Unknown2008-07-16 05:09:11
I see you Dag. Where's that roleclaim you promised
Shiri2008-07-16 05:12:47
QUOTE(Arix @ Jul 16 2008, 05:57 AM) 533447
I'm actually kinda reluctant to lynch Silvanus before he gets a chance to make a better defense post, so I'm going to
until after I hear it
until after I hear it
I don't think he's going to make one. What he's given is what we've got. Do consider Rika's pointing out his inconsistency about the hooker costume thing.
Silvanus2008-07-16 05:14:42
Which I answered.
Nobody had pointed it out to me that it was in my Inventory, and had no idea until osmebody had said that it doesn't make sense.
Sorry, I read it wrong.
Nobody had pointed it out to me that it was in my Inventory, and had no idea until osmebody had said that it doesn't make sense.
Sorry, I read it wrong.
Shiri2008-07-16 05:15:53
Ehhhh. Ok. Since I misread about the challenge power I guess I can believe that maaaaaaaaybeeeeeeee. I'll just leave my vote on him until someone better comes up.
Arix2008-07-16 05:16:36
If that's what we've got then
Lorick2008-07-16 05:20:03
Hmm, it does sound odd to me as well. This game just sort of has a real lack of information up to this point. I'll hold off for now, in hopes something else will come up in the next hour. If not, well...
Shiri2008-07-16 05:25:08
It's day 1 and we already have 2.5 roleclaims, what more do you want?
Silvanus2008-07-16 05:25:39
QUOTE(Shiri @ Jul 15 2008, 08:04 PM) 533292
I'm going to start off with Vote: Silvanus because his roleclaim is setting off my scum sensors. Aren't the temptresses usually villains?
We need to be extra-careful of roleclaims this game. And NO NINJA LYNCHING like last game.
We need to be extra-careful of roleclaims this game. And NO NINJA LYNCHING like last game.
I'm going to go out on a limb, this was the first vote on me and nobody had started accusing me of anything suspicious until Shiri started firing away at me (people said my roleclaim was iffy but, blame damn Bali for giving me an unbelieveable role then).
I reference tihs post below me:
QUOTE(Thul @ Jul 15 2008, 08:19 PM) 533302
Unnominate Daganev for leader
I hate it when Daganev goes on the defensive... trying to track his thought processes is ridiculously difficult for me.
For now... ugh. I know Shamarah's gonna bust a blood vessel as I ask this, but a full roleclaim out of Daganev might be nice. I foresee six pages of largely unhelpful bickering ahead, otherwise.
Holding off on the leader nomination until I hear from some of you who haven't posted anything yet. Still asking for information from everyone as to why they're going on this journey.
I hate it when Daganev goes on the defensive... trying to track his thought processes is ridiculously difficult for me.

Holding off on the leader nomination until I hear from some of you who haven't posted anything yet. Still asking for information from everyone as to why they're going on this journey.
To point out that up until Shiri started posting, most people were suspicious of Daganev. Who even had two people jump to nominate him quickly, and when he became suspicious to try to distance themselves from him quickly. To me this has always seemed very scummy, jumping to the assistance of somebody on day one quicker then anybody else, then distancing himself.
The only arguments people have against me is the fact that I miscommunicated about being able to buy hooker attire for fifty gold and the ones that I have repeated twice in my defense multiple times.
Not to mention, not even everybody has posted yet.
Yes, I've given you absolutely all the information I have and there is nothing else to gleam from me. It comes down if you can believe a hooker to be a good person who is just wanting to get away from being a hooker.
And to answer Visaeris:
When have i ever communicated in a fashion that isn't considered poor?
Amarysse2008-07-16 05:25:39
I can't speak for everyone, of course, but my belongings are clearly described as such.
Lorick2008-07-16 05:27:26
Same, but it could be you are different.
