Daganev2008-07-27 16:20:21
QUOTE(B_a_L_i @ Jul 15 2008, 11:07 PM) 533492
Daganev reaches into his bag, and finds a mechanical-looking sphere. He takes the sphere and throws it on to the ground. It rolls innocently across the floor. Finally, it comes to a rest against the foot of a random person. It just sits there, and nothing happens. Seems to have been a dud...
Why are people forgetting about this?
Lynching me is just falling for the warlock tricks...
I'm doing a full analysis of Lolrick, so give me an hour or so.
Daganev2008-07-27 16:52:28
I'm also going to point out at this time, that the following people have been found "acting scummy" by the group in the past.
Archer2, Rika, Daganev
I'm currently reading over Lolrick's posts, and so far, I'm on page 26, and Lolrick never once said anything that would hint to him being a warlock (even with hindsight)
So far the most suspicious thing he has done is not vote, and and kept his vote on Silvanus till the end.
I'm also going to suggest that everybody who has not done so allready, declare thier challenge power. So far we have
Daganev - engineer
Visaeris - dragon slayer
Thul - water magic
Shamarah - brawler
Requiem dot exe - soldier/natural leader
Amarysse - unkown
Silferras - unkown
Silvanus - Whore
Xenthos - Something to do with negotiating but we don't know what
Zetsu - unkown
So, I'd really like Amaryse, Silferras, and Zetsu to tell us what thier challenge ability is.
Archer2, Rika, Daganev
I'm currently reading over Lolrick's posts, and so far, I'm on page 26, and Lolrick never once said anything that would hint to him being a warlock (even with hindsight)
So far the most suspicious thing he has done is not vote, and and kept his vote on Silvanus till the end.
I'm also going to suggest that everybody who has not done so allready, declare thier challenge power. So far we have
Daganev - engineer
Visaeris - dragon slayer
Thul - water magic
Shamarah - brawler
Requiem dot exe - soldier/natural leader
Amarysse - unkown
Silferras - unkown
Silvanus - Whore
Xenthos - Something to do with negotiating but we don't know what
Zetsu - unkown
So, I'd really like Amaryse, Silferras, and Zetsu to tell us what thier challenge ability is.
Daganev2008-07-27 16:53:44
oh, and Nominate Visaeris and Requium for the fight
Unknown2008-07-27 17:02:54
Bah. And you people say I post too slowly.
Daganev2008-07-27 17:12:23
QUOTE(Lorick @ Jul 16 2008, 11:49 PM) 534348
Dag, paranoid much? I can't really get a sense of where you are going, since you point the finger at everyone. That, and the sheer randomness of your role.
QUOTE(Lorick @ Jul 16 2008, 11:55 PM) 534370
Yeah.. And the idea that a "Bag of tricks" is a one shot, kinda doesn't make sense.
QUOTE(Lorick @ Jul 17 2008, 12:07 AM) 534385
You know what, yeah, I suspect Dag as being scum more at this point than I do Rika.
Vote: Daganev
Vote: Daganev
QUOTE(Lorick @ Jul 16 2008, 12:14 AM) 533553
I agree with Shiri on the lynch before voting for leader issue. We will be doing both anyways, might as well make the odds better in our favor (Or not, depending on how the lynch goes). If anything, we would have more information when deciding who the leader is, ect. Although, to be honest, that still leaves us in the situation of who are we suppose to lynch? Of which, I haven't seen anything particularly standing out. Although, Dag, could you please throw _less_ grenades? I'm sure you have a tool that doesn't result in death and destruction. Hopefully. Possibly... Maybe.
OK, I just want to point out here that it was lolrick who first sugested that my random bag of tricks was a grenade.
I would also like to point out that Lolrick was trying to get me killed instead of rika.
After reading the whole thread and looking for patterns I discovered the following"
At first I thought the MO with lolrick was the fact taht he wasn't voting for lynches at all. But then I noticed that he voted for people like Rika and myself. I noticed that he blended in with the crowd without ever revealing any information about his role. He never even bothered to give fake information.
I would also like to point out that Archer2 and Arix voted for me as leader initially, nobody else did. Lolrick did not vote for leader at all, untill it was one vote away and he was able to get Visaeris to pay him for the vote.
I highly suggest you take the votes off me before I get ninja Lynched, and we start looking at the people who we have no information on, and have blended in very well.
Daganev2008-07-27 17:18:16
ok, so when night came down, I had 1 vote, and Lolrick had 4. I have no clue why I was targeted with the shadows. Probabbly just to set me up, even though clearly lolrick was about to get lynched anyways.
Unknown2008-07-27 17:25:30
Just would like to point out that I'm not an unknown, I already have a full roleclaim out there. At the moment, the forced-night ending of the previous day seems very strange to me, especially since it involved Daganev. A clearer explanation of why it involved you would be great, because I didn't quite understand what you were trying to say earlier.
Also, if I might repeat the question, why didn't anyone revive Othero? Arix might be worth it to revive as well, unless Xenthos used his investigative item and unearthed something.
Also, if I might repeat the question, why didn't anyone revive Othero? Arix might be worth it to revive as well, unless Xenthos used his investigative item and unearthed something.
