Mafia: The Quest

by Unknown

Back to The Real World.

Unknown2008-07-16 22:32:20
QUOTE(Archer2 @ Jul 16 2008, 03:30 PM) 533960
I doubt this is going to end well for me, so I'm just going to do this because he's suspicious and to prove I have no "tentative link" to him.

*Flexing his giant muscles Uther glares at Shiri*
Say goodnight, you scum.
*Uther draws his weapon, leaps onto his horse and rushes at Shiri, axe raised*

LYNCH: Shiri

Huh... Didn't see that coming.

Unknown2008-07-16 22:32:25
Definitely by in the morning.
Furien2008-07-16 22:32:56
...Did Shiri even roleclaim? I can't remember.
Thul2008-07-16 22:33:52
Rika's last post was ridiculously opportunistic, by the way. Like, just, wow.

I was going to say I wasn't sure about Archer's claim, but... well, it looks like we're about to find out one way or another. Sounds like a headsman rather than a knight, oddly enough...
Daganev2008-07-16 22:33:53
QUOTE(Furien @ Jul 16 2008, 03:32 PM) 533967
...Did Shiri even roleclaim? I can't remember.

Arix2008-07-16 22:33:59
I don't think he did. I hope he isn't a townie, though
Furien2008-07-16 22:34:45
doh.gif Same.
Unknown2008-07-16 22:34:46
QUOTE(Thul @ Jul 16 2008, 03:33 PM) 533968
Rika's last post was ridiculously opportunistic, by the way. Like, just, wow.

Isn't she always?

Anyways, waiting eagerly for modpost~
Unknown2008-07-16 22:35:23
QUOTE(Furien @ Jul 16 2008, 03:34 PM) 533971
doh.gif Same.

You're not even in this game. Shush.
Unknown2008-07-16 22:35:46
Oops, crap. Forgot he didn't roleclaim.
Unknown2008-07-16 22:36:44
QUOTE(Archer2 @ Jul 16 2008, 03:35 PM) 533974
Oops, crap. Forgot he didn't roleclaim.

Really hoping he's scum because that's a big "oops" for a one shot instakill.
Daganev2008-07-16 22:37:09
QUOTE(Archer2 @ Jul 16 2008, 03:35 PM) 533974
Oops, crap. Forgot he didn't roleclaim.

How could you forget? What did you think his role was?
Furien2008-07-16 22:39:59
I'm making a spectator comment!

(Honestly, I'm just really tempted to c/p Lowe's 'Fail' post from -my- last ninja lynch. Bwahahaha.)
Thul2008-07-16 22:41:04
I'm going to laugh so frigging hard if this doesn't actually do anything.
Unknown2008-07-16 22:41:57
QUOTE(Thul @ Jul 16 2008, 03:41 PM) 533980
I'm going to laugh so frigging hard if this doesn't actually do anything.

I could see it being blocked under the "ninja-lynch" rule, but I hope not. I think it was a reasonable action.
Unknown2008-07-16 22:42:57

Archer2 convinces the group to lynch Shiri with a flash of his lawman's badge and drawn sword. Hesitantly, the group starts throwing pebbles at Shiri. Small pebbles turn into full-blow rocks. Soon an innocent attempt at making him leave is warped into a full-blow stoning. Shiri, trying to shield himself from the onslaugh of rocks, starts to spew vicious words. Within a matter of moments he's a raging madman, convulsing on the ground as the rocks pummel him. The group pauses for a moment, as if to show mercy on this strange character. Archer2 finds a large-ish rock nearby, almost a boulder, and carries it over to Shiri's head. He looks up, as if to hope the stoning has stopped, only to find a large rock falling before him, obscuring his last few moments of vision.

Shiri was:


Enter Deckard. You might seem sane on the outside, but on the inside you're a raging sea of malcontent and hatred. You hate all people. They dare travel through your lands on the way to find some "treasure"? They dare step on the holy soil you've spent your entire life protecting? They are trespassers. They must die. You have joined this merry fellowship in hopes of killing as many people as you possibly can. You dont care about treasure, all you care about is blood. You have no mystical powers, you dont need them. You win when you have killed 8 people or if you are the last person standing.

Natural Woodsman: A man of the woods, you can scavenge for food, hunt, pathfind, etc.
Innocence: You appear to be just a normal woodsman, and investigations will prove fruitless.
Throat slit: During the night, you can slit someone's throat, killing them.
Bow Shot: Once in the game during the day, you can take aim with your bow and shoot someone, attempting to kill them. (BOW SHOT X)
Local Discount: You get 1/2 off all items in shops.


The lynching segment of the day is over. Proceed with finishing the challenge.
Unknown2008-07-16 22:44:07
Well, good job Archer.

You got an SK.

An SK with innocence..

So, how about that leader?
Unknown2008-07-16 22:45:51
Well, good job Archer. That was honestly really ballsy and probably horribly inappropriate, but we all lucked out. So, you're town.

In any case, one SK(with innocence no less) down, now to the topic of leader. I could use another 3 votes to pick up the slot..

And fun fact, I don't think my resilience would've stopped that, since it was a lynch and not a daykill. So lucky me.
Arix2008-07-16 22:47:41
Thul2008-07-16 22:47:56
We're forgetting something.




No, this isn't a role ability. This is basic explorer protocol.