Xenthos2008-07-16 00:23:11
QUOTE(daganev @ Jul 15 2008, 08:20 PM) 533263
Earlier ye said dat we don't want to know who d'investigator is so early on!

Earlier ye said dat we don't want to know who d'investigator is so early on!
Come now. He stated that he fully welcomed being investigated, not that one should claim for him.
Unknown2008-07-16 00:28:22
Nominate Visaeris For Leader as he is asking the investigator to check him out I think it is worth trusting him.
Daganev2008-07-16 00:30:15
What good is an investigation..
Heck, someone can investigate me too!
It just seems dat all these things he says don't really help us in trusting him. Lets say someone investigates, and dey find out he is big liar who is really evil warlock. Dey going to stay quite about it? So den now he tells everyone and his buddies know who to whack next.
Just sounds like a bluff on his part cause he can't lose either way.
Heck, someone can investigate me too!
It just seems dat all these things he says don't really help us in trusting him. Lets say someone investigates, and dey find out he is big liar who is really evil warlock. Dey going to stay quite about it? So den now he tells everyone and his buddies know who to whack next.
Just sounds like a bluff on his part cause he can't lose either way.
Unknown2008-07-16 00:33:43
A good point. The problem is going to be that we can not trust anyone as a leader as we really do not know if any of them are telling the truth. A leader is going to be a leap of faith.
Unknown2008-07-16 00:34:28
You accuse me of saying all these things that "don't help in trusting ". And yet, what have you offered in your little contestation for Leader? You've failed to provide any details about yourself other than an inconsistent, annoying accent.
But fine, let's say I'm hypothetically scum. I get investigated, and outted. The investigator then reveals that, the doctor protects, and I get lynch'd or vig'd.
This is not a really complicated concept. It's a no win scenario for me to openly invite that kind of scrutiny if I were scum.
Hence, it only helps me in my claim that I'm not. Like I said, I have nothing to hide, I've put all my cards on the table, what have you done?
But fine, let's say I'm hypothetically scum. I get investigated, and outted. The investigator then reveals that, the doctor protects, and I get lynch'd or vig'd.
This is not a really complicated concept. It's a no win scenario for me to openly invite that kind of scrutiny if I were scum.
Hence, it only helps me in my claim that I'm not. Like I said, I have nothing to hide, I've put all my cards on the table, what have you done?
Daganev2008-07-16 00:36:53
QUOTE(Othero @ Jul 15 2008, 05:28 PM) 533266
Nominate Visaeris For Leader as he is asking the investigator to check him out I think it is worth trusting him.
You serious?
Forcing the investigator to waste der time on yourself is d'worst thing for the investigator to be doing.
If Visaeris is lying, and he is made leader, then the scum now can't be lynched, and they will find out who the investigator is when they say "Oh my, VIsearis is against us, woe is us".
If Visaeris is telling the truth, then having someone investigate him is a waste of time, since we can't lynch him anyways. Better to have d'investgator checking up on someone whom the investigator knows nothing about. Especially when we still have 10 days ahead of us.
Me have no problem voting for Visaeris as leader, me might even do it. But to do so BECAUSE he asked to be investigated is just bad thinking.
D'reason me will vote for visaeris as leader is so dat nobody else role claims at dis point. And me am hopping dat der is some way to get rid of him during a challenge if it turns out he lied. But me am still not sure what he is up to if anyding, and will wait to hear more from other people, who have not been talking yet.
Xenthos2008-07-16 00:37:23
You have already forgotten that our valiant leader cannot be lynched, and your claim of nightkill avoidance? Hm.
Unknown2008-07-16 00:42:04
What wonderfully horrible logic.
"If Visaeris is honest, he's wasted the investigator's time"
"If Visaeris is lying, he's going to kill the investigator!"
Boy, that's a no win scenario!
That's horrendous, Daganev. But you know what? There's a silver lining at the end of your complete insanity. You've helped me pick someone to vote for instead of just a random day 1 vote.
