Daganev2008-07-16 21:36:20
QUOTE(rika @ Jul 16 2008, 02:30 PM) 533902
Would anyone else like to comment on Visaeris' desire to get Silvanus lynched after the defending he did?
Because when I put the heat on Visaeris, he tried his best to shift the attention to somebody else, namely Silvanus.
Unknown2008-07-16 21:37:27
QUOTE(Archer2 @ Jul 16 2008, 02:34 PM) 533908
You won't gain A) because I'm not scum.
And how will you gain any info from my death? I didn't really side with anybody, crusade agaisnt anybody or anything.
And how will you gain any info from my death? I didn't really side with anybody, crusade agaisnt anybody or anything.
Your Silvanus thing makes me leery and there's some other stuff, gotta go get lunch but I'll dig when I get back.
As for info, tentative Shiri link.
Arix2008-07-16 21:37:53
And I'm not saying anything because I have to slog through god knows how many pages of posts to find out why Lowe now has people voting for him, so just get off my case
Rika2008-07-16 21:38:00
Long day ones suck. As Visaeris says, we're going in circles. Hey, we might even get to a point where we've had sixteen roleclaims. <.<
As such, let's just Vote: Archer. I think Balizar said something about us finding out more information on day two. If Archer wants to push for day two so much, we'll help him, right?
As such, let's just Vote: Archer. I think Balizar said something about us finding out more information on day two. If Archer wants to push for day two so much, we'll help him, right?
Arix2008-07-16 21:39:54
Why are people voting for Archer2? Can someone explain this to me, I'd really like to catch up on what's going on
Unknown2008-07-16 21:40:32
What Silvanus thing? That I voted for him? That makes me scummy? I thought he was going to die either way, I wasn't looking for an "easy kill" and in fact, from previous posts, it looked like people were waiting for me or requiem to kill him.
Arix2008-07-16 21:41:25
They were waiting for one or both of you to come weigh in on the matter, yes
Unknown2008-07-16 21:42:24
Ok, I don't think another roleclaim will help the Town and really this is silly. I will if you want to. I notice nobody has asked me for a roleclaim as yet, you'd think they'd actually want to find out who're they're lynching.
Furien2008-07-16 21:44:27
QUOTE(daganev @ Jul 16 2008, 01:09 PM) 533849
Sure, if you need me to point them out, I can do another one of those long post by post analysis for Visaeris's post ever since he received gold from Silveris.
His whole relationship with Silveris turned from enemy to best friend once he received the gold.
three things stand out in Visaris's posts.
1. He said that giving 48 gold proved his claim that Silveris had 48 gold (Silveris never claimed this, he claimed he had 50. This would not be a big deal, except that asking him about this lead to the two other points)
2. Visaeris ignored the danger of giving gold to Silvaris to activate his wench ability. (If gold does not activate Silvarius's ability, then that means he was lying before. Since Visaeris has a policy of lynch all liers, the fact that he did not call Sivlarus on this lie, or did not think it was a danger, makes me suspicious of Visaeris)
3. Visaeris defending Silvarius TWICE in a single post, and then denied ever defending Silveris.
His whole relationship with Silveris turned from enemy to best friend once he received the gold.
three things stand out in Visaris's posts.
1. He said that giving 48 gold proved his claim that Silveris had 48 gold (Silveris never claimed this, he claimed he had 50. This would not be a big deal, except that asking him about this lead to the two other points)
2. Visaeris ignored the danger of giving gold to Silvaris to activate his wench ability. (If gold does not activate Silvarius's ability, then that means he was lying before. Since Visaeris has a policy of lynch all liers, the fact that he did not call Sivlarus on this lie, or did not think it was a danger, makes me suspicious of Visaeris)
3. Visaeris defending Silvarius TWICE in a single post, and then denied ever defending Silveris.
This is a purely spectator comment, but, WTF. You misspelled SILVANUS like..eight times? In five different ways? In one post? Silveris, Silvarius, Silvaris?
Arix2008-07-16 21:44:52
I'm still keeping my vote on Silvanus until I have a compelling reason to do otherwise
Unknown2008-07-16 21:45:09
QUOTE(Furien @ Jul 16 2008, 09:44 PM) 533920
This is a purely spectator comment, but, WTF. You misspelled SILVANUS like..eight times? In five different ways? In one post? Silveris, Silvarius, Silvaris?
