Unknown2008-07-30 06:27:20
Going to go ahead and vote him, one thing that worries me about it though is that he claimed to be a warrior and he must be since he and vis passed the challenge. Not saying a warlock cant wield a sword but just pointing that fact out.
Unknown2008-07-30 06:30:36
QUOTE(Zetsu @ Jul 29 2008, 11:27 PM) 538631
Going to go ahead and vote him, one thing that worries me about it though is that he claimed to be a warrior and he must be since he and vis passed the challenge. Not saying a warlock cant wield a sword but just pointing that fact out.
the challenge was passed as a consequence of the one eyed guy. Not us. Silferas you wanna do the honours of offing Req?
Arix2008-07-30 06:33:37
SPECTATOR: What is this Candy incident people keep talking about?
Thul2008-07-30 06:34:01
Lorick had a sword. For some reason.
Possibly for the sole purpose of creating suspicion.

Unknown2008-07-30 06:52:26
I don't know why Thul seems to think that vanilla townie is such a suspicious thing to claim, especially since we seem to only have one other vanilla townie so far (Rika - DEAD (Vanilla Townie/Useless) - as seen on the first page). In light of the other generally useful roles we're seeing, I guess I can see where he's coming from. I can assure you that I am useless and that I win with the Fellowship, however, as vouched for by Visaeris.
Requiem appears to be the only choice here, but I'm a little leery of landing the last vote before he has a chance to speak.
Requiem appears to be the only choice here, but I'm a little leery of landing the last vote before he has a chance to speak.
Silvanus2008-07-30 06:55:36
I'm a vanilla townie and am useless.
Unknown2008-07-30 07:01:54
QUOTE(Silferras @ Jul 29 2008, 11:52 PM) 538640
I don't know why Thul seems to think that vanilla townie is such a suspicious thing to claim, especially since we seem to only have one other vanilla townie so far (Rika - DEAD (Vanilla Townie/Useless) - as seen on the first page). In light of the other generally useful roles we're seeing, I guess I can see where he's coming from. I can assure you that I am useless and that I win with the Fellowship, however, as vouched for by Visaeris.
Requiem appears to be the only choice here, but I'm a little leery of landing the last vote before he has a chance to speak.
Requiem appears to be the only choice here, but I'm a little leery of landing the last vote before he has a chance to speak.
He's made his roleclaim. There's ntohing more to be said.. Let's just do it.
Unknown2008-07-30 07:11:03
It'll give us something to work on, I guess.
Vote: Requiem
Trying to revive Shamarah would be a great next step!
Vote: Requiem
Trying to revive Shamarah would be a great next step!
Arix2008-07-30 07:13:07
SPECTATOR: Aaaaand that's a lynch, I think
Unknown2008-07-30 08:25:48
"Wait wait, whats wrong with Requiem? Look at him closely... something seems...off about him." Someone says.
"Uhhhhh yea, lets poke him a little." -poking ensues-
"So he doesn't seem to moving. Maybe we should just put him out of his misery?", Visaeris intones.
"Wait, wait, we cant just KILL him for not moving, can we?"
"Sure we can!" Says Silferras.
And Zetsu.
And Daganev.
"So, how we gonna, um...dispose of him?" Revan ponders.
"Hrm. Oh I know!!" Silvanus says.
"Lets give him to Candy."
Revan just stares at Silvanus.
"Thats pretty harsh." Revan mutters.
And with that, the group finds Candy's alleyway and drops the comatose Requiem. They quickly scream for the he-man prostitute and then run like hell. Turns out, after that, the quest went smoothly. The city of Anthonia was the last time the travelers ever encountered any kind of hardship. They weren't assailed by any more freakish warlocks or insane psychopaths. Although they did have to deal with the occiasonal man with merchant hat. Turns out the treasure was everything it was cracked up to be.
Requiem was...

Slogoth (Visaeris) hoarded most of the golden and treasure for himself, being a greedy and stupid halftroll. He demanded it as "payment" for demonstrating exceptional leadership on the quest.
Glob (Daganev) while looking quite pale from his recent encouter with the grim reaper, found his airship designs. He later went on to build the world's first airship, and eventually turned it into a cruising pleasure-sex boat for rich dwarves.
Glindor (Thul) Found his stupid holy chalice but decided to sell it to Slogoth for some extra gold. He ditched his life of piety (as a mage) and bought a bunch of slave girls and hookers.
Kufu (Amarysse/Revan) Found his Sceptre. With it, he transcended this mortal plane into a more cosmic existence. Before vanishing into the galactic aether, it was rumored he said something like "Haha, suckers!"
Blaine (Silferras) Now covered in head to toe in royal treasure-garb, died from happiness at the cove. At least he got to wear some pimp clothes. No one really mourned for him.
Silvanus (Bianca) Despite having visions of quiting the hooking business, she decided to use her portion of the treasure to start up her own bordello. Turns out being rich turned her into a bigger whore than before!
Krackles (Zetsu) Never found the bodies of his fellow kobolds, but returned back to his caverns with so much loot and gold he became the new kobold chieftain. He declared that the realm he ruled over now be known as Wiggles. The kobolds never knew why...
Mafia5: The Quest
1.Visaeris - Slogoth
2.Daganev - Glob
3.Shiri - Deckard
4.Thul - Glindor
5.Othero - Jeb
6.Arix - Fingers
7.Shamarah - Wrex
8.Amarysse - Kufu
9.Rika - Joe
10.Lorick - Jae'Zub
11.Silferras - Blaine
12.Silvanus - Bianca
13.Xenthos - Gro'Za
14.Requiem dot exe - Atokero
15.Archer2 - Uther
16.Zetsu - Krackles
Fellowship: 12
Warlocks: 3
Murderer: 1
(The following is my master notefile, and is a ROUGH DRAFT. Not all things that are listed in here turned out the same way in the game.)
*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~* 1.
Enter Slogoth. You're one badass half-troll with a bigass sword. Hunting dragons is your speciality. You've made a living over the years killing the beasts without mercy. You do what is best for Slogoth and Slogoth alone. You're only on this journey for the riches at the end of the road. You also have a really big wang. You win with the fellowship.
Dragonslayer: If you encounter a dragon, you can dispatch it with ease.
Resilience: You have a 50/50 chance to avoid a daykill or nightkill.
Enter Glindor. You come from the Highlands of Heruedur, the land of a thousand lakes. A human male, you've spent your entire life devoting yourself to the Goddess of Water. Its been a pretty lame existence. Although for your piety you've been rewarded with special powers and abilities that no regular person could hope to have. You're on this journey for the Chalice of the Goddess, a sacred artifact that your deity and order holds in high esteem. You win with the fellowship.
Water Magic: You can put out fires, summon water for thirst - you have mastery over the element.
Annoying Personality: At least once per day you must make a post in all blue.
Prayer to the Goddess: Once in the game, you can pray to the Goddess so that she might protect you for the night.
Enter Wrex. A human male from the lower regions of Talrundor, you're a fighter and a brawler. You've made a living over the years as a wondering boxer and fighter, starting fights in pubs and taverns along the countryside. Your greatest asset is your fists, and you just love to get in fights. You shy away from bloodshed though. You win with the fellowship.
Superior Combatant: You know your way around combat. You are good in a brawl.
Intimidate: Once in the game, you can INTIMIDATE X during the day to make someone reveal their role to everyone.
Enter Zhang. Orphaned on the harsh streets of Umdor City, you've grown adept at doing whatever it takes to survive. A mischievous elf, you're only on this quest for the riches at the end. You'll do whatever it takes to get gold, treasure, etc. Everyone else is just a chump. You win with the fellowship.
Heart of the Thief: You can steal precious artifacts.
Slippery Fingers: Once per night, you can steal gold from one of your fellow commrades (STEAL FROM X) - Also, when you steal from someone, by looking at all their possessions, you can gain of a glimmer of truth about who and what they really are.