Silvanus2008-07-16 05:27:32
QUOTE(Amarysse @ Jul 16 2008, 12:25 AM) 533462
I can't speak for everyone, of course, but my belongings are clearly described as such.
So are mine.
If Shiri is allowed a mistake, why am I not allowed one? Some people skim-read. I just saw Hooker Attire and 50 gold.
Amarysse2008-07-16 05:27:42
As the prostitute has said, however, all of us haven't yet spoken, or given our input.
Lorick2008-07-16 05:28:14
Ahh, I finally got what you mean. You confused the gold and the gear. Ok. That is understandable to me.
Unknown2008-07-16 05:50:28
Well after deliberating extensively..
Unvote: Silvanus
I'm willing to run with it. I think it's very possible Silvanus is town, and I hope I don't end up regretting this
I'm going back to Daganev, because he failed to follow through on the roleclaim he said he would give, and I saw him browsing the thread.
Vote: Daganev
Unvote: Silvanus
I'm willing to run with it. I think it's very possible Silvanus is town, and I hope I don't end up regretting this
I'm going back to Daganev, because he failed to follow through on the roleclaim he said he would give, and I saw him browsing the thread.
Vote: Daganev
Daganev2008-07-16 05:51:10
Ok, first of all, my accent is just flavor, not manditory. Bali suggested we Roleplay and have some fun, so I was. But that is getting in the way of communication now, so it is on hold.
Here are the reasons why I think Visaeris is UNSAFE for Leader.
This is a pretty safe roleclaim, however since this roleclaim, Visaeris has said that he has told us everything there is to know, and I find that odd. I find this odd because both Thul and myself have a place of orging, and a specific item that we are on the quest to find. Visaeris does NOT state anywhere in this post that he is out for gold, if anything I would think that he is out to slay dragons!
The other thing I find suspicious from this post is the fact that 2 mafia last game, used the role claim of "hard to kill at night". This is a good claim for mafia, because if they don't die at night its "covered" and if there is other mafia out there, they are a "hard target" (i.e. spend your efforts on someone else first) In other words, this claim is a win/win for the person making the claim.
Actual people who have "survivor" roles, tend to not reveal it until much later in the game.
The other part of this post I don't like is his ""go big or go home"... it is as if he felt that this was his chance to "lock in" a win, or lose. He has since stepped back from this position.
Here we have more information on his claim, but we got the impression from the first post that , -that- was his full claim, but now we have more info.
So, here we have that now Visaeris is a "mercenary" while before he just enjoyed hunting dragons, now his main enjoyment is getting gold, and he will go where the money is. An interesting shift in characther claim.
He also says here that the only way we will know if someone is town is with a "full disclosure" (as I will show later, he did NOT give a -full- disclosure. He also insists that it be airtight... as if at this point of the game we can know if its airtight or not. To me, airtight is something that Scum think about. Townies just have what they have and they hope not to reveal too much and survive. They can't make thier role airtight or not airtight.
He got quite defensive here. At the time he asked the question, I did NOT think he was lying, now I think there is a possiblity of a lie. Even if he is not lieing, he becomes a risk greater than we need. Thul's Roleclaim for example fits my roleclaim, and has less apparent risk.
His first paragraph betrays him. He says I offer nothing, then he goes on in the next sentence to say exactly what I offered. To Thul, and other such members of the fellowship who have specific treasures they are going after, saying that I want an to build an airship is a clear sign that I have a role similar to theirs.
Here is the clincher... Visaeris earlier said that we need a "full disclosure", yet here in this post, we see him "backstepping" and saying that his disclosure was not full. Here we see Visaeris claiming that he left some things "vague" on purpose. Even though before, he had us all convinced that he was "being open and giving FULL DISCLOSURE"
At this point, I DO NOT want Visaeris to be less vague about his resistance ability, I have a 50% suspicion that he is town and playing it safe. However, on the 50% chance he is NOT town, I say as leader, he is too dangerous.
(His line of argument about having the inspector investigate him didn't help my feelings for him either.)