Daganev2008-07-27 17:37:19
QUOTE(Silferras @ Jul 23 2008, 10:15 AM) 536713
Two games (or was it three?) with him and Daganev still can't spell my name right. 
Anyway, I would find it suspicious as well if Visaeris randomly cleared someone with a necklace that didn't do what someone else claimed, and Thul's concern about the theft is a valid one, so I'll just come clean with the relevant information.
I'm Blaine, the pauper, on the journey for the riches as so accurately stated by our leader. My only worldly possessions are the rags on my back and 125 gold, which includes Shamarah's generous contribution. My fervent hope and lifelong dream is to finally not need to eat decomposing cheese and various unfortunate furry animals (though most not as large or as filling as a majestic moose would be). As a Peasant, I'm fairly useless in combat situations, and have no powers whatsoever since I'm an Everyman. The latter 'power' (or lack thereof) was what led me to question Rika's claim at first. The fellowship's victory is my victory.
I don't know how much Visaeris can confirm, but there's really nothing to be gained in hiding my role at this point since I'm plain vanilla, and avoiding the issue is just going to generate unnecessary speculation and suspicion. So, go forth, my fellows! Slay those warlocks and psychopaths, and save me from a lifetime of stale, measly meals!

Anyway, I would find it suspicious as well if Visaeris randomly cleared someone with a necklace that didn't do what someone else claimed, and Thul's concern about the theft is a valid one, so I'll just come clean with the relevant information.
I'm Blaine, the pauper, on the journey for the riches as so accurately stated by our leader. My only worldly possessions are the rags on my back and 125 gold, which includes Shamarah's generous contribution. My fervent hope and lifelong dream is to finally not need to eat decomposing cheese and various unfortunate furry animals (though most not as large or as filling as a majestic moose would be). As a Peasant, I'm fairly useless in combat situations, and have no powers whatsoever since I'm an Everyman. The latter 'power' (or lack thereof) was what led me to question Rika's claim at first. The fellowship's victory is my victory.
I don't know how much Visaeris can confirm, but there's really nothing to be gained in hiding my role at this point since I'm plain vanilla, and avoiding the issue is just going to generate unnecessary speculation and suspicion. So, go forth, my fellows! Slay those warlocks and psychopaths, and save me from a lifetime of stale, measly meals!
Ok, this is your "full roleclaim",
I can't decipher from the roleclaim what your "challenge" ability is. I'm not asking people to say thier full role or other powers, I'm just listing the unkown CHALLENGE powers. And I ask that people state what they are.
Now would be a great time to clarify what your CHALLENGE power is.
Also, what I am saying about the shadows, is that the skill was used to protect Lolrick, not me. And it was trageted on me to decieve us.
Unknown2008-07-27 18:03:53
I thought it was fairly obvious from the above quote that I don't have a challenge ability. In fact, my ability (Peasant) states my lack of one. It seemed clear to me..
Daganev2008-07-27 18:10:29
ahh ok. It wasn't obvious to me that you didn't have no Challenge ability, I thought you just didn't have any other abilities.
wouldn't your "first ability" be your challenge abilty, so wouldn't your challenge ability be "everyman"?
Daganev - engineer
Visaeris - dragon slayer
Thul - water magic
Shamarah - brawler
Requiem dot exe - soldier/natural leader
Amarysse - unkown
Silferras - None/ or everyman
Silvanus - Whore
Xenthos - Something to do with negotiating but we don't know what
Zetsu - unkown
wouldn't your "first ability" be your challenge abilty, so wouldn't your challenge ability be "everyman"?
Daganev - engineer
Visaeris - dragon slayer
Thul - water magic
Shamarah - brawler
Requiem dot exe - soldier/natural leader
Amarysse - unkown
Silferras - None/ or everyman
Silvanus - Whore
Xenthos - Something to do with negotiating but we don't know what
Zetsu - unkown
Unknown2008-07-27 18:31:58
Nominate Visaeris and Requiem. As far as my challenge power goes, I am good at scaring people.
Silvanus2008-07-27 19:01:41
Nominate Requiem and Visaeris to fight.
Vote: Daganev
I've been voting against him everyday, this new day seems all the more reason to vote for him. Even if he is townie, we remove the most suspicious person.
Vote: Daganev
I've been voting against him everyday, this new day seems all the more reason to vote for him. Even if he is townie, we remove the most suspicious person.
Xenthos2008-07-27 19:09:03
QUOTE(Silferras @ Jul 27 2008, 01:25 PM) 537833
Also, if I might repeat the question, why didn't anyone revive Othero? Arix might be worth it to revive as well, unless Xenthos used his investigative item and unearthed something.
I think it best if I do not give a full answer to this at this point-- whether I have used it or not, suffice it to say that it has yet to reveal anything worthwhile.
I will nominate: Requiem and Visaeris to fight off our unpleasant guests.
Unknown2008-07-27 20:28:03
Would you stop calling him Lolrick it's goddamn annoying. Tia.