Unvote: requiem dot exe
Vote: Daganev
This is not an OMGUS, this is a "Wow this guy is posting some absolute insanity. His position is weird, he's dancing around the issues, and he's basically bouncing all over the place in a terrible way"
"If Visaeris is honest, he's wasted the investigator's time"
"If Visaeris is lying, he's going to kill the investigator!"
Boy, that's a no win scenario!
That's horrendous, Daganev. But you know what? There's a silver lining at the end of your complete insanity. You've helped me pick someone to vote for instead of just a random day 1 vote.
Unvote: requiem dot exe
Vote: Daganev
This is not an OMGUS, this is a "Wow this guy is posting some absolute insanity. His position is weird, he's dancing around the issues, and he's basically bouncing all over the place in a terrible way"
Daganev2008-07-16 00:44:06
QUOTE(Visaeris Maeloch @ Jul 15 2008, 05:34 PM) 533270
You accuse me of saying all these things that "don't help in trusting ". And yet, what have you offered in your little contestation for Leader? You've failed to provide any details about yourself other than an inconsistent, annoying accent.
But fine, let's say I'm hypothetically scum. I get investigated, and outted. The investigator then reveals that, the doctor protects, and I get lynch'd or vig'd.
This is not a really complicated concept. It's a no win scenario for me to openly invite that kind of scrutiny if I were scum.
Hence, it only helps me in my claim that I'm not. Like I said, I have nothing to hide, I've put all my cards on the table, what have you done?
But fine, let's say I'm hypothetically scum. I get investigated, and outted. The investigator then reveals that, the doctor protects, and I get lynch'd or vig'd.
This is not a really complicated concept. It's a no win scenario for me to openly invite that kind of scrutiny if I were scum.
Hence, it only helps me in my claim that I'm not. Like I said, I have nothing to hide, I've put all my cards on the table, what have you done?
Why do ye keep forgetting dat me am a dwarf who is looking for an airship? Are ye purposefully forgetting dat me have revealed some information about myself?? Me even told ye me name is Glob... Why do you pretend me have not said dese things?
Ye are trying to win to become leader, so a lynch is not an option, and ye know dat, since ye want to be leader!
As Othero said, anyone who is trying really hard to become leader should probably not be trusted... why are ye trying so hard? We should wait to hear from more people, me do not like d'current choices for leader. IF me dwarven skills work best for us, den so be it, but me hope der are other people who are better leaders.
Unknown2008-07-16 00:46:28
Oh, I'm sorry, I lost the little sprinkle of your name somewhere back in all the nonsense you've vomitted forth.
As for the dwarf, it was only theorised and this is the first point you've actually admitted it. Good, we're getting somewhere.
And at this point, I'm not trying to get elected. I've made my case, I've explained my positions, I've invited scrutiny, questions, or concerns.
My focus now is debunking the inane babbling and going after you. Because you are tremendously suspicious.
As for the dwarf, it was only theorised and this is the first point you've actually admitted it. Good, we're getting somewhere.
And at this point, I'm not trying to get elected. I've made my case, I've explained my positions, I've invited scrutiny, questions, or concerns.
My focus now is debunking the inane babbling and going after you. Because you are tremendously suspicious.
Daganev2008-07-16 00:51:01
Where did Shiri Go?
Me saw ye, and now ye are gone??
Me saw ye, and now ye are gone??
Daganev2008-07-16 00:54:48
me was hoping to hear from Shiri before me go away for a bit... oh well.
Hopefully me will be back before me go to bed.
me was hoping to hear from Shiri before me go away for a bit... oh well.
Hopefully me will be back before me go to bed.
Rika2008-07-16 00:57:45
Ok, now that you've all said more, I'll Unvote, Unnominate.
Balizar wrote that this game is not a lynch or lose situation. The part Shamarah quoted was also very important. We win if we survive 10 days. With only 16 people, I think the mafia either has a limited kill or they cannot kill at all, just make our quest harder.
