Things To Do While Treesitting

by Arilyon

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Arilyon2008-07-24 20:37:47
While I always enjoy the random events that the Divine cook up for us, sometimes things can get caught on a hitch (such as waiting for one particular person to log in). While normally this would be bad enough, it can lead to various stages of insanity when you are stuck upon an Aetherbubble with only a few people and your own devices to amuse you. Hence, I say it is time to Defend Your Castle!

Defend Your Castle
Bael2008-07-24 21:01:21
I used to play that game in class while waiting for my turn to play classroom baseball (shows how productive we were).

I think I got to the big people that can't be lifted, then died/got bored. My walls were huge though biggrin.gif.
Arilyon2008-07-24 21:04:04
I usually have the mage guys and just use that skull thingie to kill them!

For those with less violent tendencies, there's also this little game:


It's like whack-a-mole, but with little eyeball creature things.
Bael2008-07-24 21:07:03
I spent all my money upping my walls D:

Edit: While we're on the subject of things to do while sitting on aetherbubbles, here's another random time waster.

You can find a whole bunch of other mods and stuff for it on other sites if you want, but just remember, every time the little guy dies, another badger falls out of a tree ohmy.gif
Arilyon2008-07-24 21:11:45
Nuuu not the badgers! crying.gif
Arilyon2008-07-24 21:34:36
There's also this little game.


The little attacker things are trying to reach the base and you have to set up combos of weapons along the path to stop them.
Nyir2008-07-24 23:25:52
I really like this game called Dice Wars. It's sort of like Risk, but minus people being overly cautious because the computer players are really quick.

Edit: How sad is it that we're recommending games to play while we're (supposedly) playing another game. sad.gif
Ashteru2008-07-24 23:51:50
I am looking for cool music. Like this!
Nyir2008-07-25 01:22:37
Ashteru2008-07-25 01:26:59
We do not live in the same world. sad.gif
Nyir2008-07-25 01:41:32

Me, I'm waiting for someone to post a rick roll. WHO WILL IT BE.
Jack2008-07-25 03:58:31
You guys have sucky taste in music. (Or so I assume, I clicked one link and it was Mika, so I kind of didn't bother with the others.)
Casilu2008-07-25 04:41:43

There is some good music for you. I'll let you in on a secret, though. One of them is actually good, the other is prank. Whee.
Aison2008-07-26 18:25:12

Fania2008-07-26 20:34:31
There are some really good games here The games/cartoons are created by people from all over. There is a lot of junk, but also a lot of great stuff. I like games that are different from the norm so I also love Also look at if you've never been.