Enter Kufu. You're a badass priest of the Light. You've served the monastery your entire life, and you're a pretty boring guy. But you've got heart! You're a healer and are devoted healing the sick and infirm like any good priest. You're on this journey for the Sceptre of Amozaen, a holy relic of your order reputed to have God-like powers. You win with the fellowship.
Natural Healer: You can heal minor cuts and wounds easily.
Prayer to Amozaen: Twice in the game, during the night, you may attempt to REVIVE a player. 50/50 Chance of success.
Enter Glob. You're a whacky and crazy sort of fellow. Hailing from the Mechanized City of Gogopogo, you're an expert in the strange and mysterious art of engineering. Oh, you're also a dwarf. You're on this journey for the reputed long-lost designs for making an Airship. You'll do anything to get those designs! You win with the fellowship.
Engineering Skills: You can repair and reconstruct things. You generally are very useful.
Dwarven Bag of Tricks: Once in the game, you may grab an item from your Bag of Tricks for an effect (its random). You do not know what these effects do. To use this, type OPEN ME BAG O' TRICKS bolded in a post.
The possible effects are:
- User death
- Nothing at all
- If used during a challenge you will be rewarded with one of the "better" outcomes.
- Revive a member of the fellowship.
Enter Jeb. You're a monk of the order of the Open Palm. You are one badass kung-fu master. But you always exercise restraint and your better half. You're also a human. You're on this journey for nothing more than the experience. You care not for gold or worldly treasures. You win with the fellowship.
Kung-Fu Master: You're good in a fight.
Annoying Personality: At least once per day, you must make a post in all brown.
Vigilance: Since you do not need sleep (because you're that badass) you can watch over someone at night and protect them. (PROTECT X)
Enter Krackles. You're a reptilian kobold. You're a very strange and enigmatic little creature. You bring alot of attention to yourself. Raised in the caves of Fuenop, you are unlike any of the other travelers. You are on this quest because your chieftain wills you to find out what happened to a long lost kobold treasure hunting expedition. You are only going with this group because it is efficient to stick to a herd. You win with the fellowship.
Egads its a Kobold!: You can frighten and scare people through your appearance.
Annoying Personality. At least once per day you must make a post in all red.
Kitty Power: Your lifetime pet and companion, Wiggles the Cat, can scout and see all night actions while you are asleep. Be warned though, you could be sending little Wiggles to his death. 50/50 chance of Wiggles dying during the night if you use this ability.
Kobold Treachery: Once in the game, you can nightkill a person.
Enter Uther. Hailing from the mighty human empire of Tuczonia, you're a man's man and one of the greatest warriors that ever lived. You've fought in countless campaigns and battles against evil Warlocks and relentless Orcs. You know your stuff and you wont let anyone get in your way. You are on this journey for the treasure, so that you might retire to a nice villa with some decent slave girls. A man has his needs. You win with the fellowship.
Supreme Combatant: You are an unparalled combatant. No one dare stand before you.
Lawman's Oath: Once in the game, you may lynch someone yourself during the day. This will end the day. Type bold in a post, LYNCH X.
Enter Blaine. You're a pauper. You overheard the "adventurers" talking about the treasure and decided to tag along with them. You keep to yourself, mostly. You hope and pray that you might reach the treasure with them. No more rotting cheese. No more eating squirrels, ahhhh you can only dream. You win with the fellowship.
Peasant: You're pretty useless. Wouldnt last long a fight.
Everyman: You have no powers or special abilities.
Enter Bianca. You're a hooker. One day down near the local tavern, you were busy with a group of horny farmers when you overheard a pack of travelers talking about a fabled treasure cache. You quickly joined the group, hoping to earn enough money to quit your hookin' ways. Good luck with that. You win with the fellowship.
Sexual Prowess: Comfortable with your sexuality, and you can use your body to get what you want.
Wench: You have no powers or special abilities.
Enter Joe. You tried being a jester in the royal court but things didnt work out so well. The king didnt didnt take to kindly to you squirting lemon juice all over his face. Ever since that, you've been a nodody. Maybe with this treasure you can quit the jester gig and become a somebody. Hopefully. You win with the fellowship.
Jestering: You're silly. Not very good in a fight, but silly.
Average: You have no powers or special abilities.
Enter Jae'zub. You're an evil warlock. You like to steal souls, raise the dead, make pacts with Dark Gods, etc. You are chaotic evil to say the least. You've gotten together with these...sheep because you plan an using the Daemonicus Orb, a supposed precious artifact hidden with the rest of the treasure. The Orb will grant you the power to raise an undead army and...control the region, and then...the world. Together with your fellow warlocks you must join forces to stop the fellowship from reaching the treasure before you do. If any Warlock makes it to day 10, you win the game. You also win if only Warlocks are left standing. You win with the Warlocks.
Mental Domination: You may use your evil powers to intimidate people into giving you what you want.
Essence Drain: During the night you may target someone in hopes of blocking any night action they take.
Warlock Destruction: Instead of using Essence drain, during the night you may choose to super charge your demonic power. Unlike your mate you do not need to harvest souls. Instead, simply pm me with DAEMONIC CHARGE. The more charges you have, the more powerful you become.
2 Charges: Gain the ability to make a nightkill for the rest of the game.
4 Charges: Gain nightkill immunity for the rest of the game.
8 Charges: Kill three people in one night. Can only be used once.
For every 3 votes cast on you, you will lose 1 Daemonic Charge. Votes are accumlitive. You cannot have negative charges. Also, for instance, if you have 3 charges, and get six votes on you, you will be at 1 charge and will lose your nightkill ability.
Warlock's Bond: You are apart of the Warlock Mafia and may talk with X.
Enter Gro'Za. You're an evil warlock. You like to steal souls, raise the dead, make pacts with Dark Gods, etc. You are chaotic evil to say the least. You've gotten together with these...sheep because you plan an using the Daemonicus Orb, a supposed precious artifact hidden with the rest of the treasure. The Orb will grant you the power to raise an undead army and...control the region, and then...the world. Together with your fellow warlocks you must join forces to stop the fellowship from reaching the treasure before you do. If any Warlock makes it to day 10, you win the game. You also win if only Warlocks are left standing. You win with the Warlocks.
Deceptor's Mantle: You have a silver tongue and a passion for convincing people to your point of view.
Warlock's Guile: Automatically redirect an investigation to a random person.
Soul Harvest: During the night you may harvest a dead soul for the benefit of your own dark powers (you need to target a dead person). The more souls you've harvested, the more powerful you become. You need souls for various abilities and powers.
1 Souls: By using one soul, you may investigate one person a night.
3 Souls: By using three souls, you can attempt to pardon someone before a majority has been reached. If this happens the day will end. You can use this on yourself.
5 Souls: By using five souls, you gain nightkill immunity for the rest of the game.
Warlock's Bond: You are apart of the Warlock Mafia and may talk with X.
Enter Atokero. Summoned to this realm long ago by your Warlock masters, you have an unquenchable thirst for horror and blood. In a previous life you were a gallant knight that served the forces of good. However, you sold your soul to the gods of the underworld because you got greedy. Nice going. Now you wander the lands as a warlock thrall. You're appearance is that of a normal-looking knight, for you mask your demonic origin well. If you or any Warlock makes it to day 10, you win the game. You also win if only Warlocks are left standing. You win with the Warlocks.
Power of the Underworld: You are a force of nature. Your power as a warrior is unrivaled.
Demonic Resilience: You are immune to any daypower.
Warlock's Bond: You are apart of the Warlock Mafia and may talk with X.
Enter Deckard. You might seem sane on the outside, but on the inside you're a raging sea of malcontent and hatred. You hate all people. They dare travel through your lands on the way to find some "treasure"??? They dare step on the holy soil you've spent your entire life protecting? They are trespassers. They must die. You have joined this merry fellowship in hopes of killing as many people as you possibly can. You dont care about treasure, all you care about is blood. You have no mystical powers, you dont need them. You win when you have killed 8 people or if you are the last person standing.