Balizar wrote that this game is not a lynch or lose situation. The part Shamarah quoted was also very important. We win if we survive 10 days. With only 16 people, I think the mafia either has a limited kill or they cannot kill at all, just make our quest harder.
Xenthos2008-07-16 01:03:48
QUOTE(rika @ Jul 15 2008, 08:57 PM) 533289
Ok, now that you've all said more, I'll Unvote, Unnominate.
Balizar wrote that this game is not a lynch or lose situation. The part Shamarah quoted was also very important. We win if we survive 10 days. With only 16 people, I think the mafia either has a limited kill or they cannot kill at all, just make our quest harder.
Balizar wrote that this game is not a lynch or lose situation. The part Shamarah quoted was also very important. We win if we survive 10 days. With only 16 people, I think the mafia either has a limited kill or they cannot kill at all, just make our quest harder.
I thought we lost if we went ten days and did not remove our enemies before that time...
Shiri2008-07-16 01:04:44
QUOTE(daganev @ Jul 16 2008, 12:51 AM) 533251
Ok, we can excuse Rika for her being sleeping and things... but where is Shiri?
I was asleep too.
So the challenge for today is choosing a leader? It's not about shops or anything? I kind of got mentions of both but didn't really follow it.
Anyway, I am pretty disinterested in voting Visaeris in as leader right now. That said, I don't think we autolose if we vote in a scum as leader, that would imbalance the game too much. We probably have some kind of out or two in amongst everyone's roles.
I'm going to start off with Vote: Silvanus because his roleclaim is setting off my scum sensors. Aren't the temptresses usually villains?
We need to be extra-careful of roleclaims this game. And NO NINJA LYNCHING like last game.
P.S Balizar, this is going to get ridiculously complicated, at least we get role reveals so it shouldn't be as bad as Xavius'.
As for leader...holding off on that vote. I'll consider Visaeris but I want to see if anything else comes up in the discussion.
@Rika: you sure we win if we last 10 days? I thought the scum win if we last 10 days, we have to wipe out all the scum before then.
Unknown2008-07-16 01:05:43
Rika, that is not going to work. The town has to lynch the scum before the ten days. The town wins when all threats to the fellowship are defeated. It is actually the scum that just needs to survive for ten days instead of holding a majority.
Shiri2008-07-16 01:06:21
QUOTE(daganev @ Jul 16 2008, 01:51 AM) 533285
Where did Shiri Go?
Me saw ye, and now ye are gone??
Me saw ye, and now ye are gone??
I was right here posting. I don't know why you thought I was gone, artefact of the forum mechanics. Also, ninja'd by Xenthos. Maybe I should vote Rika for that screwup but she's been playing town at questionable quality two games (that I've been active in) in a row now.

Unknown2008-07-16 01:08:32
The way I interpreted it, shops can occur any given day, but we will always get a challenge. Today's challenge is a leader.
It's not an auto-lose if we elect a Scum leader, but it'll make it that much harder.
It's not an auto-lose if we elect a Scum leader, but it'll make it that much harder.
Shiri2008-07-16 01:12:59
Ah, I get it. We haven't come across a shop yet. Huh. And we have to vote a leader and lynch, to move the day on, eh.
Nominate: Visaeris for leader.
Still open to changing it. Not really buying Daganev's objections though, and Silvanus is giving me hints of scum.
Nominate: Visaeris for leader.
Still open to changing it. Not really buying Daganev's objections though, and Silvanus is giving me hints of scum.
Lorick2008-07-16 01:18:38
Hello gentlemen, I've returned. Seems like Visaeris has given the best arguments and reasons for voting for him. Of course, this could easily go badly should he be part of those out to get us... However, he did place himself on the line to reveal his job and name to us, and I'm sure if it turns out against us it isn't an unbeatable obstacle in our quest. And, to be honest, I feel a bit more safer with a more hardy leader than a softer being. So, that said, I'd like to---
Nominate: Visaeris for Leader
Nominate: Visaeris for Leader