Amarysse2008-07-16 06:06:08
Ah, and: Unvote before I forget.
Unknown2008-07-16 06:07:43
Daganev reaches into his bag, and finds a mechanical-looking sphere. He takes the sphere and throws it on to the ground. It rolls innocently across the floor. Finally, it comes to a rest against the foot of a random person. It just sits there, and nothing happens. Seems to have been a dud...
Daganev2008-07-16 06:08:43
QUOTE(Amarysse @ Jul 15 2008, 11:06 PM) 533489
Ah, and: Unvote before I forget.
Unvote what? Leader or lynch?
Me must say, me do not quite understand d'different reasons for having a weak or strong leader meself. We have too many "what ifs" and no knowledge to know which is better.
However, Gold is used for buying things, and me bet dat some dings will really help us, and we will want to pool gold to d'leader to buy really big nice dings.
Dat why me vote Thul for leader. He is not too strong, not too weak, and his claim is most like me own roll, so me find him safe to be leader.
Shiri2008-07-16 06:08:51
So wait, did you just open your bag of tricks, and that's supposed to do something when Balizar gets here? Huh. We'll see then.
In the meantime, Visaeris seems like a useless choice for leader now that I think about it even more because EVEN IF he's safe, the lynch protection is wasted on him since ostensibly he's hard to daykill. Again, we should discuss this after making a lynch.
Unnominate Visaeris for leader. (I know I don't have to do this but it helps keep track)
In the meantime, Visaeris seems like a useless choice for leader now that I think about it even more because EVEN IF he's safe, the lynch protection is wasted on him since ostensibly he's hard to daykill. Again, we should discuss this after making a lynch.
Unnominate Visaeris for leader. (I know I don't have to do this but it helps keep track)
Arix2008-07-16 06:10:06
I voted Visaeris as leader because if his claim is true, it NEVER hurts to have a tank leading the party. Unless you have a rogue, those are good too
Unknown2008-07-16 06:10:13
QUOTE(daganev @ Jul 15 2008, 10:51 PM) 533476
I find this odd because both Thul and myself have a place of orging, and a specific item that we are on the quest to find. Visaeris does NOT state anywhere in this post that he is out for gold, if anything I would think that he is out to slay dragons!
Don't have a place of origin or a specific item. I also left out the gold because, frankly, it slipped my mind. I wasn't even aware that it was of any consequence.
QUOTE(daganev @ Jul 15 2008, 10:51 PM) 533476
The other part of this post I don't like is his ""go big or go home"... it is as if he felt that this was his chance to "lock in" a win, or lose. He has since stepped back from this position.
Nope, I haven't stepped back at all. I used that terminology because it's a massive risk to go for leader and roleclaim. It's a huge gamble. I know the leader will be a big target, and my ability is not immunity, so there's a very real chance if I get the job I'm going to die. Hence, go big or go home.
QUOTE(daganev @ Jul 15 2008, 10:51 PM) 533476
So, here we have that now Visaeris is a "mercenary" while before he just enjoyed hunting dragons, now his main enjoyment is getting gold, and he will go where the money is. An interesting shift in characther claim.
Not a shift. Just a use of synonyms. Someone who's out for gold, which I said in response to Thul, can be considered a mercenary. It's an amusing tactic, quibbling over semantics, but I don't think it confused anyone else.
QUOTE(daganev @ Jul 15 2008, 10:51 PM) 533476
To me, airtight is something that Scum think about. Townies just have what they have and they hope not to reveal too much and survive. They can't make thier role airtight or not airtight.
Airtight is also someone who roleclaims on their second or third post think about. Because if someone doesn't believe me and convinces others of it, it's gets me lynched under the "lynch all liars" rule
QUOTE(daganev @ Jul 15 2008, 10:51 PM) 533476
He got quite defensive here. At the time he asked the question, I did NOT think he was lying, now I think there is a possiblity of a lie. Even if he is not lieing, he becomes a risk greater than we need. Thul's Roleclaim for example fits my roleclaim, and has less apparent risk.
Not remotely defensive, just tired of your annoying accent and stupid implications. I appreciate this post, because at least it's something I can tangibly respond to instead of passive aggressive foolishness.
QUOTE(daganev @ Jul 15 2008, 10:51 PM) 533476
His first paragraph betrays him. He says I offer nothing, then he goes on in the next sentence to say exactly what I offered. To Thul, and other such members of the fellowship who have specific treasures they are going after, saying that I want an to build an airship is a clear sign that I have a role similar to theirs.