Natural Woodsman: A man of the woods, you can scavenge for food, hunt, pathfind, etc.
Innocence: You appear to be just a normal woodsman, and investigations will prove fruitless.
Throat slit: During the night, you can slit someone's throat, killing them.
Bow Shot: Once in the game during the day, you can take aim with your bow and shoot someone, attempting to kill them. (BOW SHOT X)
Local Discount: You get 1/2 off all items in shops.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~GAME SETUP~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
1. Role Blockers
2. Protective/Reviving Roles
3. Killing Roles
4. Investigative Roles
5. Anything else - Soul harvest,
0> Anyone who is still alive day 10 will have thier role revealed.
1> Deckard's win condition superceeds all others.
If Deckard has 7 kills and and his bowshot is unused, he can still use it during the day to win the game.
2>Fellowship wins if all threats are vanquished by day 10.
3>Fellowship loses if there are still threats by day 10.
Random roles: random.org sequence
Timestamp: 2008-07-15 21:11:36 UTC
Here is my day 1 commentary:
(the only day I actually bothered writing a commentary -.-)
So, that was the game. I hope you enjoyed it. I hope you thought critically a few times and even laughed a little. The setup was eh, ambitious. When designing the roles I was hoping people would play alot more intelligently but alas human stupidity proved me wrong a few times. I made more than a couple errors with the game, and I hope you dont hold it against me. Lots of hoping going on there. Despite ending on d6 (I doubt you were expecting a conclusion!) I feel it played out and ended well. The game could have been radically different if shiri wasn't auto-lynched d1. Or if say, xenthos claimed cop. Etc. Feel free to ask me any questions, yell at me for being a cruel person, etc.
"Uhhhhh yea, lets poke him a little." -poking ensues-
"So he doesn't seem to moving. Maybe we should just put him out of his misery?", Visaeris intones.
"Wait, wait, we cant just KILL him for not moving, can we?"
"Sure we can!" Says Silferras.
And Zetsu.
And Daganev.
"So, how we gonna, um...dispose of him?" Revan ponders.
"Hrm. Oh I know!!" Silvanus says.
"Lets give him to Candy."
Revan just stares at Silvanus.
"Thats pretty harsh." Revan mutters.
And with that, the group finds Candy's alleyway and drops the comatose Requiem. They quickly scream for the he-man prostitute and then run like hell. Turns out, after that, the quest went smoothly. The city of Anthonia was the last time the travelers ever encountered any kind of hardship. They weren't assailed by any more freakish warlocks or insane psychopaths. Although they did have to deal with the occiasonal man with merchant hat. Turns out the treasure was everything it was cracked up to be.
Requiem was...
Enter Atokero. Summoned to this realm long ago by your Warlock masters, you have an unquenchable thirst for horror and blood. In a previous life you were a gallant knight that served the forces of good. However, you sold your soul to the gods of the underworld because you got greedy. Nice going. Now you wander the lands as a warlock thrall. You're appearance is that of a normal-looking knight, for you mask your demonic origin well. If you or any Warlock makes it to day 10, you win the game. You also win if only Warlocks are left standing. You win with the Warlocks.
Power of the Underworld: You are a force of nature. Your power as a warrior is unrivaled.
Demonic Resilience: You are immune to any daypower.
Warlock's Bond: You are apart of the Warlock Mafia and may talk with X.
Enter Atokero. Summoned to this realm long ago by your Warlock masters, you have an unquenchable thirst for horror and blood. In a previous life you were a gallant knight that served the forces of good. However, you sold your soul to the gods of the underworld because you got greedy. Nice going. Now you wander the lands as a warlock thrall. You're appearance is that of a normal-looking knight, for you mask your demonic origin well. If you or any Warlock makes it to day 10, you win the game. You also win if only Warlocks are left standing. You win with the Warlocks.
Power of the Underworld: You are a force of nature. Your power as a warrior is unrivaled.
Demonic Resilience: You are immune to any daypower.
Warlock's Bond: You are apart of the Warlock Mafia and may talk with X.

Slogoth (Visaeris) hoarded most of the golden and treasure for himself, being a greedy and stupid halftroll. He demanded it as "payment" for demonstrating exceptional leadership on the quest.
Glob (Daganev) while looking quite pale from his recent encouter with the grim reaper, found his airship designs. He later went on to build the world's first airship, and eventually turned it into a cruising pleasure-sex boat for rich dwarves.
Glindor (Thul) Found his stupid holy chalice but decided to sell it to Slogoth for some extra gold. He ditched his life of piety (as a mage) and bought a bunch of slave girls and hookers.
Kufu (Amarysse/Revan) Found his Sceptre. With it, he transcended this mortal plane into a more cosmic existence. Before vanishing into the galactic aether, it was rumored he said something like "Haha, suckers!"
Blaine (Silferras) Now covered in head to toe in royal treasure-garb, died from happiness at the cove. At least he got to wear some pimp clothes. No one really mourned for him.
Silvanus (Bianca) Despite having visions of quiting the hooking business, she decided to use her portion of the treasure to start up her own bordello. Turns out being rich turned her into a bigger whore than before!
Krackles (Zetsu) Never found the bodies of his fellow kobolds, but returned back to his caverns with so much loot and gold he became the new kobold chieftain. He declared that the realm he ruled over now be known as Wiggles. The kobolds never knew why...
Mafia5: The Quest
1.Visaeris - Slogoth
2.Daganev - Glob
3.Shiri - Deckard
4.Thul - Glindor
5.Othero - Jeb
6.Arix - Fingers
7.Shamarah - Wrex
8.Amarysse - Kufu
9.Rika - Joe
10.Lorick - Jae'Zub
11.Silferras - Blaine
12.Silvanus - Bianca
13.Xenthos - Gro'Za
14.Requiem dot exe - Atokero
15.Archer2 - Uther
16.Zetsu - Krackles
Fellowship: 12
Warlocks: 3
Murderer: 1
(The following is my master notefile, and is a ROUGH DRAFT. Not all things that are listed in here turned out the same way in the game.)
*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~* 1.
Enter Slogoth. You're one badass half-troll with a bigass sword. Hunting dragons is your speciality. You've made a living over the years killing the beasts without mercy. You do what is best for Slogoth and Slogoth alone. You're only on this journey for the riches at the end of the road. You also have a really big wang. You win with the fellowship.
Dragonslayer: If you encounter a dragon, you can dispatch it with ease.
Resilience: You have a 50/50 chance to avoid a daykill or nightkill.
Enter Glindor. You come from the Highlands of Heruedur, the land of a thousand lakes. A human male, you've spent your entire life devoting yourself to the Goddess of Water. Its been a pretty lame existence. Although for your piety you've been rewarded with special powers and abilities that no regular person could hope to have. You're on this journey for the Chalice of the Goddess, a sacred artifact that your deity and order holds in high esteem. You win with the fellowship.
Water Magic: You can put out fires, summon water for thirst - you have mastery over the element.
Annoying Personality: At least once per day you must make a post in all blue.
Prayer to the Goddess: Once in the game, you can pray to the Goddess so that she might protect you for the night.
Enter Wrex. A human male from the lower regions of Talrundor, you're a fighter and a brawler. You've made a living over the years as a wondering boxer and fighter, starting fights in pubs and taverns along the countryside. Your greatest asset is your fists, and you just love to get in fights. You shy away from bloodshed though. You win with the fellowship.
Superior Combatant: You know your way around combat. You are good in a brawl.
Intimidate: Once in the game, you can INTIMIDATE X during the day to make someone reveal their role to everyone.
Enter Zhang. Orphaned on the harsh streets of Umdor City, you've grown adept at doing whatever it takes to survive. A mischievous elf, you're only on this quest for the riches at the end. You'll do whatever it takes to get gold, treasure, etc. Everyone else is just a chump. You win with the fellowship.
