Vote: requiem dot exe. I don't trust pipboy!
Unknown2008-07-15 22:01:56
How does shopping work exactly, its all public or are those PMs we send to you?
Also... Yeah.. no dwarf tossing!
Also... Yeah.. no dwarf tossing!
Were my notes not clear? When you encounter a shop you will make a POST everyone can see outlining what you want to buy. Then you will receive a PM detailing what the item is.
Unknown2008-07-15 22:02:44

Daganev2008-07-15 22:04:11
If someone is about to be lynched, can they trade items and gold after the lynch goes through? Also, can we trade an item for 0 gold?
I'm going to nominate Daganev for leader because Dwarves should not be tossed.
I'm going to nominate Daganev for leader because Dwarves should not be tossed.
Daganev2008-07-15 22:06:21
Hmm, actually maybe we should have the investigator type person make themselves known, and vote them as leader...