Thul2008-07-27 20:28:20
Nominate Visaeris and Requiem to deliver unholy beatings unto these puds
Been thinking about some things... Visaeris has claimed a certain sort of nightkill prevention. I'm pretty certain that the warlocks don't all share the same mechanics, but Lorick has a situational nightkill resistance of his own. This worries me a bit, but we'll be able to figure out if his roleclaim is BS here shortly, since he's up for a fight.
Daganev, if you want to help prove your innocence (good luck with that, though,) you might want to consider that A, you're screwed, and B, you're carrying a certain amount of bought gear. There is nothing in what you've claimed, nor in Lorick's or Arix's claims, that would give an inkling as to why an investigative attempt would fail on you outright. I suspect that the trick with the grenade was a poorly-used illusion... sort of like the one you used two games prior.
Supposed one-shot useless bag of tricks plus unexplained investigation block (although the gold-filching went through just fine) plus night-force ability with your name on it equals Daganev dies.
Xenthos has a suspicious adventure ability, Zetsu's is outright worrying considering that we're looking for warlocks, and I need to look over Rika's role again before I pass judgment on Silferras...
Been thinking about some things... Visaeris has claimed a certain sort of nightkill prevention. I'm pretty certain that the warlocks don't all share the same mechanics, but Lorick has a situational nightkill resistance of his own. This worries me a bit, but we'll be able to figure out if his roleclaim is BS here shortly, since he's up for a fight.
Daganev, if you want to help prove your innocence (good luck with that, though,) you might want to consider that A, you're screwed, and B, you're carrying a certain amount of bought gear. There is nothing in what you've claimed, nor in Lorick's or Arix's claims, that would give an inkling as to why an investigative attempt would fail on you outright. I suspect that the trick with the grenade was a poorly-used illusion... sort of like the one you used two games prior.
Supposed one-shot useless bag of tricks plus unexplained investigation block (although the gold-filching went through just fine) plus night-force ability with your name on it equals Daganev dies.
Xenthos has a suspicious adventure ability, Zetsu's is outright worrying considering that we're looking for warlocks, and I need to look over Rika's role again before I pass judgment on Silferras...
Unknown2008-07-27 20:40:23
Revan is replacing Amarysse.
Revan2008-07-27 20:51:03
I've been waiting a long time for this
Vote: Daganev
His scummy nature is only highlighted by the fact that he prevented a lynching of Lorick, thus getting Arix killed. See you in hell, dwarf.
Nominate Visaeris and Requiem for big fight thing
Vote: Daganev
His scummy nature is only highlighted by the fact that he prevented a lynching of Lorick, thus getting Arix killed. See you in hell, dwarf.
Nominate Visaeris and Requiem for big fight thing
Unknown2008-07-27 20:57:22
Nominate Visaeris and Requiem for fighting. I guess. i'm a Dragon slayer, I don't know how well that will apply to people but we'll see.
Unknown2008-07-27 20:58:30
Oh and the challenge is complete, so. Yeah.
Unknown2008-07-27 21:13:32
Visaeris and Requiem step forward, their armor and weapons glistening in the sunlight. Just as they are about to charge and fight the dastardly bandits, a loud battle-cry can be heard from the nearby treeline. Its the man with the eye-patch! He's riding on a horse with his rapier drawn, and charges right into them, trampling a few bandits.
The group just stands and watches in awe as the man with the eye-patch fights like a madman, easily parrying any bandit attack. Visaeris and Requiem step in, helping him. Fighting back-to-back near the man with the eye-patch, Visaeris and Requiem crack more than a few skulls. One of the bandits takes up a bow and tries to volley a few arrows at the fighters, but Requiem throws his weapon from a distance and lands it directly in the bandit's chest. Another bandit tries to make a running pass at the man with the eye-patch, but Visaeris quickly dispatches him with a round-house sword chop, decapitating him.
Within moments, the battle is over. Bandit corpses are everywhere. You get the feeling that no matter who you sent to square off with the bandits, everything would be OK because of the man with the eye-patch. You loot the corpses, and get some gold and valuables for your troubles. (everyone gets +100 gold)
"Looks like ye' waz be need'n som help! Glad I cud' help ye' nice folk! Leas' I cud' do fer helpin' me earlier!" And with out a second word, the man with the eye-patch rides off into the distance mysteriously.
The group just stands and watches in awe as the man with the eye-patch fights like a madman, easily parrying any bandit attack. Visaeris and Requiem step in, helping him. Fighting back-to-back near the man with the eye-patch, Visaeris and Requiem crack more than a few skulls. One of the bandits takes up a bow and tries to volley a few arrows at the fighters, but Requiem throws his weapon from a distance and lands it directly in the bandit's chest. Another bandit tries to make a running pass at the man with the eye-patch, but Visaeris quickly dispatches him with a round-house sword chop, decapitating him.
Within moments, the battle is over. Bandit corpses are everywhere. You get the feeling that no matter who you sent to square off with the bandits, everything would be OK because of the man with the eye-patch. You loot the corpses, and get some gold and valuables for your troubles. (everyone gets +100 gold)
"Looks like ye' waz be need'n som help! Glad I cud' help ye' nice folk! Leas' I cud' do fer helpin' me earlier!" And with out a second word, the man with the eye-patch rides off into the distance mysteriously.