(Oh one other point I found was that Scum tend to use the line "I don't want to copy and paste my roll" as a preemptive defense against making a blatant mistake. Both Silvanus and Visaeris did this, Thul and I did not)
As for my roll, I did not want to reveal everything at this point, but I might as well do it.
(I'm going to RP my roll, since its more fun that way)
Me name is Glob, and me come from d'great Mechanized City of Gogopogo. Me am a great engineer, and d'best of d'best. (As ye can tell from me wonderfull monocle and crazy clothing). As a fun lovin Dwarf from Gogopogo, me also have a wonderfull bag of tricks. Here let me show ye me wonderfull tricks.. I'm just going to OPEN ME BAG O'TRICKS, but do not be afraid. Me got d'bag from my crazy uncle as a gift when me left home, and have not had a chance to use it, so me not know what it does. But hopefully it do someting fun and amazing. Me have heard dat d'treasure has d'secret plans on how to build an airship, and me will do anyding to get me own Airship!
Me want to be a leader so dat me can get more gold so me can hopefully buy equipment to build wonderfull constructs to help us on our quest. Also, since so many people find us wonderful Dwarves annoying, me is happy to know dat ye will not lynch me when me use me bag, and me uncle ends up mean and me hurt someone.
At dis point me will NOMINATE THUL AS LEADER because he seems safe to me, and as long as me get me airship, he can have his chalice.
Here are the reasons why I think Visaeris is UNSAFE for Leader.
QUOTE(Visaeris Maeloch @ Jul 15 2008, 03:20 PM) 533162
Ok, I've been thinking and you guys know my policy has always been "go big or go home". With that in mind, Nominate Visaeris for Leader and here's my roleclaim (paraphrased per rules)
My name is Slogoth. I'm a Dragonslayer. A big, half-troll dragonslayer with a dragonsword, heavy-duty armor and a dull-brown pack. I've made a pretty decent living over the years hunting Wyrms, Wyverns, and anything with wings, scales, and a mean temper. I win with the fellowship.
In terms of abilities, I have Dragonslaying as a challenge power. I can dispatch dragons easily. I am also resilient, which makes it harder for me to be daykilled/nightkilled. A *lot* harder.
On a more OOC level, I'm also pretty smart, so it'd be good to lock me in as a townie and run with it. But that's up to you guys. Any questions about my claim?
My name is Slogoth. I'm a Dragonslayer. A big, half-troll dragonslayer with a dragonsword, heavy-duty armor and a dull-brown pack. I've made a pretty decent living over the years hunting Wyrms, Wyverns, and anything with wings, scales, and a mean temper. I win with the fellowship.
In terms of abilities, I have Dragonslaying as a challenge power. I can dispatch dragons easily. I am also resilient, which makes it harder for me to be daykilled/nightkilled. A *lot* harder.
On a more OOC level, I'm also pretty smart, so it'd be good to lock me in as a townie and run with it. But that's up to you guys. Any questions about my claim?
This is a pretty safe roleclaim, however since this roleclaim, Visaeris has said that he has told us everything there is to know, and I find that odd. I find this odd because both Thul and myself have a place of orging, and a specific item that we are on the quest to find. Visaeris does NOT state anywhere in this post that he is out for gold, if anything I would think that he is out to slay dragons!
The other thing I find suspicious from this post is the fact that 2 mafia last game, used the role claim of "hard to kill at night". This is a good claim for mafia, because if they don't die at night its "covered" and if there is other mafia out there, they are a "hard target" (i.e. spend your efforts on someone else first) In other words, this claim is a win/win for the person making the claim.
Actual people who have "survivor" roles, tend to not reveal it until much later in the game.
The other part of this post I don't like is his ""go big or go home"... it is as if he felt that this was his chance to "lock in" a win, or lose. He has since stepped back from this position.