Heart of the Thief: You can steal precious artifacts.
Slippery Fingers: Once per night, you can steal gold from one of your fellow commrades (STEAL FROM X) - Also, when you steal from someone, by looking at all their possessions, you can gain of a glimmer of truth about who and what they really are.
Enter Kufu. You're a badass priest of the Light. You've served the monastery your entire life, and you're a pretty boring guy. But you've got heart! You're a healer and are devoted healing the sick and infirm like any good priest. You're on this journey for the Sceptre of Amozaen, a holy relic of your order reputed to have God-like powers. You win with the fellowship.
Natural Healer: You can heal minor cuts and wounds easily.
Prayer to Amozaen: Twice in the game, during the night, you may attempt to REVIVE a player. 50/50 Chance of success.
Enter Glob. You're a whacky and crazy sort of fellow. Hailing from the Mechanized City of Gogopogo, you're an expert in the strange and mysterious art of engineering. Oh, you're also a dwarf. You're on this journey for the reputed long-lost designs for making an Airship. You'll do anything to get those designs! You win with the fellowship.
Engineering Skills: You can repair and reconstruct things. You generally are very useful.
Dwarven Bag of Tricks: Once in the game, you may grab an item from your Bag of Tricks for an effect (its random). You do not know what these effects do. To use this, type OPEN ME BAG O' TRICKS bolded in a post.
The possible effects are:
- User death
- Nothing at all
- If used during a challenge you will be rewarded with one of the "better" outcomes.
- Revive a member of the fellowship.
Enter Jeb. You're a monk of the order of the Open Palm. You are one badass kung-fu master. But you always exercise restraint and your better half. You're also a human. You're on this journey for nothing more than the experience. You care not for gold or worldly treasures. You win with the fellowship.
Kung-Fu Master: You're good in a fight.
Annoying Personality: At least once per day, you must make a post in all brown.
Vigilance: Since you do not need sleep (because you're that badass) you can watch over someone at night and protect them. (PROTECT X)
Enter Krackles. You're a reptilian kobold. You're a very strange and enigmatic little creature. You bring alot of attention to yourself. Raised in the caves of Fuenop, you are unlike any of the other travelers. You are on this quest because your chieftain wills you to find out what happened to a long lost kobold treasure hunting expedition. You are only going with this group because it is efficient to stick to a herd. You win with the fellowship.
Egads its a Kobold!: You can frighten and scare people through your appearance.
Annoying Personality. At least once per day you must make a post in all red.
Kitty Power: Your lifetime pet and companion, Wiggles the Cat, can scout and see all night actions while you are asleep. Be warned though, you could be sending little Wiggles to his death. 50/50 chance of Wiggles dying during the night if you use this ability.
Kobold Treachery: Once in the game, you can nightkill a person.
Enter Uther. Hailing from the mighty human empire of Tuczonia, you're a man's man and one of the greatest warriors that ever lived. You've fought in countless campaigns and battles against evil Warlocks and relentless Orcs. You know your stuff and you wont let anyone get in your way. You are on this journey for the treasure, so that you might retire to a nice villa with some decent slave girls. A man has his needs. You win with the fellowship.
Supreme Combatant: You are an unparalled combatant. No one dare stand before you.
Lawman's Oath: Once in the game, you may lynch someone yourself during the day. This will end the day. Type bold in a post, LYNCH X.
Enter Blaine. You're a pauper. You overheard the "adventurers" talking about the treasure and decided to tag along with them. You keep to yourself, mostly. You hope and pray that you might reach the treasure with them. No more rotting cheese. No more eating squirrels, ahhhh you can only dream. You win with the fellowship.
Peasant: You're pretty useless. Wouldnt last long a fight.
Everyman: You have no powers or special abilities.
Enter Bianca. You're a hooker. One day down near the local tavern, you were busy with a group of horny farmers when you overheard a pack of travelers talking about a fabled treasure cache. You quickly joined the group, hoping to earn enough money to quit your hookin' ways. Good luck with that. You win with the fellowship.
Sexual Prowess: Comfortable with your sexuality, and you can use your body to get what you want.
Wench: You have no powers or special abilities.
Enter Joe. You tried being a jester in the royal court but things didnt work out so well. The king didnt didnt take to kindly to you squirting lemon juice all over his face. Ever since that, you've been a nodody. Maybe with this treasure you can quit the jester gig and become a somebody. Hopefully. You win with the fellowship.
Jestering: You're silly. Not very good in a fight, but silly.
Average: You have no powers or special abilities.
Enter Jae'zub. You're an evil warlock. You like to steal souls, raise the dead, make pacts with Dark Gods, etc. You are chaotic evil to say the least. You've gotten together with these...sheep because you plan an using the Daemonicus Orb, a supposed precious artifact hidden with the rest of the treasure. The Orb will grant you the power to raise an undead army and...control the region, and then...the world. Together with your fellow warlocks you must join forces to stop the fellowship from reaching the treasure before you do. If any Warlock makes it to day 10, you win the game. You also win if only Warlocks are left standing. You win with the Warlocks.
Mental Domination: You may use your evil powers to intimidate people into giving you what you want.
Essence Drain: During the night you may target someone in hopes of blocking any night action they take.
Warlock Destruction: Instead of using Essence drain, during the night you may choose to super charge your demonic power. Unlike your mate you do not need to harvest souls. Instead, simply pm me with DAEMONIC CHARGE. The more charges you have, the more powerful you become.
2 Charges: Gain the ability to make a nightkill for the rest of the game.
4 Charges: Gain nightkill immunity for the rest of the game.
8 Charges: Kill three people in one night. Can only be used once.
For every 3 votes cast on you, you will lose 1 Daemonic Charge. Votes are accumlitive. You cannot have negative charges. Also, for instance, if you have 3 charges, and get six votes on you, you will be at 1 charge and will lose your nightkill ability.
Warlock's Bond: You are apart of the Warlock Mafia and may talk with X.
Enter Gro'Za. You're an evil warlock. You like to steal souls, raise the dead, make pacts with Dark Gods, etc. You are chaotic evil to say the least. You've gotten together with these...sheep because you plan an using the Daemonicus Orb, a supposed precious artifact hidden with the rest of the treasure. The Orb will grant you the power to raise an undead army and...control the region, and then...the world. Together with your fellow warlocks you must join forces to stop the fellowship from reaching the treasure before you do. If any Warlock makes it to day 10, you win the game. You also win if only Warlocks are left standing. You win with the Warlocks.
Deceptor's Mantle: You have a silver tongue and a passion for convincing people to your point of view.
Warlock's Guile: Automatically redirect an investigation to a random person.
Soul Harvest: During the night you may harvest a dead soul for the benefit of your own dark powers (you need to target a dead person). The more souls you've harvested, the more powerful you become. You need souls for various abilities and powers.
1 Souls: By using one soul, you may investigate one person a night.
3 Souls: By using three souls, you can attempt to pardon someone before a majority has been reached. If this happens the day will end. You can use this on yourself.
5 Souls: By using five souls, you gain nightkill immunity for the rest of the game.
Warlock's Bond: You are apart of the Warlock Mafia and may talk with X.
Enter Atokero. Summoned to this realm long ago by your Warlock masters, you have an unquenchable thirst for horror and blood. In a previous life you were a gallant knight that served the forces of good. However, you sold your soul to the gods of the underworld because you got greedy. Nice going. Now you wander the lands as a warlock thrall. You're appearance is that of a normal-looking knight, for you mask your demonic origin well. If you or any Warlock makes it to day 10, you win the game. You also win if only Warlocks are left standing. You win with the Warlocks.
Power of the Underworld: You are a force of nature. Your power as a warrior is unrivaled.
Demonic Resilience: You are immune to any daypower.
Warlock's Bond: You are apart of the Warlock Mafia and may talk with X.