It's called a rhetorical device. And since I got no such specific treasure, how was I to know?
QUOTE(daganev @ Jul 15 2008, 10:51 PM) 533476
Here is the clincher... Visaeris earlier said that we need a "full disclosure", yet here in this post, we see him "backstepping" and saying that his disclosure was not full. Here we see Visaeris claiming that he left some things "vague" on purpose. Even though before, he had us all convinced that he was "being open and giving FULL DISCLOSURE"
Full disclosure, aka the willingness to answer and fully disclose any questions about my role. I've answered every question and fulfilled that mandate. Peddle your nonsense elsewhere.
QUOTE(daganev @ Jul 15 2008, 10:51 PM) 533476
Me want to be a leader so dat me can get more gold so me can hopefully buy equipment to build wonderfull constructs to help us on our quest. Also, since so many people find us wonderful Dwarves annoying, me is happy to know dat ye will not lynch me when me use me bag, and me uncle ends up mean and me hurt someone.
Yeah ok.
In any case, I deliberately tailored my initial roleclaim post because I wasn't sure how lenient Balizar would be with copy/paste, but since Daganev's gone and done it I'll go ahead and do the same thing:
I am Slogoth. I am a kickass half-troll with a giant sword. My specialty is hunting dragons. I've made a lot of money over the years mercilessly hunting them. I do what's best for me. I'm on the journey for the treasure at the end of our quest. Additionally, i have a sizable wang. I win with the fellowship.
I am a Dragonslayer: If we encounter a dragon, I dispatch it effortlessly.
I am Resilient: I have a chance to avoid both day and nightkills.
Shiri2008-07-16 06:10:21
Ok, I guess Daganev's bag of tricks was crap today, maybe it'll have something tomorrow. It says "a random person" rather than actually being a random person, so it probably isn't a delayed-blast bomb or something.
Thul2008-07-16 06:12:53
The leader cannot be lynched. Ergo, the only way to get him (or her) killed is during the night. Or with a daykill power of some sort. Plus, there is the potential that the leader will have further purpose later in the game. So the scum will find it in their best interests to nightkill the leader faster than the other players, if not immediately. Therefore, stick someone wholly expendable in the slot to minimize damage.
There are other good candidates, but generally you don't want to put a doctor, cop, or other important role in there. You also don't want to put scum in there, because then you've got to rely on a night/daykill ability that may or may not actually exist among the fellowship. Visaeris's role, assuming it is true (still on the fence about this) would make him a decent leader, in case doctor abilities are limited or nonexistent.
There are other good candidates, but generally you don't want to put a doctor, cop, or other important role in there. You also don't want to put scum in there, because then you've got to rely on a night/daykill ability that may or may not actually exist among the fellowship. Visaeris's role, assuming it is true (still on the fence about this) would make him a decent leader, in case doctor abilities are limited or nonexistent.
Arix2008-07-16 06:13:34
Suddenly, the torch-bearer exploded, causing everyone to wonder where exactly we got a torch-bearer in the first place
Unknown2008-07-16 06:15:03
And yes my role really did include a sizable wang as a Dragonslayer. Who would have predicted that. In any case, Shiri, my daykill resilience is probably for daykill boldpowers, not lynches.
If we're holding off on hashing out the leader stuff, fine, who's got a lead on lynching someone besides Silvanus?
I also think Daganev's probably town, or close enough based on that orb thing.
Unvote: Daganev
If we're holding off on hashing out the leader stuff, fine, who's got a lead on lynching someone besides Silvanus?
I also think Daganev's probably town, or close enough based on that orb thing.
Unvote: Daganev
Daganev2008-07-16 06:15:14
QUOTE(B_a_L_i @ Jul 15 2008, 11:07 PM) 533492
Daganev reaches into his bag, and finds a mechanical-looking sphere. He takes the sphere and throws it on to the ground. It rolls innocently across the floor. Finally, it comes to a rest against the foot of a random person. It just sits there, and nothing happens. Seems to have been a dud...
Well Phooey!

Shiri2008-07-16 06:15:54
I really think Balizar wouldn't give us the chance to 100% screw ourselves day 1 by making the leader impossible for the town to kill.
I don't know, I just disagree with your analysis. If we want the leader protected, and we want people with useful roles protected, we want the people with useful roles to be leader. We probably DON'T want someone who's already resilient in there because then we're wasting it. We definitely do not want a scum in there but that's obvious.
