Mafia: The Quest

by Unknown

Back to The Real World.

Arix2008-07-19 07:08:45
I just want people to think. And I am skeptical about the thief because he stole from the supposedly poor Lorick when Vis had 500 gold, and he magically robbed Daganev right before he could have bought a mechanical contraption that just happened to cost the exact amount Daganev says he had
Amarysse2008-07-19 07:20:03
This bears consideration... Hopefully nothing will happen while I go to bed. (I'm going to try actually turning in before 5am, for a change.)
Lorick2008-07-19 07:40:37
Eh, what bothers me more is Dag was suppose to have 1000 gold, having earned nothing from challenges.
Arix2008-07-19 07:44:21
Lorick2008-07-19 07:53:56
Thief steals half, and he was robbed of 500 wasn't he?
Lorick2008-07-19 07:55:29
Ah, my mistake. Went back over the posts. Disregard previous.
Lorick2008-07-19 07:56:17
He needed 350, which if stolen from would leave him at 350, meaning he had 700ish.
Arix2008-07-19 08:14:22
QUOTE(daganev @ Jul 18 2008, 03:08 PM) 535179
Armor + sword = 350 gold.

Mechanical device = 700 gold.

I got robbed last night, which takes half my gold. You do the math.

This is where I got that he had 700 gold, btw
Unknown2008-07-19 08:19:51
Sounds about right. However, unless both Lorick and Daganev are in cahoots and are trying (for some reason or the other) to fabricate a thief from nothing, there probably is one running around, if only because there's really no likely reason for them to lie.

So now we have option 4: Arix the thief, who is trying to cover his tracks by suggesting that both Lorick and Daganev are lying, under the pretense of considering all the possibilities. Not targetting Visaeris/Slogoth and using that as supporting evidence against there being a thief sounds like a viable ruse.
Unknown2008-07-19 08:20:06
Option 5, rather.
Arix2008-07-19 08:36:40
I'm not saying there is no thief, I'm just trying to encourage people to think. I can see why that might worry some people
Unknown2008-07-19 12:34:34
Vote Daganev. Also, I don't see why people would lie about being stolen from so we most likely have a thief.
Thul2008-07-19 13:00:45
QUOTE(B_a_L_i @ Jul 18 2008, 04:27 PM) 535122
Sorry, just got back from the dark knight. The person in question had their chance.

The group makes it through the night without any casualities.

QUOTE(Lorick @ Jul 19 2008, 01:57 AM) 535336
Sorry guys, just got back and challenge was done and everything worth buying bought. Ah well.

I'd like to advance the theory that Lorick has a night action of some sort, and missed out on it due to inactivity last night. I'd also like to point out that we somehow got through another night without anyone dying. FoS: Lorick

What's the count on Daganev right now? Might want to hold off.

Thul2008-07-19 13:09:47
Vote on Dag is 5/8. One more, and then hold off until he gets back.

As for the thief... mmph. It should be fairly obvious who that is the next time we hit a town. (Hint: It's whoever can buy the most expensive item at all.)
Amarysse2008-07-19 19:27:05
QUOTE(Thul @ Jul 19 2008, 08:09 AM) 535412
Vote on Dag is 5/8. One more, and then hold off until he gets back.

As for the thief... mmph. It should be fairly obvious who that is the next time we hit a town. (Hint: It's whoever can buy the most expensive item at all.)

You realize there's no way that's conclusive proof, I hope. For example: I didn't begin with nearly as much money as some of the others apparently did, but I also didn't buy anything, so now I've got more than those who spent all their gold.

Additionally, even if the thief (assuming that one exists, for the sake of argument) actually purchases anything next time, what's to say they'll spend all of it? An intelligent thief would know what behaviors would paint a target on his back, and I sincerely doubt they'd reveal their hand so blatantly.
Arix2008-07-19 22:13:02
Daganev supposedly had 700, so obviously some people start off with higher gold amounts.
Lorick2008-07-19 22:49:28
Most likely to punish us for jumping on those with more gold.

As for the night, I was there for the beginning of night, logged, and arrived after pages of posting.
Revan2008-07-19 23:04:43
spectator: Get rid of Daganev :>
Lorick2008-07-19 23:09:25
Heh, refer to previous votes.
Unknown2008-07-19 23:12:12
Vote Daganev That is 6/8 so hold off until he can at least defend himself. I am sure I have already mentioned it but he has been trying to make some odd bandwagons and the fact that he is always trying to make Visaeris appear to be scum without any real proof is wierd.