Enter Deckard. You might seem sane on the outside, but on the inside you're a raging sea of malcontent and hatred. You hate all people. They dare travel through your lands on the way to find some "treasure"??? They dare step on the holy soil you've spent your entire life protecting? They are trespassers. They must die. You have joined this merry fellowship in hopes of killing as many people as you possibly can. You dont care about treasure, all you care about is blood. You have no mystical powers, you dont need them. You win when you have killed 8 people or if you are the last person standing.
Natural Woodsman: A man of the woods, you can scavenge for food, hunt, pathfind, etc.
Innocence: You appear to be just a normal woodsman, and investigations will prove fruitless.
Throat slit: During the night, you can slit someone's throat, killing them.
Bow Shot: Once in the game during the day, you can take aim with your bow and shoot someone, attempting to kill them. (BOW SHOT X)
Local Discount: You get 1/2 off all items in shops.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~GAME SETUP~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
1. Role Blockers
2. Protective/Reviving Roles
3. Killing Roles
4. Investigative Roles
5. Anything else - Soul harvest,
0> Anyone who is still alive day 10 will have thier role revealed.
1> Deckard's win condition superceeds all others.
If Deckard has 7 kills and and his bowshot is unused, he can still use it during the day to win the game.
2>Fellowship wins if all threats are vanquished by day 10.
3>Fellowship loses if there are still threats by day 10.
Random roles: random.org sequence
Timestamp: 2008-07-15 21:11:36 UTC
Your group has formed. You are preparing for the journey. Everyone is suited up, rations packed, and waterskins are in place. There is only one thing missing. A leader. Without a leader, your group will wander the lands aimlessly. A good leader should be someone who is tough and who has a good lay of the land. Do you have what it takes to lead? The leader cannot be lynched and will also receive a small bonus purse.
Challenge 1: The Annoying Bard
Walking through a verdant forest pathway, the group of travelers look weary and downtrodden. Some of them are visibly limping, others are just dragging their feet. No one bothers making conversation. Not worth the effort. The only noise is the soft padding of feet on the forest floor. Miscellaneous birds can heard chirping, and sometimes a strange animal noise will bellow in the distance. No one cares.
As if to shock the group into life, a strange little man comes prancing down the trail towards them, playing a flute. He's dressed in bright decor, and is wearing a wonderfully dandy hat. Everyone just stares at him, raising eyebrows and exchanging annoyed expressions.
In response he starts to change his tune to something more lively, and upbeat.
He prances around the group, dancing like a fairy, playing his flute furiously. The melody isn't very soft on the years. Actually, its kind of hard to listen to. He giggles to himself while he takes a quick breath before continuing his horrendous tune.
He is obviously expecting some sort of payment and is impeding your path. You have several choices, each with its own consequence.
What will you do?
Challenge 2: The Bandits
The group enters a small clearing in the forest. It seems to be some sort of grove, there is a group of people sitting under a large tree. The roots extend visibly to the feet of the group. Everyone nods in agreement and walks towards the people sitting under the tree.
As they get closer, the details of the people under the tree start to become more and more clear. They dont look like merchants of any sort. In fact, they look kinda dangerous.
Someone says, "Uhh, why are we walking towards these people again?"
A female voice answers, "Because, they might know how to get to The Cove. And we've been in this forest forever."
The voice responds, "Whatever. They better be friendly though."
Everyone stops walking. The people under the tree, now indentifiable as grown men with weapons, stand up. A staring match ensues. The female shouts a "Hallo!" But they do not respond. They only continue to stare at the group.
She says, "Hrmph, whats their problem. Thats just rude, not repsonding like tha..."
And she is interrupted by the pack of men running from under the tree towards the group, weapons drawn. They must be bandits of some sort. They scream and shout obscenities, preparing themselves for a fight with you.
It is time for your warriors to prepare themselves for battle. You can send two people to fight the bandits. The outcome will be different depending on who you send.
What will you do?
Challenge 3: The Inn and the Brawl
Walking into a large clearing, the group stumbles upon a small hamlet. Straw-thatched roofs billowing with smoke chimneys, stray dogs running around, children playing, its just magical. You head for the local Inn for some refreshments and relaxation.
Once inside, the seemingly humble Inn looks nothing like it does on the outside. Loud and boistreous people are everywhere. Lots of drunks. Everyone is having a good time. Your group sits down at a large table in the corner, surveying the rest of the tavern. No one seems to notice you.
An ample-breasted young woman with red hair comes to serve you. Their selection isnt much: the typical mead, mutton, bread, and cheese. The group does not complain though. Although the food is simple, its good.
Several merchants approach your group at the table, trying to sell you miscellaenous wares and trinkets. This is what they have to offer:
                Merchants of the Tavern
    a rusty old sword.........................50g
    a torch with matches......................80g
    a small glimmering bracelet...............100g
    a set of durable iron armor...............300g
    a magical-looking necklace................400g
    a strange mechanical contraption..........700g
Also, you notice a fistfight going on in the opposite corner of the tavern. It does not seem mean-spirited as both combatants are wearing bloody smiles. You see people placing bets on the fighters. You talk amongst yourselves and agree this might be a chance to earn some good gold. You decide you will nominate one person to do some fighting at a chance to earn the group some money.
What will you do?
Challenge 4: The Philosopher's Debate
Things have been going well for the group. Everyone is in high spirits and people seem to be getting along. You are in a region ruled by someone known as the Philosopher. Apparently, the locals say he's some sort of powerful Wizard or Mage. All people passing through the region must pay homage to him or else they will not be able to exit the dead forest that is his domain. The locals say its some form of strong magic that will make you walk in circles forever. So, the group agrees to meet this Philosopher fellow for a nice chat, and hopefully they will not agitate him.
As you approach his Tower (because all enigmatic wizards have towers), you are approached by two heavily armed guards.
"Halt, travelers. Why do ye seek to enter the Philosopher's Tower?"
A man speaks up, "We wish to ask him for passage through these lands."
The guards nod.
"Only one shall pass. Which one of ye shall meet him?"
The group lets out a unified sigh and starts debating amongst themselves who they should send to speak with this enigmatic and powerful mage. Should it be someone with a silver tongue? A quick wit? Or should they send someone with a good reputation, like a soldier? The Philosopher is also reputed to have many powerful artifacts in his possession. Either way, it would be wise not to irritate him.
What will you do?
Challenge 5: Starvation
The group has not eaten in days. You are also quickly running out of water. You've been traveling through a particularly spooky forest. Everyone's rations are out. People are getting irritable and restless. Something needs to change or else you're all going to start eating each other.
Everyone pauses for a moment in a small gulley for a rest. No one is sure what to do, but everyone knows they must go on. The Cove and the treasure awaits. Someone needs to help the group out, though. You could send out someone to go and hunt for the group. The results could be dire if you do not eat soon. Results will vary depending on who you send.
What will you do?
Challenge 6: The Bustling Town
Finally, you get off the beaten path and back to civilization! This is just a small detour for the group to pick up supplies and a little rest. The city of Anthonia was close so it was decided unanimously that they should go check it out.
With cobbled roads and stone buildings, this city is a little more impressive than the quaint villages and hamlets you've seen so far on your journey. Its very busy: the streets are packed tightly, the merchants screaming are screaming loudly, and the street-performers are doing strange things. The group decides to split up and then reconvene later in the day once they have picked up any supplies they might need.
There are several shops:
            Thor-Oh's Fine Weapons and Armor
        a sturdy silver sword....................100g
        a set of leather armor...................200g
        a bow and some arrows....................300g
        a glowing green War-Axe.................1000g
                  Zard's Mystical Emporium
        a tiny coral braclet......................25g
        an unassuming earthen mug.................50g
        a resplendant silver orb.................200g
        a bright orange staff with runes........1000g
              Remontoire's Shop of Wonders
        a tiny goddess figurine..................100g
        a small compass..........................100g
        a magical healing potion.................500g
        a mysterious box........................1000g
                  A back alley...
        some special time with "Candy"...........150g
Once everyone is finished shopping, the travelers meet up at the town square for a group chat. Everyone is seperated into cliques, talking quietly. Nothing out of the ordinary. Over the din of the town and the noise of several conversations, one chat seems to spring into the ears of everyone nearby, having a silencing effect on the group.