Iz called arge-pee kthnxbai

Unknown2008-07-16 21:46:15
QUOTE(Arix @ Jul 16 2008, 09:44 PM) 533921
I'm still keeping my vote on Silvanus until I have a compelling reason to do otherwise
Apparently he's proved his innocence. He's still suspicious to me though. Partially the reason I'm getting bandwagoned.
Arix2008-07-16 21:49:06
If Silvanus has 'proven his innocence' could someone back that up with links/quotes/interpretive dance?
Unknown2008-07-16 21:54:08
Mmmm.. Taquitos
Ok, focus time.
Silvanus has proved himself, at least as much as he can on day one. Period. He gave me the attire, before he was blocked from it. That's proof enough.
Now for great wall of posts
15 minutes later
So it feels right to support him for leader after trying to get him killed?
6 minutes later, he's convinced. 110% locked in, Daganev's a stand up guy. He's as town as they're going to get. But only 21 minutes earlier he was sure enough that Dag was sketchy that he'd toss in a vote.
and 3 minutes later Silvanus' position is unresolvable. So in the course of half an hour we've gone from Dag being scum to Dag being a stand up guy to Silvanus being scum (ignoring the proof contrary). Why do things have to be done? I get that things have to move forward, but they should move forward with reason. Silvanus' position is anything BUT unresolvable: it's been resolved
I think that's sufficient right there.
Since you asked, Arix, I'll prep a post quoting where Silvanus justified himself.
Ok, focus time.
QUOTE(Arix @ Jul 16 2008, 02:39 PM) 533914
Why are people voting for Archer2? Can someone explain this to me, I'd really like to catch up on what's going on
QUOTE(Arix @ Jul 16 2008, 02:44 PM) 533921
I'm still keeping my vote on Silvanus until I have a compelling reason to do otherwise
Silvanus has proved himself, at least as much as he can on day one. Period. He gave me the attire, before he was blocked from it. That's proof enough.
Now for great wall of posts
QUOTE(Archer2 @ Jul 16 2008, 06:32 AM) 533676
Hmm, our group having to pick a leader on Day 1 is a bit tricky, considering there would be (and most probably are) scum gunning for the Leader Position. Lynch immunity would be a huge boon for them, and we'd have to wait for someone like the Vigilante to take them out. Obviously, most of you aren't taking this likely, which is good because it's a critical decision.
The two top gunners now are Vis and Dag, it looks like and just for that fact they both seem shifty.
Vote: Daganev for now, just as a place holder.
Of course, it could also be useful to root out careless scum candidates for leader, so we should be extra-critical of them.
The two top gunners now are Vis and Dag, it looks like and just for that fact they both seem shifty.
Vote: Daganev for now, just as a place holder.
Of course, it could also be useful to root out careless scum candidates for leader, so we should be extra-critical of them.
15 minutes later
QUOTE(Archer2 @ Jul 16 2008, 06:47 AM) 533679
After further consideration, I'm going to UNvote: Daganev and Vote Daganev for Leader.
Because it feels right, and I'm still very open to discussion about it.
Because it feels right, and I'm still very open to discussion about it.
So it feels right to support him for leader after trying to get him killed?
QUOTE(Archer2 @ Jul 16 2008, 06:53 AM) 533682
Ok, well Daganev is a fairly sensible and smart person. While he may be scum, no amount of nit-picking on Day 1 can conclude conclusively that anyone is Town or scum right now. So I'll just vote for him. If he is Town, I don't mind him being Leader. If not, we can hope someone deals with him appropriately.
I'm looking over the discussions now, to see who looks scummy to me. Silvanus seems to be a primary suspect right now, so I'll have a look at him.
I'm looking over the discussions now, to see who looks scummy to me. Silvanus seems to be a primary suspect right now, so I'll have a look at him.
6 minutes later, he's convinced. 110% locked in, Daganev's a stand up guy. He's as town as they're going to get. But only 21 minutes earlier he was sure enough that Dag was sketchy that he'd toss in a vote.
QUOTE(Archer2 @ Jul 16 2008, 07:00 AM) 533686
Also, it looks like Silvanus's position is unresolvable right now and in the interest of progress I'm going to Vote: Silvanus .
Sorry guy, maybe if you're Town you'll get rezzed by someone, but things have to be done.
Sorry guy, maybe if you're Town you'll get rezzed by someone, but things have to be done.
and 3 minutes later Silvanus' position is unresolvable. So in the course of half an hour we've gone from Dag being scum to Dag being a stand up guy to Silvanus being scum (ignoring the proof contrary). Why do things have to be done? I get that things have to move forward, but they should move forward with reason. Silvanus' position is anything BUT unresolvable: it's been resolved
I think that's sufficient right there.