When we settle on a lynch we need to see if anyone has a role that actually fits what the leader needs to be. If not, I still like the "bandwagon random person into it" strategy.
In the meantime though, lynching.
I don't know, I just disagree with your analysis. If we want the leader protected, and we want people with useful roles protected, we want the people with useful roles to be leader. We probably DON'T want someone who's already resilient in there because then we're wasting it. We definitely do not want a scum in there but that's obvious.
When we settle on a lynch we need to see if anyone has a role that actually fits what the leader needs to be. If not, I still like the "bandwagon random person into it" strategy.
In the meantime though, lynching.
Silvanus2008-07-16 06:17:55
It says day will not end until the challenge is resolved.
Shiri2008-07-16 06:19:45
QUOTE(Silvanus @ Jul 16 2008, 07:17 AM) 533510
It says day will not end until the challenge is resolved.
Yes, but we want the info from the lynching. If, say, we kill you and you're scum, Visaeris is highly likely not to be scum, and thus a much safer bet for townie leader.
Daganev2008-07-16 06:20:39
Me still do not trust prostitute. Me not letting some prostitute anywhere NEAR me airship designs.. she might sell dem to highest bidder instead of to best engineer!
Daganev2008-07-16 06:21:39
QUOTE(Shiri @ Jul 15 2008, 11:15 PM) 533506
I really think Balizar wouldn't give us the chance to 100% screw ourselves day 1 by making the leader impossible for the town to
Why not?, d'odds are low
Unknown2008-07-16 06:23:47
QUOTE(Shiri @ Jul 15 2008, 11:15 PM) 533506
I really think Balizar wouldn't give us the chance to 100% screw ourselves day 1 by making the leader impossible for the town to kill.
I don't know, I just disagree with your analysis. If we want the leader protected, and we want people with useful roles protected, we want the people with useful roles to be leader. We probably DON'T want someone who's already resilient in there because then we're wasting it. We definitely do not want a scum in there but that's obvious.
When we settle on a lynch we need to see if anyone has a role that actually fits what the leader needs to be. If not, I still like the "bandwagon random person into it" strategy.
In the meantime though, lynching.
I don't know, I just disagree with your analysis. If we want the leader protected, and we want people with useful roles protected, we want the people with useful roles to be leader. We probably DON'T want someone who's already resilient in there because then we're wasting it. We definitely do not want a scum in there but that's obvious.
When we settle on a lynch we need to see if anyone has a role that actually fits what the leader needs to be. If not, I still like the "bandwagon random person into it" strategy.
In the meantime though, lynching.
Since we lack a lynch candidate and no one's offered suggestions, I'm going to keep running the conversation on leader. If you don't pick me fine, whatever, but I do take issue with your reasoning.
You seem to be implying that Leader is some sort of protection... Honestly, it's not. By the usual odds/ratios of Mafia:Town, it's not like we're really at risk of someone getting lynched by a scum voting block. There are always more town than scum, at least in every game I've played, so it's not like the lynch immunity really goes for all that much in the way of protection from the bad guys. It's protection for a good guy from the good guys, and sort of a guarantee
The resilience is a boon because it'd protect me during the two avenues of attack open to scum to guarantee someone's death.
bandwagoning a random person into it just seems like bad form because it's a risk we don't need to take. If you don't like my claim, fine, take Thul. He seems expendable. But the reason I've campaigned so hard for it is because: A) i want the gold, I didn't start with much and I reckon items will be helpful.

If you don't buy the roleclaim and consistent position I've taken, fine. If you don't buy the fact that resilience is helpful to a leader, fine. But christ don't bandwagon some random chump, because that's a huge risk for no particular gain.
Shiri2008-07-16 06:26:39
QUOTE(daganev @ Jul 16 2008, 07:21 AM) 533518
Why not?, d'odds are low
It's not all about odds. If the scum had a chance to 100% win day 1, they'd want to get themselves put in the position, and then the game would be over. Others wouldn't necessarily, if they were genuinely looking out for the town's best interests. I don't know, it's just bad game design. I think Balizar wouldn't make that mistake.
Daganev2008-07-16 06:29:20
Its bad to go off assumptions of what you think the mod would do. Look how helpfull it was last game...
I say its best to not risk it and make sure we pick someone who isn't scum. To me, Thul looks least likely to be scum.
I say its best to not risk it and make sure we pick someone who isn't scum. To me, Thul looks least likely to be scum.
Daganev2008-07-16 06:29:57
Or myself. I'll be happy to play leader at this point since I'm all out in the open anyway.