"What really do we know about most of these people?" A man asks a smaller woman.
"Not a whole lot, to be honest. I dont even know you. I mean sure you haven't stabbed me in the back yet, but you never know." The diminutive woman states.
"Hrm, I suppose you're right. I would feel alot better if I just knew more about one person here. You know, their name, motivations, etc."
Another woman interjects, "That doesn't sound like a bad idea, how about you tell us all there is to know about yourself?"
The man laughs, "Psh, how about you, miss?"
The woman nods. "I can see where this is going. How about we put it up to a group vote. The person with the most votes will be asked to tell us all there is to know about himself. Is that settled?"
The group nods. - (Note that the player nominated will assume no responsibility. Any information given will be given by me.)
Challenge 7: The Dragon
Our group of weary travelers are getting closer to the Cove of Lost Treasures. Soon, they will be upon it. Nothing will stand in their way. Or so they think. They consult their maps and realize they have come to a geological oddity. A stone and rock wall blocks the path. The only way through is a small doorway, big enough for only one person to slip through. That is when you hear it.
A thunderous roar coming from inside the cave.
This is no ordinary roar. This is the type of roar that makes your blood curdle and hair stick up on the back of your neck. To say it was forboding would be an understatement. Everyone looks at each other.
A small man gulps, "Um, what was that."
A woman says, "Sounded like a dragon."
"A what?!?!" The man exclaims.
"Yep. Pretty sure that was a dragon." She says.
The group notices what seems like steam coming from the entrance of the cave. Slow tendrils of it swirl around the group, as if taunting them.
Another man speaks up. "Well is there no other way around this place?"
"Nope. We must go through. Its the only way." The woman says remorsefully.
"Well someone has to go inside and check it out." A man says.
The group must nominate someone to go scout ahead inside the cave. Be careful who you send though, you might not see them again depending on how apt they are for the situation. Also, be warned - if the threat is not dealt with the group will have to enter the cave together and people might die.
What will you do?
                The Thief's Stolen Goods
          a small dagger.................100g
          a glowing white medallion......300g
          a cool hat.....................300g
          an earthy-looking fetish.......350g
Your group has formed. You are preparing for the journey. Everyone is suited up, rations packed, and waterskins are in place. There is only one thing missing. A leader. Without a leader, your group will wander the lands aimlessly. A good leader should be someone who is tough and who has a good lay of the land. Do you have what it takes to lead? The leader cannot be lynched and will also receive a small bonus purse.
Challenge 1: The Annoying Bard
Walking through a verdant forest pathway, the group of travelers look weary and downtrodden. Some of them are visibly limping, others are just dragging their feet. No one bothers making conversation. Not worth the effort. The only noise is the soft padding of feet on the forest floor. Miscellaneous birds can heard chirping, and sometimes a strange animal noise will bellow in the distance. No one cares.
As if to shock the group into life, a strange little man comes prancing down the trail towards them, playing a flute. He's dressed in bright decor, and is wearing a wonderfully dandy hat. Everyone just stares at him, raising eyebrows and exchanging annoyed expressions.
In response he starts to change his tune to something more lively, and upbeat.
He prances around the group, dancing like a fairy, playing his flute furiously. The melody isn't very soft on the years. Actually, its kind of hard to listen to. He giggles to himself while he takes a quick breath before continuing his horrendous tune.
He is obviously expecting some sort of payment and is impeding your path. You have several choices, each with its own consequence.
What will you do?
Challenge 2: The Bandits
The group enters a small clearing in the forest. It seems to be some sort of grove, there is a group of people sitting under a large tree. The roots extend visibly to the feet of the group. Everyone nods in agreement and walks towards the people sitting under the tree.
As they get closer, the details of the people under the tree start to become more and more clear. They dont look like merchants of any sort. In fact, they look kinda dangerous.
Someone says, "Uhh, why are we walking towards these people again?"
A female voice answers, "Because, they might know how to get to The Cove. And we've been in this forest forever."
The voice responds, "Whatever. They better be friendly though."
Everyone stops walking. The people under the tree, now indentifiable as grown men with weapons, stand up. A staring match ensues. The female shouts a "Hallo!" But they do not respond. They only continue to stare at the group.
She says, "Hrmph, whats their problem. Thats just rude, not repsonding like tha..."
And she is interrupted by the pack of men running from under the tree towards the group, weapons drawn. They must be bandits of some sort. They scream and shout obscenities, preparing themselves for a fight with you.
It is time for your warriors to prepare themselves for battle. You can send two people to fight the bandits. The outcome will be different depending on who you send.
What will you do?
Challenge 3: The Inn and the Brawl
Walking into a large clearing, the group stumbles upon a small hamlet. Straw-thatched roofs billowing with smoke chimneys, stray dogs running around, children playing, its just magical. You head for the local Inn for some refreshments and relaxation.
Once inside, the seemingly humble Inn looks nothing like it does on the outside. Loud and boistreous people are everywhere. Lots of drunks. Everyone is having a good time. Your group sits down at a large table in the corner, surveying the rest of the tavern. No one seems to notice you.
An ample-breasted young woman with red hair comes to serve you. Their selection isnt much: the typical mead, mutton, bread, and cheese. The group does not complain though. Although the food is simple, its good.
Several merchants approach your group at the table, trying to sell you miscellaenous wares and trinkets. This is what they have to offer:
                Merchants of the Tavern
    a rusty old sword.........................50g
    a torch with matches......................80g
    a small glimmering bracelet...............100g
    a set of durable iron armor...............300g
    a magical-looking necklace................400g
    a strange mechanical contraption..........700g
Also, you notice a fistfight going on in the opposite corner of the tavern. It does not seem mean-spirited as both combatants are wearing bloody smiles. You see people placing bets on the fighters. You talk amongst yourselves and agree this might be a chance to earn some good gold. You decide you will nominate one person to do some fighting at a chance to earn the group some money.
What will you do?
Challenge 4: The Philosopher's Debate
Things have been going well for the group. Everyone is in high spirits and people seem to be getting along. You are in a region ruled by someone known as the Philosopher. Apparently, the locals say he's some sort of powerful Wizard or Mage. All people passing through the region must pay homage to him or else they will not be able to exit the dead forest that is his domain. The locals say its some form of strong magic that will make you walk in circles forever. So, the group agrees to meet this Philosopher fellow for a nice chat, and hopefully they will not agitate him.
As you approach his Tower (because all enigmatic wizards have towers), you are approached by two heavily armed guards.
"Halt, travelers. Why do ye seek to enter the Philosopher's Tower?"
A man speaks up, "We wish to ask him for passage through these lands."
The guards nod.
"Only one shall pass. Which one of ye shall meet him?"
The group lets out a unified sigh and starts debating amongst themselves who they should send to speak with this enigmatic and powerful mage. Should it be someone with a silver tongue? A quick wit? Or should they send someone with a good reputation, like a soldier? The Philosopher is also reputed to have many powerful artifacts in his possession. Either way, it would be wise not to irritate him.
What will you do?
Challenge 5: Starvation
The group has not eaten in days. You are also quickly running out of water. You've been traveling through a particularly spooky forest. Everyone's rations are out. People are getting irritable and restless. Something needs to change or else you're all going to start eating each other.
Everyone pauses for a moment in a small gulley for a rest. No one is sure what to do, but everyone knows they must go on. The Cove and the treasure awaits. Someone needs to help the group out, though. You could send out someone to go and hunt for the group. The results could be dire if you do not eat soon. Results will vary depending on who you send.
What will you do?