QUOTE(Visaeris Maeloch @ Jul 15 2008, 03:48 PM) 533192
As for your question Thul, the truth is that I'm in it for the wealth, and the sizable purse at the end of our journey. I'm in it for my own riches, and I realise I can't get there alone. So I've chosen to join the fellowship, because it's easier to skin a dragon when you have a helping hand or two.
Here we have more information on his claim, but we got the impression from the first post that , -that- was his full claim, but now we have more info.
QUOTE(Visaeris Maeloch @ Jul 15 2008, 03:53 PM) 533196
Silvanus, here's the way I broke it down before I decided to reveal my role.
We *have* to pick a leader.
That leader *has* to be town.
The only way someone can prove they're town is full disclosure with an airtight explanation.
Ergo, any potential leader must fully admit to who they are and what they want.
I'm not the strongest. I'm sturdy, and I kill big lizards dead. My skill comes from my intellect and my focus and ability to root out enemies. It's easier for me to step up and share who I am than someone like a doctor or an investigator, with the added bonus of resilience in case something bad happens to a doctor.
Furthermore, the small gold bonus for being a leader is appealing to a mercenary like myself.
We *have* to pick a leader.
That leader *has* to be town.
The only way someone can prove they're town is full disclosure with an airtight explanation.
Ergo, any potential leader must fully admit to who they are and what they want.
I'm not the strongest. I'm sturdy, and I kill big lizards dead. My skill comes from my intellect and my focus and ability to root out enemies. It's easier for me to step up and share who I am than someone like a doctor or an investigator, with the added bonus of resilience in case something bad happens to a doctor.
Furthermore, the small gold bonus for being a leader is appealing to a mercenary like myself.
So, here we have that now Visaeris is a "mercenary" while before he just enjoyed hunting dragons, now his main enjoyment is getting gold, and he will go where the money is. An interesting shift in characther claim.
He also says here that the only way we will know if someone is town is with a "full disclosure" (as I will show later, he did NOT give a -full- disclosure. He also insists that it be airtight... as if at this point of the game we can know if its airtight or not. To me, airtight is something that Scum think about. Townies just have what they have and they hope not to reveal too much and survive. They can't make thier role airtight or not airtight.
QUOTE(Visaeris Maeloch @ Jul 15 2008, 04:02 PM) 533201
Here's a few questiosn for you, Daganev:
Do you think I'm lying?
Do you find any part of my statements or confessions to be suspicious, untrue, or in question?
Do you think I could come up with a convincing well-explained claim like that within moments of all of us finding out just who we're supposed to be in this little quest?
If there's another, better leader out there who can convince the fellowship that they're loyal, I'm fine with that. If they have some sort of special knowledge that would make them better suited, I'll get on board.
As for you, Bianca.. I'm not entirely sure how sleeping around is going to get us anywhere. I've at least got an ability that would aid a leader, but last I checked the village slut was never the best Field Marshall.
Do you think I'm lying?
Do you find any part of my statements or confessions to be suspicious, untrue, or in question?
Do you think I could come up with a convincing well-explained claim like that within moments of all of us finding out just who we're supposed to be in this little quest?
If there's another, better leader out there who can convince the fellowship that they're loyal, I'm fine with that. If they have some sort of special knowledge that would make them better suited, I'll get on board.
As for you, Bianca.. I'm not entirely sure how sleeping around is going to get us anywhere. I've at least got an ability that would aid a leader, but last I checked the village slut was never the best Field Marshall.
He got quite defensive here. At the time he asked the question, I did NOT think he was lying, now I think there is a possiblity of a lie. Even if he is not lieing, he becomes a risk greater than we need. Thul's Roleclaim for example fits my roleclaim, and has less apparent risk.
QUOTE(Visaeris Maeloch @ Jul 15 2008, 04:18 PM) 533217
Thul, my friend, I'm a bit confused.