Since you asked, Arix, I'll prep a post quoting where Silvanus justified himself.
Unknown2008-07-16 21:56:08
If I were scum, how would voting to lynch him, then switching to support him be a smart tactical decision? I'm not stupid, so I would never expect it to help me "throw you off my tracks" or whatever. I don't understand how changing my mind makes me scummy.
Unknown2008-07-16 21:57:16
How much votes is that on me now? 7?
Daganev2008-07-16 21:57:31
QUOTE(Arix @ Jul 16 2008, 02:49 PM) 533927
If Silvanus has 'proven his innocence' could someone back that up with links/quotes/interpretive dance?
Visaeris thinks (as I understand it), that since Silvanus was willing to give him his hooker clothing, and he was willing to give him gold before he died, that that proves his innocence.
However, even before that, some people were finding Silvanus less suspicious because they believed his defenses against the attacks. (basically he claimed that his flavor text was getting confused with his non flavor text, and that he didn't read his role correctly the first time he claimed)
Unknown2008-07-16 21:59:51
QUOTE(Archer2 @ Jul 16 2008, 02:56 PM) 533931
If I were scum, how would voting to lynch him, then switching to support him be a smart tactical decision? I'm not stupid, so I would never expect it to help me "throw you off my tracks" or whatever. I don't understand how changing my mind makes me scummy.
I don't know, I can't think of any genuine reason under which you'd vote for a guy and then turn around and nominate him as unlynchable. It defies logic.
Anyways, Silvanus' defense of himself
QUOTE(Silvanus @ Jul 15 2008, 11:46 PM) 533542
My name is Bianca. I'm a hooker.
I joined this group because one day down near the local tavern, I was busy with a group of horny farmers when I overheard a pack of travelers talking(you guys) about a fabled treasure cache. I quickly joined this group, hoping to earn enough money to quit my hookin' ways. Wish me good luck with that. I win when the fellowship gets the treasure safely.
Sexual Prowess: I am comfortable enough with my sexaulity, that I can use my body to get what I want.
Wench: I can't really do anything besides sleep with you, which doesn't really help you, or me.
I joined this group because one day down near the local tavern, I was busy with a group of horny farmers when I overheard a pack of travelers talking(you guys) about a fabled treasure cache. I quickly joined this group, hoping to earn enough money to quit my hookin' ways. Wish me good luck with that. I win when the fellowship gets the treasure safely.
Sexual Prowess: I am comfortable enough with my sexaulity, that I can use my body to get what I want.
Wench: I can't really do anything besides sleep with you, which doesn't really help you, or me.
Decent roleclaim.
QUOTE(Silvanus @ Jul 16 2008, 01:08 AM) 533610
Give hooker attire to Visaeris
Once I die, I recommend Shiri, Rika, Arix and Daganev as most suspicious. Since now I'm one vote away.
Once I die, I recommend Shiri, Rika, Arix and Daganev as most suspicious. Since now I'm one vote away.
QUOTE(Silvanus @ Jul 16 2008, 01:13 AM) 533618
If it is hidden, the pass that is.
Visaeris can pass around the item to anybody once he receives it.
And I always think Arix is suspicious.
Visaeris can pass around the item to anybody once he receives it.
And I always think Arix is suspicious.
He gives me his item. This is blocked due to a rule change on Balizar's part, but he attempted to do it before the rule change. This means he had nothing to hide. His position has been that he's told us everything, and he followed that up by trying to spread around the attire as proof. He's also said there's nothing more that he can tell us, even when he was within 2 votes of lynch. To me, that's good enough to believe. We know he's a hooker, and he's been consistent(even if his communication has been lacking)
Unknown2008-07-16 22:00:47
QUOTE(Archer2 @ Jul 16 2008, 02:57 PM) 533933
How much votes is that on me now? 7?
Arix2008-07-16 22:04:44
I'm still mad at Silvanus for voting me 'because I'm Arix', but I'm just gonna hope that Bali didn't get his inspiration on Silvanus' character from that one hooker that turned out to be a serial killer.
I'm still mad at Silvanus for voting me 'because I'm Arix', but I'm just gonna hope that Bali didn't get his inspiration on Silvanus' character from that one hooker that turned out to be a serial killer.