Challenge 6: The Bustling Town
Finally, you get off the beaten path and back to civilization! This is just a small detour for the group to pick up supplies and a little rest. The city of Anthonia was close so it was decided unanimously that they should go check it out.
With cobbled roads and stone buildings, this city is a little more impressive than the quaint villages and hamlets you've seen so far on your journey. Its very busy: the streets are packed tightly, the merchants screaming are screaming loudly, and the street-performers are doing strange things. The group decides to split up and then reconvene later in the day once they have picked up any supplies they might need.
There are several shops:
            Thor-Oh's Fine Weapons and Armor
        a sturdy silver sword....................100g
        a set of leather armor...................200g
        a bow and some arrows....................300g
        a glowing green War-Axe.................1000g
                  Zard's Mystical Emporium
        a tiny coral braclet......................25g
        an unassuming earthen mug.................50g
        a resplendant silver orb.................200g
        a bright orange staff with runes........1000g
              Remontoire's Shop of Wonders
        a tiny goddess figurine..................100g
        a small compass..........................100g
        a magical healing potion.................500g
        a mysterious box........................1000g
                  A back alley...
        some special time with "Candy"...........150g
Once everyone is finished shopping, the travelers meet up at the town square for a group chat. Everyone is seperated into cliques, talking quietly. Nothing out of the ordinary. Over the din of the town and the noise of several conversations, one chat seems to spring into the ears of everyone nearby, having a silencing effect on the group.
"What really do we know about most of these people?" A man asks a smaller woman.
"Not a whole lot, to be honest. I dont even know you. I mean sure you haven't stabbed me in the back yet, but you never know." The diminutive woman states.
"Hrm, I suppose you're right. I would feel alot better if I just knew more about one person here. You know, their name, motivations, etc."
Another woman interjects, "That doesn't sound like a bad idea, how about you tell us all there is to know about yourself?"
The man laughs, "Psh, how about you, miss?"
The woman nods. "I can see where this is going. How about we put it up to a group vote. The person with the most votes will be asked to tell us all there is to know about himself. Is that settled?"
The group nods. - (Note that the player nominated will assume no responsibility. Any information given will be given by me.)
Challenge 7: The Dragon
Our group of weary travelers are getting closer to the Cove of Lost Treasures. Soon, they will be upon it. Nothing will stand in their way. Or so they think. They consult their maps and realize they have come to a geological oddity. A stone and rock wall blocks the path. The only way through is a small doorway, big enough for only one person to slip through. That is when you hear it.
A thunderous roar coming from inside the cave.
This is no ordinary roar. This is the type of roar that makes your blood curdle and hair stick up on the back of your neck. To say it was forboding would be an understatement. Everyone looks at each other.
A small man gulps, "Um, what was that."
A woman says, "Sounded like a dragon."
"A what?!?!" The man exclaims.
"Yep. Pretty sure that was a dragon." She says.
The group notices what seems like steam coming from the entrance of the cave. Slow tendrils of it swirl around the group, as if taunting them.
Another man speaks up. "Well is there no other way around this place?"
"Nope. We must go through. Its the only way." The woman says remorsefully.
"Well someone has to go inside and check it out." A man says.
The group must nominate someone to go scout ahead inside the cave. Be careful who you send though, you might not see them again depending on how apt they are for the situation. Also, be warned - if the threat is not dealt with the group will have to enter the cave together and people might die.
What will you do?
                The Thief's Stolen Goods
          a small dagger.................100g
          a glowing white medallion......300g
          a cool hat.....................300g
          an earthy-looking fetish.......350g
a rusty old sword.........................25g -------- Gives the player a 10% chance at resisting any aggressive attacks, will not work with another weapon.
a torch with matches......................25g -------- Helpful for lighting the darkness, making fires.
a small white bracelet....................100g ------- If you get the matching bracelet, you get a double vote ability.
a set of durable iron armor...............300g ------- Gives resilience - 50/50 chance to avoid any daykill or nightkill.
a magical-looking necklace................500g ------- Gives one investigation use during night. (INVESTIGATE X)
a strange mechanical contraption..........500g ------- This can only be used by the Engineer. When in his hands, he can protect someone once. (PROTECT X)
a sturdy silver sword....................100g -------- If you are attacked by a non-human, you can protect yourself with this sword once.
a set of leather armor...................200g -------- Gives the player a 20% chance at resisting any aggressive attacks. Will not work with other armor.
a bow and some arrows....................300g -------- For use in challenges, you can hunt for food, fight, etc.
a glowing green War-Axe.................1000g -------- With this mighty axe, you can EXECUTE X during the day (One-shot).
a small black braclet.....................25g -------- If you get the matching bracelet, you get a double vote ability.
an unassuming earthen mug.................50g -------- Its just a mug with no pratical use. Have fun.
a resplendant silver orb.................200g -------- This orb is cursed! All powers and abilities have a 10% chance to fail now. Doh!
a bright orange staff with runes........1000g -------- This staff can only be used by someone with magical powers. Gives 1 night investigate. (INVESTIGATE X)
a tiny goddess figurine..................100g -------- You bought a useless trinket.
a bottle of rum..........................100g -------- All of your night actions now have a 20% chance to fail. Alcoholism is bad.
a magical healing potion.................500g -------- If someone dies during the day, lynch included, you can USE POTION ON X to restore them to life.
a mysterious box........................1000g -------- Kills the purchaser. Unblockable.
a small dagger.................100g -------- Gives the player a 10% chance at resisting any aggressive attacks, will not work with another weapon.
a glowing white medallion......300g -------- All of your night actions now have a 20% chance to fail. Turns out the thing was cursed.
a cool hat.....................300g -------- You just bought yourself one cool hat.
a torch with matches......................25g -------- Helpful for lighting the darkness, making fires.
a small white bracelet....................100g ------- If you get the matching bracelet, you get a double vote ability.
a set of durable iron armor...............300g ------- Gives resilience - 50/50 chance to avoid any daykill or nightkill.
a magical-looking necklace................500g ------- Gives one investigation use during night. (INVESTIGATE X)
a strange mechanical contraption..........500g ------- This can only be used by the Engineer. When in his hands, he can protect someone once. (PROTECT X)
a sturdy silver sword....................100g -------- If you are attacked by a non-human, you can protect yourself with this sword once.
a set of leather armor...................200g -------- Gives the player a 20% chance at resisting any aggressive attacks. Will not work with other armor.
a bow and some arrows....................300g -------- For use in challenges, you can hunt for food, fight, etc.
a glowing green War-Axe.................1000g -------- With this mighty axe, you can EXECUTE X during the day (One-shot).
a small black braclet.....................25g -------- If you get the matching bracelet, you get a double vote ability.
an unassuming earthen mug.................50g -------- Its just a mug with no pratical use. Have fun.
a resplendant silver orb.................200g -------- This orb is cursed! All powers and abilities have a 10% chance to fail now. Doh!
a bright orange staff with runes........1000g -------- This staff can only be used by someone with magical powers. Gives 1 night investigate. (INVESTIGATE X)
a tiny goddess figurine..................100g -------- You bought a useless trinket.
a bottle of rum..........................100g -------- All of your night actions now have a 20% chance to fail. Alcoholism is bad.
a magical healing potion.................500g -------- If someone dies during the day, lynch included, you can USE POTION ON X to restore them to life.
a mysterious box........................1000g -------- Kills the purchaser. Unblockable.
a small dagger.................100g -------- Gives the player a 10% chance at resisting any aggressive attacks, will not work with another weapon.
a glowing white medallion......300g -------- All of your night actions now have a 20% chance to fail. Turns out the thing was cursed.
a cool hat.....................300g -------- You just bought yourself one cool hat.