Daganev's got an inconsistent accent and has offered no motives. I find it curious that you support making that kind of person unlynchable... He's offered no explanation as to who he is or what he's here for. We know nothing about him, beyond the fact that he's probably a dwarf and wants to build an airship. That's not a whole lot to go on when picking someone to render immune to the wrath of the loyal fellows of this quest.
As for my Resilience, I was intentionally vague on that one. It's not immunity, and it's not one-time. I'm hesitant to delve too much more into detail on the off chance that I do actually get leader, or if I don't, ensuring that I survive to continue helping the fellowship.
Daganev's got an inconsistent accent and has offered no motives. I find it curious that you support making that kind of person unlynchable... He's offered no explanation as to who he is or what he's here for. We know nothing about him, beyond the fact that he's probably a dwarf and wants to build an airship. That's not a whole lot to go on when picking someone to render immune to the wrath of the loyal fellows of this quest.
As for my Resilience, I was intentionally vague on that one. It's not immunity, and it's not one-time. I'm hesitant to delve too much more into detail on the off chance that I do actually get leader, or if I don't, ensuring that I survive to continue helping the fellowship.
His first paragraph betrays him. He says I offer nothing, then he goes on in the next sentence to say exactly what I offered. To Thul, and other such members of the fellowship who have specific treasures they are going after, saying that I want an to build an airship is a clear sign that I have a role similar to theirs.
Here is the clincher... Visaeris earlier said that we need a "full disclosure", yet here in this post, we see him "backstepping" and saying that his disclosure was not full. Here we see Visaeris claiming that he left some things "vague" on purpose. Even though before, he had us all convinced that he was "being open and giving FULL DISCLOSURE"
At this point, I DO NOT want Visaeris to be less vague about his resistance ability, I have a 50% suspicion that he is town and playing it safe. However, on the 50% chance he is NOT town, I say as leader, he is too dangerous.
(His line of argument about having the inspector investigate him didn't help my feelings for him either.)
(Oh one other point I found was that Scum tend to use the line "I don't want to copy and paste my roll" as a preemptive defense against making a blatant mistake. Both Silvanus and Visaeris did this, Thul and I did not)
As for my roll, I did not want to reveal everything at this point, but I might as well do it.
(I'm going to RP my roll, since its more fun that way)
Me name is Glob, and me come from d'great Mechanized City of Gogopogo. Me am a great engineer, and d'best of d'best. (As ye can tell from me wonderfull monocle and crazy clothing). As a fun lovin Dwarf from Gogopogo, me also have a wonderfull bag of tricks. Here let me show ye me wonderfull tricks.. I'm just going to OPEN ME BAG O'TRICKS, but do not be afraid. Me got d'bag from my crazy uncle as a gift when me left home, and have not had a chance to use it, so me not know what it does. But hopefully it do someting fun and amazing. Me have heard dat d'treasure has d'secret plans on how to build an airship, and me will do anyding to get me own Airship!
Me want to be a leader so dat me can get more gold so me can hopefully buy equipment to build wonderfull constructs to help us on our quest. Also, since so many people find us wonderful Dwarves annoying, me is happy to know dat ye will not lynch me when me use me bag, and me uncle ends up mean and me hurt someone.
At dis point me will NOMINATE THUL AS LEADER because he seems safe to me, and as long as me get me airship, he can have his chalice.
Daganev2008-07-16 05:54:41
QUOTE(Silvanus @ Jul 15 2008, 10:25 PM) 533461
I'm going to go out on a limb, this was the first vote on me and nobody had started accusing me of anything suspicious until Shiri started firing away at me (people said my roleclaim was iffy but, blame damn Bali for giving me an unbelieveable role then).
I reference tihs post below me:
To point out that up until Shiri started posting, most people were suspicious of Daganev. Who even had two people jump to nominate him quickly, and when he became suspicious to try to distance themselves from him quickly. To me this has always seemed very scummy, jumping to the assistance of somebody on day one quicker then anybody else, then distancing himself.