Here is my day 1 commentary:
(the only day I actually bothered writing a commentary -.-)
God this is a clusterf**k. People are going crazy. 20 pages in 24 hours. Apart of me thinks the leader thing was a bad idea because it would nudge people to roleclaim on the first day. - And guess what, thats exactly what its done. 4 townies have come forward clamouring for the position, no scum, no shiri. I guess its a fine balance. If I could have found some way to get people talking on the first besides the leader idea I would have rolled with it. I really wanted the SK to get the position. That would have been awesome. I guess the mafia are afraid of drawing too much attention to themselves, same with the SK.
I laughed when Shiri got the SK role btw. Random roles are ok, I guess. Town came up with more stronger players than I would have liked but oh well. Silvanus trying to get leader was like ughhhh, but at least it was something to polarize people and get conversations going. Lol@people not buying the hooker role. Also lol@visaeris almost breaking the game with his item confirmation idea. If he got away with it, it'd basically be mod claiming for every role. Clever girl.
Another thing. People are paraphrasing the roles, basically replacing the "You"s with "I"s. I dont know what to do about this. If I comment on it, I'll basically be confirming those people. I dont like it one bit. Seems like a way to exploit the roleclaim rule. Its irritating me.
So people seem to be leaning towards Visaeris as leader, and moving away from Silvanus as a lynch target. The urge to just lynch someone and get it over with is strong, so you never know. Shiri better not get lynched. On the first turn, to boot. Cmon Shiri, you're better than that. You're my only NK'er atm
And Shiri dies to Lowe's ability after 30 pages of rhetoric and debate. Lol.
I laughed when Shiri got the SK role btw. Random roles are ok, I guess. Town came up with more stronger players than I would have liked but oh well. Silvanus trying to get leader was like ughhhh, but at least it was something to polarize people and get conversations going. Lol@people not buying the hooker role. Also lol@visaeris almost breaking the game with his item confirmation idea. If he got away with it, it'd basically be mod claiming for every role. Clever girl.
Another thing. People are paraphrasing the roles, basically replacing the "You"s with "I"s. I dont know what to do about this. If I comment on it, I'll basically be confirming those people. I dont like it one bit. Seems like a way to exploit the roleclaim rule. Its irritating me.
So people seem to be leaning towards Visaeris as leader, and moving away from Silvanus as a lynch target. The urge to just lynch someone and get it over with is strong, so you never know. Shiri better not get lynched. On the first turn, to boot. Cmon Shiri, you're better than that. You're my only NK'er atm

And Shiri dies to Lowe's ability after 30 pages of rhetoric and debate. Lol.
Night 1
Lorick: Daemonic Charge
Xenthos: Soul harvest shiri
Zetsu: Sending wiggles out - Wiggles surived!
Othero: Protecting visaeris
Thul: Using his one shot protect
Arix: Stealing from lorick
Amarysse: Null
Night 2:
Lorick: Daemonic Charge
Xenthos: Soul harvest rika
Zetsu: Null
Othero: Protecting visaeris
Arix: stealing from daganev
Amarysse: Null
Night 3:
Lorick: Daemonic Charge, NKing Othero
Xenthos: Soul harvest archer2
Zetsu: Sending wiggles out - Wiggles surived!
Othero: Protect Visaeris/Dead
Arix: stealing from thul
Amarysse: tried to revive archer2, but failed
Visaeris: investigated silferras with amulet
Night 4:
Lorick: Daemonic Charge, Nking Arix, Gains Nk Immunity
Xenthos: Harvesting Othero
Zetsu: Nking Lorick
Arix: Stealing from Silvanus
Amarysse: No one to rez
Night 5.
Xenthos: Harvesting Arix/Palantir on Silvanus post
Amarysse(Revan): Rezzing Daganev
Lorick: Daemonic Charge
Xenthos: Soul harvest shiri
Zetsu: Sending wiggles out - Wiggles surived!
Othero: Protecting visaeris
Thul: Using his one shot protect
Arix: Stealing from lorick
Amarysse: Null
Night 2:
Lorick: Daemonic Charge
Xenthos: Soul harvest rika
Zetsu: Null
Othero: Protecting visaeris
Arix: stealing from daganev
Amarysse: Null
Night 3:
Lorick: Daemonic Charge, NKing Othero
Xenthos: Soul harvest archer2
Zetsu: Sending wiggles out - Wiggles surived!
Othero: Protect Visaeris/Dead
Arix: stealing from thul
Amarysse: tried to revive archer2, but failed
Visaeris: investigated silferras with amulet
Night 4:
Lorick: Daemonic Charge, Nking Arix, Gains Nk Immunity
Xenthos: Harvesting Othero
Zetsu: Nking Lorick
Arix: Stealing from Silvanus
Amarysse: No one to rez
Night 5.
Xenthos: Harvesting Arix/Palantir on Silvanus post
Amarysse(Revan): Rezzing Daganev
So, that was the game. I hope you enjoyed it. I hope you thought critically a few times and even laughed a little. The setup was eh, ambitious. When designing the roles I was hoping people would play alot more intelligently but alas human stupidity proved me wrong a few times. I made more than a couple errors with the game, and I hope you dont hold it against me. Lots of hoping going on there. Despite ending on d6 (I doubt you were expecting a conclusion!) I feel it played out and ended well. The game could have been radically different if shiri wasn't auto-lynched d1. Or if say, xenthos claimed cop. Etc. Feel free to ask me any questions, yell at me for being a cruel person, etc.

Shiri2008-07-30 08:29:39
This was like 50* worse than your last game. Do one gimmick, not all of them at once.
EDIT: Also don't ninja lynch me day 1, damnit Archer
This was like 50* worse than your last game. Do one gimmick, not all of them at once.
EDIT: Also don't ninja lynch me day 1, damnit Archer

Silvanus2008-07-30 08:34:05
I only ewnt for leader because the last two times I was vanilla townie I didn't do anything in the game except seem as inactive.
Edit: Also, total failure on Arix's part, for one, not investing Visaeris. Seriously, wtf. And two, for stealing from Lorick and not getting him lynched till day five.
Edit: Also, total failure on Arix's part, for one, not investing Visaeris. Seriously, wtf. And two, for stealing from Lorick and not getting him lynched till day five.
Rika2008-07-30 08:36:34
*holds a grudge against Bali*
Just kidding. You never explained what the night with Candy would do.
I thought this would never finish.
Just kidding. You never explained what the night with Candy would do.

I thought this would never finish.

Unknown2008-07-30 08:37:31
Silvanus and Revan know. 

Rika2008-07-30 08:39:13
I see Silvanus. Explain. 

Silvanus2008-07-30 08:42:43
You and Silvanus eagerly follow Candy down a back alley, both looking for some hardcore action. Candy, a questionable-looking lass with broad shoulders, smiles deviously at you two, beckoning you to the corner of the alley. When getting closer to Candy you notice something...not right. Candy has an adams apple! Before you know it she..err....he...is beating you up, taking you completely off guard. The manwhore easily dispatches both of you and steals all your gold. You didnt even get a reacharound!
You lost all your gold.
Shiri, why'd you nominate Requiem?
And I can't believe I got away with the hooker claim and people actually believed me (even though I 100% told the truth).
You lost all your gold.
Shiri, why'd you nominate Requiem?
And I can't believe I got away with the hooker claim and people actually believed me (even though I 100% told the truth).
Unknown2008-07-30 08:44:48
I win the game.
Shiri2008-07-30 08:44:55
QUOTE(Silvanus @ Jul 30 2008, 09:42 AM) 538672
Shiri, why'd you nominate Requiem?
Because I didn't see Rika's post. He was totally at random from all the people I didn't care much about right off the bat. I guess in this case it would have backfired, but I was planning on sniping the leader anyway.
EDIT: And then claiming vig depending on who died at night by the time I was forced to claim.
Arix2008-07-30 09:18:35
I want to know something. When I investigated Daganev, why the
did I get absolutely no useful info on him whatsoever?

Shamarah2008-07-30 11:37:22
An unblockable box of death with no warning and absolutely no way of telling it was going to happen is the gayest thing I've ever seen in a mafia game and I hope I don't have to explain why.