The only arguments people have against me is the fact that I miscommunicated about being able to buy hooker attire for fifty gold and the ones that I have repeated twice in my defense multiple times.
Not to mention, not even everybody has posted yet.
Yes, I've given you absolutely all the information I have and there is nothing else to gleam from me. It comes down if you can believe a hooker to be a good person who is just wanting to get away from being a hooker.
And to answer Visaeris:
When have i ever communicated in a fashion that isn't considered poor?
I reference tihs post below me:
To point out that up until Shiri started posting, most people were suspicious of Daganev. Who even had two people jump to nominate him quickly, and when he became suspicious to try to distance themselves from him quickly. To me this has always seemed very scummy, jumping to the assistance of somebody on day one quicker then anybody else, then distancing himself.
The only arguments people have against me is the fact that I miscommunicated about being able to buy hooker attire for fifty gold and the ones that I have repeated twice in my defense multiple times.
Not to mention, not even everybody has posted yet.
Yes, I've given you absolutely all the information I have and there is nothing else to gleam from me. It comes down if you can believe a hooker to be a good person who is just wanting to get away from being a hooker.
And to answer Visaeris:
When have i ever communicated in a fashion that isn't considered poor?
Me got impression from yer posts dat yer goal is to sleep to d'top and steal all our treasure. Me not dink ye are in conspiracy wit other warlocks, me think dat ye win on yer own by getting everyone to sleep wit ye by giving ye gold and trading in sneaky ways. But me could be wrong.
Silvanus2008-07-16 05:55:53
I didn't read all of Dag's post (going outside for a cigarette) except the last line where he nominates Thul as leader. While I've been pointing my fingers at Arix, Thul and Daganev for being a team which it appears to be that way even more.
Second, he did that as a lurker, that's very scummy. Didn't see him responding to it at all (will respond to the post more when I read it when I get back in).
Second, he did that as a lurker, that's very scummy. Didn't see him responding to it at all (will respond to the post more when I read it when I get back in).
Daganev2008-07-16 05:59:25
*I have noticed that Xenthos, Shiri and a few others have posted while I thought nobody was on the thread but me. I've also noticed that when I have multiple windows with multiple "reply" pages open, things get wierd. I don't think we can rely on the "x users are reading this topic" to be accurate.*
D'fact dat Silvanus does not realize dat Thul and me have similar claims because we are both Fellowship makes me even MORE suspicious of him. But maybe Thul is correct and only a few of us have such details in our roles
D'fact dat Silvanus does not realize dat Thul and me have similar claims because we are both Fellowship makes me even MORE suspicious of him. But maybe Thul is correct and only a few of us have such details in our roles
Daganev2008-07-16 06:00:47
Oh noes!
Me did not OPEN ME BAG O'TRICKS Boldly enough before!
Me did not OPEN ME BAG O'TRICKS Boldly enough before!
Amarysse2008-07-16 06:05:01
Since I'm still not entirely sure if I believe Bianca (Silvanus) or not, or whether Glob's (Daganev's) reasoning is more sound, I have another request while I think it over. I don't mean to detract from the current discussion, but everyone seems to have legitimate reasons for what they've said, and I'm beginning to wonder if the prostitute, the dragonslayer, and the dwarven engineer aren't all on the side of the fellowship, and giving in to paranoia.
Could someone please explain to me (I know it's been discussed, but suppose I'm just missing the logic in all the points and counterpoints) why it would be preferable to have someone weak, or potentially useless otherwise, in the leadership position? I really only need one succinct reply, so the ongoing debate about which of our group should be asked to leave can continue.
Thank you in advance.
Could someone please explain to me (I know it's been discussed, but suppose I'm just missing the logic in all the points and counterpoints) why it would be preferable to have someone weak, or potentially useless otherwise, in the leadership position? I really only need one succinct reply, so the ongoing debate about which of our group should be asked to leave can continue.
Thank you in advance.